Again, although Ye Luo has not logged into the game for several days, even players such as Dark Night and Tokyo Mythology who have destroyed the imperial city and then received system rewards still have some gaps in their overall attributes and equipment levels, especially [Reincarnation * Able General] There is absolutely no equipment that can match, so Ye Luo has some advantages over any masters in the previous alliance on the server, especially in the case of a big move, [Tai Chi Dao] - a big move And [Tai Chi Dao] will further expand Ye Luo's advantages. After all, these two skills are based on basic attributes.

Even if the masters such as Dark Night and Tokyo Myth have no chance of winning against Ye Luo, let alone other players, especially Ye Luo was directly transferred to Yi Xiaohongchen and the others by the slender jade hand. The super expert goes to block, so that he can easily kill the players who block Yi Xiao Hongchen and others, and then cause some loopholes in their defense.

Of course, at this time, it was not just Ye Luo who did it. The dual-professional masters such as Yixiao Hongchen and Polar Flying Bear were also given [Tai Chi Dao]. In addition, they used their ultimate moves, which greatly improved their strength. Far from being able to compete with those players with the [Group Blessing Scroll] or the ultimate move, hundreds of players rushed forward, and they further inflicted heavy damage on the players who were intercepted by the Japanese server alliance.

Not only that, Ye Luo did not hesitate to use [Morale Weakening] and [Morale Boosting], the overall strength of the players in the Chinese server alliance was greatly improved, while the overall strength of the Japanese server alliance was greatly weakened. , Yixiao Hongchen and the others are even more brave, and they also used this time to cause casualties to the surrounding enemies as much as possible, and at the same time they also rested the team, and soon the originally scattered team was regrouped, which undoubtedly greatly increased the Chinese server. The strength of an alliance.

With these, Xiao Hongchen and the others quickly cleared out a vacuum zone around them, and then 2 or 30 masters of the formation locked the slender jade hand and teleported and then came to this vacuum zone, and then they did not waste time, in many Under the protection of the cavalry, they used 2 or 3 [Group Purification Scrolls] and then performed [Change the World], and then a high platform rose from the ground, and the elites on the high platform could overlook the bottom, and naturally they could also attack from a commanding height.

As soon as the high platform rose, a large number of life players from the Chinese server alliance teleported and then placed mobile magic crystal cannons on the high platform. At the same time, a large number of [Nightmare Commander] cavalry rushed to the edge of the high platform to form an array to intercept those who rushed For the enemies on the high platform, it is still very easy for them to do this with the assistance of many flying archers, magicians and Qingjiao summoners, especially after some mobile magic crystal cannons have been successfully installed.

2. The high platform condensed by 30 masters of the formation together to perform [Change the World] covers a space of more than 50 meters, and this can undoubtedly place a lot of mobile magic crystal cannons, plus many archers and magicians are based on it. The damage output was even higher. For a while, various attacks covered the surrounding area, and many Japanese server players were killed, which further strengthened the cavalry of the Chinese server alliance.

When many cavalry stand firm, they can form a charge, and this can undoubtedly pose a great threat to the camp of the Japanese server alliance, especially the enemy cavalry responsible for blocking them is about to be defeated. A large number of elite cavalry broke through the block and then slew to the center of the alliance camp of the Japanese server side. There were many long-range professional legions such as priests and archers. Once they rushed into it, it would undoubtedly cause great resistance to the siege of the Japanese server side.

It is worth mentioning that the attack distance of the mobile magic crystal cannon is very long. It can not only cover the cavalry of the Japanese server side to intercept Yi Xiaohongchen and their cavalry, but also cover some long-range professional legions. The siege caused some trouble.

Not only that, a large number of mobile magic crystal cannons were also placed on the side facing away from the imperial city, and these props could cover a pair of Alliance cavalry in the back and surround the middle, so that the situation of the cavalry on the periphery was also stabilized. , and then these people, led by masters such as Yi Xiaonaihe and No. 10, quickly reorganized the front line and intercepted the cavalry that was continuously charging from the rear.

Although the number of cavalry of the alliance of the Chinese server was much less than the cavalry of the alliance of the Japanese server from the rear, but after they reorganized the front line and added the assistance of the mobile magic crystal gun in the rear, they resisted the offensive. At least sticking to it for a while is not a problem at all.

Yixiaonaihe they can stop the enemy surrounded by the rear, which means that the elite cavalry led by Yixiao Hongchen and the others have no worries, they can charge unscrupulously, especially under the leadership of Ye Luo, then they will undoubtedly be able to Causes great casualties to players who are attacking the city by the Japanese server alliance.

