VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 3733: : don't worry anymore

Although the Japanese server alliance has suffered more casualties and lost many national weapons, everyone also knows that the destruction of the imperial city in the court server has reduced the overall strength of the Chinese server alliance even more. The strength gap between the two sides is not only no smaller, but bigger.

In Fireworks Yi Leng's mind, this is not the most troublesome thing. The most troublesome thing is that Tokyo Mythology destroyed the imperial city of the court uniform, and his strength has been greatly improved after receiving the system reward.

"Yeah, the strength of Tokyo Mythology is already very strong, and it should be the number one master other than Ye Luo. Now he has destroyed the imperial city of the court clothes and will get rich rewards, not to mention anything else. The overall attribute reward alone will allow him to catch up with Ye Luo in terms of overall attributes, plus skills enhancement, equipment level improvement, etc., maybe his strength is not much worse than Ye Luo in his peak state." Othello took over the words, She smiled bitterly: "Why is Tokyo Myth's luck so good, but he destroyed the imperial city of the court dress?"

"Yeah, the luck of Tokyo Mythology is also very good." June Feixue took over the words, looking at everyone while talking about her: "In the previous battle to defend the imperial city, everyone also saw how powerful Tokyo Mythology is. Strong, even masters such as Sister Feng and Polar Silver Wolf can only be avoided deliberately. In this way, Tokyo Mythology can attack recklessly. In this case, he has caused great casualties to us. It is easier for them to occupy the city wall on our side, and once the city wall is attacked, it will naturally be much easier to destroy the imperial city."

That's right, it is precisely because no one can contain the masters such as Tokyo Mythology and Dark Night that the Japanese server alliance can easily climb the city wall, but ultimately destroy the imperial city.

If the masters such as Riding the Waves and Riding the Wind and Long Teng Tianxia can intercept him, it will undoubtedly be much more difficult for the players of the Japanese server alliance to attack the city wall, at least it will take longer, and the long time consumption undoubtedly means that they have more Large casualties and attrition.

This is still the case today. Tomorrow Tokyo Mythology will receive a system reward for destroying the imperial city of the imperial service, which will further enhance his strength, so that he can be more unscrupulous, and it will undoubtedly be easier for him to join the dark night and other masters to climb the city wall. Resisting the offensive and then defending the Imperial City will undoubtedly be difficult.

This is also the reason why Fireworks Yi Leng deliberately refers to the Tokyo myth.

Thinking of this, everyone's expressions became solemn for a while, and then Zhiyue directly asked how to deal with Tokyo Myth. Of course, while saying this, she not only sighed like Othello and June Feixue-Tokyo Myth how luck is so good.

"It shouldn't be the luck of Tokyo Mythology." Fireworks Yi said coldly, seeing Zhiyue and the others showing a puzzled look, she continued: "So many people besieged the imperial city of court clothes together, and the last blow cleared the heart of the city. The player is the one who really destroys the imperial city, and it is not so easy for so many Tokyo Myths to grab the final blow."

Hearing this, June Feixue's eyes lit up, and she blurted out: "Sister Fireworks, do you mean that the people from the enemy alliance have negotiated who will destroy the imperial city?"

"Probably so." Samadhi took over the words, and she continued: "It seems that they also realized that Ye Luo's return is always a huge threat to them, so they want to cultivate a person who can suppress Ye Luo. A master, and as far as Tokyo Myth is the strongest player in the enemy alliance, it is undoubtedly the most likely for him to suppress Ye Luo by deliberately letting him destroy the imperial city of the court clothes."

Everyone agreed with this, and after thinking of something, Zhiyue frowned: "This is bad, if tomorrow we can't resist the offensive of the enemy alliance and give them the opportunity to destroy our imperial city, and Still destroyed by Tokyo Mythology, he will be stronger after getting the system reward again, so his strength may really be stronger than Brother Ye."

"And if his lucky reward includes a national weapon that he can equip, then it will be even more no problem to suppress Brother Ye." Zhiyue added.

Everyone also thought of this, and their expressions became more solemn for a while.

"Although the enemy alliance is an alliance, they also know that the benefits of destroying the imperial city one after another are too great. Even if it is to suppress Ye Luo, they will not give all the benefits to one person, especially after thinking of completely suppressing our alliance and their alliance. There will also be competition internally." Samadhi shook his head: "So they should not let the Tokyo mythology destroy the imperial city, but other people, such as the dark night, such as the emperor's hymn."

"It must take turns to destroy the imperial city. When Dark Night and Tokyo Mythology join forces, it will be easier to suppress Ye Luo." Samadhi added, his tone was very determined when he said this.

"Well, that's probably the case. It's not so easy for Tokyo Mythology to surpass Ye Luo in terms of strength." Firework Yi Leng nodded, and she continued: "As long as it's not a single person's strength surpassing Ye Luo. Then it's not a big problem..."

