VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 3680: : All alive

Because of the slender jade hand displaying [Space Enchantment], there is no need to worry about any danger within 10 minutes, but at this time everyone in the middle server began to worry about Ye Luo and their situation, especially after such a long time. They haven't logged in to the game. This is undoubtedly a bad sign. They are more worried for a while, and the female players who have the best relationship with Ye Luo and others, such as Long Jieyu, are already in tears.

Of course, they did not completely give up hope at this time, and then they all looked nervously at Dukang, the **** of wine, which was self-evident.

Think about it too. At this time, more than 10 minutes have passed since the incident happened. According to the previous reply from the people in the game department, they and the police department must have rushed to the studio of the 缥缈阁. If you contact them, you will naturally know Ye Luo and their current situation. Situation.

After worrying, people naturally began to guess who did it to Ye Luo. At this time, the people of the major servers of the Japanese server alliance undoubtedly became the primary suspects, especially after thinking of the various ‘coincidences’ before.

Think about it, through the previous arrangement, you can know that the Japanese server alliance's attack on the Chinese server imperial city is a long-planned thing. This is a bit too coincidental. It seems to know that Ye Luo and the others will have an accident. Everyone knows that as long as Ye Luo They are still there, so even if the Japanese server alliance prepares to attack the Chinese server imperial city in advance, there is almost no chance of success. Presumably, Dark Night and Tokyo Mythology also know this.

But Tokyo Mythology still did this, and this is undoubtedly a big suspicion.

In addition, everyone also thought that when the Chinese server alliance attacked the super gang site before, the super masters of the Japanese server alliance such as Dark Night deliberately avoided Ye Luo and others. At least they were deliberately keeping the combination equipment. Awakening skills, and this is more or less aware that Ye Luo and the others are likely to have an accident.

By thinking of these, everyone is almost certain that in reality, they are the people from the Japanese server alliance. They all criticized them for a while. It was nothing more than'despicable' and'it's impossible to beat them in the game. Hands-on in reality' and so on.

At this time, Dongfang Zhantian's face was as gray as death, and he regretted for the first time that he had sent someone to deal with Ye Luo and the others in reality. There was another wave of people, and in his heart this time he was the culprit that caused the Zhongfu to fall into such a situation. Thinking of these, he felt endless regret and guilt.

However, at this time, almost all people thought that they were working on the major servers of the Japanese server alliance. They did not think that it was their own people. So most of them did not notice the anomaly of the Eastern Zhantian, and only Eastern stars. He Yeyu Feifei noticed that for a while, the five flavors were mixed in their hearts.

Unlike the Eastern star, Ye Yufei was worried about Ye Luo’s safety in addition to the situation in the game. At this time, she had a faint urge to go offline to find Ye Luo, but she Her reason told her that even if she was offline, she couldn't change anything at all, and this also prevented her from doing these things.

Of course, Ye Yu Feifei also knew at this time that there were two groups of people who had acted on Ye Luo and the others. Based on her resourcefulness, she naturally guessed that one of them was sent by Dongfang Zhantian, and at this time she was very concerned about the other group. Who sent it, because she knew that it was the second group of talents that got Ye Luo into such a dangerous situation, and she also had a killing intent on this group of people. Of course, this is not just the killing intent in the game, but the reality. Killing intent in.

That's right, she was in a state of confusion at this moment, and she had the urge to kill all the people who did it on Ye Luo in reality.

Of course, she still has some sense at this time. She forced herself to control her calmness, especially thinking that Ye Luo might be safe and sound, so she looked at Dukang, the **** of Bacchus, most of the time except after looking at Dongfang Zhantian. After all, she was also I know I can learn about Ye Luo and the others the fastest from here.

Finally, Dukang, the **** of Bacchus, turned off the communication device. Without waiting for him to speak, Long Jieyu, who had been staring at him, hurriedly asked: "Uncle Bacchus, how is it, how is it with Sister Shi, is there anything wrong?"

Long Jieyu also asked everyone the most worried question at this time. For a while, they all looked nervously at the Bacchus Du Kang, with expectations and worries in their hearts.

Naturally, the expectation is that Ye Luo and the others are safe and sound, while the worry is naturally that something will happen to Ye Luo and the others.

"Although the situation is a bit bad, Ye Luo and their little guys are alive..." Bacchus Du Kang highlighted a few words, and when he said these words, his hanging heart finally fell.

Think about it, as long as Ye Luo and the others are still alive, then all problems will not be a problem.

Of course, this is the same idea in many people's minds, such as Long Teng Tian Xia, popular among them, so they all breathed a long sigh of relief after listening to the words of Bacchus Du Kang.

"Since Ye Luo Zhiqiu and they are still alive, why don't they return to the game to help us?" Ouyang Feiri asked, and he also asked many people's questions.

