Experts such as Dark Night and Tokyo Myth naturally knew what it would be like to be trapped, so they immediately gave orders to their people and then teleported them away, but they easily avoided the coverage of the space enchantment. Then they didn't stop and were teleported from the other direction, and then they continued to attack with all their strength.

However, it wasted some time to go back and forth, not to mention that they avoided many players from the Japanese server alliance who were trapped. The troops killed them all.

Without facing the entanglement of Dark Night, Tokyo Mythology and others, they can attack unscrupulously by breaking the waves and riding the wind. They can also deal high damage by using various means. As of now, those who are trapped by [Space Barrier] It doesn't take much time to kill all the enemies.

Because of this method, the casualties of the Japanese server alliance have increased a lot, especially because of the existence of the enchantment, their priests can't revive those people, which means that most of them will drop 1 level and will explode some equipment.

It is a pity for the players of the Chinese server alliance that this time the trapped enemies do not hold national weapons, which means that they cannot obtain some national weapons again by this means.

"It's a pity, I couldn't trap the super masters of the enemy alliances such as Dark Night and Tokyo Mythology." Sanmaishi said with regret: "If we can trap them, although all our players in the barrier will be killed, but popular Lie, they should be able to teleport all the dual-professional masters such as Sister Feng, and then in the next 10 minutes, we will be able to block the people of the enemy alliance unscrupulously. 10 minutes will undoubtedly cause great casualties to the enemy alliance. , especially in the current situation."

"Dark Night and Tokyo Mythology are also smart people, so naturally they won't give us a chance to trap them." Ye Yufei said, and then she chuckled: "But we also trapped a lot of enemies using [Space Barrier]. , and also wasted some of their time in the dark night, so it can also increase the casualties of a lot of enemy alliances, which is still very beneficial to us."

"That's right." Dongfang Xingxing took over the words: "The most important thing for us at this time is to delay time, after all, we have the earth wall condensed by [Change the World] and many mobile magic crystal cannons, especially there are a large number of new troops among us. In this case, it can cause casualties to the enemy alliance as much as possible, and if it can cause casualties to it, it will be very helpful for future battles."

Naturally, they knew this, and they didn't say anything at all. Then they continued to attack with all their strength, and it didn't take long to kill all the enemies in the enchantment.

At the same time, Fireworks Yi Leng also issued an order to let a group of fresh army cavalry charge to block the dark night, Tokyo Myth and other masters, and charge against them with invincible means, which can stop them to the maximum extent and delay it for a longer time.

As if they knew that they couldn't continue like this, Dark Night and the others gave the order to use the [Group Blessing Scroll] again. This time they used 5 directly, and this should be the last one they hoarded.

That's right, these scrolls are the last ones reserved by the Japanese server alliance. After using so many scrolls in their hearts, they can easily kill the heart of the city and force the players from the Chinese server alliance to use [Space Barrier] to delay, At the same time, their players who are wearing the [Group Blessing Scroll] can suddenly teleport to a nearby level 5 gang station and launch a sneak attack on it.

With so many people in the state of [Group Blessing Scrolls], plus 5 [Group Blessing Scrolls], in the minds of players from the Japanese server alliance, they can certainly easily occupy the city wall of the gang station, even if it is a level 5 guild station. The same is true, and once occupying the city wall naturally means that they can occupy it, so they can get one more system reward.

The most important thing is in their hearts in Tokyo Mythology, once the players in the central server alliance cast [Space Barrier] to protect the heart of the city, then they will not be able to kill them who are surrounded by the heart of the city, even if those who wear the [Group Blessing Scroll] ] Most of the players in the state were teleported away and then launched a sneak attack on a gang station. The next step is to occupy a level 5 gang station and destroy the imperial city of the court uniform.

Occupying one more level 5 guild station will undoubtedly allow the alliance on the Japanese server to obtain more generous rewards. In addition, the destruction of the imperial city in the court server will weaken the overall attributes of all players in the court server by 15%, which will further weaken the overall strength of the alliance on the Chinese server. , so tomorrow they can not only destroy another imperial city, but also easier to occupy the gang station, and even occupy 2 or more.

In this way, it entered a virtuous cycle. It didn't take long for the Japanese server alliance to have the opportunity to occupy the center of the Chinese server alliance. Once this was done, the Chinese server alliance would be completely suppressed and there would be no chance for it to turn over. .

