VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 3720: : ready to siege

Although the gods of wine, Du Kang, Fengxing, and the others started to use the public opinion offensive to condemn the Japanese service after they returned, but because there was no conclusive evidence, the effect was not ideal. They couldn't stop scolding in their hearts, but there was nothing they could do. Fortunately, they still have a good chance to reverse the situation at the moment. When that time comes, suppressing the enemy alliance again will undoubtedly be the best counterattack.

After the system prompting that not much time passed, another system prompt sounded, and this system prompt once again made the look of the waves and the wind dignified.


System Tip (all servers): In view of the destruction of the imperial city in the Chinese server, the overall attributes of all players in the Chinese server will be weakened by 15% in the next 3 days, and the experience gained from killing monsters will be reduced by 30%. The price is increased by 30%, and this is used as a punishment. The punishment will not end until the imperial city is restored.

The punishment that should have arrived came as scheduled, and this was the most serious punishment for players in the Chinese server, especially if there was no accident, the enemy would launch an attack again soon, and this was related to whether they could hold it.

"Sister Fireworks, Wuming is only the second player to destroy the imperial city. The rewards are so generous, so many rewards are not much worse than the first player to destroy the imperial city." June Feixue said solemnly: "Especially There are as many as 20 ordinary scrolls such as [Group Blessing Scrolls], plus the ones opened in the treasure chest and the ones obtained by the enemy alliance on this day, I am afraid that they have more than 30 [Group Blessing Scrolls], and the scrolls in our hands Far fewer than them, and we don't know if we can hold back their attack."

"Yeah, it's only the second one to destroy the imperial city, why is the reward so rich?!" Othello is also puzzled: "Not only are there so many items such as [Group Blessing Scroll], but there is also a top-grade national weapon, how can this be? It's not that the strength of Heroes and Wuming will be further strengthened, but it will undoubtedly greatly increase the pressure on us to defend the city."

"Maybe it's too difficult to destroy the imperial city, so it's normal for the rewards to be richer." Samadhi Shi explained on his behalf, and she sighed after a while: "This is the end of the matter, and there is no point in tangling with this, at this time. What we have to do is how to defend the imperial city. Although we still have trump cards, if we can contain the offensive of the enemy alliance today, our losses will be minimized, and once Ye Luo returns to the game, it will be no accident. Let us have the upper hand again for a while and things will be a lot better for us.”

"Of course we also want to be able to defend the imperial city, but it's a little unsettling at the moment." In the middle of the night, Shudao said with a wry smile on his face: "Because the list of national weapons shows that Hero Wuming has one more national weapon, High-grade national weapon, yes, as you guessed, it is no surprise that the national weapon that the system rewarded him this time is exactly what he can equip. At this time, Hero Wuming's strength is not much worse than that of Dark Night and Tokyo Mythology, at least his strength is stronger than ours at this time, especially our overall attributes have been reduced by 15%."

"Fortunately, Wuming has not yet reached level 360 at this time. Otherwise, our pressure will be even greater, and it is almost impossible to resist their offensive." Midnight book added, and he felt a little relieved when he said this. in one breath.

Hearing this, everyone also judged that Hero Wuming had a top-grade national weapon through the national weapon list, and their expressions became solemn again for a while.

"Dark Night and Tokyo Mythology have reached level 360 and rank nine, and they have exchanged national weapons. At this time, their strength is a lot higher than ours. Now, with the nameless heroes and so many killer items that the system rewards them, today We will have a lot of pressure to defend the city." Sitting on Qin Xin, she said in a deep voice, looking at the fireworks Yi Leng aside as she spoke: "Maybe it's as hard as the fireworks analyzed yesterday, and it's hard for us to stop them from continuing to destroy ours today. Imperial City, even if we have already guessed the enemy's target and prepared in advance."

Hearing this, everyone was silent. Although they were already mentally prepared, it was still a little difficult for them to face such a situation for a while. However, at this time, they had not given up their last hope. They all looked at the fireworks Yi Leng. The meaning is self-evident.

"The situation is more serious than we thought." Fireworks Yi said coldly, without waiting for everyone to reply, she changed her tone: "But it's not too bad, let alone as I said yesterday, even if there is another emperor today The city was destroyed, and even the imperial city was destroyed in the next two days. When our imperial city recovered, it was also the time when Ye Luo returned to the game, and that was the time when we were most likely to resist the offensive of the enemy alliance. Not surprisingly, from that day on, I will be able to reverse the situation and enter a stalemate with the enemy alliance."

