VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 3713: : Analysis of the real murderer

Hearing the analysis of Fireworks Yi Leng and Samadhi Poetry, everyone was disappointed that they could not immediately punish the real murderer behind the scenes. Of course, the most important thing was that they knew that in this way, some players on the enemy server who participated in this incident could not be punished authentically. And slightly weaken the strength of the enemy alliance, after all, this can slightly reduce the pressure on the Chinese server alliance.

Fortunately, based on the current situation, it is possible for Ye Luo to log in to the game after 3 days, and in the minds of Polang Chengfeng and others, as long as he can return to the game, he will definitely be able to curb the further actions of the Japanese server alliance, and even give them some Time and time they can suppress it again, no accident, this time should be able to completely make it have no chance to turn over.

"Yes, as long as Brother Ye can log in to the game, we must make those despicable people look good." Zhiyue took over the words, her pretty face was full of anger.

"Although we can't immediately punish the real culprit behind the scenes, we can use the public opinion war a little bit." Suddenly she sat on Qin Xindao without saying a word, looking at everyone while talking about her: "Announce the incident of our sneak attack, We can even announce the weapons used by those people, Japanese swords, ninja darts, which are unique to a certain country, although we can't characterize the matter, we will definitely point the finger at them, which will undoubtedly discredit them."

"That's right, anyway, it just can't make them comfortable." June Feixue took over the words, and her words were echoed by the others. Finally, everyone looked at the fireworks Yi Leng, and the meaning was self-evident.

"We don't have to do this, let Uncle Bacchus do it." Fireworks Yi said coldly: "After all, Uncle Bacchus and the others have the identity of the game department, it is easier to convince people to do so, and the most important thing is to be able to block Live long and long."

"Youyou's mouths?" Slightly stunned, then Othello blurted out: "What do you mean?"

"This time, our imperial city was destroyed to a large extent because we suddenly went offline. Even if we had to, we would definitely be criticized by some gangs and servers, especially when some people deliberately used it, and this is undoubtedly true. It will make our Misty Pavilion situation quite serious." Samadhi explained, and she continued after a while: "So let Uncle Dionysus and the others help us to make a statement, not to say that it can completely dispel this sound, but also to explain our situation, this is undoubtedly It will dispel the suspicions of many people, and if there are still people spreading rumors, then these people are specially made to coax, and they can be targeted at that time."

"It can not only avoid the possible dilemma of our Misty Pavilion, but also cause public opinion pressure on a certain server, killing two birds with one stone." Samadhi added, after seeing everyone nodded, she continued: "Because our experience is more or less the same as the game department. The security work is not in place, so Uncle Bacchus and the others should be happy to do something for us, which can more or less alleviate their guilt."

"Well, that's true. In this way, it's not killing two birds with one stone, but killing three birds with one stone."

"Well, it's obviously two groups of people who attacked us this time." Suddenly Changhe Sunset said, looking at the crowd while talking: "We can probably guess which force is the second group, and the first group As for people, I feel that this batch belongs to our server..."

Speaking of this, Changhe Sunset paused, and from his solemn expression, he knew that he was very scruples at this time.

"It must be from our server, and I can even vaguely guess which gang member it is." He said in the middle of the night, and then he snorted coldly: "I didn't expect that the people from our server would also do something to us, if it weren't for this group of people appearing , our situation..."

"If this group of people didn't show up, I'm afraid our situation would be worse than it is now." Fireworks Yi Leng interrupted the book in the middle of the night lightly, seeing everyone's stunned look, she explained: "If I guessed right, then The second group of people decided to do it themselves after seeing the first group of people lose. That is to say, the first group of people gave us more or less time to prepare. Don’t forget that we never thought that someone would suddenly attack our work. room, after discovering that someone invaded, you may not immediately realize their threat to us, so we may not be offline together, and in that case, I am afraid that we will have someone today..."

Although Fireworks Yi Leng didn't continue to talk, everyone understood what she was going to say, thinking that if someone really died, they all looked solemn, and they were a little fortunate in their hearts.

Think about it, if it wasn't for the arrival of the first group of people to make Ye Luo and the others vigilant and keep an eye on the surveillance video, I'm afraid that when the second group of people arrives, they won't be able to find out the strangeness of these people at the first time, at least leave it to Ye Luo Luo's reaction time will be reduced a lot, and this may cause some tragedies to happen.

After pondering for a moment, Midnight Shu nodded: "Well, yes, it is because the arrival of the first group of people has made us a lot more vigilant, so that we can make the most correct response at the first time. The situation we are facing today is even more tragic than it is now, and for that alone, I would like to thank the first group of people.”

