VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 3716: : go back to home

The Chinese server is undoubtedly the most powerful server in the alliance of the Chinese server, and even a server has the highest strength of all allies. In this way, the imperial city of the Chinese server is destroyed and the overall attributes of all players in the Chinese server are weakened by 15%. No doubt the maximum weakening Given the overall strength of the Chinese server alliance, it is not easy to resist the attack of the Japanese server alliance in this situation. It is best to wait until the Chinese server imperial city recovers after 3 days.

Of course, the most important reason is that Ye Luo's injury is still very serious. As Sitting Qin Xin said, he is not very suitable for logging into the game at this time.

"That's right, Qin Xin and Xiaoshu are right. You're not suitable for logging into the game at this time, especially since your injury is still serious." Breaking the waves and riding the wind once again stopped Ye Luo, who was about to say something: "If you insist on logging into the game, then we can only turn around and return to the hospital, and your actions will not be under your control."

When he said this, Po Lang Cheng Feng looked gentle, and he didn't hide his concern.

Feeling the concern or worry of breaking the waves and riding the wind, Ye Luo's heart warmed. Of course, he knew best that she was a person who did what she said. If she really insisted on logging in to the game, she would immediately make Sanmaishi turn around and return to the hospital. In this way, his actions are really out of her control as she said, and this is not what he wants to see.

"Okay, just listen to you." Ye Luo said, not waiting for the waves and the wind and others to breathe a sigh of relief, he continued: "Of course, if my injury recovery exceeds expectations, then I can log in to the game in advance. You know your physical condition best, and then you can no longer stop it.”

"It depends on what Sister Qin says." Sanmai said, after a little pause, she continued: "In fact, there is another important reason for waiting for three days, that is, we need to use this time to upgrade to level 360 and rank nine, because this time Our level has been dropped. It will take about 2 or 3 days to rise to level 360 and turn 9. After we turn 9 and the imperial city will recover, we are most likely to resist the enemy alliance. Siege again."

Samadhi's words were echoed by Polang Chengfeng and others. It was also very important for them to reach level 360 and rank nine, but it took some time for them to drop a little.

"Not only do I have to upgrade to level 360 and turn 9, I also have to kill more players from the enemy alliance and then get points. At this time, it is not too bad for me to collect 10 million points. My strength will be further improved after I get a low-quality national weapon." Polang Chengfeng said, and her face became a little colder: "Although the overall stats are weakened by 15%, it is for me to kill some enemy alliances. People are still very easy, especially when defending the city to use the ultimate move and use the awakening skills of combination equipment."

In this regard, no one has any doubts. Thinking of how the strength will be improved after breaking the waves and riding the wind to level 360, and then exchanging for a low-grade national weapon, they are more concerned about defending the imperial city of the Chinese server for the second time. Confidence.

Of course, after listening to the words of Polang Chengfeng and Samadhi Shi, Ye Luo's worries were reduced a lot, and he also accepted everyone's arrangement, which was a compromise.

After solving this matter, they will naturally tell him the guesses and decisions about the real murderer behind the scenes. Of course, the real murderer here refers to the first group of people who attacked the Misty Pavilion, not the second group. Naturally ask for his opinion.

"How did you decide?" Ye Luo asked, without waiting for Fireworks Yi Leng and others to speak, he continued: "I'm fine, as long as you make a decision, this matter is not too important to us. , coupled with the situation..."

Although they said this, it was obvious that everyone could see that Ye Luo had already made some decisions in his heart, and this also made them more firm in the decision they had made before - suspending the accountability of the real culprit behind the scenes, you can Do this after the game has stabilized.

It didn't take long for Ye Luo and the others to return to the studio, and Feng Chen and Leng Shuang had already arrived before them, and at the same time Long Teng Tian Xia and Long Jie Yu were also there. He didn't move any further. After seeing that she didn't suffer any injuries, his expression relaxed a little, but he still didn't dare to step forward, and he didn't even dare to pay too much attention to her.

However, Long Jieyu has no such scruples. At the first sight of Sanmai Shi, she directly greeted her and circled around her. After seeing her safe and sound, she finally breathed a sigh of relief, but There were already faint tears in his eyes: "Sister Shi, I was scared to death when I heard that you were attacked, and flew over immediately. Fortunately, you are all right, we can finally rest assured, but brother Ye Luo is seriously injured. …”

"The situation is fine, at least he's still alive." Ye Luo's voice came from the car, and with those words, he was helped out by the fireworks, the waves and the wind: "The most important thing is Everyone's still here, so it's worth getting hurt a little bit."

