VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 3661: : Another group of people

Tokyo Mythology hesitated at a critical moment, because he also knew how the Dongshuang incident would affect them and the reputation of the Japanese server in the game industry, and Heilong Tianzhan was a little impatient, and he decisively issued a decision to let their people do something. He made a decision, and bluntly said that one person should bear all the responsibilities, because he had already issued the order, and at this time, neither the foot of Mount Fuji nor the Tokyo Myth had the power to stop him.

"Since this is the end of the matter, Ye Luo Zhiqiu and others will definitely go offline, and will not even log in to the game for a long time. In addition, we will definitely be able to destroy the Imperial City of China Service in the future, and it is a certainty to reverse the situation on both sides. "After seeing that the results can no longer be changed, Mt. Fuji can only leave these behind, and then he looks at everyone: "The next thing we have to do is to prepare for the next sneak attack on the imperial city of Zhongfu. We must not lose sight of it. ."

At this point, Tokyo Shinhwa and others naturally knew what they were supposed to do at this time, and then they didn’t say much, and each prepared to go-Tokyo Shinhwa and they had confidence in the masters they sent out, not just because of their number. There are dozens of them, and the most important thing is that most of them are masters, many of them are first-class masters, and their strength is far from the third-rate masters sent by the Eastern family.

Still the same sentence, although I don’t know the specific details of Ye Luo and others, especially Ye Luo’s, but Tokyo Mythology is not difficult for them to find out that they are masters, so none of those people used to deal with Ye Luo and others. Not masters, once these people are dispatched, they are very confident that Ye Luo and others will be offline because of this, and they will no longer be able to log in to the game.

With such confidence, Tokyo Mythology will naturally not miss this opportunity. They are all ready to dispatch at any time. Of course, they also find reasons to make their allies ready to make moves at any time. Tokyo Mythology has previously proposed to be in China. When the server alliance occupied half of the outer wall, it was almost like this at this time, so it is still very simple to persuade the people from the US server to do it.

Not to mention that Tokyo Mythology and the others are ready to do it at any time, let alone the situation on Ye Luo and the others.

Through monitoring, they saw that the three of Midnight Shu easily resisted the invading enemy, Ye Luo and the others were relieved, and then went all out to attack the city. They wanted to occupy the outer city wall of this super gang station in the shortest time, at least 10 minutes. Completed internally, so they don’t need to consume extra [Group Blessing Scroll] and other assassin’s props and skills, saving these things can attack the inner city wall and then occupy this super gang resident.

There are no accidents at the moment. The Chinese server alliance can easily occupy the outer wall and then the inner wall. The next step is to occupy this super gang site. Thinking of this, everyone is looking forward to it, but I don’t want to fly in June at this time. Xue exclaimed, and she said: "Sister Fireworks, it's awful, another group of people rushed into our studio. This time there are a lot of people, more than before..."

Hearing the words of June Feixue, Ye Luo and the others hurriedly watched the surveillance video, and then saw dozens of hundreds of people in black rushing into the studio of the Misty Pavilion. These people are uniformly dressed, and they have always been dressed in black. This is the same as before. It's obviously a little different for people to wear fancy clothes.

Of course, the biggest difference is not the clothes, but the weapons in their hands. The weapons held by the dozens of people who broke into the Ying Mi Pavilion studio were mostly miscellaneous things such as sticks, machetes, and baseball bats. The deputy was found casually, and the weapons held by the next group of people were unified, all Tang Hengdao.

That’s right, it’s Tang Hengdao, which is the same as the weapon held by Changhe Sunset. The difference is that although the Tang Hengdao in Changhe Sunset’s hand is long, it is thicker, and tends to be a big knife. The sword is slender and faintly curved, leaning towards the Miao sword, and under the latter group of people holding the sword in both hands, there are some faint shadows of the samurai sword, with a murderous intent.

In a word, the latter group is obviously more murderous than the first group. Even if June Feixue realized this, at least she obviously felt that these people are not easy to provoke, plus the number ratio. There were a lot more people in the first group, and it was not surprising that she exclaimed.

"What are you afraid of? Isn't it that they have left behind?" Po Lang Chengfeng glanced at the surveillance and said indifferently: "Even if there are a large number of people, they can easily intercept them with the strength of Xiaoshu and Sunset. It takes more time..."

"No, that's not right, these people are obviously not with the last group of people." Ye Luo interrupted Po Lang Riding the Wind, he instantly had his own judgment, and when he said this, his expression became a little solemn: "Because the last group of people wear uniform clothes and uniform weapons, and it is easy to tell from their movements that they are masters. I am afraid that everyone's strength is not much worse than that of Qi sister. Even I have a faint feeling from their movements. There are some familiar flavors."

