VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 3681: : No worries about life

After a tense wait, everyone finally learned about the situation of the people in the Yingmenge Studio-except for Ye Luo who was seriously injured, everyone else was either slightly injured or unharmed. This also completely relieved Long Teng Tianxia and others, especially in them. In their hearts, the person they cared about the most did not have an accident, but they couldn't help worrying when they thought that Ye Luo was seriously injured, especially when they thought that since the latter was seriously injured, they would definitely not log in to the game.

Think about it, Ye Luo can’t log in to the game, so even if people like Breaking the Waves and Riding the Wind, Fireworks and Fireworks can log in to the game, it will not solve the crisis of the Chinese server alliance. After all, there is still a big gap between their strength and Ye Luo—— Not to mention the level of equipment, overall attributes and skill system, Ye Luo is far weaker than Ye Luo if they have turned 9 and they do not, so even if they return to the game, they may not be able to defeat the Japanese server alliance. People, even if the fireworks are easy to be cold and still retain the [Five Elements Great Array].

What's more, almost everyone knows how the fireworks are easy to be cold and the others value Ye Luo. Now he is seriously injured, and it is very likely that he was injured by protecting the people of the Misty Pavilion. In this case, the fireworks are easy to be cold, but I am afraid that there is no I am in the mood to log in to the game again, and this further means that the Chinese server imperial city will be destroyed. People who think of these Chinese server alliances are naturally worried.

Of course, people such as Bacchus Dukang, Fengxing, and Longteng Tianxia are really worried about Ye Luo's situation, even after hearing the words of Bacchus Dukang and Daughter Hong. After all, they can imagine how serious the so-called serious injuries are.

"This is the end of the matter. It doesn't make any sense for us to worry about these." Feng Xing also saw everyone's worry, and he comforted: "Faced with so many masters besieging the Misty Pavilion studio, it is best that no one is killed on the spot. As a result, even if the kid Ye Luo is seriously injured, he won't have much problem."

Of course, Feng Xing was comforting everyone, but also comforting himself, his hanging heart has not been let go.

"Yes, don't worry, everyone. I have arranged for someone to take care of Ye Luo. Once he is out of danger, our people will notify us as soon as possible." Bacchus Dukang said in a deep voice, and while talking about this, he kept holding the communication. Yi, obviously he was waiting for someone in reality to tell him about Ye Luo's situation.

The facts are just like what Dukang, the **** of wine, said. People in reality contacted him less than a minute after he said this, but after hearing the connections between people in reality, his expression stretched a lot, and he didn't wait for everyone to ask. , He said: "The people in the game department replied. After the girl Qin Xin simply handled it, it was determined that although Ye Luo was seriously injured, there was no life-threatening danger. You can rest assured."

Just like the Bacchus Du Kang and the others said, Long Teng Tianxia and others know that sitting on Qin Xin is a very good surgeon. Since she said that Ye Luo is not life-threatening, there must be no life-threatening, especially everyone knows that she must be. I won't be joking about this matter. For a while, Long Teng Tianxia and others let out a long sigh of relief. As Feng Xing said before, this is already the best news.

"Brother Ye Luo is fine." Long Jie said, and then her tone changed: "Uncle Bacchus, who did it on Brother Ye Luo and did they catch those people?"

"Don't worry, I must have caught some livelihoods." Qianli Zouqiu said with confidence: "Ye Luo paid such a high price, and the situation for the people who shot him is definitely worse. It is even possible that this time he participated in the hands. No one of them can escape."

If anyone in the crowd knows Ye Luo best, it’s not Dukang and Fengxing, the **** of wine who has investigated Ye Luo’s identity before. After all, they can only know Ye Luo’s origins and not the most detailed information about him, but a thousand miles away. Riding, after all, they are all from the same place, and they are competitors, so they naturally know each other's strength and acting style.

"Yes, I learned a little bit more briefly. This time, none of the people who dealt with Ye Luo and the others escaped in reality." Bacchus Dukang said. When he said this, his expression was a bit harsh: "The most important thing." None of these people were killed. They were all seriously injured. I believe that the origins of these people can be found in the hands of professionals. Hey, I don’t need to say what will happen next."

Hearing that, everyone was shocked except for riding thousands of miles alone. Of course, they were shocked by Ye Luo's strength. After all, they also knew how many people had attacked the Mystic Pavilion's studio this time, and Ye Luo was still able to take all of them despite being seriously injured. The incoming person was seriously injured, which fully proved how powerful Ye Luo was.

In fact, it is only from these news that everyone can't judge Ye Luo's strength at all. Only by simply knowing what happened and knowing Ye Luo's true strength can he know that the battle at the scene must be fierce, far beyond the imagination of others. , This point can be judged from Ye Luo's serious injury-riding a thousand miles alone knows Ye Luo's strength, and from Ye Luo's serious injury, he knows the strength of the person doing this time, even if it is possible Ye Luo The same is true for the injuries caused by protecting the people of the Misty Pavilion.