The fact is also true. After Ye Luo took the lead in charging, Yi Xiao Hongchen and other masters who were in the state of [Tai Chi Dao] quickly dispersed the intercepting cavalry and then joined Ye Luo. The enemy in the center left, and they were ready for a big kill.

At this time, Dark Night, Tokyo Mythology, and the others naturally saw the scene here. They also knew what kind of trouble Ye Luo and the others, especially many elite cavalrymen, would cause to siege the city when they entered their camp, especially when they saw Yi Xiaonaihe and others also intercepted the elites who were supporting them from the rear, and they immediately sent people to intercept them.

I also know that even if a group of elites is mobilized, it will be difficult to intercept Ye Luo and others, so Tokyo Mythology let the cherry blossoms act like snow, and the latter decisively used the [Profound Truth*Space Portal] at a distance of tens of meters from Ye Luo, Then a large number of elite cavalry were sent over, and most of these cavalry were [Bloodthirsty Lions], which was undoubtedly the most powerful cavalry of the Japanese server alliance.

The most elite cavalry, and there are as many as tens of millions, especially among them, there are many players with [Group Blessing Scroll] and even big moves and combination equipment awakening skills. cause great trouble.

The fact is also true, even if Ye Luo's damage output is extremely high, even if Yi Xiaohongchen, Polar Flying Bear and others have joined him, facing the obstruction of so many elite cavalry and masters, it is almost impossible for them to break through in a short period of time. things, especially those people who bravely charged with invincibility.

That's right, many cavalrymen launched a charge against Ye Luo and the others despite being invincible. What these people want to do is to stop Ye Luo and the others' charge with all their strength and delay the time, as long as they delay some time to allow their magicians and priests When the long-range attacking corps is not disturbed, then Tokyo Mythology and others will have the opportunity to rush to the city wall and then occupy a large section of the outer city wall. At that time, Ye Luo and the others will not be able to pose too much threat to it.

Think about it too, once Tokyo Mythology and their people occupy the outer city wall of the imperial city, then the long-range professional players of magicians and archers can undoubtedly rush to the city wall, taking advantage of the city wall and the assistance of many mobile magic crystal cannons. Undoubtedly, it can pose a great threat to Xiao Hongchen and the others, even if Ye Luo poses a much less threat to them.

It is no exaggeration to say that as long as this step can be achieved, then there is almost no suspense in this siege. At least the siege troops in front will not be disturbed by Ling Tian and the others, so they will have more sufficient strength to continue the siege. , and this will undoubtedly make it easier to occupy all the outer city walls. Once all the outer city walls are occupied, the initial battle situation has been formed, and even Ye Luo can't change anything.

"Brother Ye Luo, many elite cavalry are charging continuously, and many of them are players who are in the state of [Group Blessing Scroll], big moves, and even combined equipment awakening skills. In the past." Yixiao Hongchen immediately discovered this, his expression was solemn: "And we can't pose a threat to their long-range professional legion if we are dragged, once they have the opportunity to rush over the city wall, I'm afraid we will try to pose a threat to them again. It's going to be difficult."

"Well, that's true." Ye Luo said in a deep voice, "It's a pity that even with my current damage output, it's not so easy to deal with so many people in a short period of time, although I can cast [Reincarnation Afterimage] to dash. In the enemy camp, but there are not many players who can follow me at that time, but I am afraid that it will be difficult for me to use my skills..."

If you think about it, Ye Luo's strength is largely reflected in his powerful skills, especially his powerful and large-scale group attack skills. If he is surrounded by many people and has a chance to be immobilized, this situation is still very dangerous for him.

Hearing the word [Afterimage of Reincarnation], Xiao Xiaohongchen's eyes lit up, he instantly understood what Ye Luo wanted to do, and after a little pondering, he said: "Brother Ye Luo, you can use [Afterimage of Reincarnation], I will arrange it. It shouldn't be a big problem to assist you in casting your skills by locking you in teleportation by hand..."

"Most of the masters around you are entangled, and it is not so easy for even Ye Luo to escape." Fireworks Yi Leng's voice sounded a laugh at Hong Chen and their team channel relay interrupted the latter's words: "You guys Most of the players on the side are cavalry, the defense is very strong, the damage output is much worse, and the ones who can help Ye Luo are very limited, not to mention that you have a more important task, that is, continue to lead the cavalry to break up the people blocking you and then Leading more people into the enemy camp, at this time you may not have enough people, let alone set aside some people to help Ye Luo."

Although he didn't want to admit it, Yixiao Hongchen naturally knew this. For a while, he looked solemn and asked, "Then what are we going to do next? Is it possible that this is a waste of time, I'm afraid it will be even more detrimental to us."

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