VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 3721: : Siege again

As in the previous analysis of fireworks easy to cold, although the Japanese server alliance has a high probability of attacking the Russian server imperial city, but seeing that the situation is slightly unfavorable, they can also take advantage of the situation to attack the court server imperial city, or even suddenly attack other servers. Do it yourself, after all, using the [Profound Truth*Space Portal] can transmit a large number of elite siege cities in a short period of time.

Everyone knows this, so they are not careless, they are ready to fight at any time.

Before the battle, Fireworks Yi Leng pulled Long Teng Tianxia, ​​Dongfang Tiantian, Polar Silver Wolf and other super masters into a team, without waiting for everyone to ask, she continued: "Dark night, Tokyo myth and the situation of the unknown hero everyone Understood, and the reward for destroying our imperial city is a bit richer than we expected, so even if we prepare in advance, we may not be able to defend the imperial city.”

Hearing this, everyone was silent. Although they didn't want to admit it, they also knew that things were more serious than they had expected, especially knowing that the hero Wuming not only received various rewards such as overall attributes, but also one more thing. The high-grade national weapon that can be equipped, everyone naturally knows how a high-grade national weapon can improve the player's strength, especially for a super expert like Hero Wuming, the change of him will undoubtedly make them defend today. There is more pressure in the city.

"So if the situation is very unfavorable, we have to give up decisively, so as to ensure the main force." Fireworks Yi Leng continued, seeing the serious expressions of players on the Russian server such as Polar Silver Wolf, she continued: "You don't have to worry, I have already analyzed you before, 3 days is our best chance to reverse the situation, which means that we still have a chance in the future, so even if we fail today, we will not have no chance to turn around.”

"That's right." Deep Sea Youlan took over the words: "If the situation is too bad and it is destined to be unstoppable, then it will not make much sense for us to stick to it, it will only further increase our casualties, and we want to reverse the situation in the future. It will also be more dangerous, so giving up decisively when the opportunity is not good is the best choice."

After pondering for a while, everyone also realized this, and after thinking of something, the second person continued: "If we see that the situation is not good, we will naturally choose to give up. At that time, we can use [Space Barrier] to buy time, but we don't need to ask it deliberately, Fireworks beauty, you're not bringing us all together for this."

"Well, there are other things." Fireworks Yi Leng nodded, seeing everyone's curious expressions, she didn't sell anything, and continued: "Although we may not necessarily be able to defend the imperial city, we still have some opportunities. The one who hit the enemy alliance hard is to find ways to kill some of their national weapons."

"Since they hold the national weapon?!" The voice of the wave and the wind increased a little, and then she looked at the fireworks Yi Leng expectantly: "If you can kill the player who holds the national weapon in the enemy alliance, naturally there is no What is the problem, but how to do it? Tokyo Mythology, Dark Night, etc. are not fools, I am afraid they will not give us such a chance, after all, the overall strength of the enemy alliance is stronger than us at this time, not only In terms of the most elite numbers, the same is true of the top masters.”

"No accident, the enemy alliance will not gather all the super masters together, it will always be separated, as long as we separate, we will have a chance." Fireworks Yi said coldly, and she continued: "When the time comes, we will find Opportunity to use [Space Barrier] to trap some masters with national weapons in the enemy alliance, and then concentrate superior forces to kill them in the shortest time, because [Space Barrier] can be used, but it is not without opportunities."

Without waiting for the waves and the wind to speak, she continued: "As for the super masters of the enemy alliances such as Dark Night and Tokyo Myth, when we are in action, those with [Arrow of Chaos] such as Sister Feng and Long Teng Tian will cast them on them to delay some time. , as long as you don't get entangled by them, it's not impossible to achieve this."

Hearing this, everyone's eyes lit up, and they naturally knew the effect of the [Arrow of Chaos]. In their hearts, if they really used this skill to temporarily control the dark night and Tokyo mythology, then they would escape and then be defeated by the space system of the alliance. It is naturally very possible for the player to teleport to another line and then deal with the player trapped by the [Space Barrier] there.

"If you really have such an opportunity, you can try it." Polar Silver Wolf said solemnly: "After all, killing the players in the enemy alliance who hold national weapons can not only reduce their overall strength, but also make our overall strength further. Improve, so that the strength gap between the two sides will be narrowed a lot, maybe with these we don’t need to wait until 3 days to stop the enemy alliance from attacking the city.”

"That's right." Person No. 3 took over the conversation and looked at everyone while talking about him: "In addition, after seeing a tactic like ours once, people from the enemy alliance will be vigilant, fearing that in the future they will not let the People with national weapons are spread out. Although they will have a strong overall strength if they are concentrated together, we can deliberately target them in defense. Because we are on the defensive side, there are still many benefits for us. "

Everyone is smart, and they are aware of this benefit, and they are also aware of the effect of the fireworks Yi Leng bringing them together, and for a while they are more confident about the next battle.

