VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 3742: : Time stopwatch

Tokyo Mythology will definitely not use the 100-meter displacement skill when attacking the outer city wall, but will use it when attacking the inner city wall. Once they use it, they can easily climb the city wall, especially if they have [Group Blessing Scroll] With the advantage of , it will be much easier for them to occupy the inner city wall.

The inner and outer city walls were all occupied by people from the Japanese server alliance, and it would undoubtedly be much easier for them to destroy the Chinese server imperial city, and it was almost a sure thing in the previous battle.

Changhe Sunset did not continue to speak, but everyone understood what he was going to say, and their expressions became more solemn for a while.

"If it was before, or even tomorrow, once the city walls were climbed by people from the enemy alliance, the city walls would be completely lost, and then it would be very easy for the imperial city to be destroyed when both the inner and outer city walls were occupied." Samadhi Shidao, without waiting for everyone to speak, she changed her tone: "But the day after tomorrow, this may not be the case, because Ye Luo will participate in this offensive and defensive battle."

"That's right." Sitting on Qin Xin, he took over the conversation: "As I said before, Ye Luo will lead a large number of elites to sneak attack the enemy from behind and then greatly restrain their actions, which will make it take more time for the enemy alliance to occupy the outer city wall. Not surprisingly, 10 minutes should not be enough, which means that they have to use the [Group Blessing Scroll] again, and within 10 minutes after the second use, they may not be able to take down the inner city wall, no, it must be very good. It is difficult to win, because the state of the awakening skills of everyone's combined equipment has disappeared, and everyone has spent a lot of money in the previous battle. At this time, the defense equipment on the inner city wall can play more. It works, maybe the people from that alliance have been unable to take down the inner city wall at this time..."

"But they still have the [God Descends Scroll]..." June Feixue reminded, but she was interrupted before she could finish speaking.

"They can use the [God Descends Scroll], and then they also have a great chance to occupy the inner city wall." Breaking the waves and riding the wind, she changed her tone: "But then we can retreat to the city wall and let the formation master Performing [Change the World], coupled with the new players, can give us a greater advantage, and it is enough to delay until the end of the [God Descends Scroll] state."

"Don't forget that the player's overall attributes will be weakened by 50% after using [God's Scroll]. Hey, at this time, I'm afraid even a little stronger dual-professional players can handle it, not to mention that we and Ye Luo will do it." Chengfeng added.

Hearing this, everyone also thought of the battle of the past two days, and for a while they naturally knew that after retreating to the city wall, the people who served the alliance in the middle also had some support and could gain a slight advantage, at least delay some time and then wait [ There is no problem with the end of the state of the gods coming to the scroll.

"But what if the celestial state they're wearing continues for a while?" Saturday raised the issue.

"It's simple, I will use [Space Barrier] to protect the heart of the city, and 10 minutes is enough time for the state of the gods to come to an end." She said with a slender hand, and then she smiled: "We can still use it at that time. The defense equipment at the heart of the city is to deal with the enemy. If it was before, it would be very difficult for us to defend it, but don’t forget that Uncle Ye Luo is here. ], [God's Advent Scroll] status is over, Uncle Ye Luo is an invincible existence, because with the cooperation of [Reincarnation *Sacrifice] and [Golden Needle Acupuncture Point], his status is better than the status of [Group Blessing Scroll]. Even stronger, in this state, he can easily suppress or even kill super masters such as Dark Night and Tokyo Mythology."

"That's right, Ye Luo was invincible at that time." Polang Chengfeng said confidently: "And what we have to do is to resist the enemies coming from all directions, and we can use the teleportation array to continuously teleport players over, so There is no problem for us to resist the enemy for a period of time. As time goes by, more and more players will be killed by Ye Luo, and they will not be able to bear it for too long and have to give up, which also means that they can defend the emperor. city."

"That's right, that's right, if Uncle Ye Luo was there before our imperial city was destroyed for the first time, we would definitely be able to defend the imperial city, and there would be no such thing as later." Zhou Ba said: "Although these days have been dark nights, Tokyo Mythology and their strength are much stronger, but they don't have the advantage of sneak attack, we certainly have no problem resisting them."

Everyone agreed with this, and then they all breathed a sigh of relief and stopped worrying about this problem. Next, they continued to kill monsters with all their strength, and even prepared to take dungeon quests again after this quest, so that they could as much as possible. Improving some of their strength will of course give them a better chance to rise to level 360 and rank nine in the day after tomorrow.

