VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 3760: : Yeluo appears

After the dark night and Tokyo Mythology began to siege the city with all their strength, tens of millions of elites from the alliance of the Chinese server who were in ambush in advance immediately logged into the game and launched a charge against the enemy camp. So many elites charged with all their strength also caused damage to the people of the alliance on the Japanese server. There were a lot of casualties, which also reduced the pressure on the frontal defense of the city a lot.

However, everyone in the Japanese server alliance has long thought of this, so they have deployed a lot of elites behind this faction, there are as many as tens of millions, and many of them are comparable to the elite cavalry of [Nightmare Commander], and so many There was no problem with the elite cavalry resisting the charge of the tens of millions of elite players for a period of time.

At this time, the Japanese server alliance also used its back-hand-tens of millions of elite cavalry in the outer periphery to quickly surround those who appeared in the Chinese server alliance. As a result, the tens of millions of the Chinese server alliance The elite will face the situation of front and rear attack.

Of course, if there are only tens of millions of elites, it is not enough to pose too much threat to the many players in the CCP alliance. After all, the number of the two sides is similar, but at this time, the elite cavalry from Tiange City and Yixin City are also at full speed. Came here and then participated in the siege, and as time went on, the number of players increased, and they would soon surpass the players from the Chinese server alliance.

The number of players in the alliance in the Japanese server is not comparable to that of the alliance in the Japanese server. In addition, they have to face the situation of being attacked from the front and back. The elite situation of the tens of millions of the alliance in the Chinese server is a bit bad. At this time, they can do everything. Very limited, they are they cannot immediately break through the block and then rush into the camp of the Japanese server alliance.

If this continues, I am afraid that tens of millions of elite cavalry will soon be killed here.

Of course, at this time, the players of the Japanese server alliance have not yet formed a siege situation, and the tens of millions of elite cavalry from the Chinese server alliance led by Yixiao Hongchen and others still have the opportunity to break through the siege, so there is no need to worry about all being killed. fate.

It's just that Xiao Hongchen and the others also have their own mission, that is, to interfere as much as possible with the enemy who is attacking the city, so they never thought of breaking out to escape. At this time, they only have one idea - to fight to the death.

The situation they faced with Xiaohongchen was not very good, and the same was true of the situation when they were blocked by the waves and the wind, and the fireworks were easy to be cold, because they had some scruples after they participated in the siege of the city in the dark night and Tokyo Mythology. After all, the latter's The strength is still stronger than them, even if they are no longer punished by the 15% reduction in overall attributes, even if the number of Rank 9 players in the Chinese server alliance is more.

Thinking about it, they did not get the reward for destroying the imperial city. The most important thing is that the polar silver wolf and others still bear the punishment after the city wall was destroyed. In addition, the [group blessing] used by the Japanese server alliance The number of scrolls is 5 times that of the Chinese server alliance. In the face of these waves and winds, they can do very limited things even if they do their best. This can be seen from the dark night and Tokyo Mythology.

That's right, Dark Night and Tokyo Mythology are fast approaching the city wall, and it doesn't take long to wait for the city wall at present. Even at this time, as long as they use their displacement skills, they can climb the city wall. The advantage of the city wall will also be gone.

"Sister Fireworks, Tokyo Mythology and the others have already done their best. Yixiao Hongchen and the others have also launched a charge from behind. Shouldn't Uncle Ye Luo log in to the game?!" June Feixue asked expectantly.

Fireworks Yi Leng did not answer, but she responded with practical actions - she had already informed Ye Luo, and the latter had long been impatient. .

That's right, Ye Luo locked the waves and teleported from the wind. The reason why he locked her instead of Xiao Hongchen was because he was the only one who could push back masters such as Dark Night and Tokyo Mythology, and even had a chance to kill them. Then almost all the crises are solved.

At worst, it can make Tokyo Mythology and the others fearful and unable to attack the city with all their strength. As a result, the pressure on them to ride the waves and ride the wind is greatly reduced.

"Xiaoshu, Sister Feng, try to get close to the dark night and Tokyo mythology, and use the [Arrow of Chaos] to control them." Fireworks Yi Leng immediately issued an order, and they continued without waiting for the midnight book to reply to her: "Feng Xinglie, you are going to use [Space]. Enchantment] Trapped Dark Night, Tokyo Mythology and them, of course, the premise is that they are controlled by Sister Feng and their skills."

If it was used to use [Space Barrier] to trap Tokyo Mythology, Dark Night and other super masters, it would be impossible to kill them with the strength of breaking the waves and riding the wind, and even the people who were killed in the end must be breaking the waves and riding the wind and others, but if Ye Luo's participation is different. Maybe Dark Night, Tokyo Mythology and the others have stronger overall strength than Ye Luo and the others after joining forces, but they must be Ye Luo and the others who can still stand by taking advantage of other advantages - Feng Xinglie can use the [Space Portal] ] To teleport a large number of elites into the space enchantment, of course, you can also use the [Group Teleportation Scroll], concentrate the elites to cooperate with Ye Luo, and kill Dark Night and Tokyo Mythology.

