VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 3722: : unsatisfactory

That's right, at this time, those who can stop Dark Night, Tokyo Mythology, and others, or can cause greater resistance to them, are the masters such as Breaking the Waves, Riding the Wind and Slaughtering the Sky in the East. The server alliance is afraid that there will be no one who can stop Tokyo Myth and others. In this case, they can naturally act recklessly, so the threat to the China server alliance will undoubtedly increase greatly.

Not only that, the national weapon that killed Dongfang Tiantian and others will definitely fall into the hands of the players of the Japanese server alliance, and this will undoubtedly allow the Japanese server alliance to cultivate some super masters, and the Chinese server alliance and its counterparts. The gap in strength will also be further widened, and one will grow and the other will grow. As a result, the situation mentioned before is very likely to happen - the Japanese server alliance has the strength to occupy the center of the Chinese server alliance and even destroy the imperial city. .

It is precisely because of this that Dongfang Slaughtering the Sky, Breaking the Waves and Riding the Wind will deliberately distance themselves from Dark Night, Tokyo Mythology and others to avoid being entangled by them, and only space players who are not entangled by them and live in the Japanese server alliance. When they cast [Space Barrier], they can only be teleported away by players from the Chinese server alliance, so as to avoid being directly killed by them.

Of course, there are also experts who are blocking waves and riding the wind, and there are many dual-professional experts, but their strength is weaker than they are, and blocking them can also greatly reduce the pressure on other players in the Chinese server alliance.

As for the super masters such as Dark Night and Tokyo Mythology, they will naturally not let them attack the city unscrupulously. It is the elite cavalry of the China Service Alliance who are responsible for stopping them. Going forward, of course, can also consume some of their skills and even invincible means, and when the invincible means consumes too much, they naturally dare not rush to attack the city.

However, the people from the Japanese server alliance will naturally not watch the dark night, Tokyo Mythology and other masters being targeted, and they will naturally send elite cavalry to block them. Although the Chinese server alliance has the advantage of the city wall, but at this time the Japanese server alliance uses the The number of [Group Blessing Scrolls] is a little more, and the Dark Night, Tokyo Mythology, and Anonymous Heroes have played a very good leading role. At this time, the situation is still in favor of the Japanese server alliance. This is from the Dark Night, Tokyo Mythology and they can continue to approach the city wall. And then soon you can climb the city wall to see it.

Maybe it was because he saw the scruples of the masters such as breaking the waves and riding the wind. In addition, Tokyo Mythology knew that Ye Luo could not log in to the game due to serious injuries, so he was more or less reckless. After seeing that he was close to the city wall, he decisively cast a 15-meter The displacement skills, so not only rushing to the city wall, but also deliberately rushing to the east to kill the sky, breaking the waves and riding the wind and others, there is a posture to compete with one of them - the east is also very smart, in the In his mind, if one of them can entangle the super masters such as Polang Chengfeng and so on, and then give their space system players the opportunity to use [Space Barrier] to trap them, then they can easily kill them.

As I said before, killing the East Slaughter, Breaking the Waves and Riding the Wind will bring too many benefits to the Japanese server alliance, and there are still some opportunities at present, so Tokyo Mythology they naturally do not will miss such an opportunity.

Of course, Tokyo Myth will not act rashly. While he is using his displacement skills, there are also a large number of elite masters who lock him to teleport. The task of these people is to help stop those who rush to Tokyo Myth and prevent him from being controlled. As long as Tokyo Myth is not controlled by Control it, then no one can threaten him. His unscrupulous attack can cause great threats and casualties to the alliance of the Chinese server, which is undoubtedly beneficial to their siege.

In the heart of Tokyo Mythology, even if he can't get close and then entangle Polangchengfeng, Dongfang Tiantian and others, he will definitely be able to push him back and weaken the surrounding forces that are blocking him, and this will undoubtedly allow them to directly attack the city wall and then stand firm. Feet, so the next thing is simple - the feint attack is directly changed to a formal siege, and winning the imperial city in the court service can also cause greater losses to the Chinese service alliance.

Of course, Tokyo Mythology and they still hope to kill the waves and the wind and others. After all, once they are killed, the Chinese server alliance will suffer even more setbacks, especially after grabbing their national weapons, they even have confidence If they really kill the waves and the wind, even if Ye Luo logs in to the game now, there is nothing they can do.

Thinking of this, at the same time as the Tokyo Mythical Action, the super-masters such as Dark Night and Hero Anonymous also used their displacement skills and rushed to the city wall. They also deliberately targeted the super-masters of the China Service Alliance and then wanted to entangle them.

Again, it is best to be able to entangle Polang Chengfeng and others and then use [Space Barrier] to trap them, because this will kill them directly. Their strength has weakened a lot, which is still very beneficial for the Japanese server alliance to siege the city.

