VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 3743: : Leave it to Ye Luo

If it is others, there are not many things that can be done in 10 seconds, especially in large-scale team battles involving tens of millions or hundreds of millions of players, even the masters of the level of Riding the Waves and Killing the Sky in the East. That's the case, but Ye Luo is different, because he can do a lot of things during this period of time, which can affect the progress of the overall situation.

Think about it, Ye Luo's damage output is very high, especially after the attack power is full, a normal attack alone is enough to clear the surrounding enemies within tens of meters in 10 seconds, and if you use some skills, it is even more In this way, especially [Sword Qi*Jianyu], [Thunder* Sword Slashing Bafang], [Devil Sword Heaven Slashing] such powerful and wide-ranging group attack skills, even in these times, he is enough to attack the dark night and Tokyo mythology. kill.

As I said before, as long as Dark Night and Tokyo Mythos are killed, almost no one in the Japanese server alliance can compete with Ye Luo. It is no exaggeration to say that the Japanese server alliance will never have a chance to turn over again - Dark Night , Tokyo Mythology is currently the master of the Japanese server alliance who has the most chance to entangle Ye Luo, but once they are killed and the national weapon explodes, they will not be able to threaten Ye Luo at all. It is no exaggeration to say that after Ye Luo You can unscrupulously attack the gang station of the Japanese server alliance, and there is no problem with giving him some time to take it down.

The most important thing is that Ye Luo has [Degenerate* Devouring]. Once he kills the target, he will not give the opponent time to lie down.

After grabbing the national weapons from Dark Night and Tokyo Mythology, the Chinese server alliance will undoubtedly be able to cultivate one or two super masters, and then it will not be a problem to continue to capture the gang station of the Japanese server alliance.

Being able to occupy the guild station of the alliance on the Japanese server all the time means that the alliance on the Chinese server can hoard a lot of [Group Blessing Scrolls] and various other killer props. After these props are accumulated to a certain amount, the alliance on the Chinese server will have the ability to destroy the imperial city. The strength of the Japanese server, and once the Japanese server side of the alliance has no chance to turn over, I am afraid that they will only be able to survive if they hide in the super gang station.

Everyone thought of this after seeing the effect of the [Time Stopwatch] and listening to the words of Changhe Sunset, and they all realized the function of this prop for a while.

"That's right, that's right, giving Ye Luo 10 seconds is enough to kill all enemies within a hundred meters or even larger, including such masters as Dark Night and Tokyo Mythology. Once they are killed, there will be no problem. The problem is, we can even turn the situation around even if our imperial city in the Chinese server is destroyed again." Polang and riding the wind hurriedly said, and her words were echoed by many people, and then they would also like to defend the imperial city of the Chinese server in the future. more confident.

"Sister Fireworks, do you want us to use this scroll tomorrow?!" June Feixue asked expectantly: "For example, if you let Sister Feng or Dongfang Slaughter use it, they will have a great chance of destroying Dark Night, Tokyo Mythology kills, so it is possible to hold the Russian Imperial City, so that the two sides can enter the stalemate in advance, and it does not need Uncle Ye Luo to do it at all."

"The destruction of one less imperial city is very beneficial to us, and this will also allow us to gain the upper hand some time earlier and then suppress the enemy alliance." June Feixue added.

June Feixue's words were echoed by many people, because after using the [Time Stopwatch] in their hearts to kill the dark night and Tokyo myth, it was no problem, and as long as they were killed, the situation would be reversed.

"Yes, if Sister Feng used the [Time Stopwatch], she would have a very good chance of killing Dark Night and Tokyo Mythology within 10 seconds." With excitement and expectation: "As long as we can kill Dark Night and Tokyo Mythology and then grab their national weapons, it will be fine even if the Russian Imperial City is destroyed again, and we will be able to defend our server in the future."

"The dark night without national weapons and Tokyo Mythology are not the opponents of Brother Ye at all. When Brother Ye Luo joins forces with us, we can easily contain the offensive of the enemy alliance. Maybe they will not dare to rashly attack us. " Chiyue added.

"That's right, that's right, we will be able to defend our imperial city at that time." Yixiao Hongchen and others echoed.

"However, you must not let Dongfang Tianjian use the [Time Stopwatch], you must let Sister Feng use it." Saturday said: "Because after using the [Time Stopwatch], only the user can move, and if it is used by Dongfang Tiantian, he will kill him. After the dark night and Tokyo mythology, he will definitely take the national weapon as his own, which is equivalent to giving him all the benefits. We can't do this kind of thing, so we must let Sister Feng use the scroll, just as Sister Feng also has [Degenerate * Devour] , as long as you kill Dark Night and Tokyo Mythology, you can directly reveal their national weapons."

