VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 3764: : tacit cooperation

I have to say that Tokyo Mythology and others attach great importance to Ye Luo, and in order to stop him, they did not hesitate to let the slender hands cast [Profound Truth*Space Portal] and then transmit dozens of millions of [Bloodthirsty Lions] cavalry, many of whom are even more resistant. [Group Blessing Scroll], ultimate move, and even a player with combined equipment awakening skills, so even if Ye Luo and Yi Xiao Hongchen cooperated, it would be difficult to break through the block in a short period of time.

If the delay is a little longer, the Japanese server alliance will climb the city wall and occupy a large section of the city wall, and then those long-range occupations such as magicians and archers will naturally be able to rush to the city, and then they will undoubtedly be able to hit the target. The strength of the defense of the alliance on the server side poses a great threat and greatly increases the efficiency of the alliance on the Japanese server to occupy the city wall.

Not only that, these long-range occupations can turn to attack the cavalry they led by Xiao Hongchen after occupying the city wall, which will undoubtedly further increase the pressure on the tens of millions of elite cavalry and accelerate their demise.

In the same sentence, if the cavalry led by Yixiao Hongchen and the others has always existed, it can always cause a great restraint effect on the alliance of the Japanese server, and this is still very helpful to the defense of the city.

Although Ye Luo can still use the 100-meter displacement skill [Resinus Shadow] to break through the blockage, but at that time, there will definitely be enemies following him like a shadow. So it's hard for him to function.

It's just that at this time, Xiao Hongchen and the others are also understaffed, and it is difficult to assist Ye Luo. Facing such a situation, he has no choice but to turn to Fireworks Yi Leng.

"Little Book, Sunset, Jian Liu, Jian Qi, Jian Ba, you will lock Ye Luo and send it over. Sister Qin, you will also go there and assist Ye Luo." Fireworks Yi Leng gave the order directly, and after a short pause, she continued: " Feixue and Evian, you have led some players with national weapons to go there, and cooperate with Ye Luo to use those continuous damage skills, but you must teleport after Ye Luo and the others have cleared a vacuum."

"In addition, cover those [Bloodthirsty Lion] cavalry as much as possible, which can minimize the pressure on them." Fireworks Yi Leng added.

"Understood." Midnight Shu and June Feixue said in unison.

Hearing the arrangement of Fireworks Yi Leng, Yi Xiao Hong Chen finally breathed a sigh of relief, because he knew that Midnight Book, Changhe Sunset and others were enough to assist Ye Luo to display his skills, not to mention the masters such as Jian Liu and Jian Qi. It is a new force cultivated by the Misty Pavilion, and its strength is very powerful.

Ye Luo naturally heard the arrangement of Fireworks Yi Leng, and he didn't say much next time. Instead of advancing, he retreated. Xiao Hongchen and Polar Flying Bear took his place immediately and blocked the player who was rushing towards him. Ye Luo started a long-range attack, calculating the time while attacking - it took 10 seconds for Midnight Book, Changhe Sunset and others to lock him to teleport, so he still had to wait some time before he could cast [Reincarnation Afterimage].

Of course, Ye Luo won't watch it since then. Don't worry if someone locks him to attack, he can unscrupulously use various long-range attack skills, and this has also caused a lot of damage to the enemy who was intercepted by Yixiao Hongchen and others. threat.

Soon the time came, Ye Luo decisively cast [Reincarnation Afterimage], and the next moment he appeared a hundred meters away, and this place had already surpassed the hundreds of thousands of [Bloodthirsty Lion] cavalry, although in Behind these cavalry are the cavalry that were added before, but these cavalry are much weaker than the cavalry such as [Bloodthirsty Lion], at least they can't pose too much threat to Ye Luo, especially these cavalry do not have a large Those who were in the state of [Group Blessing Scroll]—most of the players in this state were intercepting Ye Luo and the others on the front line. Now Ye Luo used [Reincarnation Afterimage] to naturally leave them far behind.

The first time Ye Luo completed the teleportation, a group of masters such as Midnight Book and Changhe Sunset also completed the teleportation. Then they did not say much, and directly attacked the surrounding cavalry. With their super skills, they wanted to It is still easy to intercept the people who are rushing towards Ye Luo, especially at this time they are also in the state of the big move and the [Five Elements Great Array], they are almost invincible at this time.

The fact is also true, with the tacit cooperation of Midnight Book and the others, Ye Luo can easily display his skills, and this time he did not hesitate to use [Heavenly Tribulation*Black Hole]. The reason for using this skill is because he wants to use most of the [Bloodthirsty Lion] The cavalry was trapped in it and then killed it, and using [Heavenly Tribulation*Black Hole] was undoubtedly the best skill, after all, players caught in it could not break free.

