VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 3717: : two things

That's right, Ye Luo and the others had such a big incident. Du Kang and Feng Xing naturally came to visit. They originally wanted to go directly to the hospital, but after knowing that Ye Luo and the others had returned to the studio, they would naturally have to change. To meet at the Misty Pavilion studio.

Soon after, the wine gods Du Kang and Feng Xing arrived, accompanied by Yaoyue toasting and Feng Xinglie. The first two were embarrassed and apologetic after seeing Fengchen and Lengshuang. Fortunately, they will ride the wind and fireworks. Yi Leng said good things about it. Of course, the most important thing is that Feng Chen and Leng Shuang also know that this matter has nothing to do with them. thing.

Of course, due to the situation in the game, the gods of wine, Du Kang and Fengxing, they can only push this matter to the future, and this time, besides visiting Ye Luo and the others, the most important thing is that there are two other things. The first one is naturally It was some arrangement that was passed on to the game department-the game department immediately decided to strengthen the security work for the core studios of the top ten gangs after learning that the studio was attacked, such as arranging some security personnel to guard, etc. The security system is installed to connect with the nearest police station, etc., which can undoubtedly ensure the safety of players in the studio to the greatest extent.

If you think about it, most of the core studios of the top ten gangs are professional masters in the Chinese server, and there are even super experts like Ye Luo and Polang Chengfeng. Once they encounter an accident, it will be a huge loss for the Chinese server, so strengthen Vigilance is also necessary.

"Uncle Bacchus, Uncle Fengxing, my father and uncle Leng have already arranged some people to protect us, so there is no need for the game department to send people." Midnight Shu said so, after a while, he continued: " As for the installation of a warning system, it is very necessary, and there is no problem with China Unicom's nearest police station. After all, someone can come to the rescue as soon as possible, and similar things can be avoided to a large extent."

"Yes, we have arranged manpower..." Feng Chen said, but he was interrupted before he finished speaking.

"This is the decision of the game department, and we also believe that it should be the case. In the future, the studio will be configured like this. Of course, only the core studios of the top ten gangs will have this kind of treatment. Forming a set or tradition will affect the future development of the game industry. It's very helpful, so Brother Feng, don't refuse." Du Kangdao, the **** of wine, said that he glanced at the fireworks and it was easy to be cold, and the meaning was self-evident.

Fireworks Yi Leng immediately woke up, she said lightly: "Yes, this is also a kind of celebrity list master, no, the welfare of the top ten gangs, so it is better to follow the arrangements of the game department."

"Of course, if Uncle Feng is worried, you can also arrange for some additional staff." Fireworks Yi Leng added.

I have to say that the fireworks are easy to be cold, and these are still very easy to use, at least the dust and cold frost are easy to accept.

In addition to this matter, it is naturally how to deal with the real culprit behind the assigned personnel this time, and before the arrival of the wine **** Du Kang and Feng Xing, they had already learned about the situation from the police station and learned a lot of information, although they don't know it yet. The second group of sneak attack personnel was behind the scenes, but the first group of people had a clear idea.

"Hey, this relationship is good. After knowing who is the real murderer behind the scenes, you can have a good chat with them, and let them know the consequences of those who dare to touch us." Feng Chen smiled, but there was a lot of his smile. Be less sullen.

If you think about it, he will naturally not let go of anyone who dares to do something to his children. Even if the police station doesn't find out who did it, he will find someone to investigate, and then what he has to do is to take revenge, and it will be doubled. Revenge the past.

Naturally they knew what kind of energy Feng Chen and Leng Shuang possessed, and Du Kang, the **** of wine, also knew that if they made a move, some people would definitely not end well. They didn't care about that person's life or death. At that time, they didn't want to make troubles outside the festival, and they were quite embarrassed for a while, and then looked at Fireworks Yi Leng and Ye Luo as if to help them. After all, they were the only ones who could help talk at this time.

Fireworks Yi Leng immediately understood, and after pondering for a while, she said, "Uncle Bacchus, tell me who did it, those from the Dongfang family?"

Fengxing and Du Kang, the **** of wine, were not surprised when they saw that Yi Leng directly said that they belonged to the Dongfang family. After all, they also knew how powerful Yi Leng's analytical ability was, and it was not surprising that they could make such a judgment.

Although they were a little worried that Feng Chen and Leng Shuang would 'additional actions' when they knew the real murderer behind the scenes, Du Kang and the others also knew that this matter could not be concealed at all, and after a little pondering, Feng Xing said: "According to the information we have, we know that the first wave of The person should be assigned by Dongfang Zhantian, and the information obtained so far shows that he is the only one involved in this matter."