"Nevertheless, they are also a group of bad people who actually want to do something to their own people." Zhiyue couldn't help muttering, thinking of something she asked: "Sister Fireworks, can you guess which gang sent the first group of people? Yes, there are only a few gangs that are hostile to us, the Dongfang Family, Yeyu Family, Heavenly Killing Organization, Yinian Family, and Heavenly War Heroes..."

Speaking of this, Zhiyue quickly shook her head and said, "It can't be the hero of the Heavenly War. After all, the hero of the Heavenly War is under the control of Da Moguyan at this time. He can't do anything to us, or he won't be in such a hurry to save him. We are gone, so this gang is ruled out, so the Dongfang family and the Yeyu family are left..."

"It can't be the Yeyu family." Fireworks Yi Leng interrupted Zhiyue, seeing everyone's stunned expression, she continued: "I had a video with Uncle Bacchus and the others before, Ye Yufeifei was very concerned about this matter, Or she is very worried about Ye Luo, and from this aspect alone, she is not the one assigned by her."

"The most important thing is that Ye Yufeifei is a smart person. Although we had a good chance of occupying the super gang station before, they will not completely tear us apart when the situation is unknown. At least they have the least motive to do it." Fireworks Easy Cold added.

Everyone was very convinced by the analysis of Fireworks Yi Leng, and then June Feixue muttered: "Since it is not the Yeyu family, then the Dongfang family, the Yinian family and the Heavenly Killing Organization are left. Which one will it be?"

"It shouldn't be the Yi Nian family and the Heavenly Killing Organization. At least their motives are not too big, because it is not them who are most worried that we are in the super gang residence, but..." Sanmaishi said, and she paused when she said this. Then he looked at the fireworks Yi Leng: "Fireworks, you discussed tactics with everyone before, whether the Oriental Stars are different, I don't believe that you still have the mood to analyze the situation with everyone in such a critical situation before, you should also have tentative ideas. Bar."

Nodding his head, Firework Yi said coldly, "No need to guess, there is a 90% chance that someone from the Dongfang family has assigned it, but it shouldn't be Dongfang Xing's idea of ​​killing the sky..."

"Why isn't it their idea? One of them is the real decision maker of the Dongfang family, and the other is a military advisor. They must nod their heads for such an action." June Feixue couldn't help but blurt out.

"Dongfang Xingxing's previous performance was a bit abnormal, and if he assigned her, her psychological quality would definitely not move like a mountain. At least I think it is almost impossible to see that there is a ghost in her heart." Fireworks Yi Leng explained, Ignoring everyone's doubtful expressions, she continued: "As for Dongfang Slaughtering the Heavens, he is stubborn, and he must be thinking about how to beat us in the game, so he will not do such a dirty trick at all. matter."

Although everyone didn't like Dongfang Slaughtering Heaven very much, they also knew that Fireworks Yi Leng's evaluation of him was correct, and they also didn't believe in their hearts that the person assigned by Dongfang Slaughtering Heaven actually attacked Ye Luo and the others.

"But why don't you say it's not Dongfang Xingxing? She is very likely to do such a thing without the knowledge of Dongfang Killing Heaven." : "Especially, Fireworks said that Dongfang Xingxing's performance was abnormal. Since it was abnormal, it proved that she had a guilty conscience in her heart, and this shows that she is likely to be the real culprit behind the first group of people."

"Because if Dongfang Xing sends someone to attack us, even if she fails, she will definitely act like a mountain. With her psychological quality, she will be able to cover up the past when she knows it." She continued: "But fireworks can easily see that she is different, which is a bit strange, I think it is very likely that she guessed that their people sent people to do it without her knowledge, so that her strangeness can be explained. already."

"It's really possible that this is the case." The book said in the middle of the night, and then he sneered: "But anyway, this matter will definitely have something to do with the Dongfang family, hey, wait, the first group of people will not be like The second group of people are so hard-headed, no accident, there will soon be professional people who will ask what is going on, and then find out the real culprit behind the scenes, by that time..."

"What can we do at that time, or what are we going to do?" Samadhi interrupted the book in the middle of the night, seeing the stunned expressions of him and Zhiyue and others, she continued: "Although it is not Dongfang Killing the Sky or Dongfang Star School. People attacked us, but they must be the more important people of the Dongfang family. At least their strength is very good. If it was normal, I would like to hope that this person would be imprisoned, but now our situation in the game is so difficult, if the Dongfang family If another master goes to jail, then our situation will be even more difficult."

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