After hearing the words that the fireworks are easy to cold, Dukang, the **** of Bacchus, and Fengxing instantly realized how critical things were. They learned that it would take 7 or 8 minutes for the people sent to support from the game department to arrive. This can also tell how worried he is at this time.

Feng Xing is also very worried, and even worried that it is not worse than Du Kang, the **** of wine. After all, they are not ordinary, they are the children of their old friends. Without descendants, they even directly regard them as their own children. Now their own children. There is danger, but they can't help much. The worry and helplessness make them suffer.

Fortunately, Fengxing thought that Ye Luo was also offline. Thinking of Ye Luo's identity and strength, he was a little relieved and began to comfort the Bacchus Du Kang. Of course, at this time, he was more like comforting himself.

Hearing Fengxing's words, Bacchus Dukang also breathed a sigh of relief, especially after thinking of where Ye Luo came from, he muttered to himself: "I hope Ye Luo and the others can deal with the troubles this time, at least they can delay it for a few minutes. Fortunately, at that time our game department and the police should have arrived. I hope those people don’t have heat weapons in their hands, otherwise..."

Speaking of this, Dukang, the **** of Bacchus, has not dared to say any more, because he also knows that even if Ye Luo is offline, it would be very dangerous if the opponent's person really holds a heat weapon. In the best case, someone will be injured. This is not what Dukang, the **** of wine, they want to see.

"Our country's control of thermal weapons is extremely stringent. There shouldn't be any such things flowing into Luoyang City." Fengxing said in a deep voice, but when he said these, he was a little lacking in confidence, and his face was obviously stronger at this time. It was more solemn before.

"Oh, no way, we can't help much at this time, we can only hope that Ye Luo boy can protect everyone." Bacchus Dukang said, and then he looked far away severely and snorted: "Humph. , It’s not our opponent in the game, but it’s too much to do it in reality!"

"No way, although there are regulations in the game industry, the benefits involved in the game are too great, and there are still people who will take the risk..." Feng Xingdao, and then he frowned deeply when he thought of something: "Now Ye Luo, they are offline. I am afraid that some servers should also take action, so our power has been weakened a lot, especially after the kid Ye Luo goes offline, he can no longer deter the masters of the enemy alliance. Next, I am afraid that we will encounter great Obstacles."

As experienced as Bacchus Dukang, he naturally understood Fengxing’s words at the first time, but he didn’t care too much: “Although Ye Luo and the others are the top players in our league, their offline will have some impact on our overall strength, but At this time we have occupied half of the outer city wall, and there are still many in our team that can compete with the strongest masters of the enemy alliance. The most important thing is that the assassin props such as the [Group Blessing Scroll] hoarded in our hands are definitely not comparable to the enemy. There are few alliances, so with these occupying the outer wall in front of you, there is definitely no problem."

"And as long as we can occupy the outer city wall, then we can stand firm. As for the attack on the inner city wall, we can proceed again, as long as Ye Luo and they are fine..." At this point, the Bacchus Du Kang paused, because he I also know what impact Ye Luo and the others will have on reality and the game.

His brows frowned again, Fengxing naturally knew what Bacchus Du Kang wanted to say next, and tried hard to put his worries behind his head, he said solemnly: "I'm afraid that the situation is not as optimistic as we thought. If the enemy alliance returns What other actions..."

And when Feng Xing said this, they found that the enemy and us have really changed. Suddenly, a large number of players from the Japanese server alliance appeared, not only from the inner wall, but also from the outer wall, and then they Blatantly rushed to the players of the Chinese server alliance.

This time, there are a lot of players from the Japanese server alliance. At first glance, I am afraid that there will be tens of millions, and this is only the first force. Then there will be more people coming, and then these people brazenly allied with the Chinese server alliance. People fought together. Although the sudden appearance of so many people is not enough to change the current situation, this has already made the people of the Chinese server alliance feel great pressure, and this is from the rapid speed of the Chinese server alliance occupying the outer wall. It can be seen by lowering.

"What's the matter? Before we attacked the city, we had sent assassins to scout the surroundings. Among them, there were players with [True Sight Gem], so that no enemy could hide. Although there were some enemies in the field outside the city wall. There are not so many people in the Alliance. Why are so many people suddenly appearing?!" Bacchus Dukang looked unbelievable, but when he said this, he had already guessed what, for a while, it made him The look became more solemn.

