VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 3765: : into the camp

Although [Heavenly Tribulation*Black Hole] trapped a lot of [Bloodthirsty Lions] cavalry in the Japanese server alliance, and some masters with big moves, [Group Blessing Scroll] and even combination equipment awakening skills, then let Yi Xiaohongchen and other cavalry cross The black hole then entered the Japanese server alliance camp, but there are still many elite cavalry around the black hole, including many [Bloodthirsty Lion] cavalry, so it is still very difficult for them to do this alone.

The most important thing is that the magicians, archers, priests and other legions of the Japanese server alliance are playing a very important role at this time. If they are allowed to continue to use various means, the cavalry in front will definitely be able to rush to the city wall and then give those Long-distance occupations also have the opportunity to climb the city wall, so I am afraid that the situation faced by the Chinese server alliance will be very serious, and at least it will greatly increase the pressure on the people defending the city.

Ye Luo naturally knew this, so he decided to leave the black hole and join the long-range professional camp of the Japanese server alliance. At present, only he can do this relatively smoothly - [Heavenly Tribulation*Black Hole] covered A part of the long-range professional camps of the Japanese server alliance can rush through the black hole Ye Luo and start a big kill.

The most important thing is that [Heavenly Tribulation*Black Hole] is quite strange. Anyone who enters it will be trapped in it and cannot go out. Only Ye Luo who uses this skill can go out, and directly from the other side of the black hole, he can go deep into the Japanese server side. In the remote professional camp of the alliance.

After thinking of this, he instructed Midnight Book, Changhe Sunset and others to deal with people trapped by the black hole, because the black hole and multiple continuous damage skills similar to [Vulcan Domain] superimposed high damage, plus Midnight Book, they all have some There is no problem with killing all the enemies in the black hole with the great power and wide range of skills that can cover a radius of 100 meters.

Midnight Book and Long River Sunset also knew the benefits of blocking the long-range occupation of the Japanese server alliance as much as possible to defend the city at this time, so they did not have any objection, and then they did not say much and started to act with all their strength.

Because it is covered by continuous damage skills such as the black hole and [Vulcan Domain], the most important thing is that the line of sight in the black hole will be somewhat obstructed, so those players in the Japanese server alliance are too busy to stop Ye Luo, especially before. Locking Ye Luo's player assistance, so Ye Luo easily avoided the crowd and came to the outside of the black hole, and it was close to the side of the imperial city.

After leaving the black hole, Ye Luo happened to come to the long-range professional camp of the Japanese server alliance. There were magicians around him, and there were a large number of priests not far away, and these people were shocked when they saw Ye Luo coming out of the black hole. While they were shocked, Ye Luo had already started to act.

The first thing Ye Luo did was not to attack, but to use the [Space Portal], or in other words, he completed the charge when he was in the black hole, and the skill was completed as soon as he came out of the black hole, and then hundreds of [Nightmare Commander] 】The cavalry was sent over. The first time these people appeared, they charged all around, and they easily rushed out of a vacuum.

Think about it too, the players in the surrounding Japanese server alliances are mostly magicians, archers and other occupations. Although these occupations have high damage output, they are all crispy occupations, especially when they are approached by melee players, there is no resistance. The power, let alone facing the most powerful elite cavalry in the Chinese server alliance, even if there are only more than a hundred cavalry, they can easily shake those magicians back and clear a vacuum.

In this case, Ye Luo can attack with fear of the four, and all kinds of means are used for a while, and the high damage figures float up, and many players are directly killed.

Although after the initial shock, many people used invincible means or priests used [Spell Immunity], but at this time Ye Luo had switched to the archer mode, and the sword in his right hand mainly used normal attacks. Players with [Spell Immunity] are not enough to watch, and they are directly killed.

As for those players who use invincible means, each player's invincibility skills are limited, and once their invincibility ends, they will all be killed.

Of course, the elite cavalry sent by Ye Luo were not idle at this time. They charged with all their strength. Although they could not kill those players who were invincible, it was still very easy to disperse their formations, which undoubtedly greatly affected these players. People exerted various means and then greatly affected the state of the siege of the Japanese server alliance.

Not long after Ye Luo left the black hole, a large number of players locked him or the players who had been teleported by him cast [Teleport]. Not surprisingly, a large number of elite melee players teleported over soon, many of whom were holding back. Players who are in the state of big move or [Group Blessing Scroll], and the magician and priest legion of the alliance who are approached by so many people around the Japanese server will undoubtedly face extinction.

Although Ye Luo and the others can influence the enemy at this time, it is only a small part, even less than 110, but as time goes by, more and more elite cavalry are sent in, the impact of the long-range professional legions of the alliance on the Japanese server is getting bigger and bigger. , and this will have an increasing impact on the overall siege.

