VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 3745: : Propose to attack two

The reward for destroying the imperial city of the Central Asian server in the dark night was very good, which greatly improved his strength. Fortunately, the high-grade national weapon rewarded by the system is not acceptable to him. This is bad news in bad news. .

It's just that everyone also knows that Twilight Weiliang's strength is very strong, second only to the dark night in the Korean server. Now that he has obtained a top-grade national weapon, his strength has been greatly improved, so there is no doubt that the threat to the alliance of the Chinese server is even greater. Bigger, after realizing this, the smile on Othello's pretty face froze, and then his expression became a little dignified.

"Not only that, you haven't noticed the national war standings. At this time, Twilight Weiliang's national war points have reached more than 9.9 million, and he is only short of 10 million points for some skills. Once you get enough points, don't forget that his damage output is very high now, and it will be easier to get points in a large-scale melee." Sitting on Qin Xin, he continued, seeing the changes in the expressions of everyone. , she smiled bitterly: "Yes, as you think, he will be able to exchange a national weapon very soon, although it is a low-grade national weapon, it can still greatly improve his strength, and this will undoubtedly be good for We caused a lot of pressure."

"Even as we have analyzed before, today they can not only destroy the Russian server, but also have a great chance to occupy some of our gang's residences." Sitting on Qin Xin added.

Hearing this, everyone's expressions became solemn, and their mood became heavier for a while.

Think about it too. Originally because the imperial city of the Chinese server, court server, and Central Asian server was destroyed, the overall strength of the alliance on the Chinese server and the alliance on the Japanese server have been opened up a lot. The promotion will undoubtedly put more pressure on the alliance of the Chinese server side, and it is very likely that it cannot hold the imperial city or even occupied some gang residences.

The destruction of another imperial city could have once again significantly improved the strength of the Japanese-server alliance, not to mention that they could still occupy some gang residences. The most important thing is that the imperial city was destroyed and another gang residence was destroyed Occupation will also further weaken the overall strength of the China-Server alliance.

If this is the case, then even if Asuka Ye Luo can return to the game, it may not necessarily be able to contain the offensive of the Japanese server alliance, at least it will be more likely to break out, and even the Chinese server imperial city may be destroyed again.

If the imperial city of the Chinese server is destroyed again, perhaps the alliance of the Chinese server will never have a chance to reverse the situation.

Thinking of this, everyone looked at Fireworks Yi Leng and Samadhi Shi together, and the meaning was self-evident.

"If this is the case, there is no good way. We can only deal with it as much as possible." Fireworks Yi said coldly, her tone was as indifferent as always: "Fortunately, when we look at tomorrow, there will be multiple levels of 360 in our alliance. The masters of Rank 9, such as me and Sister Feng, such as Yaoyue Toast, No. 3 character, and Nangong Yunlong, etc., so many people in Rank 9 can also improve our overall strength a lot."

"The most important thing is that Sister Feng and Dongfang Slaughter are about to collect 10 million points and then exchange them for low-grade national weapons that are suitable for them. Even the small books are not too bad. So many people can exchange national weapons. The strength has improved a lot." Fireworks Yi Leng added.

"That's right, maybe our overall strength is much worse than the enemy alliance today, but tomorrow will be different, especially after the restoration of the Imperial City in China, we won't suffer the penalty of reducing our overall attributes by 15%." Midnight Shu took over the words: "In addition, there are so many people on our side of Rank 9 and exchange of national weapons, even if we can't stop the siege of the enemy alliance, it can greatly delay the time, hey, the longer we delay the enemy. The consumption and casualties of the alliance will be greater, especially when Brother Ye sneaks up on the enemy from behind."

"By the way, Big Brother Ye will also look for opportunities to use the [Time Stopwatch], tsk tsk, with his damage output, he can kill a lot of people within 10 seconds, and he can even kill Dark Night and Tokyo Mythology. Kill them, then even if we can't defend the imperial city tomorrow, it won't matter." Midnight book added.

Hearing this, everyone also thought of Ye Luo's strength, even if he hasn't logged into the game for 3 days, and even tomorrow, he will still be better than Dark Night and Tokyo Myth in terms of overall attributes, skill system and equipment level. And the [time stopwatch] can naturally cause great casualties to the enemy alliance, and even really have a great chance to kill the dark night and the Tokyo myth.

Again, once Dark Night and Tokyo Mythology are killed and their national weapons are taken away, then there will be no players in the entire Japanese server alliance who can stop Ye Luo. At that time, he can lead a group of elite teams to consume the enemy all the time. The party alliance's gang station and even occupy it, has been occupying the gang station, and then naturally the Japanese server party alliance will be completely suppressed.

Thinking that their own side also has an advantage, especially because of their confidence in Ye Luo, everyone stopped worrying about it for a while, and continued to wait for the people from the Japanese server alliance to attack the city.