"It seems that you have already thought of it. That's right. Before we arrived, people from the enemy alliance arranged manpower around, but those people were offline, so even if we sent [True Sight Gem] and Players with the same functional skills and props deliberately cannot detect them." Fengxing said in a deep voice: "Now that the general attack is launched, these people are finally online. Suddenly hundreds of millions of players have been added, and they have appeared from behind us. , This will undoubtedly cause us a lot of trouble."

That's right, the players who appeared from outside the city were offline this time, and they went online as soon as they heard the orders from Tokyo Mythology and others, and then there was this scene.

Players with [True Sight Gem] or similar items can naturally detect the hidden units around, but when the player is offline, they can’t use this method to detect them, and people are as sophisticated as Bacchus Dukang and Fengxing. It also immediately understood how these people came from.

Yes, this is deliberately arranged by the people of the Japanese service alliance. The reason for thinking of this is that what happened in the US service before gave them an inspiration, or a lesson-Ye Luo when he was in the US service Before they attacked the city, the people from the Chinese server alliance deliberately investigated the surroundings and then killed many players who had hidden there in advance, and this undoubtedly taught the people of the Japanese server alliance a lesson.

Players of the Japanese server alliance know that the players of the Chinese server alliance will definitely scout the surroundings before attacking the city, and will send assassins and top masters to drive away or kill the players who are invisible around them, so they deliberately let their people in advance. Go offline, and then suddenly go online after hearing the order, so that there will be a lot of masters suddenly attacking the players in the middle server alliance from behind, so that a situation of front and back flanking can be formed.

Although the Chinese server alliance has occupied a lot of outer walls and then installed mobile magic crystal cannons on the walls, even the formation masters of the Chinese server alliance have jointly used [Change Heaven and Ground] to condense the high platform and make more mobile magic crystal cannons. I was placed, but at this time facing the situation of front and back flanking, especially the enemy alliance still has some advantages of the wall and the eight-winged fallen angel NPC, and the pressure faced by the alliance of the middle service has increased a lot. This is from the occupation The rapid decline in the speed of the city wall can be seen.

Seeing this situation, the expressions of the people on the major servers of the Chinese server alliance became dignified in an instant, and then they also reacted the first time-they ordered the people of their servers to use some killer items such as [Group Blessing Scroll].

That’s right, the commander of the major servers of the Chinese server alliance immediately issued the order to use the [Group Blessing Scroll]. After all, at this time, only the use of this assassin tool can stabilize the situation, so that it will have more opportunities to occupy the outside world. City Wall-In the hearts of the major leaders of the China Service Alliance, as long as they occupy the outer wall and fully occupy the outer wall, then all problems will not be a problem.

I have to say that after using some [Group Blessing Scrolls], the situation began to stabilize. At least one alliance of the Chinese server still has the upper hand. This can be seen from the fact that Longteng Tianxia and Dongfang Tiantian can still lead everyone to charge and advance. One thing, after all, this means that they can continue to occupy the city wall.

However, Long Teng Tianxia soon realized one of the biggest problems-why after Ye Luo and others went offline, the super masters of Tokyo Mythology, Dark Night and other Japanese server alliances still did not intercept them.

"What's the matter, now that Brother Ye Luo and the others are offline, why don't the masters such as Tokyo Mythology still come to intercept us?" Long Tengtian said in a sinking voice: "If they can intercept us with their strength, even if they can't completely stop us. It can also cause a lot of resistance to us, so it is not easy for us to continue to advance, at least the price and time we have to pay will increase a lot."

They are also smart people in Longteng Tianxia, ​​and they naturally know why Tokyo Mythology and others did not personally stop them before - nothing more than fear of Ye Luo and others. After all, Ye Luo and the others have the opportunity to kill them by joining forces.

But now Ye Luo and the others are offline. It stands to reason that Tokyo Shinhwa and others should no longer have any scruples and will intercept them. This will undoubtedly cause great resistance to the Chinese server alliance, but they did not do so. Naturally, they were puzzled by Longteng Tianxia.

"Perhaps they are worried that Brother Ye Luo and they deliberately set up a drill for them. After all, Brother Ye Luo and the others may suddenly go online. Once they act so rashly in the dark night, Tokyo Mythology, they will be in danger." Tao, and then his tone changed: "But this is still good for us, at least we will face much less resistance, so we will have more chance to occupy the outer wall."

"I hope so." Long Teng said, but his expression became serious when he thought of it: "I'm afraid they have greater ambitions. If this is the case, it will be troublesome, and it may even reverse the situation above. Once so we..."

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