VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 3732: : the gap widens

The fact is as Heilongtianzhan said, although the casualties of the Japanese server alliance are 30% to 40% more than the Chinese server alliance, and more than 10 pieces of national weapons have been lost, but because the imperial city of the court server was destroyed. Because of the fact that the overall strength of the Chinese server alliance has lost even more, that is to say, the strength gap between the two sides has undoubtedly widened again.

"That's right, the strength gap between our two sides has opened up a little bit again." Ichito Taro took over the words, and when he said this, his tone was a little excited: "Today we can still easily destroy the imperial city of the court clothes, and tomorrow we will not be able to. What's the problem, maybe we can really occupy a level 5 guild station after destroying an imperial city in the Chinese server alliance tomorrow, so the system rewards we will get will undoubtedly be more generous."

"Even so, don't forget that the court server is only one of the weaker alliances in the Chinese server alliance, which means that the resistance we will encounter with other servers tomorrow will increase a lot." Fujisan said in a deep voice, pausing for a while He continued: "The most important thing is that today we have more system rewards after the ninth rank of the boss, from which we have obtained nearly 10 [Group Blessing Scrolls], but there will be no such rewards tomorrow, which means that tomorrow we will be rewarded. The number of [Group Blessing Scrolls] we have is much lower than today, and in this case, we may not necessarily be able to destroy an imperial city.”

Hearing this, everyone remembered that Tokyo Mythology has received relatively generous rewards for the third 9th turn, including nearly 10 [Group Blessing Scrolls], and according to past experience, the brain system will only reward the first three Those who have changed careers, that is to say, the alliance will not have these additional rewards tomorrow.

Nearly 10 [Group Blessing Scrolls] are missing, which will undoubtedly make the siege more difficult. As stated by Mt. Fuji, it is still unknown whether it can successfully destroy another imperial city of the China-Server Alliance.

"Well, after all, the imperial city of the court service was destroyed and the overall strength of the alliance of the Chinese service side has dropped a lot, so even if we lose some scrolls, we will be able to successfully destroy the imperial city of the target server." Sakura Ruxue said, just saying At these times, she was somewhat lacking in confidence, but when she thought of something, she looked at the Tokyo Mythology aside: "Another point is that today is the imperial city of imperial clothing that was destroyed by the boss. You and I both know how rich it will be to destroy the imperial city. The reward, not to mention skills and equipment enhancements, just the full attribute points of the system reward will further enhance the boss's strength, so it will be easier for her to suppress the super masters of the Chinese server alliance."

"That's right, that's right." The God of Susa said in a hurry, thinking of the excited look on his face: "You have also seen today, whether it is Dongfang Tiantian or Polar Silver Wolf and other super masters, they must deliberately avoid the boss. , this is still the case today, let alone tomorrow, with these bosses, we can easily lead us to attack the city wall and then occupy the inner and outer city walls, so there will be no problem in destroying an imperial city."

Hearing this, Mt. Fuji breathed a sigh of relief. He naturally knew what role the more powerful Tokyo mythology could play in the siege battle, but when he thought of something, he frowned slightly: "Even so, it may not necessarily be possible. Success, don't forget Ye Luozhiqiu, you and I know that he is not dead, and not dying means that he may return to the game at any time, no accident Ye Luozhiqiu still has some advantages in equipment Yes, the most difficult thing is his skills, especially he also has an awakening skill that combines equipment, so if he returns to the game, it may be difficult for us to destroy an imperial city."

Although they don't want to admit it, everyone knows that even if Ye Luo's overall attributes are reduced by 15%, it will definitely cause great trouble to Tokyo Mythology and Dark Night, and this will undoubtedly have a great impact on their siege.

"Although Ye Luozhiqiu is not dead, our people have already responded. He is seriously injured and it is impossible to return to the game in a short time, at least not tomorrow, so we don't have to worry about this at all." Hei Longtian Zhan said solemnly, and after seeing everyone agree, he continued: "Tomorrow and the day after, we will destroy some imperial cities, then the overall strength of the China-server alliance will be further weakened, especially in the dark night, they will also destroy the imperial cities one after another to get system rewards. And the strength is improved, even if Ye Luozhiqiu returns to the game, he will not be able to return to the sky."

In this regard, everyone also agrees, thinking of these they are a little relieved.

"It's a pity that the national weapons we grabbed from the players of the Chinese server alliance today are not available to the boss. If there is one more national weapon, he will be able to surpass Ye Luozhiqiu in terms of equipment level and overall attributes. It would be very easy to join forces with Dark Ye and the others to suppress him." Sakura Ruxue said regretfully.