However, Dark Night and Tokyo Mythology were highly concentrated at this time, and when they felt the spatial fluctuations swaying by the waves and the wind, they realized that something was wrong, especially when they saw Midnight Shu and others were charging up to cast the [Arrow of Chaos]. Time and they chose to use the displacement skills to retreat without hesitation, and of course they also issued preparations to their space players to teleport them away at any time.

It is worth mentioning that although [Arrow of Chaos] is very powerful and can even ignore the invincibility state, the charging time of this skill is a bit long. The most important thing is that there will be a clear prelude when charging and energy arrows will appear on the top of the head. In such a dark night, Tokyo Mythology, they can naturally judge what skills they want to use.

[Arrow of Chaos] Coupled with the spatial fluctuation of locking the waves and riding the wind, I am afraid that anyone can think that Ye Luo will appear next. In the face of such changes in the dark night and Tokyo Mythology, what they have to do is not to continue to attack the city. Instead, choose to go back for the first time.

The fact was just like what they thought in the dark night, Ye Luo landed directly beside Polang Chengfeng, and then he did not hesitate to display his skills such as [Sword Qi Aspect] and [Samsara Collapse], and then the high damage numbers floated up one by one. , the damage ratio is not higher than that of Tokyo Mythology and others, but it can kill those players with residual blood in seconds.

That's right, Ye Luo's damage output at this time is not comparable to Tokyo Mythology and Dark Night. The reason for this is not because of his low attack power and poor equipment level. The most important thing is that Tokyo Mythology and the others are wearing the [Group Blessing Scroll]. The state and full attack power, but at this time Ye Luo just re-logged in the game, naturally there is not so many bonuses.

However, Ye Luo's shot still killed a lot of players with residual blood, and this undoubtedly increased his attack power. In addition, sitting on Qin Xin immediately added some status to him, so his damage output was still high. rapidly increasing.

Seeing Ye Luo appearing and killing a lot of masters on his own side as soon as he made his move, among them there were players in the state of [Group Blessing Scroll], the faces of Tokyo Mythology and the others became extremely ugly for a while. After all, they knew that if they reacted a little slower before, they would be controlled by [Arrow of Chaos], and then they would inevitably be trapped by [Space Barrier].

Even though their strength has been greatly improved at this time, they still know that Ye Luo may not be able to win the final victory, especially in the [Space Barrier], and once they are killed, the various things they created before will not be possible. This advantage is gone.

"It's a pity, I couldn't trap the dark night and the Tokyo mythology." June Feixue said regretfully: "At this time in the dark night, they have already distanced themselves from us, and the most important thing is that their space system players will definitely do a good job. Prepare to use [Space Portal] to teleport them away, so it doesn't make much sense to use [Space Barrier]."

After saying this, June Feixue quickly showed a thick smile on his face: "But Uncle Ye Luo's appearance is too cool, not only did he scare away more than a dozen enemy alliances, nine Switch players and kill many of them, it seems that Uncle Ye Luo, you are still young."

"Uh, the sword is not old, this idiom is used..." Ye Luo's face was covered with black lines, but when he said this, the movements in his hands did not stop, and he showed several skills, and even directly used [ Thousands of Swords Return to the Sect], many players were killed on the spot for a while, after all, many players have exhausted their invincible means after fighting for so long, and they can easily be instantly killed in the face of Ye Luo's super high attack.

The reason why Ye Luo does not hesitate to use his powerful and large-scale group attack skills is not only to reduce the pressure on them, but the most important thing is that he wants to increase his attack power in the shortest time. The threat of one side alliance will be greater.

"Hee hee." June Feixue smiled pretty, and then she looked at Fireworks Yi Leng: "Sister Fireworks, Uncle Ye Luo scared away the super masters such as Dark Night and Tokyo Mythology as soon as he shot, and the most important thing is Uncle Ye Luo's. The damage output is too high, there is almost no chance for those in the enemy alliance to attack the city wall, so we don't have to worry about them destroying the imperial city, so there is no need for Uncle Ye Luo to laugh at the red dust Let them meet."

"No, continue to act according to the plan." Firework Yi Leng shook her head, and then she gave Xian Xianyu an order.

At this time, the slender jade hand was beside Yixiao Hongchen. After hearing the order of Fireworks Yi Leng, she did not hesitate to cast the [Space Portal], and this time the target of the teleportation was naturally Ye Luo, and Ye Luo was the only one.

"Why?" June Feixue's face was full of doubts, and she also asked the questions in everyone's heart.

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