"Why?" Othello blurted out, and she also asked the questions in everyone's heart.

"Because as long as the strength of Tokyo Myth does not exceed Brother Ye, then Brother Ye can use his mobility and ultra-long-range attack distance to consume the imperial city of the enemy alliance, so we have the opportunity to occupy their gang station, and this is the The fundamental reason for us to reverse the situation." Changhe Sunset finally expressed his opinion, and after seeing the samādhi and fireworks Yi Leng nodded, he continued: "And since the strength of Tokyo Mythology is not comparable to that of Big Brother Ye, then other people need to be with him. Team up and then deal with Brother Ye, and the only people who can participate in the battle of Brother Ye and the others are such masters as Dark Night, Emperor Praise or Heroes Unknown. Brother Ye alone restrains two or more super masters from the enemy alliance. It is undoubtedly very good news for us, at least without the threat of Tokyo Shinhwa and others, our pressure will be much less."

"Especially when we are defending the city, Brother Ye can contain and even suppress more enemies by himself, and his strength is stronger than Tokyo Myth, which will undoubtedly make the latter fearful, don't forget Brother Ye and Together, we have a chance to kill it." Changhe Sunset added.

"That's right." Samadhi nodded, thinking of something that brought a smile to the corner of her mouth: "The other thing is that both of us will use [Space Barrier] during the battle, if Ye Luo's strength is stronger than Tokyo Mythology Then the latter will be very afraid of being trapped by the space enchantment, because he is the one who is trapped and most likely to be killed, and in this case they can only escape, which will undoubtedly waste a lot of time for them, which is also good for us. A lot of."

Hearing this, everyone also realized this, and for a while they also understood the various advantages of Ye Luo's strength always being stronger than Tokyo Myth.

But then June Feixue mentioned another question - what if Tokyo Mythology is stronger than Ye Luo after receiving the system reward, and this is not impossible, for example, the system rewarded Tokyo Mythology with a piece of equipment that he can equip High-grade national weapons.

"Even if Tokyo Mythology is stronger than Ye Luo, you don't have to worry too much. Although we can't take Ye Luo's leadership to capture the gangs of the enemy alliance in a short time, Ye Luo has other advantages. We can make good use of these advantages. The overall strength of the enemy still has a chance to surpass the enemy's alliance." Sanmai Shi didn't take it seriously, she laughed when she thought of something: "The most important thing is that as long as Ye Luo can log in to the game, he will definitely be able to entangle the dark night, Tokyo Myth and other super masters, Without them, the two biggest threats, it would be much easier for us to stop the siege of the enemy alliance."

"No accident, once Ye Luo logs into the game, we will be able to successfully defend the city." Sanmaishi added.

Everyone agreed with this, because in their hearts, even if Ye Luo's strength is slightly worse than Tokyo Mythology, they can still protect themselves, especially in the defense of the city, and by means of various means he can undoubtedly entangle the dark night. , Tokyo myth, so they want to attack the city wall is not so easy.

Again, as long as Tokyo Mythology and the others do not attack the city wall, then the alliance of the Chinese server can use the advantages of the city wall to cause casualties and consumption to the enemy alliance as much as possible, and the longer Ye Luo entangles them, it is undoubtedly true. The greater the consumption, the greater the casualties.

Thinking of this, everyone breathed a sigh of relief, and of course they were looking forward to the moment when Ye Luo could return to the game.

Next, breaking the waves and riding the wind did not bother them any more, and continued to do the dungeon tasks with all their might.

I have to say that they had good luck in breaking the waves and riding the wind. This time, the final BOSS killed not only two sets of Lingxi Mochizuki, but also two scrolls, one of which was the [Group Blessing Scroll] and the other one. One is the [Group Purification Scroll], and these two scrolls can play a very good role in tomorrow's battle.

After completing the dungeon quest, they contacted Midnight Book, and the latter had already found a multi-headed high-grade BOSS. Next, Polangchengfeng and Fireworks Yi Leng were not polite, they directly teleported to the past and started to kill monsters - at this time Riding the waves and riding the wind, fireworks are easily cold and urgently need to upgrade to level 360 and then rank 9. After all, their strength will increase a lot after rank 9. In this case, it will be more resistant to the Japanese server alliance.

They were very strong in breaking the waves and riding the wind. They quickly killed all the multi-headed bosses. In addition to improving their experience, they also obtained 2 [Group Blessing Scrolls], which is also a very good harvest.

"Today's harvest is very good. I got multiple scrolls at once. If we get some scrolls next, then maybe we can resist the siege of the enemy alliance tomorrow." June Feixue smiled pretty, while As she said this, she looked at everyone: "Don't forget that the enemy alliance lacks the [Group Blessing Scroll] obtained from the third rank nine. If our alliance gets a little more scrolls, tsk tsk..."

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