VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 3726: : full of hope

With the tacit cooperation of Yixiao Hongchen, Wuming and others, they successfully entangled many dual-professional masters of the Japanese server alliance, and at the same time, the slender jade hand also cast [Space Barrier] to trap them for the first time. Among them, more than 20 people from the Chinese server alliance will be excited after holding national weapons, because all of these people will be killed, so that the Chinese server alliance will get more than 20 national weapons.

Obtaining more than 20 pieces of national equipment at once will not only greatly improve the overall strength of the Chinese server alliance, but the most important thing is that the overall strength of the Japanese server alliance will be greatly affected after losing so many national weapons. What's more, they still have so many professional masters who have been relegated because of this, and the difference between them is that the gap between the Chinese server alliance and the enemy alliance will be smaller, and the pressure of defending the city will be reduced a lot in the future.

After seeing the slender jade hands use [Space Barrier] to trap so many masters of the enemy alliance, Fireworks Yi Leng asked the super masters such as Midnight Book and Changhe Sunset to support them, and most of them wore the awakening skills of big moves and combination equipment. , cooperate with Xiao Hongchen and they will solve all the enemies in the [Space Barrier], naturally.

This is also true. After Midnight Shu and the others came, they immediately used a number of powerful and large-scale group attack skills, which not only caused great pressure on the dual-professional masters of the enemy alliance, but also killed a lot of enemies. The elites of the alliance were trapped in the enchantment. For a time, the overall strength of the alliance in the Chinese server in the enchantment far exceeded the alliance in the Japanese server, so it was only a matter of time to solve all the enemies in it.

That's right, they have already used the awakening skills and ultimate moves of the combination equipment, and they have no reservations at all, and they are naturally the same in Tokyo Mythology. After all, the latter also know that what they have to do at this time is in the shortest time. Occupying the outer city wall, the longer the delay, the greater the casualties, especially if the delay is more than 10 minutes, then it will be more difficult to capture the inner city wall after the [Group Blessing Scroll] state they cast before is over. At this time, they still kept some killer props such as [Group Blessing Scroll].

Because the Japanese server alliance has more awakening skills of combination equipment and uses more [Group Blessing Scrolls], plus Midnight Book, Changhe Sunset and others have withdrawn to support Wuming and others, so they will face the waves. Chengfeng and others have a greater advantage, and the efficiency of occupying the city wall has also increased a lot. At present, it can absolutely occupy all the outer city walls within 10 minutes, and even some time can be used to attack the inner city wall.

This also means that this time, the Japanese server alliance has a 99% chance of destroying the imperial city, but after thinking about this, Tokyo Mythology was not very excited, because they also saw that their side had hundreds of doubles. Professional masters are trapped in the [Space Barrier], and there are more than 20 people holding national weapons. Not surprisingly, these people will all be killed, and their national weapons will also explode and then be defeated by the people from the Chinese server alliance. snatched.

Lost more than 20 pieces of national weapons at once, and these national weapons were still snatched by the people from the Chinese server alliance. This is a big loss for the Japanese server alliance. Even this time, the reward for destroying the imperial city of the court server is far away. make up for these losses.

Fortunately, destroying the imperial city will not only get extremely rich rewards, but also the overall attributes of all players in the court will be reduced by 15%, which will further weaken the overall strength of the alliance in the Chinese server, which should further open the Japanese server. The strength gap between the alliance and the Chinese server alliance, after thinking of this, Tokyo Mythology and their expressions slightly stretched.

In Tokyo Mythology and their minds, once the imperial city of the court server is destroyed again, the overall strength of the alliance of the Chinese server will be further damaged, so it will be much easier for them to attack the imperial city of the Russian server and other servers in the future, even if they have With full confidence, you can capture any one, including the Russian server, even if the Chinese server alliance deploys a large number of elites in advance.

Thinking of this, Tokyo Mythology and the others breathed a sigh of relief. They no longer struggled with the loss of multiple national weapons, and continued to siege the city with all their strength, striving to destroy the imperial city in the shortest possible time.

On the other hand, although they knew that there was a high probability that they would not be able to defend the imperial city, they thought that they had prepared in advance. The most important thing was that this time they were able to successfully grab more than 20 national weapons from the Japanese server alliance, and the imperial city was destroyed for a while. The dull mood also stretched a lot, after all, this result has exceeded their initial expectations.

Of course, the most important thing is that they have heard Fireworks Yi Leng's overall plan for counterattack in the future. Now they have grabbed so many more national weapons, which undoubtedly makes the battle after 3 days more inclined to their own side. The hearts of the players are even more excited.

