VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 3714: : how to decide

After a simple analysis of Fireworks Yi Leng and Samadhi Poems, they could easily infer that the first group of people was sent by the Dongfang Family. If it was the usual Samadhi poems, they would naturally hope that someone from the Dongfang Family would be imprisoned, but the situation at this time was a bit special. - The Chinese server alliance is at a great disadvantage. At this time, they urgently hope that everyone will unite as one to the outside world. At the very least, they hope to improve their strength as much as possible. If there are experts in the Dongfang family who are imprisoned, it will undoubtedly make the Chinese server and even the Chinese server party. The overall strength of the alliance is further weakened.

"Especially after learning about this matter, it will be a heavy blow to the Dongfang family. If more people are involved, the situation of the Dongfang family will be even worse. In this case, the overall strength of our China server will be lost even more severely. Do you want to see this situation?" Sanmaishi asked back, and after seeing the silence of the crowd, she continued: "Even this further arouses the opposition between us and the Dongfang family, and this is not good for us."

"That's true." Midnight Shu murmured, "Especially the first group of people gave us a bit of a wake-up call and then made us more fully prepared, plus the first group of people and No loss has been caused to us, so it can be dealt with lightly."

"Even so, is it possible to let them go like this? Don't forget that they have committed the biggest taboo in the game. The most important thing is that this is a criminal case." June Feixue couldn't help complaining: "Since they have committed the biggest taboo in the game. It's a criminal case, so even if we don't care about it, it won't change the fact that some people are in jail."

"Although it's a criminal case, it didn't cause serious consequences, and in a certain way, it's even better for us. If we intercede, maybe the situation will ease up a bit." Samadhi said, after a while, she continued: " And it's no surprise that the real murderers are celebrities in the game, and the top celebrities have more or less privileges."

"Of course, maybe Uncle Bacchus, Uncle Fengxing and the others will also intercede. In this case, it's not that there is no chance to ease." Samadhi added, she looked at everyone after a while: "But Uncle Bacchus, they will definitely want to Asking our opinion, which means our next decision is very important, so we need to discuss it first, at least have some mental preparation."

"I still feel that it should be official. After all, he committed the biggest taboo. If it is not severely punished, there will be people who will do it in the future, then we are still very dangerous." Zhiyue couldn't help but said, and she looked at the fireworks for a while. Yi Leng and others: "What do you think?"

"It's not unreasonable for Yue'er to say it." Polang Chengfeng said, and after a while, she looked at the fireworks Yi Leng: "Fireworks, how do you think we should deal with it?"

"As Yue'er said, we should do business as an example." Fireworks Yi coldly threw out a sentence, and after seeing Zhiyue's satisfied expression, she continued: "Of course, it can be executed later, or even temporarily suppress the case, After all, the situation at this time is not good for us, and in this case, we can't make extra troubles, and don't forget that if we execute it immediately, it is likely that the relationship between our Misty Pavilion and the Dongfang Family will fall to a freezing point."

After talking about these fireworks, Yi Leng looked at Xiang Zhiyue, obviously asking for her opinion.

After pondering for a while, Zhiyue said: "Then just like Sister Fireworks said, temporarily suppress the case, we can use the excuse that we haven't found the real murderer for the time being, and then come back to solve this matter after we have lifted the crisis. ."

No one else has any objection to this. Now that they have discussed this matter, the next thing they have to do is to wait for Ye Luo to wake up, but it will take some time.

Soon after, June Feixue's smart bracelet suddenly sounded an alarm, which made her and everyone around her vigilant, and then immediately checked the monitoring, and saw that someone had entered the Misty Pavilion studio again. Zhiyue's voice Raised a few points: "Okay, they dare to break into our studio, seeing that they mean that they will not give up until they achieve their goals..."

"Well, don't be nervous, this is someone from our family, and of course there are people sent by Uncle Leng." Midnight Shu reassured, smiled embarrassingly, and continued: "It's probably Dad, no, it should be Uncle Leng who judged that we didn't I will go home and live, and I will definitely return to the studio, so they arranged for someone to deal with it, after all, our yard was a mess after the previous fight."

Seeing that Zhiyue's expression softened, he continued: "Of course, it is estimated that these people will further strengthen the security system here, and maybe some people will directly stay as bodyguards, and when such a thing happens, the two old men always want to Some said, otherwise they will not feel at ease."

Speaking of looking at the waves and riding the wind in the last midnight, it is obvious that this sentence was specially explained for her.

"As long as we don't force us to return home, then it's fine to arrange some people to protect us." Po Lang Chengfeng said solemnly: "No accident, the old man they sent are all experts. If there were these experts to help before, I'm afraid it would be us. The pressure will be much easier, and Ye Luo will not be injured."