But all of this came to nothing when the players of the Chinese server alliance resolutely retreated and then used the earth wall condensed by [Change the World]. After all, the Chinese server alliance was considered to have the upper hand at this time. It can't kill the heart of the city, and the longer the delay, the more casualties of the Japanese server alliance, and this is not what Dark Night, Tokyo Mythology and others want to see, so they decisively used the remaining 5 A [Group Blessing Scroll].

Although the overall strength of the Japanese server alliance surpassed that of the Chinese server alliance after using those scrolls, the situation reversed, but Dark Night and Tokyo Mythology also knew that at this time they had no spare energy to continue attacking the gang resident of the Chinese server alliance. Let them feel less frustrated.

But the matter has come to this point, Tokyo Mythology and the others are not in the mood to entangle them. What they have to do at this time is to force back the people from the Chinese-Servant Alliance as soon as possible and then occupy those soil walls. Only in this way will their casualties be greatly reduced.

Because the masters such as the waves and the wind are still in the enchantment, the most important thing is to use 5 [group blessing scrolls], so that the people from the Japanese server alliance can still easily kill the earth wall. In this situation, players who serve one alliance can only choose to retreat, and retreat directly to the heart of the city.

Not only that, but the players from the Chinese server alliance began to evacuate here in the teleportation array, which also meant that the Chinese server alliance had given up defending the imperial city.

Think about it too, once there is no advantage of those earth walls and mobile magic crystal cannons, even if a large number of new forces are sent from the Chinese server alliance, they will not be able to resist the attack of the Japanese server alliance, especially the latter uses 5 more [Group Blessing Scroll], giving up and then withdrawing from here is undoubtedly the best choice.

Fireworks Yi Leng easily judged the current situation. She gave the order without hesitation, and the people of the major servers also executed it without hesitation. For a while, a large number of elite players were teleported through the teleportation array or through the space system players. After getting out of here, of course, at the last minute, the alliance still needs to let the slender hands cast [Space Barrier] to protect the heart of the city to delay the time. Naturally, the delay is to give the last large number of players a chance to escape from here.

Fortunately, it took some time for them to advance in the dark night and then occupy all the earth walls, so the [Group Blessing Scrolls] that were cast before had reached the time limit, which means that at this time, there were only 500 people in the Japanese server alliance still holding the [Group Blessing Scrolls]. 】status.

Although there are still so many people in the state of [Group Blessing Scroll], this is not too much. At least this force is not enough to attack the city wall of the gang station in a short time. After all, the defense equipment on the city wall and The defensive power of the city wall is much stronger than the previous earth walls combined with the mobile magic crystal cannon.

Thinking about it, there were more than 2,000 people who were wearing the [Group Blessing Scroll] before facing the Chinese server alliance using earth walls and mobile magic crystal guns to block the Japanese server alliance. Scroll] can turn the situation around. Now there are only 500 players in the state of [Group Blessing Scroll]. The most important thing is that Dark Night and Tokyo Mythology are not in such a state. They want to attack the city wall of a level 5 gang station. is impossible.

Not only that, at this time, the Chinese server alliance has obviously given up defending the imperial city, which means that they can concentrate their superior forces to defend the gang station that was attacked. In this case, the players of the Japanese server alliance want to occupy a gang station. It's almost impossible.

The fact is also true, Dark Night and Tokyo Mythology naturally know this, so they directly gave up the plan to attack the 5th-level gang station. What they have to do at this time is to wait and wait for the heart of the city that can directly destroy the imperial city.

Having suffered such big setbacks one after another, this undoubtedly made everyone in the Japanese server alliance feel further frustration. Fortunately, the imperial city of the court service is about to be destroyed, especially when thinking about the next time Tokyo Mythology will destroy the imperial city, players who are in the Japanese server for a while They were all excited, after all, they also knew how the system reward strength would be improved after Tokyo Mythology destroyed the imperial city.

On the other hand, Breaking the Waves and Riding the Wind also saw that the alliance on the Japanese server used 5 more [Group Blessing Scrolls]. For a while, they were all afraid, because they also knew that if they could not force out these scrolls before, they would be the alliance on the Japanese server. It is very likely to have the strength to occupy a level 5 gang resident, and this will undoubtedly increase the pressure on the Chinese server alliance.

"Sister Fireworks, the enemy alliance used 5 more [Group Blessing Scrolls], and they still kept the scrolls." June Feixue said, when she said this, her pretty face was dignified as water: "This is bad, They definitely want to keep attacking our gang quarters, even if they have 4 or 5 scrolls left."

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