The fireworks on the city wall, Yi Leng, Sanmaishi, and others also saw this scene. They also knew how to influence and interfere with the long-range professional legion of the Japanese server alliance as much as possible for the next defending the city, so they don’t need Ye Luo. When they asked for help, they immediately gave orders to the reserve team, and many people locked Ye Luo and others to teleport, and this also meant that more and more elite cavalry would enter the enemy's long-range professional camp—although At this time, there are many players from the China-server alliance participating in the war, but it still cannot accommodate all the players from the China-server alliance. There are a large number of players waiting in other places. These are the reserve teams.

Although the players in the reserve team are not the most elite players in the CCP Alliance, there are quite a few masters among them. The most important thing is that they have been 'being on the bench' for a long time, and now they finally have the opportunity to participate in the battle. Naturally, they would not be merciful, and they rushed into the crowd one by one roaring. When various skills were displayed, the damage output was quite objective.

It is worth mentioning that these players also have special commanders, especially Yixiao Yaoyao and Othello. They are proficient in the essence of the Misty Pavilion cavalry. They lead the cavalry to charge, divide and then leave it to the long-range occupation of the Chinese server alliance to play damage output. , for a while, it also divided and surrounded many long-range professional players of the Japanese server alliance, and the cavalry was still spreading around, which undoubtedly means that more and more long-range professional legions of the Japanese server alliance were being defeated by the Chinese server alliance players. impact, and this has a great impact on the overall siege.

That's true, but the overall strength of the Japanese server alliance still exceeds that of the Chinese server alliance. In particular, the number of [Group Blessing Scrolls] used by the Japanese server alliance far exceeds that of the Chinese server alliance. The most important thing is to break the waves at this time. Experts such as Cheng Feng, Fireworks Yi Leng, and Dongfang Slaughter are entangled by experts such as Tokyo Mythology, and they cannot support places where the defense is relatively weak, such as the place where the court service players are defending the city.

That's right, the court clothes were originally a relatively weak existence in the Chinese server alliance. Now the court clothes imperial city is still being destroyed, which reduces the overall attributes of the court clothes players by 15%. The most important thing is that there are hundreds of players who attacked this wall. All of them are in the state of [Group Blessing Scroll], and there are even a lot of them who are wearing big moves and combination equipment awakening skills, so even if the No. 1 character and the elite players are struggling to resist, they are a bit overwhelmed by the sun and the dragon shadow. , Perfume beauty broke through and then attacked the city wall.

After Sun Bulong Ying and others climbed the city wall, they quickly stood firm, and a large number of elites rushed to the city wall for a while, and then led by Sun Bu Long Ying, Sun Bu Long Ling and others to both sides. The city walls are rushing forward. They have to fight for the most occupied city walls in the shortest time and then merge with Tokyo Mythology and others, so that they can easily occupy all the outer city walls.

Think about it too, once that happens, the Chinese server alliance will have no advantage over the city wall, and even because the Japanese server alliance has deployed a large number of mobile magic crystal cannons on the city wall, it will be passive, and the outer city wall will be occupied by then. It's a matter of time.

"Sister Fireworks, the city wall over the court service has been occupied for a period of time, and they can't resist the No. 1 character. What should we do now?!" The news was reported to Fireworks Yi Leng as soon as Monday.

And after Monday, there was news from the non-server side. The Emperor Anthem and others also led the elite players to the city wall. Although they just rushed to the city wall, the non-server players could no longer resist it. A section of the city wall will soon be occupied by players from the Australian server, which will undoubtedly make the situation of the Chinese server alliance even worse.

"It's okay, try to block as much as possible to delay the time." Fireworks Yi said coldly, at this time her tone was as indifferent as ever, as if she had known for a long time that such a situation would happen.

"But if there is no one to support, I'm afraid the situation over there will be even worse..." Monday said anxiously, but she was interrupted before she could finish.

"At this time, all the players we can mobilize have been mobilized. Although there are a large number of reserve teams, the space on the city wall is limited. After being robbed by the enemy alliance, there is no extra space left. This means that our people It's impossible to adjust, unless it is to kill the enemy's people." Samadhi said solemnly: "And it is not so easy to kill those enemies who are on the city wall, I am afraid that we need two people on our side. Professional masters, and they are in the state of big moves or [Group Blessing Scroll], and they even need Ye Luo and Sister Feng. At this time, we can't recruit masters of this level at all."

Hearing that, Monday was silent, and she naturally knew that in this situation, her face became a lot more serious for a while.

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