VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 3744: : 6 people nine turns

After some analysis, everyone realized that it is better to leave [Time Stopwatch] to Ye Luo. After all, his damage output is much higher than that of Riding the Wind, especially because of his skill system and [Cooldown Reset]. It is easier to retain some high-power, large-area group attack skills than the latter.

Of course, the most important thing is that tomorrow, breaking the waves and riding the wind will not be able to rank 360 and turn 9, nor will you be able to collect 10 million points of national warfare to exchange for national weapons. In addition, due to the influence of the imperial city in the Chinese server, the overall attributes will be reduced by 15%. In this case, the chances of her success in killing Dark Night and Tokyo Myth are not great.

After making these decisions, everyone did not sit idle and continued the copy of [Fallen Beast], but this time their luck was not as good as before, and there was no more rare scrolls like [Time Stopwatch]. Having said that, the [Group Blessing Scroll] has not even been released, there are only 1 or 2 [Group Teleportation Scrolls], and this kind of scroll can play a very small role in the defense battle, far less than the [Group Blessing Scroll]. reel】.

After that, they started to kill the high-grade bosses found by assassins such as Midnight Books, and they got some gains. For example, they got 2 [Group Blessing Scrolls], and the experience bar of Riding the Waves and Fireworks is also easy to get cold. It has improved a lot. Although it will be difficult to upgrade to level 360 before the alliance will attack the city again tomorrow, there will be no problem when defending the imperial city in the day after tomorrow.

Time passed slowly, and it was 2 or 3 am in the blink of an eye, and this was also the time for them to go offline and rest.

"Hey, today's harvest is pretty good. Not only did we get 3 or 4 [Group Blessing Scrolls] and [Time Stopwatch], the sky-defying scrolls, we also got a set of Consonance Moon Watching suits, which made our The strength has improved very well." Othello laughed, and she continued: "In addition, the thousands of miles walk alone, the No. 1 character and the deep-sea giant whale have also been upgraded to level 360, and there are 3 more nines. The masters of the transfer, tomorrow our situation of defending the city will be much better, even if the [time stopwatch] is not used, maybe we can still defend the imperial city of the Russian server, after all, we will deploy elite defense in advance."

Hearing this, June Feixue and others were also very excited, and they had a little more confidence in the battle after dawn.

"Although we have gained a lot, the situation of the enemy alliance is also very good, even much better than us." Sitting on Qin Xindao, she looked a little dignified when she said this: "Don't say that the dark night destroys the Central Asian server. What kind of harvest will the Imperial City have? In addition, the Emperor's Hymn, The Hero is Nameless, The Sun Never Sets Dragon Shadow, The Colorful Divine Ox, Mt. Fuji, and Twilight's Coolness have all reached level 360. There are 6 people in the enemy alliance. Turn, and all of them are super masters, but we only have three on our side, and we are at a great disadvantage in this regard.”

"The most important thing is that the imperial city of the Central Asian server was also destroyed. At the same time, 3 imperial cities were destroyed, which undoubtedly brought the overall strength of our Chinese server to the bottom. In this case, even if we deployed elites in the Russian server in advance, I am afraid that It is also difficult to hold." Sitting on Qin Xin added: "Even we may be occupied by one or two gang quarters tomorrow."

Others didn't pay too much attention to the situation of the players in the alliance on the Japanese server, but they kept paying attention to these issues. After learning that Fujisan and the others have successively risen to level 360, the number of rank nine players is higher than that of the Chinese server. After a lot of alliances, she realized that the defense of the Russian Imperial City was not so easy.

Hearing this, everyone's expressions also became solemn, especially after thinking that the players in the 9th rank are masters standing on the top of the pyramid in the gaming world, they also realized for a while that it is difficult to defend the imperial city of the Russian server, and there is even a real Maybe they will be occupied by some gang residences, just like Sitting on Qin Xin said.

"The leveling efficiency of the enemy alliance's players is too high. We only have 3 players to reach level 360 and rank 9. They have 6 players in one day, which is twice as many as us." June Feixue couldn't help muttering. stand up.

"No way, our alliance's strength has been greatly affected after the imperial cities of our alliance have been destroyed one after another. In addition, super masters such as Dark Night and Tokyo Mythology have been assassinating and harassing our people, so our people want to upgrade their ranks even more. It's difficult." Samadhi said, seeing everyone's solemn expressions, she chuckled lightly: "But don't worry, at this time, many people in our alliance are already at level 359 and approaching level 360. It's no surprise that we will be defending the city tomorrow. There will be many more Rank 9 masters, and even if the number of Rank 9 masters is not as good as that of the enemy alliance, it will not be much worse.”

"Of course, the most important thing is that Ye Luo will be able to return to the game tomorrow. The role he can play alone is the top of several rank nine masters, especially after he uses the [Time Stopwatch], at least we There is a great chance to defend our imperial city, as long as we can defend it, then all problems will not be a problem." Samadhi added.