This time, they had good luck in breaking the waves and riding the wind. After killing the final boss, 3 scrolls exploded on the ground. Seeing that there are so many scrolls, especially one can be judged to be rare by the light emitted. Scroll, for a time everyone was excited and looking forward to it.

Thinking about it too, getting one more [Group Blessing Scroll] at this time, especially one more rare scroll, will undoubtedly make them more confident in defending the imperial city. Thinking of this, they are naturally excited and looking forward to it.

In the eyes of everyone looking forward to picking up the scrolls next week, the first two of them are [Group Blessing Scrolls], which makes Zhong Yu even more excited. After all, ordinary scrolls may also be [Group Teleportation Scrolls], [Group Blessing Scrolls] Mirror Image Scroll], etc., and the effect of these scrolls is far less than [Group Blessing Scroll], especially in the defense of the city.

"Hey, our luck is very good, we directly obtained 2 [Group Blessing Scrolls]." Othello laughed: "Although the [Group Blessing Scrolls] are just ordinary scrolls, they can play a role in defending the city. It is larger than the [Group Purification Scroll], after all, the latter can only be used by 10 players, while the [Group Blessing Scroll] can be used by 100 players."

In this regard, everyone also thought deeply, but they did not reply immediately, but looked at the last scroll in Zhou Eight's hands, obviously they were curious about the type of the last scroll.

"Rare scrolls hit like that, they're pretty good," said Hongchen with a smile, and then he laughed: "But I still hope it's a [group purification scroll], after all, one more scroll like this can give us 10 more. A big move, a variety of powerful and large-scale skills, and some invincible skills, with these we are equivalent to a new force."

"Of course, if it's the [God's Advent Scroll], it's also very good, although there is only one, but it will also make us more confident when dealing with the last siege of the enemy alliance." Yixiao Hongchen added, and his words also got With everyone's approval, of course everyone was still looking at August, obviously they wanted to figure out what type of scroll was that.

"It's not the [Group Purification Scroll], nor the [God Descends Scroll]..." Zhou Ba said, seeing everyone's expressions become a little dignified, and then she laughed: "This is a brand new scroll, it seems to work very well It looks like, no, it seems a bit against the sky..."

"What, a brand new scroll?!" Polang Chengfeng's voice increased a bit, and then she blurted out: "Hurry up, hurry up and send it to us to see what kind of brand new scroll it is and what effect this scroll has."

Not only are they curious about breaking the waves and riding the wind, but other people are also so, and then they all looked at Zhou Qi, and the latter did not say much, and directly sent a picture book to everyone:

[Time Stopwatch] (World Rare Objects * God-level Rare Scroll)

Item introduction: A scroll with breath energy. After use, it can make time stagnate within 1000 meters of the user's center. During the time stagnation, all players except the user will be in a static state and cannot move for 10 seconds. Using this scroll takes 1 second to charge.

Usage Restriction: Only one such scroll can be used in 1 day.

Special Note: After use, all surrounding units except the user will be constrained by time stagnation, including friendly units, and units that enter the area next will also be affected by time stagnation and cannot move unless the time stagnation time limit Finish.

"Hey, something that can stagnate time?" Slightly stunned for a moment, the waves and the wind couldn't help but mutter: "It sounds strong, but it can only last for 10 seconds, and the most important thing is that it also has a stagnation effect on friendly units. , this kind of thing seems to be of no use."

"No, this kind of thing is very useful, and can even play a role in turning the situation around at a critical moment." Samadhi shook her head, and when she said this, she couldn't hide her excitement: "Of course, if this kind of scroll is in the hands of ordinary players It's almost useless, but if it's in Sister Feng, no, it can play a big role in Ye Luo's hands. Don't forget how strong Ye Luo is, 10 seconds is enough for him to do it. There are many things, and even for such a long time, he can clear a wide range of enemies around him, including Dark Night, Tokyo Mythology and others, and this can undoubtedly reverse the situation to a great extent!"

"Yeah, Big Brother Ye can do a lot of things in 10 seconds, even enough to kill Dark Night and Tokyo Myth." Changhe Sunset said, and he was also a little excited when he said this: "In the end, Big Brother Ye has [ Fallen * Soul Eater] Ah, the player killed by him will drop the level directly and then explode out of the country. If the dark night and Tokyo Mythology are killed, then they will not only lose the level, they will not be able to continue to participate in the siege for a short time, the most important thing The only thing is that the national weapons on them will still explode, and if they are so afraid, they will no longer be able to pose any threat to us."

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