VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 3731: : finally destroyed

Seeing that the alliance on the Japanese server used 5 more [Group Blessing Scrolls], June Feixue was worried. After all, the alliance on the Chinese server could not hold back when facing the enemy and gave up the imperial city. Retaining some scrolls, even if there are only 4 or 5, I am afraid that it has the strength to occupy the 5th-level class and return to the station - there are already 500 people wearing the [Group Blessing Scroll] state, if there are so many people, then this stock The power can suppress the alliance of the Chinese server and then climb the city wall, especially in the case of sneak attacks, and once the city wall is occupied, it almost means that the target gang station can be occupied.

After occupying the city wall of a level 5 gang resident, the people from the Japanese server alliance can completely turn back and continue to surround the imperial palace. At that time, the [Space Barrier] is probably just over, so they can destroy the imperial palace. After that You can continue to occupy that level 5 gang resident.

It was because of these thoughts that June Feixue was worried, not only her, but the players around her were also worried.

But at this time, Samadhi's expression was the same as usual, even with a faint smile, she said with certainty: "No accident at this time, the enemy alliance has used all the [Group Blessing Scrolls], and they have nothing left. And only 500 players in the state of [Group Blessing Scroll] are not enough to occupy any of our gang locations, after all, we only rely on the advantages of the city wall to make up for the lack of this [Group Blessing Scroll].”

"Yes, they can't occupy our gang station, even if they launch a sneak attack." Ye Yufeifei took over the words, and she was also very sure when she said this.

"It's just that 500 players with the [Group Blessing Scroll] naturally can't occupy our gang's station, but what if they still have some [Group Blessing Scroll]?" Ouyang Feiri raised the question in his heart, and this is also what other people think. Doubtful and caring.

"They don't have the [Group Blessing Scroll] anymore." Samadhi said, seeing everyone's puzzled look, she chuckled: "If they still have the [Group Blessing Scroll], they will definitely use it together, and this is easier to force. We use [Space Barrier] to protect the heart of the city, and while waiting for the [Space Barrier] to end, they can sneak attack on our gang station, so using all the scrolls at once will not only have the opportunity to occupy in the case of a sneak attack A city wall of a level 5 gang station, and it is more efficient, at least they can absolutely occupy all the city walls of a level 5 gang station within 10 minutes, and after doing this, they can lead these elites to return to continue to attack the imperial city of court clothes ."

"Oh, that's true." June Feixue nodded, and she finally understood: "But the people from the enemy alliance didn't do this, obviously because they don't have scrolls anymore."

Hearing this, everyone understood, and they all breathed a sigh of relief for a while, after all, this result is the best.

The fact is also true, the Japanese server alliance has no remaining scrolls, so seeing the Chinese server alliance use [Space Barrier] to protect the heart of the city, they did not go to attack the original target, after all, they also know that only 500 It is simply impossible for a player in the state of [Group Blessing Scroll] to capture the city wall of a level 5 gang resident, especially the masters such as Breaking the Waves and Riding the Wind and Slaughtering the Sky in the East have freed up their hands - Breaking the Waves and Riding the Wind, they have already Kill all the enemies who were trapped in another enchantment before, and the heart of the city is also protected by the [space enchantment] cast by the slender jade hand, so that they can be teleported to the target gang station for support, and this can undoubtedly Further make it impossible for the Japanese server alliance to occupy the target's city wall.

Without the strength to occupy a level 5 gang resident city wall, to forcibly attack will undoubtedly cause greater casualties on their own side. Dark Night and Tokyo Mythology naturally wouldn't do such stupid things, so they didn't do it. Waiting outside the bounds, waiting for the enchantment to continue to attack the imperial city because of the time limit.

Seeing that in the dark night, they did not lead the 500 players who were in the state of [Group Blessing Scroll] to start the next move, which undoubtedly made the people in the Chinese server alliance further confirm that they did not have the [Group Blessing Scroll] and other killer items, and this also Let everyone breathe a sigh of relief.

Fireworks Yi Leng and the others knew that they could no longer keep the imperial city in court, so they didn't stay here, and let the slender hands use the teleportation method to send everyone out, and then they let these people get busy.

That's right, Fireworks Yi Leng issued an order to the members of the China-server alliance to act according to their negotiated actions. Of course, in order to prevent the Japanese-server alliance from continuing to attack the China-server alliance's gangs, everyone did not receive a copy for the time being. The mission is mainly to settle in the city of the sky. After all, the players in the city of the sky can return to support as soon as they know that their gang station has been attacked, but if they receive the dungeon mission, it will be different.