"Hey, the boss destroyed the imperial city of the court dress, no accident, the system will definitely reward a national weapon, and at least it is a high-grade national weapon." The God of Amaterasu smiled: "Once the boss is lucky, he can equip it, Tsk tsk, with the addition of a top-grade national weapon, the strength of the boss will definitely surpass that of Ye Luozhiqiu."

Hearing this, everyone was looking forward to it, especially thinking that Hero Wuming and Dark Night had obtained high-grade national weapons after destroying the imperial clothing and the imperial city of China.

"But the boss has already equipped so many national weapons, and it is too difficult to obtain a national weapon that he can equip." Cherry Blossom said in a deep voice, looking at everyone as she spoke: "At least the chances are too low."

Hearing the words, everyone was silent. They thought of the national weapons that were snatched from the players of the Central Service Alliance today. Among the more than 10 national weapons, none of them could be equipped by Tokyo Mythology, so the national weapons rewarded by the system could be equipped by him. The odds are too low, too low.

"Although the chances are low, it's not that there is no chance. Once the boss can equip it, all problems will not be a problem." Hei Longtian said, and then he laughed: "Not to mention that we will continue to attack the Chinese server tomorrow. In the imperial city of the alliance, there is still a chance to grab some national weapons during the period, and there must be many pieces, maybe the boss can equip them."

"In addition, even if the national weapon rewarded by the system is not something that the boss can equip, it doesn't matter. We people can also equip it, and this will also improve our strength very well. At that time, it will be very easy for us to join forces with the boss. Suppressing Ye Luozhiqiu." Heilongtianzhan added: "Not to mention that Ye Luozhiqiu may not be able to return to the game in a short period of time."

Hearing this, everyone agreed, and for a while, they no longer struggled with this issue.

Next, Fujisan and the others continued to level up in order to reach level 360 and rank 9. After all, rank 9 would greatly improve their strength, while Tokyo Mythology did not need to continue leveling. Of course, he was not idle either. They came down and formed an elite team together with Longling of Dark Night and Sun Never Settles, and what they have to do next is to sneak attack and assassinate the people of the Central Service Alliance. With their powerful strength, they also killed a lot of people. The most important thing is The only thing is that their actions made the players of the Chinese server alliance panic, and their morale dropped a lot as a result.

Let’s not talk about this for now, and let’s say that after it was determined that the Japanese server alliance would not continue to attack the gang station of the Chinese server alliance, they also took action again. They took the Nightmare Mode [Fallen Beast], after all, they took the dungeon. Tasks can not only be upgraded quickly, but also have the opportunity to obtain high-grade pet equipment and killer items such as [Group Blessing Scroll], which can greatly improve their strength.

As for assassins such as Midnight Books, they went outside to look for high-level bosses. After all, killing bosses is also one of the ways to quickly upgrade the level and obtain killer items such as [Group Blessing Scroll].

"Hey, today's battle situation is not bad, although we didn't keep the imperial city, but the casualties of the enemy alliance are more than ours, especially they also lost more than 10 pieces of national weapons, I'm afraid it's their overall strength Not only did it not improve, but it declined." Othello laughed, and she continued: "Tomorrow we can also use the tactics of sneak attack from behind, and maybe even kill some of their people who hold national weapons, so It will be easier for us to resist their siege."

"Although our performance today is very good, but I have to tell you one thing, that is, our overall strength and the enemy alliance have not been reduced, but have opened up." Stunned and unbelievable, she smiled bitterly: "Don't forget that the imperial city of the court clothes was destroyed, and the overall attributes of all players in the court clothes were reduced by 15%, which has a great impact on the overall strength of our alliance."

Hearing this, everyone was silent, and everyone realized this, and their expressions became solemn for a while, especially when they thought of another thing - the imperial city of the imperial clothing destroyed by the Tokyo Mythology, and then the strength must have been improved very well.

"Fortunately, the enemy alliance will no longer get system rewards through the first three job transfers, which should reduce the scrolls they get by about 10." Samadhi said, and her expression improved a little: "This is good. News, after all, you have also seen that the enemy alliance is worthy of destroying the imperial city today, without so many scrolls, they may not have the opportunity to destroy our other imperial cities."

"That's right, that's right, they will definitely not be able to destroy our imperial city without so many [Group Blessing Scrolls]." Breaking the waves and riding the wind hurriedly said: "Especially, the overall strength of our remaining servers is mostly stronger than the court clothes, so defensive The strength will naturally increase slightly."

"Even so, let's not be too optimistic, and even plan to have the imperial city destroyed." Fireworks Yi said coldly, looking at the crowd as she spoke: "Don't forget that today is the destruction of Tokyo Mythology. The imperial city, and this will definitely increase his strength greatly."

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