"It turned out to be him." Othello was a little dumb, and after a while, she looked at Du Kang, the **** of wine, and said, "Are you sure he was the one who ordered it, and no one else participated?"

"He is the only one who has the information so far." Du Kangzheng, the **** of wine, nodded his head.

"Fortunately, he is the only one, so that the impact of this matter can be minimized." Sanmai Shi said solemnly, and her words also made the eyes of Du Kang and Feng Xing, the **** of wine, brighten up. understand the meaning of this sentence.

"Hey, since you know who it is, it's easy." Feng Chen sneered, and he glanced at Ye Luo lying on the bed: "Ye Luo, you little guys don't have to worry about this, those who dare to touch us. , wait, this time we must make them look good."

His brows were slightly wrinkled, but Ye Luo didn't speak, but glanced at the fireworks Yi Leng beside him, the latter immediately understood and said lightly, "Uncle Feng, don't worry about this matter, we have already discussed what to do. deal with them."

"Have you discussed it?" Wei Wei was stunned, and then Feng Chen asked: "Then what do you guys decide to do? Hey, if you want to find a place to go back and let me know in advance, I will arrange some people for you to be powerful, and it can't be cheap. took them."

"We have decided not to investigate this matter for the time being..." Fireworks Yi said coldly, seeing Feng Chen's stunned expression, she nodded: "Yes, this is the result of our unanimous negotiation, and it is also the current The game situation is the best decision."

"No, this can't be done, how can you spare them so easily." Feng Chen shook his head again and again, and when he was excited, he even said that Ye Luo and the others don't need to pay attention to this matter, and he will find someone to take revenge on Yunyun.

"Actually, Dongfang Zhantian arranged people to deal with us this time, not only did it not pose any threat to us, but also made us prepare in advance, and it was this way that we could have more time to deal with the second group of people." The book said in the middle of the night, After a short pause, he continued: "From this aspect, Dongfang Zhantian can be considered as helping us, otherwise our situation will definitely be worse than it is now, although I don't want to thank him for doing so, but this matter can be dealt with lightly. "

Feng Chen and Leng Shuang are smart people. They figured it out very quickly, and they also realized that what the book said in the middle of the night made some sense, but they couldn't swallow it at all, and they wanted to say something, but But it was stopped by the fireworks Yi Leng.

"Uncle Feng, father, we have already discussed and made a decision, and Ye Luo agreed, and that's it." Fireworks Yi said coldly, and after a while, she continued: "What's more, we didn't want to Letting go of Dongfang Zhantian, just suspend the execution. After all, he still needs his contribution in the game. The most important thing is that he is a great leader of the Dongfang family. If this news is released at this time and then see him imprisoned, the Dongfang family will suffer. It is a very heavy blow, and it will even cause the relationship between our two gangs to deteriorate sharply, which is not good for the current situation, so we can only temporarily suppress this matter.”

"Everything is based on the overall situation." Leng Shuang said, and then he glanced at Feng Chen: "Brother Feng, you and I also need to understand the children. They know that the overall situation is the most important thing, which is more important than anything else."

"Of course, the most important thing is that the children are right. Although Dongfang Zhantian is wrong, he has done some good things with bad intentions. As they said, although they are not grateful to him, they can be treated more or less leniently." Lengshuang added, after a while, he continued: "The most important thing is that the children have made a decision. We must respect their choice, but also understand them, and don't make them embarrassed."

It has to be said that Leng Shuang knows Feng Chen the most, and the words he said were all in his heart. After a moment of indifference, he said: "Well, since you have made a choice, then this matter is up to you. , but the next example is not an example, and I will not show mercy to them if there is such a thing."

"Don't worry, the people in the game department have taken such measures, and no one will dare to do anything to us in the future." Midnight Shu said confidently, and the wine gods Du Kang and Feng Xing hurriedly agreed.

Before, the gods of wine, Du Kang and Fengxing had been entangled in this matter. Naturally, they did not want to make a big issue and then affect the strength of Zhongfu. They were still worrying about how to convince everyone in the studio, but they did not want them to discuss it in advance. Then they made a decision, which undoubtedly made a stone in their hearts fall to the ground, and they naturally had to cooperate with the midnight book to say those words.

"Uncle Bacchus, Uncle Fengxing, although we have decided not to investigate for the time being, it doesn't mean that this matter can be ignored." I also know how the things in the game are brought to reality. Doing such a thing without being punished will undoubtedly nourish some people's evil thoughts, so it will be investigated in the future. As for when it is appropriate It's up to you to decide, otherwise no one can guarantee everyone's safety in the future, which is a very important thing for the game industry."

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