VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 3759: : finally start

The facts are similar to the analysis of Samadhi and the others. Although Ye Luo hasn't logged into the game yet, they still don't dare to be careless. There is a chance to kill them, and if they are so afraid, it will not only wipe out the advantages they created before, but it may even bring their alliance into a doomed situation.

Of course, the most important reason is because there are too many elite players mobilized by the Japanese server alliance today, which is several times as many as yesterday, and there are many more players than the Chinese server alliance defending the city, and since they have an advantage in numbers, they can Use the crowd tactics to consume first, so they are more confident to destroy the imperial city of China.

Faced with this situation, Zhiyue and the others wanted to inform Ye Luo to log in to the game, but Sanmaishi didn't care, because she knew that their current defense force would be enough to deal with the situation that the super masters such as Dark Night and Tokyo Myth didn't do anything. The charging enemy.

This is also true. After a large number of enemies approached within 100 meters of the imperial city, the magic crystal guns began to show their power, and lasers shot one after another, and then dealt very good damage. After the enemy got closer, the catapults and arrow towers also unfolded. attack, which increases the damage output a lot.

Not only that, under the order of Fireworks Yi Leng, a number of masters of formation performed [Change the World] in front of the city wall and then created high platforms one after another. Naturally, many living players set up mobile magic crystal cannons on the high platforms, and this further Increased damage to players in the Japanese server alliance.

The role of those high platforms is not only to place mobile magic crystal cannons on them, but also to block the elite cavalry of the Japanese server alliance, at least to delay the speed of their charge, and the longer the delay, the more they will be attacked. The more, the more casualties.

Judging from the current situation, it is a sure thing for the Japanese server alliance to attack the Chinese server imperial city, so there is no need to worry that they are just feinting and then the real target is the non-server or Bucky server's imperial city, so the people from the Chinese server alliance are also All the [Eight-Winged Fallen Angel Recruitment Orders] were used without hesitation, and many Eight-Winged Fallen Angel NPCs appeared at a time, and then they naturally displayed their group attack skills one by one, which caused more problems for the players who charged. Large damage, and even unlucky players are emptied of blood by concentrated attacks.

Of course, only a small number of players were killed at this time, and there were still a large number of elites rushing up from the rear, rushing up continuously, and the priest legion also used various blood-increasing skills, plus a lot of dispelling negative states. skills, so there are still a large number of elites who can rush to the city wall.

However, at this time, all the players in the central server alliance defending the city also acted. The cavalry charged those who were close to the city wall, and the summoner summoned various pets and set them in front. Advantages, so even in the face of a larger number of enemies, it can be tolerated.

Since the cavalry and summoned beasts can resist, then the archers, magicians and other long-range occupations of the Chinese server alliance can naturally attack unscrupulously. Various skills are displayed to cover the attack, and the high damage figures will float in pieces at a time. Since then, many players have been instantly killed, especially after masters such as Riding the Waves and Riding the Wind and Slaughtering the Sky in the East joined the battle.

That's right, Dongfang Slaughtering the Sky, Breaking the Waves and Riding the Wind, they joined the battle. They don't have the scruples of Dark Night, Tokyo Mythology, etc. Even without the threat of these masters, they can still attack recklessly and display all kinds of skills, no, Even normal attacks can deal high damage, and players with full attack power, such as Riding the Waves and Riding the Wind, Midnight Books, etc., can even kill players who are not invincible.

It is worth mentioning that when the people of the Japanese server alliance officially attacked the city, the number of Rank 9 players owned by the Chinese server alliance finally surpassed, although only 2 or 3 more players, but because of the dark night, Tokyo Mythology and other masters did not participate in the war, so the Chinese server alliance had a great advantage, even if the Japanese server alliance mobilized far more elite players than the Chinese server alliance, it would be difficult to get close to the city wall.

Of course, the most important thing is that the imperial city of the Chinese server has been restored, and the players in the Chinese server have improved a lot after the penalty of reducing their overall attributes by 15%. With these, it is still very easy for them to resist the attack of the Japanese server alliance. , as they said in the previous samadhi poems.

"Hey, sure enough, as long as the super masters such as Tokyo Myth and Dark Night do not participate in the siege, we can easily defend the city." Othello laughed while attacking: "At this time, many people in the enemy alliance have been killed, so I will If you don’t believe in Dark Night, Tokyo Mythology, they can still sit still, I’m afraid they won’t be able to take action soon.”