There is another very important reason why the main reason for entering the city of the sky is that in the city of the sky, you can get the [Eight-Winged Fallen Angel Recruitment Order], and if you are lucky, you can also get the [Group Blessing Scroll]. The defense of the city is still very helpful - the more such items obtained by the Chinese server alliance, the better.

Time passed slowly, and more than 10 minutes passed in a blink of an eye. The [Space Barrier] that had been cast by the slender jade hands for so long had long since disappeared because the time limit had expired, because the people from the Chinese server alliance had given up their defense, so Tokyo Mythology and the others It's easy to destroy the city's defenders around the city's heart and destroy the city's heart.

It is worth mentioning that it was Tokyo Myth that finally destroyed the heart of the city according to yesterday’s agreement, and this made the players in the Japanese server excited one by one. After they received the reward for destroying the imperial city of the court service, Tokyo Myth will definitely be stronger. On the first floor, Ye Luo has a great chance of winning against Ye Luo one-on-one, and even some extreme players think that he will definitely be able to defeat Ye Luo.

Ye Luo was the first person to be worthy of the calamity before, but Tokyo Mythology may surpass him and then replace him. This naturally excites the players of the Japanese server. The worst thing is that Tokyo Mythology can suppress Ye Luo in their hearts, so The rest of them can continue to attack the imperial city or the gang resident of the alliance of the Chinese server.

Tokyo Myth is not satisfied with these, especially this time their alliance has lost so many national weapons. Even if they kill the people who hold the national weapons in the Chinese server alliance, they still lose more than 10 national weapons. This is a loss for them. larger.

In addition to this, there is another dissatisfaction with Tokyo Mythology, that is, none of the national weapons they grabbed from the Chinese server alliance this time can be equipped by him, which means that he cannot obtain more national weapons by obtaining more national weapons. And increase the strength.

Others don't know Ye Luo's strength very well, but after using the simulation system to simulate under Mount Fuji, he knows exactly how powerful Ye Luo is, even if he is already at rank nine at this time and will receive the reward for destroying the imperial city in the future. It is also difficult to catch up with Ye Luo in terms of level and overall attributes, not to mention the skill system.

In these respects, Ye Luo is inferior to Ye Luo. Once the imperial city of the Chinese server is restored, then Ye Luo's return will undoubtedly pose a great threat to him and even the alliance of the Japanese server. At that time, they may not be able to continue destroying the imperial city of the Chinese server. The two sides are naturally likely to be in a stalemate, and this is not what he wants to see.

But if Tokyo Mythology gets another national weapon that he can equip, it will be different, so he has great confidence to surpass Ye Luo in equipment level and even overall attributes, even if the latter is not destroyed by the imperial city and his overall strength The same is true for the 15% weakening penalty, but unfortunately there are so many national weapons that he can't equip this time.

"Hey, we really destroyed another imperial city, and it was very easy." Heilongtianzhan smiled and said: "Now the imperial city of the court service has also been destroyed, and the overall strength of the Chinese service alliance has been further weakened, which will undoubtedly make us tomorrow. The siege of the city is smoother, and even after destroying another imperial city tomorrow, we still have the strength to attack and then occupy the gang station of the alliance of the server side, so the benefits we get are even greater."

"I'm afraid things are not as optimistic as you think." Fujisan shook his head, seeing the suspicious expressions of Heilongtianzhan and others, he smiled bitterly: "It is almost inevitable that an imperial city in the China-Server Alliance can be destroyed. , after all, we have the advantage of so many [Group Blessing Scrolls], but what we have destroyed is only the imperial city with relatively weak overall strength. For this reason, we also lost more than 10 national weapons and more players were killed. level, our overall strength has not only not improved, but has declined.”

The results have been counted before. Although an imperial city was destroyed by the Chinese server alliance, the number of players dropped by the Japanese server alliance was less than that of the Japanese server alliance, even only 60-70% of the latter. So many people were killed and dropped. This undoubtedly reduced the overall strength of the Japanese server alliance, especially the loss of more than 10 national weapons.

Hearing this, Heilongtianzhan also realized this, but he laughed when he thought of something: "Even if our overall strength has declined, don't forget that many players in the Chinese server alliance have been killed and relegated. The most important thing is It was the destruction of the imperial city in the imperial service, which reduced the overall attributes of all players in the imperial service by 15%, and this undoubtedly weakened the overall strength of the alliance in the Chinese service more than ours. We can easily destroy their imperial city again."

"Even after destroying their imperial city as I said before, we can continue to occupy their gang residence." Heilongtianzhan added.

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