Let's not talk about the next fireworks Yi Leng discussing with Dongfang Xingxing and others about the deployment of troops and how to defend the city, and let's talk about the situation on the side of the Japanese server alliance.

After the dark night received the generous rewards, they quickly distributed the system rewards. Of course, they also opened the treasure chest of the system rewards, and then informed the alliance how many scrolls such as [Group Blessing Scrolls] they had in their hands. How to siege the city and whether it can be successfully sieged, it is natural to tell the alliance's military division team truthfully.

"Haha, I didn't expect them to have such good luck in the dark night. They actually opened nearly 10 [Group Blessing Scrolls] from the treasure box. Counting the system rewards and what we got from our major servers within 1 day, it's just the [Group Blessing Scrolls]. ] We have more than 60, which is more than 10 more than yesterday, not to mention that we still have scrolls such as [Group Purification Scroll]." After hearing the dark night and their harvest, the colorful demon fox couldn't help laughing. Get up: "Because another imperial city was destroyed, the overall strength of the Chinese server alliance has been weakened again, but we have improved a little because of the system reward strength, and now we have so many scrolls, not surprisingly, we can easily The Russian Imperial City was occupied."

Without waiting for everyone to speak, he continued: "Maybe we still have enough [Group Blessing Scroll] after destroying the Russian Imperial City, and then we can destroy one of their imperial cities, hey, destroying two of their imperial cities in one day, then the reward is too great. It is rich, and tomorrow we will definitely be able to destroy the Imperial City of the Chinese server again, even if Ye Luozhiqiu returns to the game."

The words of the colorful demon fox were immediately echoed by many people, and they were all excited and excited for a while, especially everyone in the Japanese server.

Thinking about it, although the Japanese server alliance has a great advantage at this time, they still feel that there is a sharp sword hanging over their heads - Ye Luo, in their hearts, once Ye Luo returns to the game, there is a great chance Containing their adversary's actions would wipe out the advantages they had previously created.

However, if they can really destroy the two imperial cities today, the number of scrolls such as the [Group Blessing Scroll] they will have will be far more than in the past few days after obtaining the system reward, plus the top-grade national weapons and the imperial treasures. If the city is destroyed, the overall strength of the Chinese server alliance will be further weakened, and they have full confidence that they can destroy the Chinese server imperial city again.

In the hearts of Japanese server and even other server players, once they can destroy the Chinese server imperial city once again, the advantages they have accumulated can allow them to occupy the gangs of the Chinese server alliance all the time, which undoubtedly means that they can always suppress the Chinese server side. The league then made it completely impossible to turn around.

"That's right, the strength of both of us has been widened a lot now, not only the number of [Group Blessing Scrolls] we have today is a lot more than yesterday, but also we have 6 or 7 people who have turned nine, plus the dark night. The strength of Twilight and Twilight Weiliang has been greatly improved, and there will be no problem in destroying the two imperial cities of the Chinese server alliance." The Blade of Heroes said, and his words were echoed by many people, and they all agreed to do it. Good plan to destroy the two imperial cities.

"You and I both know how powerful the imperial city's defense is. Although we have been able to destroy the imperial city of the China-Server alliance, you and I also know that our casualties are much greater than the other side's. The strength gap between the two is not as big as you think, which is why after yesterday we destroyed the Imperial City of Central Asia and lost the strength to continue occupying their gang's resident..." Fujisan said, but he didn't say anything. It was interrupted.

"Today's situation is different from yesterday. After all, another imperial city was destroyed by the other party today, and we have not only a number of Rank 9 masters, but also a lot of [Group Blessing Scrolls], so it must be After destroying the Russian Imperial City, it has the strength to destroy another Imperial City again." Red Bing said, when he said this, he made an oath and was full of confidence.

Not only is Red Ice full of confidence, but so are other players. There are even many players who propose to attack two imperial cities at the same time.

"Attack two imperial cities at the same time?!" Dark Ye's voice increased a bit, and he snorted coldly: "You dare to propose such a stupid proposal, you are so arrogant."

Think about it, everyone knows how powerful the imperial city's defense is, especially the damage output of the defense equipment is still so high, the most important thing is that the total number of players in the central server alliance adds up to a lot, and only one imperial city can accommodate it far away. No, this is also the reason why many new troops will be teleported in the teleportation array later.

And if the Japanese server alliance attacks two imperial cities at the same time, then the Chinese server alliance can naturally deploy its excess troops to another imperial city, and this will undoubtedly give full play to the overall combat power of the Chinese server alliance. At least It can mobilize several times or even more enemies than the Japanese server alliance, and in this case, the Japanese server alliance is likely to be unable to destroy even an imperial city, but there will be great casualties.

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