Of course, what Ouyang Feiri asked about at this time is very suspicious. After all, everyone is worried about Ye Luo and their safety at this time, but he obviously cares about whether Ye Luo and others can resolve this crisis. It is so utilitarian. They are extremely shameless.

Although they were extremely shameless in their hearts, they were also curious about why they did not log in to the game again since Ye Luo and the others were still alive. Of course, some smart people thought of the reason, especially that the **** of wine, Du Kang, had already said that the situation was a bit bad. , For a while they worried again.

"Uncle Bacchus, is anyone hurt?" Ye Yu Fei blurted out: "How is Ye Luo knowing Qiu, is there anything he has done?"

At this time, Ye Yu Fei Fei Qiao's worries did not conceal her face, her eager expression still looks like strategizing, and after she blurted out these words, she also realized her strangeness, and her pretty face blushed for a while, of course. At this time, she even wanted to know if Ye Luo had an accident.

Of course, many people didn’t care about Ye Yu Fei’s expression at this time. In their hearts, Ye Yu Fei’s inquiries like this were too normal. After all, in their hearts, only Ye Luo was safe and he could log in to the game again and solve the crisis this time. Now, it is precisely because of these that they have ignored the anomaly of Ye Yu Fei Fei. To be precise, everyone is looking at Dukang, the **** of wine, at this time. Obviously, they are also very concerned about this matter.

"Well, someone was injured, and many others were injured." Bacchus Du Kang said in a deep voice: "Little Shu, Sunset, and Feng Girl have all suffered some injuries. Fortunately, the injuries are not too serious, and there is no life-threatening. The poetry girl, the fireworks and the moon girl are safe and sound..."

Long Jieyu breathed a sigh of relief after hearing the words of the **** of Bacchus Du Kang, especially after hearing the Samadhi poems and Zhiyue safe and sound, including the dragon world, but after seeing the expression of the **** of Bacchus Du Kang, they immediately realized an important thing— -Where is Ye Luo?

"Where is Ye Luo Zhiqiu?!" An ominous premonition rose in Samadhi Shi's heart, especially when she thought that the fireworks were easy to be cold and others were okay because Ye Luo was protecting them, and she became more worried for a while.

"Ye Luo's situation is a bit bad. He suffered a bit serious injury and even endangered his life..." Bacchus Du Kang said solemnly, and his words made many people look hard to look, not just worried about Ye Luo's safety. Of course, more people realized that Ye Luo can no longer log in to the game to help them.

And Ye Luo's inability to log in to the game will undoubtedly lead to a consequence-they have no way to defend the imperial city of Zhongfu, and once the imperial city is destroyed, everyone knows what the consequences will be, and they are naturally worried for a while.

Of course, most people who are simply worried about the destruction of the imperial city are allies in the hostile gang or Zhongfu. Long Jieyu, Long Teng Tianxia and others are all worried after learning that Ye Luo is in danger. The complexion became even more difficult to look at, and the people at the Sword Star Studios of the Sixth Class of Jian did not hesitate to choose to go offline and then went to the Miaoge Studio for the first time.

At this time, Jianliu and the others rushed to the Misty Pavilion studio, and from their hearts they still thought of what the fireworks had told them before—you must not help.

Obviously, when the fireworks were easy to get cold, she knew that things were very troublesome, and she also thought of the safety of everyone in the Sword Star Studio for the first time. Thinking of these Mondays, they couldn't help but burst into tears, and they were all worried.

Not to mention that everyone in the Sword Star Studio rushed to the Ying Mi Pavilion Studio, let alone the situation in the game-seeing everyone in the Sword Star Studio immediately went offline, everyone did not have much reaction, after all, they also knew that since Ye If Luo can't log in to the game to support, they will definitely not be able to defend the imperial city, even if the waves and the wind and others log in to the game immediately.

If this is the case, the offline of the Sword Star Studios will not affect the overall situation, and they naturally don't care about this matter.

"Uncle Bacchus, Brother Ye Luo..." Speaking of the popularity here, his worries could not be concealed.

"Although Ye Luo was seriously injured, the girl Qinxin treated him for the first time. Although she still did not get rid of the danger, the problem should not be big." Bacchus Dukang said, saying that he was comforting everyone and it was like I comforted myself: "The girl Qinxin is a very good doctor and a surgeon. She is the best at treating injuries. There will be no life-threatening danger with her."

"In addition, when our people were supporting us before, we also notified 120 as soon as possible. Our people have arrived for some time, and 120 should have arrived, so there will be no problems." Bacchus Du Kang added, And he said this more like cheering himself up.

"The current medical level is so high, as long as there is no immediate death, then there will be no big problem..." Daughter Hong muttered.

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