And when Fireworks Yi Leng and the others were discussing this, the siege finally began. The super masters such as Dark Night, Tokyo Myth, and Hero No Name, surrounded by a group of elite cavalry, launched an offensive directly on the imperial city of court clothes. It is worth mentioning that at this time They are all in the state of [Group Blessing Scroll], and their overall attributes have been further improved. There is no problem with the attacks of defending equipment and some eight-winged fallen angel NPCs, not to mention that there are many elite cavalry around them who will intercept those Rush at their players so they are more secure.

I have to say that after Dark Night and Tokyo Mythology reached level 360 and rank 9 and exchanged a national weapon, their strength is very strong, and they have opened a big gap with the polar silver wolf, Dongfang Tiantian and others, especially The destruction of the Imperial City in the Chinese server also reduced the overall strength of Dongfang Tiantian, Breaking the Waves and Riding the Wind by 15%.

Not only Dark Night, Tokyo Mythology, Hero Wuming is also not far behind, he also rushed up, although he did not have rank 360 at this time, but because he destroyed the imperial city in the Chinese server, he got a lot of attribute point rewards and one more A piece of national weapon, at this time his strength is only a little worse than that of Dark Night and Tokyo Mythology, and is still a lot higher than that of Riding the Waves and the Wind, Polar Silver Wolf and others. In addition, there are many cavalry assistants from beautiful clothes around him. In this way, he can also charge unscrupulously like Dark Night and Tokyo Mythology.

While rushing to perform various skills, the high damage figures floated up one by one, and the blood of those eight-winged fallen angel NPCs was rapidly decreasing, and at present, it could not cause too much resistance to them in the dark night.

That's right, the eight-winged fallen angel NPC can't cause too much resistance to the dark night and the others, not only because the dark night and Tokyo Mythology have greatly improved their strength, but the most important thing is that they consumed too much yesterday. [Eight-Winged Fallen Angels Recruitment Order], so there are not too many that can be used today, not to mention that in the hearts of everyone, the dark night and Tokyo myth, they are just feinting, the real target is the Russian server, and since this is the case, they will not use much recruitment. order.

It is precisely because of this that it gave Dark Night and Tokyo Mythology a lot of opportunities. They even rushed to a place less than 20 meters in front of the city wall. At this distance, they can use some short-distance displacement skills to climb on the city wall. , and once they successfully land on the city wall, the pressure on the Chinese-server alliance will undoubtedly increase greatly, and the advantage of having the city wall will also be greatly reduced.

Although they know that the Tokyo Mythology is likely to be a feint attack, everyone in the Chinese server alliance knows that once they are on the city wall, the feint attack is likely to become a formal siege, so they will not allow them to rampage like this. Many elite cavalry charged brazenly, and of course there were also many dual-professional masters holding on to the status of [Group Blessing Scroll] to block it.

Of course, the super masters such as Breaking the Waves and Riding the Wind, Longteng Tianxia, ​​and Polar Silver Wolf didn't even watch. They also took action, but they deliberately kept a distance from the masters such as Dark Night and Tokyo Mythology, and focused on intercepting other elite masters from the Japanese server alliance. .

The reason for this is naturally that the strength of breaking the waves and riding the wind is lower than that of Dark Night and Tokyo Mythology. Even if they have the advantage of the city wall, it is difficult for them to be their opponents. It is undoubtedly difficult to stop them head-on, and it is even possible to be entangled by them. , suppress it, if the Japanese server alliance sends a large number of masters to besiege it, there is still a great chance to kill it.

In addition, players of the Japanese server alliance may also use [Space Barrier] to trap Polang Chengfeng and others. After all, once they can trap it, it is no problem to kill them with the advantages of Dark Night and Tokyo Mythology.

Thinking about it, at this time, Riding the Wind and Tokyo Myth are undoubtedly the most powerful players in the China-Server Alliance. Even so, they are not the opponents of Dark Night, Tokyo Myth and others. If they face hard, they will definitely lose in the end. , especially since players from the Japanese server alliance cast [Space Barrier], then they can use [Space Portal] or [Group Blessing Scroll] to teleport into the Barrier for more people.

Once the waves and the wind, Dongfang Tiantian and others are killed, it will be even more impossible for the Chinese server alliance to defend the imperial city, and even the Japanese server alliance will have the opportunity to continue to occupy the guild station of the Chinese server alliance and even the city. They have been destroying the imperial city—Tokyo Mythology, Polar Silver Wolf, they are the few players who can threaten and block the dark night, Tokyo Mythology and other masters. Once they are killed, then the Chinese server alliance is afraid that no one can cause it. Hindered.

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