In this regard, everyone naturally has no objection. After all, the Dongfang family will definitely oppose the Misty Pavilion in the future, and the people in the Misty Pavilion will not do the wedding dress for others.

Hearing this, breaking the waves and riding the wind was also a little excited. For a while, she was full of pride, and she had a magnificent pride that could turn the tide.

"No, it's better not to use it tomorrow." Fireworks Yi Leng shook her head, seeing their puzzled expressions, she asked lightly, "Sister Feng, do you have full confidence after using [Time Stopwatch]. Kill the dark night and the Tokyo myth?"

Without waiting for the waves to ride the wind, she continued: "Don't forget that the dark night and the Tokyo myth may not be very close to you at that time, even if you seize the best opportunity to use the [Time Stopwatch], you can use the [Time Stopwatch] to attack nearby and see if it can kill you within 10 seconds. It’s not necessarily a kill, don’t forget that Dark Night and Tokyo Myths may be [Spell Immunity] or invincible, so the time you can use to attack is not necessarily much.”

"By the way, don't forget that your overall attributes will still be reduced by 15% tomorrow." Fireworks Yi Leng added.

If it was before, she still had full confidence in breaking the waves and riding the wind, but after listening to the various factors that Fireworks Yi Leng said, she was a little uncertain. After all, her equipment level and overall attributes were much lower than those of Dark Night and Tokyo Mythology. In this case, killing it within 10 seconds is not a sure thing.

"You can use the [time stopwatch] the first time Sister Feng is on the city wall in the dark night and Tokyo Mythology." Jun Feixue said, looking at Polang Chengfeng as she spoke: "At that time, Sister Feng would definitely be wearing it. The awakening skill status of the ultimate move and combination equipment, and even the attack power has been fully increased. As long as she uses the scroll at the right time when they are not invincible in Tokyo Mythology, then Sister Feng's damage output will kill it. No problem."

"When Sister Feng is wearing her ultimate and combination equipment to awaken skills, Dark Night and Tokyo Mythology must also be in this state. You and I both know how high their blood, defense and blood recovery speed are in this state. ." Samadhi shook his head: "Especially during the initial siege of the city in the dark night and Tokyo Mythology, in order to avoid being controlled, they must be invincible. They have a lot of invincible skills for 10 seconds or even more than 10 seconds, so leave it to There isn't much time for Sister Feng to attack them, and it's really hard to say whether she can kill them."

"That's right, the [time stopwatch] could not be used at the beginning, because at this time, Dark Night and Tokyo Mythology are mostly invincible, and the state of awakening skills of big moves and combination equipment." Fireworks Yi said coldly: " At least at this time, the effect of using [Time Stopwatch] is not very obvious, so it is best to use it later, such as after both parties have consumed about the same."

"But after the consumption of both sides is almost the same, there is a high probability that Sister Feng will not have any powerful skills. At this time, there will not be too many players that can be killed by using [Time Stopwatch]." Continue: "Even if the target can really be killed at that time, I am afraid that it is only one of the dark night and Tokyo mythology, and the remaining other masters still pose a great threat to us, at least there are likely to be many changes. "

"If Sister Feng hadn't been punished by a 15% reduction in overall attributes and had one more national weapon, the situation might not have been the same, especially if Sister Feng was level 360 and turned 9, and after using the [Time Stopwatch], she would kill Dark Night and Tokyo Mythos. The possibility will increase a lot." Sitting on Qin Xin said, but after thinking of something, she sighed: "It's just that it is very difficult for Sister Feng to rise to level 360 before the enemy alliance attacks the city tomorrow, and it is also very difficult. Collect enough 10 million points for the national war and then exchange for national weapons, the most important thing is that our imperial city has not been restored tomorrow, so Sister Feng will definitely be punished by a 15% reduction in overall attributes."

"That's right." Firework Yi Leng nodded: "Although it is possible to let Sister Feng use [Time Stopwatch] to kill Dark Night and Tokyo Mythology, it is not a surefire way to kill it. If you can't kill it, it will be a waste of time. Opportunities, and even a chain reaction, will cause us to be unable to keep our imperial city in the future, so for now, Ye Luo can use the [Time Stopwatch] to be more confident."

"Even if Ye Luo is not allowed to use it, it is best to use it when defending our CCP Imperial City. This scroll can be used as our last trump card." Fireworks Yi Leng added.

"Well, yes, this scroll can play a greater role in Ye Luo's hands. After all, Ye Luo's damage output is much higher than mine, especially if it is easier for him to retain some powerful skills than me. More." Polang Chengfeng nodded, and after a while, she continued: "So leave this scroll for Ye Luo to use, he will definitely not disappoint us."

Everyone agreed with this, and this matter was settled in this way. After that, everyone did not say much. After clearing up the other explosions, they handed in the quest and then took the most difficult [Fallen Beast] once again.

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