"Sister Fireworks, I didn't expect to trap so many masters from the enemy alliance so smoothly this time, including so many masters with national weapons." June Feixue said, with a pretty face when she said this. Full of smiles: "To grab so many national weapons at once, this has greatly improved our strength, and the strength of the enemy alliance will also be greatly affected, which is very beneficial for the battle after 3 days. , we will undoubtedly have a better chance of defending the imperial city and thwarting the siege of the enemy alliance."

"And as long as they can stop the enemy alliance's actions once, they can no longer destroy our imperial city, or even occupy our alliance's gang station. At that time, they can only enter into a stalemate with us." June Fei Snow added.

"Although it may not be possible to stop the enemy from attacking the city after 3 days, it seems that a good foundation has been laid so far." Samadhi said, after a while, she continued: "Of course, the most important thing is that Ye Luo can participate in the battle after 3 days, Hey, he can suppress the Tokyo Mythology and the dark night, so we don't have to have a lot of scruples about the Tokyo Mythology as we are now and can only deliberately avoid it. This gives them a lot of opportunities and then makes them occupy the city wall with great efficiency. Increase."

"And once Ye Luo has scruples, it's Dark Night and Tokyo Mythology. Their siege efficiency will be greatly reduced, and they won't even be able to occupy our city walls at all, so naturally they can't destroy our imperial city." added.

"That's right, as long as the imperial city on our server cannot be destroyed after 3 days, then the alliance on the Japanese server will not be able to get the reward for destroying the imperial city, and attacking our imperial city will definitely exhaust the enemy alliance, so they can no longer There is no power to destroy our imperial city, and the situation will gradually favor us, because over time our destroyed imperial cities will recover one by one, and our strength will also recover, and it may even be possible again at that time. surpassing the enemy alliance." Polar Silver Wolf said, his face full of excitement when he said this.

Hearing this, everyone agreed, and for a while they were all full of hope for the battle in the next three days.

"Even so, the next 2 or 3 days will also be the most difficult period for us." Fireworks Yi said coldly, her tone was as indifferent as always: "Yesterday, Tokyo Mythology, Dark Night, they were going to level 360, and they didn't lead the way. The elite team attacked us, but they will definitely do so after the siege today, and this will cause us to face a lot of trouble and casualties, and even some of our dual-professional masters will be killed, so everyone should be careful next. Stay in a safe place as much as possible, such as the city in the sky, such as doing dungeon quests.”

Hearing this, everyone's expressions became solemn. They naturally knew that Dark Night and Tokyo Mythology would frantically hunt and kill the people in the Central Service Alliance, and even they would become the targets. Thinking about the strength of Dark Night and Tokyo Mythology at this time, they have already surpassed. A lot of them, and they all felt the pressure for a while.

"Hey, as long as we don't hide, as the fireworks beauty said, we enter the Sky City or do dungeon quests." A non-server player said, after a while, he continued: "Isn't it just delaying for 2 or 3 days? It wasn't too difficult for us."

"In addition, as time goes by, there will be some people on our side who will continue to rank 360 and rank nine, so even if it is still not Dark Night, Tokyo Myth and others, the pressure on opponents will be much less, and self-protection will always be no problem. ' the man added.

"That, the imperial city of court clothes will definitely be destroyed." Suddenly Zhiyue said, ignoring everyone's silence, she continued: "After destroying the imperial city of court clothes, the enemy alliance will definitely not have the power to continue destroying other imperial cities. , but what if they attack other gangs in our alliance?"

"As of now, there is still a certain gap in our overall strength. If there are more killers such as the [Group Blessing Scroll] remaining in their hands, then maybe they really have the strength to occupy our gang's station." Zhiyue She added, when she said this, she frowned: "If this is the case, the situation will be troublesome, because occupying the 5th-level gang station will also get very good rewards, and the destruction of the imperial palace will weaken our overall strength. A lot, tomorrow they will be able to destroy our other imperial city at a lower cost, and they will undoubtedly have more power to occupy our gang station, maybe two or more."

"They may even destroy one more imperial city. If this is the case, the situation will be even more severe for us." Zhiyue added.

What Zhiyue said is not impossible, especially when everyone knew that the Japanese server alliance still had a lot of [Group Blessing Scrolls], and their expressions became solemn for a while.

"Then it depends on how much we can consume the enemy alliance next." Samadhi said, when she said this, she looked calm: "As of now, it is not too much to exhaust the enemy alliance. Problem, don't forget we still have inner walls."

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