VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 3724: : cavalry charge

After hearing that Fireworks Yi Leng ordered Wuming to wait for the assassin to take the lead, everyone applauded her clever arrangement.

If you think about it, Wuming and Dongfang Slaughter are very powerful, and even experts at the level of Riding the Wind and Dongfang Slaughter may not be able to win against them, especially when these people make a sneak attack, but Wuming, etc. People are assassins, and they are not good at head-to-head confrontation, which means that they are not suitable for defending the city directly on the city wall. At least defending the city on the city wall cannot play their greatest role.

However, leading a group of elites to sneak attack behind the enemy alliance camp is different. This is a sneak attack, which is undoubtedly the most suitable task for assassins.

In addition, because there are too many enemy factions, some assassins are limited in what they can do. However, if there are millions of elite cavalry to assist, the effect will be different, and this is also the reason why fireworks are easy to cool and let their delicate hands match them. The reason for the cooperation - the slender jade hands can use [Profound Truth * Space Portal] to transmit millions of elite cavalry. With so many elite cooperation, Wuming can do more things.

"Little hand, you hid in the crowd after you cast [Profound Truth*Space Portal], then if Wuming and the others have a chance to entangle some players with national weapons, then you cast [Space Barrier] to trap them as soon as possible. They." Fireworks Yi Leng continued to give orders, and after seeing the slender jade hand nod, she turned to look at Wuming: "Wuming, you heard, your mission is more important, entangle the players of the enemy alliance with national weapons, you can entangle The number of targets we live in depends on how much damage we inflict on the enemy alliance, so you have to work hard."

"Understood." Wuming said, he was as concise as ever.

Next, Wuming didn't say much, and directly let Feng Xinglie, who was hiding behind the enemy alliance, use [Space Portal] to teleport him, other assassins, and slender hands. After being teleported, the slender hands didn't say much. Directly cast [Profound Truth *Space Portal], and then millions of elite cavalry were teleported over.

It is worth mentioning that these cavalry are mainly the top cavalry in Russian clothes, of course, there are also the [Flying Wings * Nightmare Commander] cavalry led by Yixiao Hongchen, Yixiao Naihe and others. It is no exaggeration to say that most of these millions of elites are now. The most elite cavalry in the Chinese server alliance.

That's right, Yi Xiaohongchen, Yi Xiaonaihe and Othello are also in this action. Although the overall attributes of the Imperial City in the Chinese server are reduced by 15%, the [Flying Wings * Nightmare Commander] cavalry is still relatively strong, the most important thing is It is Yixiao Hongchen and Yixiao Naihe who are best at this kind of charge-up action, so it is undoubtedly the best choice for him to fully cooperate with Wuming and others, not to mention that the most elite cavalry of the Russian service also participated in this operation.

Next, Xiao Hongchen did not say much, and divided into two teams with the polar flying bears in the Russian server, and then they launched a charge, and a million elites rushed to the enemy alliance camp, and the momentum was also spectacular. .

Of course, Wuming, Dongfang Lutian and other assassins were not idle either. They hid behind the cavalry and were ready to attack and assassinate at any time.

In this way, a group of elite cavalry charged brazenly, and then quickly rushed behind the enemy alliance camp, and the battle between the two sides was about to break out.

It is worth mentioning that Tokyo Mythology and others are also smart people, especially they also thought that the battle under the command of Fireworks Yi Leng is definitely not safe, so they led a lot of elite cavalry to the rear, and these elite cavalry laughed at it for a while. The cavalry they led by Hong Chen clashed.

Fortunately, at this time, Tokyo Mythology and their focus are on siege, so a large number of super masters are in front of them. The most important thing is that they do not know where the people from the Chinese server alliance are attacking, and they can't take all the elite cavalry. In the end, the strength that can stop Yi Xiao Hongchen and the others is not too much, and they are not the top cavalry like [Flying Wings * Nightmare Commander].

The elite cavalry led by Yixiao Hongchen has the largest number in a short period of time, and they are more elite. In addition, super assassins such as Wuming and Dongfang Lutian assisted in assassination and sneak attacks, so they quickly ripped open the obstruction of the enemy alliance. After that, Xiao Hongchen and the others did not say much. They led the elite cavalry to form a sharp knife formation and began to charge forward. As ordered by Fireworks Yi Leng, they had to charge in the shortest time to the point where they could threaten the priests and magicians of the Japanese server alliance.

Although this order is very difficult for Xiao Hongchen and the others, after all, the cavalry they lead is only more than one million, and the number of enemies they have to face at this time has reached millions or even tens of millions, and even they were suddenly attacked. The danger of sneak attack from the back of the teleported elite players, but they have no doubts about the order of the fireworks easy to cold, and will not hesitate to execute.