Of course, in Tokyo Mythology, they still want to entangle the masters such as the waves and the wind. Even if they can't use the [Space Barrier] to trap them, it is best to entangle them, because only in this way will the cherry blossoms like snow cast [Profound Truth* Space Teleportation] Door] Send them to the Russian server and then it is easier to attack the Russian server's imperial city wall - the overall strength of the Russian server is much stronger than that of the court server. If there is a choice, Tokyo Myth and others will naturally be more willing to destroy the Russian server's imperial city. .

When Tokyo Mythology was attacking the city, other players in the Japanese server alliance also acted. For example, a group of elites have already reached the Russian server and started to attack the imperial city of the Russian server. At this time, it is time for Tokyo Mythology, Dark Night and others to entangle the waves. Chengfeng is waiting.

It's just that they didn't give Tokyo Mythology a chance to entangle them at all. They used their displacement skills to distance themselves from the latter as soon as they saw the latter rush over, plus a large number of players from the Chinese server alliance. Intercept it, so they have almost no chance to rush directly to the waves and the wind and others.

Tokyo Mythology and others can't rush to Polangchengfeng and others, then their plan to use their players to lock in Tokyo Mythology and then fully entangle Polangchengfeng and their plan will not work, or they can't entangle Polangchengfeng and their words Then they can easily teleport to the Russian server to defend the city, and their pressure will increase more or less in the face of their blocking Tokyo Mythology, and even if there are too many elites there, they can prevent them from climbing the city wall.

At the very least, it will increase the pressure on Tokyo Mythology and their siege, and this is also more prone to accidents-maybe Tokyo Mythology and the others can easily capture the outer city wall after being teleported to the Russian server, but the Imperial City still has the inner city wall. If the outer city wall has some consumption, they may not necessarily be able to capture the inner city wall, at least they will face major changes.

Faced with such a situation, Dark Night and Tokyo Mythology were a little anxious at this time, but they also knew that it would be difficult to entangle them. At this time, they could only hope that the situation on the Russian server would be better. Players who are attacking the city over there can rush to the city wall.

That's right, if the players who attacked the Imperial City of the Russian server had the opportunity to directly attack the city wall and then teleport them to Tokyo Mythology, then they would be sure of winning the Imperial City of the Russian server. At this time, they could give up attacking the Imperial City of Tokyo Mythology. Imperial City.

It's just that the situation on the Russian server is not optimistic, because those players who attacked the city were blocked by a large number of elites. Although those players who attacked the city used some [Group Blessing Scrolls], they still did not have any advantages. A steady stream of elite cavalry charges and they are gradually at a disadvantage. For a time, they began to hope that Tokyo Mythology and the others would come to support them, because only in this way could they possibly climb the city wall.

Soon Tokyo Mythology and the players who were attacking the city in the court clothes learned the news, which made their expressions a little dignified, especially after learning that there were even more elite players defending the imperial city of the Russian server than defending the court clothes.

"What, there are a lot of players guarding the city on the Russian server, and the number of players is even several times more than ours?!" After hearing the news, Sun Buluo Longying couldn't help raising his voice, and he saw Xiang Tokyo Shinhwa and the others' faces also became solemn: "The situation is a bit bad, it seems that the people from the Chinese server alliance have learned in advance that we are going to attack the Russian server, and they sent a large number of elite defenses, even if the situation is already Those on our side are at a disadvantage."

"The most important thing is that the people on our side will not be able to entangle the masters such as the waves and the wind for a while, that is to say, if we give up attacking the imperial city of the court clothes and then transfer to the Russian server, we will still encounter the waves and ride the wind. The wind and the others blocked it, because they could easily teleport over." Sun Bululongying added, after a brief pause, he hurriedly said, "It would be unwise to give up attacking the court clothes at this time and instead attack the Russian clothes."

"Yeah, the situation is a little different from what we expected." Blade of Heroes said solemnly: "Under our original plan, we saw that the imperial city of the imperial service was attacked by us, and the Chinese service alliance should send a large number of elites to defend the city. Where would you deploy so many troops in the Imperial City of the Russian server? Well now, it is not realistic for us to want to attack the Russian server. Although we have many advantages, we may not be able to capture it, especially if we want to. If we want to teleport, we will encounter all obstacles and many experts will be left behind, if this is the case, the situation will be even more unfavorable for us."

"At the very least, there will be a lot of changes," added Hero's Blade.

"That's right, it looks like this at the moment." Red Maple Leaf said while attacking, and when she said this, she frowned slightly: "Why is the situation like this, at this time there is a big action that we have to focus on attacking the Russian Imperial City. leaked."

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