"That said, but if the Imperial City of Russia is destroyed tomorrow, it will further reduce the overall strength of our alliance, so the gap between us and the enemy alliance will be even greater." Zhiyue said solemnly: "And this In this case, I am afraid that the enemy alliance still has the strength to continue to occupy our gang's station. Once they occupy one or two of them, they will get more items such as [Group Blessing Scroll], which will undoubtedly cause more accidents in the future defending the city. ."

"There's no way, we've done everything we can, and there's no point in worrying about it." Midnight Shu said casually, and then he laughed: "Anyway, we just need to do our best, and I'm very confident in us. , In particular, Brother Ye will return to the game, the role he can play by himself is far more than that of several super masters, and even the role that Dark Night and Tokyo Mythology can play together may not be comparable to that of Brother Ye."

Everyone agreed with this, thinking that Ye Luo would participate in the defense of the Imperial City of China, especially when he thought that he still had a [time stopwatch] in his hand, everyone no longer worried about anything for a while, and then went offline, Ready to rest.

Before the break, they naturally did not forget to check Ye Luo's situation. After seeing that the latter was recovering very well, there would be no problem in returning to the game tomorrow when the Imperial City defense battle was held in China. After that everyone breathed a sigh of relief—yes They said that it was very important for Ye Luo to return to the game smoothly. After confirming this, they naturally no longer had to worry about anything.

Time passed slowly, and another 7 or 8 hours passed in a blink of an eye. They also returned to the game and prepared for today's battle of defending the city.

Because it has been analyzed before that the Japanese server alliance is likely to attack the Russian server imperial city, so this time, everyone in the Chinese server alliance focused on mobilizing elites to enter the Russian server defense, especially when they saw the border of the server bordering the Russian server. They have already deployed a large number of elites from the enemy alliance, and they are even more convinced of this after a large number of elites have infiltrated the Russian server.

Of course, thinking that the Japanese server alliance is very hesitant, it may attack the west, and then it may occupy multiple gang stations after destroying an imperial city, so the Chinese server alliance also has to deploy some elites on the Bucky server, non-server and other servers just in case. .

The next step is to wait, waiting for the people from the Japanese server alliance to attack the city. Not surprisingly, they will start their actions after the rewards for destroying the imperial city of the Central Asian server are in place. At that time, Tokyo Mythology and their various killer skills can be used again. Used, in this case they are more likely to take down the target.

"I hope that the national weapon obtained by Dark Night is not something he can equip." June Feixue muttered before hearing the system prompt: "After all, Dark Night's strength is already very strong, if he gets another one that he can equip. If the national weapon is still a high-grade national weapon, then we will have no chance to defend the Russian Imperial City, and even as we said yesterday, they will have the opportunity to occupy some of our gang quarters, which will cause great trouble.”

"Dark Night has already equipped a number of national weapons, so the probability of him getting the national weapons that he can equip is too small, so don't worry about anything." Obviously, she is also worried that the national weapon rewarded by the system can be equipped in the dark night.

It didn't make everyone wait for the system prompt to sound. Naturally, the dark night was rewarded for destroying the Imperial City of Central Asia, but it was the same as the reward obtained by Tokyo Mythology yesterday. It was nothing more than overall attributes, skill enhancement and various The rewards of scrolls and props are naturally indispensable for a high-grade national weapon - and this also makes everyone confirm once again that as long as the imperial city is destroyed, they will definitely get a high-grade national weapon.

Because the system prompt was similar to what Tokyo Mythology obtained yesterday, they didn't care too much about other things. At this time, they were concerned about whether the top-grade national weapon rewarded by the system could be equipped in the dark night.

However, everyone quickly breathed a sigh of relief, because there was no dark night's name on the national weapon list, which means that the dark night did not have another piece of equipment. The strength is already very strong. If he gets another national weapon that he can equip, and it is a high-grade national weapon, I am afraid that he can already pose a great threat to Ye Luo.

"Hey, sure enough, Dark Night has already obtained so many national weapons. It is not so easy to obtain a national weapon that he can equip again." Othello laughed.

: "As long as it is not a national weapon that can be equipped in the dark night, there is no big problem. At least tomorrow, Ye Luo can still suppress him, and even deter him from approaching."

"I'm afraid things are not as easy as you think." Sitting on Qin Xin, she said this with a wry smile on her pretty face: "Because it was Twilight Weiliang who obtained the top-grade national weapon, and the strength in the Korean clothes is Second only to the master of the dark night, and now he has obtained another national weapon, and it is a high-grade national weapon. I am afraid that his strength is stronger than Sister Feng and Dongfang Tiantian at this time, especially since he is now level 360 Nine turns."

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