That's right, no matter how dangerous it is, the final casualty will be huge, but Yi Xiaohongchen will execute the order without hesitation, and this is also his repayment to the Misty Pavilion - the Nightmare Cavalry is famous all over the world, Ye Luo, Polang Chengfeng, they promised All the people of Xiaohongchen have been realized, and for this honor and trust, Yixiao Hongchen will not hesitate to execute orders. In his heart, only in this way can he be worthy of the number one cavalry in the world.

Charge without hesitation, the elite cavalry charge like a torrent of steel, without any hesitation, go forward bravely, and this is also the biggest advantage of the cavalry.

Xiao Hongchen, who led the cavalry charge, was the most exciting, and it was also his highlight moment, but at this time, he was a little lost because of the lack of a familiar figure in front of him - Ye Luo.

No, almost every time such an order is executed, Xiaohongchen will have Ye Luo in front of them, and the latter will rush ahead to open the way for him and attract more attention, and this also makes the cavalry led by Yixiao Hongchen swept away. Invincible in all directions, he has made illustrious military exploits for the Misty Pavilion and the Zhongfu.

It's just that there is no familiar figure in front of them at this time, Xiao Hongchen and their hearts are somewhat lost, but they think about why the owner of that figure can't fight with him, and think that even if he doesn't arrive, he will definitely pay attention to this battle. , for a time he was full of power again, and the pace of charging continued, and under their strong impact, they were getting closer and closer to the priests and magician legions of the enemy camp.

That's right, Xiaohongchen and the others are charging very fast. The players in the Japanese server alliance who are in charge of blocking them can't stop them in a short time. At least they can't stop Xiaohongchen and the others from charging. In this way, Xiaohongchen and the others are far from the hinterland. The legions of magicians and priests are getting closer.

At this time, a group of space-based players in the Japanese server alliance had already reacted, and they appeared behind them, and then used the [Space Portal] to transmit a large number of elites. Hongchen and the cavalry led by the polar flying bear pursued and chased behind them, but these still could not stop the speed of Xiao Hongchen's charge.

That's right, even if they were attacked by elite cavalry from behind, the elite cavalry led by Yi Xiaohongchen did not slow down and moved forward bravely, and this also put a lot of pressure on the alliance of the Japanese server, especially they would be able to rush to magic in a short time. Where the division and priest legion are located.

Of course, Xiao Hongchen and the others don't care about the sneak attacks and extremes behind them, and the fireworks are easy to cool. She had previously ordered the slender hands to send some masters of the formation to the past, but after seeing a large number of enemy elite cavalry suddenly appear in the rear, these masters of formation have nothing to do with it. Without hesitation, he cast [Change the World] and formed high platforms one after another, and these high platforms could undoubtedly block the enemy cavalry chasing from behind.

Although it is difficult to block for too long, especially some flying cavalry among the enemy cavalry, these high platforms will more or less block some of the cavalry, and even those flying cavalry will be affected to a certain extent, which will undoubtedly delay the others. more time.

At this time, the most important thing for Xiaohongchen and the others is time. After all, the most valuable thing for cavalry is the charging speed. With time, it means that they will charge deeper and cause more wounds and threats to the enemy alliance.

The fact is also true, those high platforms have delayed for a while for the sake of laughing at the red dust, at least the impact speed of their large troops has not slowed down much, this is from the fact that they approached the enemy alliance magicians and priests The speed did not slow down much. It is evident.

If Xiao Hongchen and the others rush into the Mage and Priest Legion, they will undoubtedly cause great casualties, even if the Mage and Priest Legion are only part of all the siege forces here, and this is the case for the Japanese server alliance to siege the city. The situation will also have a great impact, not to mention that they can do far more than that.

Think about it too, the elite cavalry will face the priest and magician army, it will undoubtedly be a massacre, the most important thing is that the next smile, the polar flying bear will lead the cavalry to move forward and then further to the enemy alliance magician, The priest legion caused more casualties and losses, and this had a great impact on the overall siege situation, and even made Tokyo Mythology them rootless trees, so it would undoubtedly be much more difficult to capture the imperial city.

Tokyo Mythology and they naturally know this. They know that they must not let the cavalry they lead into the magician and priest army, and they also know that only the elite cavalry can't stop them, especially following the cavalry. Hongchen and the others also acted as super assassins such as Wuming, and at this time, only their super masters could stop them.

Thinking of this, Tokyo Mythology and the others did not hesitate to issue an order to let hundreds of dual-professional masters lead a group of elites to stop Yixiao Hongchen and others. They must be stopped before the army of magicians and priests. There are many masters who hold national weapons.

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