VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 3761: : The purpose of the fireworks

Even though Ye Luo has not logged into the game for several days, even though Dark Night, Tokyo Mythology and others have successively received rewards for destroying the Imperial City, their strength has improved a lot, but the former still has some advantages in terms of overall attributes and equipment level, not to mention the skill system. Having said that, and with these, he scare away super masters such as Dark Night and Tokyo Mythology in the first time he appeared on the stage, and displayed various skills, especially [Wan Jian Gui Zong] directly killed many people and then made him The attack power has increased a lot.

Seeing this, June Feixue was very excited. She proposed to change the plan and let Ye Luo stay on the city wall to intercept Tokyo Myth and others. In her heart, Ye Luo could easily suppress Tokyo Myth and others, and the latter had little chance to climb the city wall. , so that they don't have to worry about the destruction of the imperial city at all, and giving them enough time will surely be able to kill all the people who participated in the siege this time.

Thinking about it, the reason why the Japanese server alliance was so easy to destroy the imperial city of the Chinese server alliance was because the dark night and the Tokyo mythology were unstoppable, and even people like breaking the waves and riding the wind did not dare to flirt with them. In this way, in the dark night, it is so easy for them to attack the city wall and then destroy the imperial city, but as long as Ye Luo can suppress the dark night and them, it will be difficult for the Japanese server alliance to climb the city wall. In this case, they will naturally have no scruples. It can attack with all its strength, and the Chinese server alliance can always block and suppress the people of the Japanese server alliance by virtue of the advantages of the city wall.

It is not only June Feixue who is confused about the decision of Fireworks to be cold, but others too.

However, Ye Luo did not hesitate to execute the order of Fireworks Yi Leng. Soon he would be transported to Yi Xiao Hongchen by his slender hand, and a battle would inevitably follow.

"The reason why Tokyo Mythology and Dark Night retreated is not because they are not Ye Luo's opponents, and they suddenly have scruples when they see Ye Luo appearing, especially when Sister Feng and the others cooperate with [Arrow of Chaos] and have a chance to kill them." Samadhi explained on his behalf while fighting: "However, after the initial shock, Dark Night and Tokyo Mythology will definitely react, and then they will order elite masters to charge Ye Luo, and masters wearing combination equipment will continue to attack it. Charge, in this case, Ye Luo can't do much."

"The most important thing is that after someone entangles Ye Luo, Dark Night, Tokyo Mythology and others will deliberately avoid and attack the city from other directions, so they still have a great chance to attack the city wall." Samadhi added.

"That's right." Sitting on Qin Xin, he took over the conversation: "Although Ye Luo is very strong, after all, there is only one person, and the range he can defend on the city wall is very limited, especially if he is deliberately targeted."

"But Uncle Ye Luo can play a big role even if he joins with Yixiao Hongchen and the others?" June Feixue asked: "At that time, Tokyo Mythology and others will send a large number of elites to stop him, so... …”

"The meeting of Ye Luo and Yi Xiao Hong Chen will be significantly different, because Ye Luo and Yi Xiao Hong Chen will have a good chance to break into the enemy's magician, priest and other camps when they cooperate. You and I know how much trouble the alliance has caused, but that is far more than what Ye Luo has done on the city wall." Sanmaishi continued to explain: "As for Tokyo Mythology, they will still send elite masters to deliberately block Ye Luo. , I would rather do this, because it means that there will be a lot less masters who continue to siege the city in the future, and we will naturally face a lot less pressure."

"Oh, that's true." June Feixue nodded, she understood the arrangement of Fireworks Yi Leng, and she frowned slightly when she thought of something: "But if this is the case, will Uncle Ye Luo be a little dangerous? After all, staying on the city wall still has the advantages of the city wall and the assistance of super experts such as Sister Feng, although they are also masters in Xiao Hongchen, but their strength is a bit worse than Sister Feng and Sister Fireworks."

"Tokyo Mythology, they should not send too many masters, at least masters like him will not intercept Ye Luo, because they are worried that these people will be killed by Ye Luo, especially the masters such as Sister Feng can support Ye Luo at any time. Fall." Fireworks Yi said coldly: "In this case, they will most likely send ordinary dual-professional experts to intercept and consume Ye Luo, and it will be very easy to deal with them with Ye Luo's strength, especially the awakening of combined equipment. After skills."

Hearing the words, everyone nodded. They naturally knew how terrifying Ye Luo's strength was after the ultimate move and the [Tai Chi Dao]. I'm afraid that even if the dark night and other super masters join forces, they may not have the chance to kill him, especially In the case of the space system players of the Chinese server alliance, they can deliberately 'take care' of them.

"Besides that, the most important thing is that Ye Luo and Yi Xiaohongchen can join forces to protect Yi Xiaohongchen and their elite cavalry to a greater extent." Fireworks Yi Leng continued: "Yixiao Hongchen and the others are attacked by a large number of elite cavalry from the enemy alliance, and they are left to their own devices. If things go on like this, they will definitely be wiped out, and the wipe out of tens of millions of elite cavalry will have a huge impact on us."

