VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 3718: : not in vain

Although Ye Luo and the others agreed to temporarily suppress the matter, it did not mean that they did not know how serious the matter was.

Think about it too, if the hatred in the game can be allowed to bring into reality, then it will undoubtedly have extremely bad effects, so this matter must be dealt with seriously to set an example.

"Well, we naturally understand that this head cannot be opened. If it weren't for the special situation now, I would be the first to support serious handling." Du Kang, the **** of wine, said, and then his tone changed: "Then just delay it for a while as you said, wait. If the situation in the game is better, then it will definitely give you a satisfactory result.”

Nodding their heads, they naturally believed that Du Kang, the **** of wine, and Feng Xing would not favor the people of the Dongfang family in this matter.

"Have you found out who the second group of people is assigned?" Zhiyue blurted out, and then looked at the gods of wine, Du Kang and Feng Xing, expectantly.

If they find out who the real murderer behind the second group of people is, then they can naturally be severely punished. According to the previous analysis, they know that it is the person sent by the Japanese server. In this way, the real murderer behind the scenes will naturally be severely punished. Undoubtedly, the strength of the Japanese server will be greatly affected, which is very beneficial to the Chinese server and even the alliance of the Chinese server.

"Although there are many people in the second group and there are many people alive, they are all very hard-mouthed. It is not easy to pry their mouths open in a short time." Du Kangdao, the **** of wine, said this when he was full of His face was helpless, after all, he also knew how it would affect the situation of the game if the real murderer was found out.

Although they were mentally prepared, after hearing the words of the **** of wine, Du Kang, everyone was still a little disappointed.

"Isn't there any way to do it?" June Feixue couldn't help but ask, and then she couldn't help but mutter: "A discerning person can see at a glance which server assigned it, is there nothing I can do?"

"There is no good way. After all, this matter involves other countries. Just guessing can't be used as evidence, especially if the other party refuses to admit it. It's a bit difficult." Feng Xing said solemnly, seeing Zhiyue and the others Looking disappointed one by one, he continued: "But don't worry, the people from the National Security Bureau have already taken over this matter, and you should have some understanding of their methods, and it should not take long to have some evidence, and then you can't help it. They don't admit it."

Speaking of these, Feng Xing glanced at Ye Luo, and the meaning was obvious.

"If it's someone from the National Security Bureau, then there's no problem." Feng Chen said, looking at Ye Luo as he spoke: "What's more, this matter also involves Ye Luo, this matter will definitely have a result, it just needs to be Just some time."

Obviously, Feng Chen and the others knew Ye Luo's origin and the means and abilities of the National Security Bureau, so they were very confident in them.

Involving the National Security Bureau, Ye Luo naturally wanted to say something, and after a little pondering, he said: "As Uncle Feng said, since our people have taken over, then this matter will naturally not be a big problem, we just need to wait for the result. That's it."

Although he has left, Ye Luo is still used to using 'our people', and his heart has always belonged to the National Security Bureau.

Seeing Ye Luo say this, everyone naturally stopped worrying about this matter, and then Sanmaishi proposed to the wine **** Du Kang and the others that they had discussed in the hospital before, such as using public opinion to put some pressure on the people in the Japanese service. , and after hearing this, the gods of wine, Du Kang and Feng Xing, agreed without hesitation. Seeing that they were so refreshing, they knew that they had already thought of doing this on their way here.

That being the case, then this matter will be handed over to Dukang, Fengxing, the God of Bacchus, or someone from the game department, and everyone in the Misty Pavilion Studio is more assured of their means and abilities.

"These things have a result, and the next thing is the most important thing." Du Kang, the **** of wine, said with a dignified expression: "Firework girl, give me a letter of approval, do we still have a chance to reverse the current situation? situation."

Originally, he said this to the fireworks Yi Leng, but after the wine **** Du Kang finished speaking, he turned to look at Ye Luo who was lying on the bed. Obviously, he also knew that Ye Luo was the key to turning the situation around. .

"As long as Ye Luo can return to the game within 3 days, then we will definitely be able to reverse the situation, even if we have some imperial cities destroyed in these 2 or 3 days." Fireworks Yi Leng said, when she said this, her tone was faintly the same as before Different, she paused for a while and continued: "What's more, if the situation is good, we can defend the imperial city tomorrow. If we can defend it, then there will be no problem."

After receiving such a firm answer from Fireworks Yi Leng, Bacchus Du Kang and Feng Xing breathed a long sigh of relief, and then they naturally asked about the next arrangements - although they had discussed the follow-up with Fireworks Yi Leng before, it was just that the time was urgent at that time. They didn't talk too much, and now they finally have some free time. Of course, the most important thing is to meet Yi Leng himself. Naturally, they will not miss such an opportunity.