They are still very confident in Ye Luo's strength and methods, especially their analysis of the easy coldness of fireworks. Everyone breathed a sigh of relief when they heard her words, and their worries were reduced a lot, especially Ye Luo Luo's injuries are recovering fairly well.

That's right, although it's only been a day, Ye Luo's situation has improved significantly. At this time, not only can he get out of bed, he can even solve some urgent problems by himself, which undoubtedly proves that he is very likely to be in 3 After recovering seventy-eighty-eight, you can log in to the game.

In the same sentence, Ye Luo is the biggest support for everyone in the Misty Pavilion Studio, and is also the mainstay of the Chinese server and even the Chinese server alliance. As long as he returns to the game, everyone will have the confidence to deal with the severe situation, not to mention 3 The Imperial City in the Chinese server will automatically recover, and then the overall attributes of all players in the Chinese server will be restored - in their hearts, once they are not punished by a 15% reduction in overall attributes, Ye Luo's strength can easily suppress Tokyo Myth, In the dark night, even if they have already reached level 360 and exchanged for a national weapon, Ye Luo's overall attributes and skill system still have a great advantage over them.

"That's right, as long as our overall attributes are not punished, then Ye Luo has many advantages over Dark Night and Tokyo Mythology in terms of overall attributes, equipment level and even skill system. It's easy to suppress them with these, especially when the time comes. We are still on the defensive side." Sanmaishi took over the words, and she continued: "What's more, some of us are afraid that some of us will be promoted to level 360 and rank nine, and Sister Feng will have the opportunity to exchange for a piece that she can The national weapon of the equipment has then greatly improved its strength."

Hearing this, everyone also thought of this, and for a while they all rekindled their hopes. At least in their hearts, after 3 days, they still have a good chance to defend the imperial city and then curb the further offensive of the Japanese server alliance. With great consumption and even without the killer items such as [Group Blessing Scroll] in hand, the Japanese server alliance will be even more powerless to attack the city, and the two sides will also fall into a stalemate.

"Of course, even if the situation is more severe than we thought, it's not that we have no chance to resist the siege of the enemy alliance." Samadhi added, looking at everyone while talking about her: "And if we can succeed today If we defend the city, then the situation is much better than we expected, so we also don’t forget to give up, especially since we all know that the defending side has more advantages.”

"What's more, we also analyzed in advance that the target of the enemy alliance is that server, and we have made preparations in advance." Samadhi continued, and her words once again boosted morale.

And when they were talking about the waves and the wind, there was a movement in the game world again - a large number of players attacked the imperial city of the court clothes, and they had a posture of attacking the court clothes with all their might.

Hearing this news, Samadhi and the others were not surprised but delighted, because it was the same as what they analyzed yesterday—that is to say, this time, the alliance of the Japanese server side is very likely to take action on the Russian server or the court server, because it has already been done. This kind of speculation was then prepared in advance, which undoubtedly had a better chance to defend the imperial city, and for a while, the confidence in the hearts of everyone was naturally further ignited.

"Sister Fireworks, as you have analyzed before, the enemy alliance is about to attack the court clothes." June Feixue said, her pretty face was full of joy when she said this: "And our intelligence agency also found out the enemy. The Fang Alliance has deployed a large number of troops on the border with the Russian server. Obviously, they are really going to attack the Russian server this time, and we have deployed a strong defensive force in advance. Maybe we can really defend it."

"I hope so." Fireworks Yi said indifferently, after a while, she continued: "Although the Russian Imperial City is likely to be the real target, but seeing that the situation is not right, the enemy alliance is likely to continue to attack the court. , so we are still under great pressure to keep the imperial city in court service, so we should not be careless."

Naturally, they knew this, and everyone didn’t say much. They rushed to the imperial city for the first time. At the same time, there were also the heads of the major servers. They all looked solemn and had some vague expectations. Obviously, they They still have some confidence in defending the city this time. After all, they have made adequate preparations in advance.

"Dark Night, Tokyo Mythology, No Heroes are here, and even almost all the dual-professional masters of the enemy alliance are here." Yaoyue raised her glass and said solemnly: "Looking at the posture, they are really going to take action against the imperial city, of course we are ahead of schedule. Analysis was made, and it was discovered in advance that they had deployed a large number of elites in the century bordering the Russian server, so it is easy to judge that their real target is likely to be the Russian server imperial city."

"Well, it's probably like this." Feng Xingdao, and then his tone changed: "That's what we said, but we can't be careless. After all, they are very likely to actually attack the court service, so we also have to be mentally prepared."

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