Ye Luo's words naturally fell into Feng Chen and Leng Shuang's ears, and they appreciated him even more. They are the most important to the elderly.

After getting out of the car, Ye Luo also saw Feng Chen and Leng Shuang for the first time, and he felt guilty for a while, and said, "Uncle Feng, Uncle Leng, I'm sorry, I didn't protect Sister Feng and the others, causing them to suffer some injuries... "

"It's not your fault, no one thought that the enemy would be so crazy..." Broken waves and the wind blurted out: "What's more, you were injured so badly to save us, and we should be grateful to you, otherwise we might be injured. It's even more likely than you..."

"You girl." Interrupting Polangchengfeng's words, Fengchen smiled and praised: "You don't have to blame yourself, as my girl said, it's not your fault, on the contrary, my old man still wants to Thank you, after all, it is amazing to be able to save everyone in such a dangerous situation, as for a little injury, it's a small matter, it's not a big deal."

"That's right." Leng Shuang took over the words: "I want to thank you this time. If it wasn't for you to chop the bullets, I'm afraid the fireworks would have been overwhelmed."

"Uncle Leng, you're polite, it's my responsibility to protect them." Ye Luo said, but she continued without waiting for what the fireworks and Yi Leng said: "After all, you also know my origin, and I will definitely do my best to protect these people. people of our country."

"Just say the first half of the sentence, the second half..." Polang Chengfeng couldn't help muttering, but she nodded when she thought of something: "But to be honest, if I encounter such a thing, I will not hesitate. It is our responsibility to protect the people of our country.”

"Okay, since people don't have too many things to do, thank you should be." Feng Chen said, but he shook his head when he thought of something: "It's just that Ye Luo boy's injury is a little serious, I can't thank you personally today, only I can wait until later, when the time comes, you must let your kid have a few more drinks."

"What kind of thanks is this, what's so good about drinking with you." Po Lang Chengfeng couldn't help muttering, seeing Feng Chen and their old faces stagnant, she hurriedly changed the conversation: "Master, don't talk about this for now, Ye Luo is injured. It's a bit heavy, so I can't let him stand like this all the time."

"Yes, yes, I forgot about this." Feng Chen hurriedly said: "You kid, go and rest quickly, as for thank you for coming to Japan."

"You're very kind." Ye Luo said, what more he wanted to say, but he was helped by the fireworks and the waves and the wind to enter the studio and then into his room.

Seeing that they have been cleaned up along the way, riding the waves and riding the wind, and the fireworks are easy to cold, their mood is also better. Although they didn't say it, they are still a little grateful for the wind and dust.

Soon Ye Luo was placed on the bed, and the medical staff brought by Feng Chen and Leng Shuang could not avoid checking him. After seeing that his injuries were fairly stable, they reported the truth to Feng Chen and others. Let everyone breathe a sigh of relief.

"Father, it's already arranged here, you can go back." Polang Chengfeng started to issue the 'expulsion order', seeing Feng Chen's face a little gloomy, she hurriedly smiled and said: "Aren't you old enough? Besides, there are us. The junior is here, you don't have to worry about anything."

"That's right." Midnight Shu took over the words: "Anyway, I can't have a drink with Brother Ye to thank you, I can only do it later."

"What did your kid say?" You can't say heavy words to Polangchengfeng, but you don't have any scruples about Midnight Book: "Your father, I am such a greedy person."

"Why not?" Midnight Shu whispered, but he slipped away with a puff of smoke before the dust stormed, thus avoiding a **** crackdown.

"Master, the situation here has been arranged, we can say thank you, and you can go back." Fireworks Yi said coldly, when she said these words, her tone was more or less gentle: "You are also worried. After so long, it's time to go back to rest."

"I don't have to worry about anything, fortunately you still need it." Leng Shuang said, after a while, he continued: "It's not that we don't want to leave, but we have to see some people next, so we have to stay here for a while. time."

"Seeing people, who?" Slightly stunned, then he blurted out and asked: "What people do you want to see in this place at this time?"

"Naturally it's Uncle Bacchus and Uncle Fengxing." Fireworks Yi Leng replied on his behalf, and after seeing Feng Chen nod his head, he continued: "It seems that Uncle Bacchus and the others also know that we have returned to the studio, and they are already here at this time. on the way."

"Well, when you have such a big thing, the two of them naturally have to rush over as soon as possible." Feng Chen said, with a faint anger on his face when he said this: "I agreed to help me take care of you, now it's better, Such a big thing happened!"

"I can't blame Uncle Bacchus and the others..."

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