"There are too many elite players mobilized by the enemy alliance today, and they don't care about such casualties. Compared to this, they prefer to use some players to consume some of our methods, and the other is to find out whether we have hidden the killer, so They will also be more confident to take our imperial city." Samadhi said, and she continued: "Of course the most important thing is that the enemy alliance has not used the [Group Blessing Scroll] at this time, once they use it, it will be the dark night. , When Tokyo Mythology and the others started, we were under the greatest pressure at that time, so we should not be careless."

"It's natural." Polang Chengfeng smiled and said, "But while Tokyo Mythology and they didn't make a move, we can unscrupulously make a move. Of course, we just use some skills with a short CD time, and this can still kill many of their players, even us. Just a normal attack can kill a lot of them."

Nodding her head, Fireworks Yi Leng did not bother with this issue. She followed the movements of Dark Ye and others while attacking, and energy arrows roared away, although the damage of each energy arrow was more than that of Ride the Waves and Ride the Wind and others. The attack is much worse, but under the action of the [Split Arrow], the total damage output of multiple energy arrows is quite impressive, not to mention that the target hit by the energy arrow will be frozen and slowed down or even frozen, which is undoubtedly also Greatly reduced the pressure of defending the city.

On the other hand, seeing that many elite charges did not have the expected effect, and they did not even force out their great power skills, Heilongtianzhan and others became anxious for a while, and they urged the dark night and them to hurry up. At this point they were a little impatient.

"It's been 1 or 2 minutes since the battle started, and Ye Luozhiqiu hasn't logged into the game at all, so obviously he won't show up at all." Heilongtianzhan couldn't help but said: "And you and I both know that the sooner he joins the war, the damage it will cause to us. The greater the casualties, since he hasn't appeared yet, there is a high probability that he won't log in to the game, so we have nothing to worry about, just kill it."

Heilongtianzhan's words have been echoed by many players. They are gearing up for each other and can't wait to make a move.

"If we don't take action, then our casualties will be too great." Sun Buluo Longying said solemnly: "Although it can also consume some means of the alliance of the Chinese server, especially it can kill some eight-winged fallen angel recruits. Ling, but there is almost no chance to climb the city wall, and it is even difficult to force the killer skills of the waves and the wind and others, so it is more or less not worth it."

"In addition, even if Ye Luozhiqiu returns to the game, it's fine, our space system players are hiding in a safe place to watch the battle here, they will teleport us away as soon as we encounter danger, and use our There is no problem in reacting in a timely manner to use invincible means." The sun does not set Longying added: "What's more, almost all the time, there will be players who lock us to teleport and help us intercept the surrounding enemies, so we are safer."

Knowing that it doesn't make much sense to continue consuming it, Tokyo Mythology and the others nodded, and then they didn't say much and started the charge directly.

Of course, the Japanese server alliance also ordered the use of [Group Blessing Scrolls] when they attacked the city in Tokyo Mythology, and directly used as many as 30, which was far more than the initial amount when they attacked the Russian server imperial city yesterday. consumed.

After using so many scrolls at once, the most important thing is that super masters such as Dark Night and Tokyo Mythology have also joined the ranks of the siege. For a time, the power of the Japanese server alliance to siege the city has greatly increased, at least it has far surpassed that of the Chinese server. One side of the alliance defends the strength of the city.

That's right, although more than a day has passed, there are not many [Group Blessing Scrolls] obtained by the Chinese server alliance, but only 20. The most important thing is that everyone knows that the Japanese server alliance must have many more. Reservation, so naturally you can't use all of them, you can only use 5 or 6, and this is five times the gap compared to 30, so it is natural for the overall strength to fall into the disadvantage in an instant.

Fortunately, the Chinese server alliance still has the advantages of city walls, high platforms and many defense equipment at this time. In addition, in the dark night and Tokyo Mythology, after they do not hide behind to watch the battle, those players who were offline and waiting can log in to the game and then stay behind. sneak attack.

That's right, this time the Chinese server alliance is well prepared. There are tens of millions of players hiding outside the city wall. This is a huge number. At one time, so many people charged together, and they were behind the Japanese server. The fact that one alliance's camp launched a charge immediately caused a lot of casualties, and this also greatly reduced the pressure on the frontal defense of the city.

However, everyone in the Japanese server alliance has long known that the Chinese server alliance will have such a hand, so they left a large number of elite cavalry behind the camp in advance, the number has reached more than 10 million, although the number is not comparable to the Chinese server alliance. Ambush players in advance, but there is no problem in resisting for a period of time, so the backhand prepared by the Japanese server alliance can play a role.

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