It is worth mentioning that players such as June Feixue and Yiyun Evian also completed the teleportation before Ye Luo successfully performed [Heavenly Tribulation*Black Hole]. Although they would have to endure the attack from the black hole next, the damage would be good for them. It's not a big problem for them, because at this time, most of them are also in the state of the big move and the [Five Elements Great Array], not to mention the fact that they are also sent over when they sit on the piano heart to add blood to everyone.

Next, June Feixue unhesitatingly used [Vulcan Domain], and most other magicians who also possessed national weapons also used similar skills, 4 or 5 powerful, large-scale group attacks continued at a time. The damage skill was displayed and then covered the surrounding 100 meters of enemies, including the [Bloodthirsty Lion] cavalry and some long-range professional players from the Japanese server alliance - Ye Luo used the 100-meter displacement skill to dash forward 100 meters, such a long After the distance, he is not too far away from the camps such as magicians and priests, and [Vulcan Domain] and other large-scale skills that can cover a hundred meters can naturally cover part of it.

4. 5 skills similar to [Vulcan Domain] cover the attack, plus the continuous damage of [Heavenly Tribulation*Black Hole], the blood of the Japanese server players who fell into it for a while is falling frantically, and they have to use invincible skills Coping, but each player has limited invincible skills, adding up to 1 or 20 seconds is very good, while [Tian Jie*Black Hole] can last for 1 minute, [Vulcan Domain] is even more powerful It lasts for 5 minutes, and I believe that a large number of players will die in the black hole next.

Killing so many players at once will undoubtedly greatly reduce the pressure on the CCP to defend the city, and even weaken the siege power because a considerable number of players from the Mage and Priest Legion have been trapped in the black hole, so Even because of the book in the middle of the night, the long river and the sunset left the waves and the wind, those who intercepted the enemy's siege directly, did not feel the pressure increased too much.

It is worth mentioning that Yixiao Hongchen and the others deliberately retreated some distance because they had been reminded by Ye Luo long ago and were not trapped by the [Heavenly Tribulation*Black Hole], and then they naturally wouldn't be stupid enough to rush into the black hole, then Going down will deliberately bypass the black hole.

Because a large number of [Bloodthirsty Lions] cavalrymen in the Japanese server alliance and even players with big moves and combination equipment awakening skills are trapped in the black hole, the resistance they encounter will naturally be much less. Not only can they deal with it easily, but they can also rush forward. As of now, they can still greatly threaten the long-range professional camps such as magicians and archers in the Japanese server alliance.

Xiao Hongchen and the others would not waste such an opportunity. They led the elite cavalry and began to rush forward. The cavalry tactics were displayed, rushing, dividing, and splitting, and this quickly advanced a distance of tens of meters, and the divided enemies would also change with time. The passage was gradually annihilated by the long-range occupation of the alliance of the Chinese server - the slender jade hand cast [Profound Truth * Space Portal], but this time she did not send the elite cavalry, but the archer, magician and Qingjiao. Summoner-based long-range occupations, of which there are naturally many priests.

The reason why these legions were teleported at this time was naturally to rely on their damage output. After all, the explosive power of both the archers and the magician legions was far more than that of the cavalry, especially after these players could use their skills unscrupulously.

Because the cavalry they led by Xiaohongchen had cut out a space and then intercepted the surrounding cavalry, so the long-range occupations such as magicians and archers in it would hardly be in any danger, and they could attack recklessly.

As for the priests, Qingjiao Summoners and other legions, they also played a very important role. The former added blood to those cavalry and applied various buffs, which undoubtedly injected vitality into the cavalry of the Chinese service alliance. At least there is no need to worry about being caught. Kill, so they can charge more recklessly.

The role played by summoners such as Qingjiao Summoner is not small. The Qingjiao and other summoned beasts they summon not only have many group attack skills, but also group control skills, such as [Dragon Yin Jiutian] , and the display of multiple such skills not only caused more damage to the players of the Japanese server alliance, but also controlled a lot of people, so that the pressure on the cavalry led by Xiaohongchen and the others will naturally be further reduced.

Although the number of long-range occupations sent by the slender jade hand this time is only one million, the number is only a very small part of the elite cavalry of tens of millions or even hundreds of millions, but these players have played a lot after unscrupulously using various means. Important role, at least with the cooperation of these people, the cavalry of the Chinese server alliance can play a more powerful battle, and this will undoubtedly cause more trouble to the Japanese server alliance, and at worst, it will also make these cavalry more powerful. Hold on longer.

In the same sentence, Yi Xiaohongchen and the other cavalrymen are nothing but nails wedged into the enemy camp. The longer they persist, the greater the threat and casualties they will cause to the alliance of the Japanese server.

On the other side, Ye Luo also saw Yixiao Hongchen and their situation stabilized, which made him a little relieved. He glanced at Midnight Book, Changhe Sunset and others around him, and he said, "You deal with the people in the black hole, I Enter the enemy magician and archer camp, and then you follow!"

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