Of course, after hearing this news, some people almost fell to the ground, especially after hearing that no one had escaped. Although he had some trust in the tone of those people, he also knew that so many people would definitely not be able to keep secrets. Once so...

Thinking of this, Dongfang Zhantian looked in a trance, and an ominous premonition enveloped his heart, and he couldn't get rid of it.

The Dongfang star who saw his expression on the side further confirmed her guess. For a while, she was also quite heavy. It was not that she was worried that people like herself would be implicated, but that even Dongfang Zhantian would suffer from this incident. Punishment will also cause great losses to the Eastern family.

Think about it, let’s say nothing else. How can Dongfang Zhantian be regarded as the top ten masters in the Dongfang family, and this is regarded as a super master in the heavenly catastrophe game. Once he does it on Ye Luo and others in reality, it is really his appointment. What people do is afraid that he will be directly punished by the harshest punishment. There is no doubt that the Eastern family will have one super master. This still has a big impact on the overall strength of the Eastern family.

Originally, there was a big gap between the overall strength and the Misty Pavilion. If Dongfang Zhantian was removed because of this incident, it would undoubtedly make the situation of the Dongfang family worse, not to mention the reputation of the Dongfang family except for such a thing. It also has a great impact, and this will undoubtedly cause many people who have learned the news to quit the Eastern family, and at the worst, they will lose a lot of confidence in it, and this is the biggest blow to the Eastern family.

Thinking of this, the Dongfang star has a lot of flavours in his heart, and of course she also regrets not having discovered the strangeness of Dongfang Zhantian in the first time, so she might be able to stop him, and this will also return a lot of losses.

However, Oriental Star also knows that there is no regret medicine in the world. At this time, she only needs this incident to have as little impact as possible on the Misty Pavilion. She even hopes that those assigned will not confess behind-the-scenes instructions at all, or she hopes. Dongfang Zhantian is smarter and uses safer methods to instruct those people, even if she knows that the possibility is minimal.

On the other hand, Ye Yu Feifei further judged many things from the expression of Dongfang Zhantian, and after learning that Ye Luo had no life safety, she finally breathed a sigh of relief, and then began to plan and analyze, naturally analyzing What kind of impact will these things have on the next situation, and how can the Yeyu family gain the greatest benefit in the next game?

However, Ye Yu Fei Fei soon thought of the current situation, thinking about how the imperial city will definitely not be held today and how the situation will develop in the future. For a while, she feels very heavy, especially thinking that it is very likely to be served. There is no chance for the alliance of one party to reverse the situation, and once so, her plans were all in vain. The premise for the Ye Yu family to have a chance to win the first place in the Chinese server is naturally that the Chinese server must have the ability to overwhelm the heroes, and now the Chinese server The server is likely to be suppressed by the Japanese server alliance, so the misty pavilion naturally has no chance to become the first gang of the Chinese server. At least everyone is not in the mood to fight for this.

"Uncle Bacchus, Uncle Fengxing, now it is impossible for Ye Luo Zhiqiu to log in to the game to support again, so don't we have any chance to defend the imperial city?!" Suddenly Ouyang Feiri's voice rang, and his words It also made everyone return to the game: "And once the imperial city is destroyed, isn't our situation very bad, especially Ye Luo Zhiqiu in a short period of time, it is almost impossible to log in to the game again."

Although it was emotionally unsuitable for everyone to discuss these after Ye Luo was seriously injured, they had to consider the danger, especially since they also thought that since Ye Luo and others could not return to the game, as Ouyang Feiri said. Saying that they couldn't hold the imperial city at all, and thinking of the result of the imperial city being destroyed, their expressions suddenly became solemn.

Of course, the most ugly face is not the many players of the Chinese server, but the Russian server and other servers, because they also know that the Chinese server's imperial city is destroyed, so it is their turn next, thinking that their imperial city is also possible next, no , Is bound to be destroyed. For a while, their complexion becomes difficult to look, especially when they think that they have paid a very painful price to help Zhongfu defend the city before—this time to help Zhongfu defend the major servers in the imperial city not only It consumed all the killer items such as the [Group Blessing Scroll], and even gave out most of the [Eight Winged Fallen Angel Recruitment Order]. Without these, they had no confidence to resist the siege of the Japanese server alliance, especially Thinking of tomorrow's China-servicing alliance may not have the strength to help them.

Think about it, too, the Zhongfu imperial city was destroyed, and the overall attributes of the Chinese server players were reduced by 15%. In this case, the Chinese server is overwhelmed. Where can there be spare power to support other servers?

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