"Actually it's nothing. What we have to do in the past few days is to work hard to improve our strength. The more people who reach level 360 and rank nine, the better." Fireworks Yi Leng said after pondering for a while: "Especially Sister Feng and Long Teng Tianxia. , Dongfang Tiantian, etc., Uncle Bacchus, when you go back, tell them that they must be upgraded to level 360 rank nine within 3 days, and the more we have rank 9, the more likely it is to reverse the situation."

Naturally, I also know how much the 9th turn can improve a player's strength, and everyone understands what Fireworks Yi Leng said.

"Firework girl, you don't think you're optimistic about tomorrow's battle?" Although it was a guess, Feng Xing's tone was very firm: "Why, do you think it will be difficult for us to defend the imperial city of the Russian or court clothes tomorrow? But since we have I already know which server's imperial city they are going to attack, isn't there a great chance to resist them if you prepare in advance?"

"It's no surprise that Dark Night, Tokyo Mythology and others will be able to reach level 360 and rank 9 before attacking the city tomorrow, and they should have already exchanged their national weapons." Fireworks Yi said coldly, seeing the dignified expressions of Du Kang and Feng Xing, the gods of wine. When she got up, she continued: "We don't have Rank 9 masters to suppress it. In this case, it would be very difficult to resist their offensive, even if we knew in advance what they were targeting."

"Of course, the most important thing is that the overall attributes of all players in our Chinese server have been reduced by 15% because of the destruction of the imperial city, which has greatly damaged our overall strength, and our Chinese server is the absolute main force of our alliance, with great strength. It is even more difficult to resist the enemy's offensive at a discount." Fireworks Yi Leng added: "Especially the battlefield is not yet our server, so the mobilization of troops will be affected to some extent."

"Yeah, Ye Luo kid can't go online. There is no player who can suppress the dark night and Tokyo mythology. After all, you and I both know how the player's strength will improve after the ninth turn." Du Kang, the **** of wine, said solemnly, and paused for a while. He continued: "Especially we can't fight recklessly. After all, if we have too many dual-professional masters killed, especially those with national weapons, it will further aggravate our situation, so it will be more difficult for us to turn over. already."

"That's right, that's it." Samadhi took over the words: "Once we see that the situation is extremely unfavorable to us, then what we have to do is not continue to defend the city, but how to maintain our vitality, and only our strength is not damaged. If you are so powerful, you will have a chance to turn the situation around in the future.”

Everyone agreed with this, and they all knew it for a while. Of course, they also knew that this meant that tomorrow's battle was likely to abandon an imperial city.

Not only that, if the Russian server or the imperial city cannot be defended tomorrow, then the situation of the day after tomorrow and the day after tomorrow will also be extremely unfavorable for the alliance of the Chinese server. It is very likely that two more imperial cities will be destroyed. What kind of impact will the Chinese server side have? For a time, everyone's expressions became solemn.

"Although it is very likely that 2 or 3 imperial cities will be destroyed in our alliance in the next 2 to 3 days, but our allies are far less powerful than us, so even if so many imperial cities are destroyed, it is actually right. The influence of our strength is not too big." After seeing the expressions of Du Kang and Feng Xinglie, the **** of wine, Samadhi reassured: "At least our overall strength will increase a lot after the restoration of our imperial city, and the enemy will be at that time. What the Fang Alliance has to do is to destroy our imperial city once again, so that we can fight locally, plus we are no longer punished by the weakening of the overall attributes, so it will definitely be no problem to resist them."

"Of course the most important thing is that Ye Luo should be able to log in to the game at that time, at least for some time." Sanmaishi added: "Although Dark Night and Tokyo Mythology have already turned nine and exchanged a national weapon, However, their strength is definitely weaker than Ye Luo, especially when we are the defender of the city, it will be no problem to use these to prevent them from breaking our imperial city again."

"Yes, and that time is also the time when we have the best chance to resist the enemy's offensive." Fireworks Yi Leng took over the words: "And as long as they can resist their attack, then they have no power to continue to attack other servers. Don't try to destroy the imperial city of our alliance, that is to say, we can enter a stalemate with them, and once the stalemate is reached, our advantages will return step by step."

For this point, the gods of wine, Du Kang and Fengxing are still very confident, especially they know more about Ye Luo's equipment and skills than others. It's a matter of turning things around.

"Hey, it's not in vain this time, I finally feel at ease." Du Kang, the **** of wine, couldn't help laughing.

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