If it was before, Polangchengfeng would definitely be extremely dissatisfied with Fengchen and their arrangement, and maybe even take the people from the Misty Pavilion to hide away, but after this incident, especially after seeing Ye Luo's serious injury, she She also realized the importance of more security personnel, so she would no longer have the idea of ​​rejection.

After seeing Polangchengfeng expressing his understanding, he breathed a sigh of relief in the middle of the night, and then he thought of something and looked at everyone: "By the way, it's no surprise that Brother Ye will live in the hospital today, and the hospital has limited beds and space, so don't worry about it. Forget that this is the best hospital in the city, with a lot of staff, we can't all stay here for the night, so you must think about who stays here."

Without waiting for the waves and the wind to speak, he continued: "If there is no accident, our studio will be cleaned up soon, and Dad and the others will leave someone to protect us, so there is no need to worry about safety."

"I'll stay..." Fireworks Yi Leng, Riding the Waves and Riding the Wind, and Sitting on Qin Xin said in unison, and they realized something after they finished speaking, and they couldn't help turning red for a while.

"Sister Feng, you are also injured, although it is a minor injury, but you should go back to rest." Fireworks Yi Leng tried to keep his tone as calm as possible: "I am not injured, I can stay and take care of Ye Luo..."

"I'll stay too, I can take turns to rest." Sitting on Qin Xin interrupted Yi Leng's words, she paused for a while and continued: "I'm a medical student, I'm more familiar with doing this than you, even if you both You can rest, I just stay here, and some of the doctors and nurses here are my former classmates and colleagues, so it is more convenient to stay."

"Well, okay." Fireworks Yi Leng finally compromised after hesitating for a while. The most important thing was that she didn't have any 'legitimate' reason to sit on Qin Xin and leave.

"I also want to stay." Po Lang Chengfeng said, seeing Midnight Shu and the others looking at her with great interest, her face flushed and she couldn't help muttering: "I am also injured, and I have to be hospitalized, Qin Xin. If you can't return to the studio, who will you ask for a change of medicine or something?"

"Well, it's just a change of medicine or something, I can do it..." The book said in the middle of the night, but in the middle of the sentence, he saw the waves and the wind glaring at each other, how dare he say the next words for a while.

"You yourself are injured, even more serious than me. Is it you who take care of me or I take care of you?!" Po Lang Chengfeng raised her voice slightly, and her face became a little colder: "I will take care of you. You, after all, your injury is much heavier than mine."

"Don't, don't." In the middle of the night, Shu's voice was trembling: "You are so careless, if you take care of me, I'm afraid the injury will be more serious, maybe it will take a week to get better in three days, I don't want to see such a thing. It happened, forget it, let's all stay, it's okay to use some contacts to stay, anyway, many of us are injured, Quan Dang is hospitalized, you can also excuse us to take care of us and stay, so everyone is satisfied ."

It has to be said that the method of the book in the middle of the night made everyone very satisfied. Although he said something explicit, everyone didn't make any sense, and this matter was settled like this.

Of course, this matter changed after 2 or 3 hours. At this time, Ye Luo finally woke up, and the first time he woke up was to look at Polang Chengfeng and others, seeing that everyone was behind He finally breathed a sigh of relief, and then moved his body. Surprisingly, although he was seriously injured, he was fine with a little movement, and he could even get out of bed by himself, which further relieved them. in one breath.

Next, he naturally discussed the question of who accompanies the night. He couldn't help laughing when he heard that everyone stayed, especially after hearing the excuse of breaking the waves and riding the wind that they were going to be hospitalized, he couldn't help laughing: "Sister Feng, you are just being I scratched it, if I didn't go to the hospital in time, I'm afraid that the wound would heal by itself, and I would have to be hospitalized?"

Listening to Ye Luo's teasing words, everyone couldn't help but burst into laughter. The most exaggerated laugh in the middle of the night, but it affected his wound, and he bared his teeth and grinned for a while.

"Although my wound is shallow, I may have internal injuries, so I'm still in the hospital..." Po Lang Chengfeng tried hard to find an excuse, but he was interrupted before he finished speaking.

"Forget it, let's all go back. My injury is not too serious. I can leave the dressing change to Sister Qin, but there is no need to stay here." Ye Luo said, looking around as he spoke: " I don’t really like the environment here, it’s better to stay in the studio more comfortably.”

At first, Riding the Wind and Riding the Wind was a little annoyed. Of course, she was more worried about being driven away. After hearing Ye Luo's words, she was overjoyed, but when she thought of something, she looked at Ye Luo solemnly: "But your injury is so serious. Can you go back?"

"Don't worry, there are some flesh wounds, there is no problem with Sister Qin." Ye Luo smiled.

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