VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 3725: : successfully trapped

Naturally, they knew what would happen if the elite cavalry led by Yixiao Hongchen and Polar Flying Bear rushed into their camp of magicians and priests. Tokyo Mythology and others did not hesitate to order hundreds of pairs of professional masters to lead the elite. To block, and there are many masters holding national weapons, this is undoubtedly a very powerful force.

Not only that, these masters also carry some [Group Blessing Scrolls]. According to Tokyo Mythology, this force will definitely be able to intercept the cavalry led by Xiao Hongchen and the others, and even just stop them for a while, so they will chase after them. The elite cavalry will be able to arrive, and then they will be able to be surrounded heavily, and they will be completely destroyed if there is no accident.

The fact is also true. Hundreds of dual-professional masters who are in the state of [Group Blessing Scroll] are undoubtedly a very powerful force, especially the large number of elite cavalry they also lead. They caused great resistance, and even immediately blocked their rushing pace, especially after the Japanese server alliance called out some masters of the formation to cast [Change the World] to condense the high platform to block.

Once they can't continue to advance, they naturally cannot pose a threat to the priests and magician legions of the Japanese server alliance. The worst thing is that there are also a large number of enemy elites behind them and left and right, which means that they have been surrounded by groups, which makes them The pressure doubled, and if they couldn't break out, they would definitely be wiped out.

But once you think about breaking through the siege, you will naturally not be able to put pressure on the siege army of the enemy alliance, and this is not in line with the order issued by the fireworks Yi Leng, not to mention that after being surrounded by the group, even if it is a smile, they want to Breaking through is not so easy.

It was impossible to move an inch, and there was no way to retreat if they wanted to retreat. At this time, Xiao Hongchen and the others were in a very awkward situation. At this time, they missed Ye Luo very much, because when Ye Luo was there, they didn't have to worry about any elite masters who could be with them. Blocking the road ahead of them - Ye Luo led a group of elites who could easily kill the masters who blocked them. In this case, Xiao Hongchen and the others thought about charging, it would be simple and easy.

Fortunately, the actions of Xiao Hongchen and the others did not lead to nothing. At the very least, they restrained hundreds of dual-professional experts and consumed several of their [Group Blessing Scrolls]. The pressure of the city, not to mention that in addition to these people, they also contained a large number of elites.

Not only that, at this time, Xiao Hongchen and the others have another mission, and when hundreds of dual-professional masters are dispatched to intercept them, they will have the possibility to complete this mission-to find ways to cooperate with Wuming, Dongfang Lutian and other assassins. Live in the players of the enemy alliance holding national weapons, and then give the slender hands the opportunity to use [Space Barrier] to trap these people.

As long as the [Space Barrier] can be used to trap these people, then the slender hand can use the [Space Portal] to transmit the elites such as the waves and the wind, and then concentrate the superior forces to eliminate all the enemies in the Space Barrier. Killed, this can not only make those dual-professional masters relegated, the most important thing is to explode their national weapons.

In the same sentence, the explosion of the national weapons not only weakened the overall strength of the Japanese server alliance, but also after grabbing these national weapons, the Chinese server alliance can cultivate a group of masters, and the strength of the two sides is disparity. It will shrink a lot, which is still very beneficial to the Chinese server alliance.

Of course, it is almost impossible for cavalrymen like Xiaohongchen to entangle those dual-professional masters. After all, after being surrounded by cavalry, the advantage of mobility no longer exists, not to mention that those dual-professional masters in the Japanese server alliance are the best. In the state of the ultimate move or [Group Blessing Scroll].

However, at this time, Wuming and other super assassins can take action. Under the cover of elite cavalry such as Yixiao Hongchen, they flashed out like phantoms, and each phantom ran towards the hundreds of dual-professional masters. The young elite cavalry locked them in teleportation and rushed to those dual-professional masters. Obviously, the mission of these people is to entangle those dual-professional masters.

Wuming and most of them are dual-professional assassins. Their strength is very strong, especially at this time, they have all used their ultimate moves, not to mention that there are people who locked them and teleported over and launched a charge on their respective targets, so they want to temporarily entangle those Dual-professional masters are easier.

The reason why there are many elite cavalrymen targeting Wuming and other assassins to teleport and then assisting them is naturally the fireworks on the city wall Yi Leng pay attention to all this, she issued an order in time to let these people dispatch, and this can undoubtedly entangle more targets and then can attack them. Of course, the greater the loss, the better the gain for one's own side.