"Familiar taste?" For a moment, Breaking the waves blurted out: "Couldn't you have fought against these people, but they all covered their faces. Wouldn't it be that you can recognize them too."

"No, it's not the face, but the action and the weapon in the hand, holding the knife in the upper right side, this, this is a bit..." Ye Luo thought, but he was interrupted before he finished speaking.

"Does it smell like a samurai sword?" Although it was asking, the tone of the fireworks was quite calm, and her voice changed a little at this time: "I understand why Ye Luo you are familiar with these people. I feel it. Not surprisingly, they should be agents of an island country. The Tang Hengdao in their hands is used to disguise their identity. The real sword technique should be a samurai sword. As Ye Luo you, I am afraid that you will often encounter such masters. It’s normal to feel so familiar."

"Yes, these are these people?!" Ye Luo's voice raised a few points, and his expression became more solemn when he said this: "The situation is a bit bad, Fireworks, Sister Feng, let's go offline. All are offline, only Xiaoshu and others can't deal with these people at all."

As soon as Ye Luo recognized the identities of those people, he knew that things were in trouble, and as soon as he was talking about these, he let the slender hands staying in a safe place display [Space Portal] and wait for him to break the waves and ride the wind. People teleport away.

Although there are some doubts why Ye Luo's reaction is so great, everyone has never seen Ye Luo so nervous. Through this point, they also realized the trouble of the matter, so they used invincible means for the first time and then escaped from the battle, and then they were slender hands. After the transmission was gone, they went offline, and the news was told to the **** of wine Du Kang and Fengxing the first time the fireworks Yicold went offline.

Although there is no time to say too much, but only two or three words can explain things clearly, such as island agents, hundreds of people broke into the studio, etc. In addition, the fireworks are easy to be cold and all the command is handed over to Misty Rain. , Yixiao Hongchen and Jianliu, after all, the siege is still going on at this time.

And after talking about this, the firework Yi was cold and began to go offline. Before her, Ye Luo, Po Lang Chengfeng and others also went offline.

People are as sophisticated as Dukang, the **** of wine, and Feng Xing immediately realized that there was an accident after hearing the words that the fireworks were easy to cold, and their expressions became serious for the first time, and then they asked the people in the game department about their When will the support arrive?

On the other side, Damo Guyan also saw the group of people who broke into the misty pavilion through the shared video. From his experience, he instantly realized that these people are extraordinary, especially when they heard Ye Luo's words. For a while, they too. Worried, he decisively handed over all the commands to Tiandi and the others, and he was also out of the battle and offline for the first time.

After being offline, Guyan in the desert rushed to the parking lot for the first time, and after a violent engine roar, an off-road vehicle dragged the black smoke all over the ground and ran out, and even directly gave the guardrail of their studio. After hitting and flying, the car did not stop, roaring in the direction of the Misty Pavilion studio, lonely smoke in the car honked the horn frantically, and kept in mind that there must be no accidents in the sunset.

Not to mention that the desert solitary smoke rushed to the Miaoge studio like crazy, let alone the situation in the game.

Seeing Ye Luo, Damo Guyan and others suddenly left the battle line, and in such a hurry, any player realized that there was an accident. For a while, they were all puzzled. Naturally, they wondered why Ye Luo and the others suddenly left the battle. Except for a limited number of people, I know why everyone else is kept in the dark.

For example, Dongfang Zhantian, who knew about the matter, was very excited after seeing Ye Luo and others hurriedly offline. In his heart, the actions of those people he sent out had succeeded-Dongfang Zhantian didn’t know the dozens he sent out. People have been knocked down for more than half, otherwise, after knowing this, I don't know what he will think.

On the other hand, the people in the game department finally gave Du Kang, the **** of wine, and Feng Xing an answer. It was just a reply that made them angry and helpless. The people who arranged support in the game department would not be able to rush after 7 or 8 minutes. arrive.

"What, 7 or 8 minutes?!" After hearing these words, Bacchus Dukang couldn't help but furiously: "Dozens of nearly a hundred people broke into the studio of Misty Pavilion, they can completely deal with Ye Luo and their people within 3 minutes. Cause a lot of damage, 7 or 8 minutes, how can this be too late!"

On the side, Feng Xing was also full of dignity. He naturally knew that the people supported by the game department were too late to rescue. He could only pray that the police would arrive in time. After thinking of something, his eyes lit up and he hurriedly comforted Dukang, the **** of wine: " Old man, don’t worry too much, Ye Luo and Feng Girl are both offline, and you know how their skills are, especially the kid Ye Luo, although this time there are more people who broke into the Misty Pavilion’s studio. And obviously a master, but there shouldn't be any problems."

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