"Of course, the most important thing is that if Yixiao Hongchen and the others are always there, it is like a nail in the heart of the enemy. They will cause great trouble to the enemy and reduce the pressure on us to defend the city. Ye Luo and them Confluence has a great chance to do that," added Fireworks Yi Leng.

Although she wasn't very good at strategy, June Feixue naturally knew what kind of threat Yi Xiaohongchen and the others could pose to the Japanese server alliance if they could keep fighting. Thinking of this, she further understood Fireworks Yi Leng's arrangement.

But after thinking of something, June Feixue frowned deeply: "But Uncle Ye Luo is only one person after all, can he really keep Yixiao Hongchen and the others, don't forget Yixiao Hongchen and the others, but they were attacked from front and back, and they were besieged by them. The number of enemies will increase."

"Then let's see what Ye Luo does next." Fireworks Yi said coldly, and when she said this, she looked at where Ye Luo was: "But I believe Ye Luo will create a miracle for us, and we will wait and see. "

Hearing this, everyone began to look forward to it. Of course, they didn't say much. Next, they continued to intercept them with all their strength. Because the dark night and Tokyo Mythology have not returned at this time, they can still attack unscrupulously while riding the wind. They will not miss it Such a great opportunity.

On the other hand, experts such as Dark Night and Tokyo Myth naturally saw Ye Luo leave. Although they knew that Ye Luo would pose a greater threat to them after they merged with Yi Xiao Hongchen, but in their hearts, as long as they were not threatened, it would be fine. When they come down, they can siege the city unscrupulously and then rush to the city wall.

In order to attack the city wall as soon as possible, Tokyo Mythology and the others did not hesitate to use the awakening skills of the ultimate move and combination equipment, and the awakening skills of more than ten combination equipment were displayed at a time, which greatly improved their strength. Then they didn't say much, and rushed to the direction of the city wall.

After seeing the awakening skills of Tokyo Mythology and their combination equipment, players who have the awakening skills of combination equipment such as the waves and the wind did not hesitate to display them, and then they rushed to the dark night, Tokyo Mythology and others.

That's right, this time, they rushed to Tokyo Mythology, Dark Night and others without hesitation. The reason for this was not only that they were no longer punished by the 15% reduction in their overall attributes and their strength had improved greatly. It's not because they are almost invincible when wearing combination equipment and awakening skills. The most important thing is that they know that Dark Night, Tokyo Mythology and others must have some fears in their hearts and dare not fight with all their strength.

Thinking about it, they are definitely worried that Ye Luo will come back at any time to support Polangchengfeng and others. In this case, they naturally dare not fight with all their strength, at least they will have some scruples, especially when they see Polangchengfeng rush After dealing with these people, their combat power will also be greatly affected in this case.

It's not just breaking waves and riding the wind and others. At the same time, there are also a large number of elite cavalry from the China Service Alliance who are attacking Dark Night and Tokyo Mythology. These people have only one mission, which is to continuously charge Dark Night and Tokyo Mythology. Undoubtedly, it will further reduce the pressure they face by breaking the waves and riding the wind.

This is also true. At this time, Dark Night and Tokyo Mythology have some scruples in their hearts, especially they are worried that Ye Luo will return and come back. In addition, breaking the waves and riding the wind and the others rushed forward with a pair of [Arrow of Chaos]. Controlling their posture made them even more apprehensive. As a result, the combat power they could exert would naturally be weaker. For a time, even if their strength was stronger than that of Polang Chengfeng and others, they could not rush to the city wall.

Dark Night and Tokyo Mythology, as long as they can't rush to the city wall, they will naturally pose a much weaker threat to the Chinese server alliance, and if the two sides are in such a stalemate, the Japanese server alliance will naturally be at a disadvantage. After all, the Chinese server alliance has city walls and defenders. The advantages of equipment, the longer the delay, the greater the casualties of the Japanese server alliance.

The people at the bottom of Mount Fuji are also smart people. They also know that the siege cannot be delayed for too long, especially they also know how terrifying the damage output of Ye Luo is. The longer the delay, the more casualties they will suffer. The more difficult it is to successfully capture the imperial city in the Chinese server, so they decisively issued an order to use 10 more [Group Blessing Scrolls], and then thousands of players in the [Group Blessing Scroll] state rushed to the city wall, fighting for Climb the city wall in the shortest time and stand firm.

It is worth mentioning that the thousands of players in the state of [Group Blessing Scroll] did not go to help Tokyo Mythology, Dark Night and others, but started to attack the city from the other side. If Luo really went and returned, there would not be any advantage to gathering so many masters together. After all, they all knew that Ye Luo had a lot of group attack skills that could cover a wide range.

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