In fact, Fireworks Yi Leng has already judged the situation at this time. As soon as they saw Tokyo Myth and other masters rushing to the imperial city wall, they knew that it would be very difficult to defend the imperial city, especially at this time the enemy The alliance still retains a lot of [Group Blessing Scrolls]. In this case, what they have to do is not to try their best to defend the city, but to cause casualties to the enemy alliance as much as possible, and the dual-professional masters who killed them will undoubtedly steal their national weapons. is the best way.

I have to say that Fireworks Yi Leng is very organized, and with the cooperation of the people she arranged, Wuming and other assassins mostly entangled their respective targets. Cast [Space Barrier].

Although those dual-professional masters in the Japanese server alliance also realized that it was not good after feeling the fluctuation of the space enchantment and wanted to escape for the first time, of course, they immediately asked their space system players for help, but there were quite a few of them. Not in an invincible state, so even space players can't teleport them away.

Not only that, in fact, even if someone uses the invincible means for the first time, they may not be able to be teleported away, because Wuming will try to grab those people, such as grabbing their wrists or other bodies, and when many people cooperate and intentionally It's not impossible to do this under the circumstances. At least there are as many as 3 or 40 of the hundreds of dual-professional masters who were caught and left behind. This is already a very good number. .

Since they can't escape, they are naturally trapped by the [Space Barrier]. What can be mentioned is that the radius of the Barrier cast by the slender jade hand is 150 meters. After all, she has the bonus of [Space Staff]. It means that not only many dual-professional masters are trapped in the Japanese server alliance, but also a large number of elite cavalry and even some magicians and priests.

Of course, because the slender jade hands have been hiding in the center of the cavalry of the alliance in the Chinese server, the number of elite cavalry in the alliance in the Chinese server in [Space Barrier] is more, at least the number is more than that of the alliance in the Japanese server. Not surprisingly, with the advantage of the number of people and the strength of Wuming and other super masters, they have the opportunity to kill all the masters of the Japanese server alliance, but the time required is a bit large, and accidents are more likely to occur, after all. No one knows whether those who are trapped by [Space Barrier] still have killer items such as [Group Blessing Scroll].

"Sister Fireworks, I have successfully trapped many dual-professional masters from the enemy alliance, probably 80% of the dual-professional masters who have stopped Brother Hongchen, and more than 20 of them have national weapons." Seeing that he was successfully trapped With so many enemies, the slender jade hand was excited for a while, but after trying to suppress the excitement, she continued: "What should I do now, only rely on Wuming, Dongfang Lutian and our cavalry to kill as many people trapped as possible. There is less pressure, if we can't kill all of them, it is very likely that we will be wiped out in the end."

"You use the [Space Portal] to send Xiaoshu, Sunset and others over there." Fireworks Yi said coldly, while she said that, she gave a list of slender jade hands, and there were dozens of dual-professional masters on the list, none of them. Not the top experts in the Chinese server alliance, there are many such existences as Midnight Books and Long River Sunset.

Although there are only dozens of people, there are many super masters like Midnight Book, and the most important thing is that many of them have awakening skills with big moves and combination equipment. In this way, they cooperate with Yi Xiaohongchen and Wuming who want to combine [Space knot] There is no suspense in killing all the enemies in the world.

Think about it too, although the strength of Midnight Book is still some distance from that of masters like Tokyo Myth and Ye Luo, especially after his overall attributes have been reduced by 15%, his strength has surpassed that with the blessing of multiple national weapons. More than 90% of the dual-professional masters, especially at this time, he and Changhe Sunset and others are still wearing the awakening skills of big moves and combination equipment.

Originally, they were just nameless and Xiao Hongchen, and they had a certain chance to solve their opponents, not to mention the addition of super masters such as Midnight Books, so the battle in the [Space Barrier] would definitely have no suspense.

The slender jade hand also realized this the first time she saw the list, and then she did not hesitate to use [Space Barrier] to send the book in the middle of the night, and the latter did not say much, and immediately after being sent over I participated in the battle and displayed various skills, including many powerful and large-scale skills such as [Destroying the World] and [Wanjian Guizong], and these skills were displayed not only against the dual-professional masters of the Japanese server alliance. It caused a big threat, and also killed many elites of the enemy alliance, and this made the pressure of Xiaohongchen and others suddenly reduced a lot. It is no surprise that the battle here has no accidents. I want to kill all the enemies. It's just a matter of time.

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