VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 3771: : The situation is good

Although Ye Luo, Midnight Shu and others can deter the dark night, Tokyo Myth and other super masters and even take back the occupied city wall after returning, but they are limited in number, and they can't count them all in the face of a steady stream of enemies attacking the city from all directions. Obstruction, especially after the Japanese server alliance used more than 20 [Group Blessing Scrolls], the inner city walls of the Chinese server were slowly occupied, and it seems that they will inevitably be occupied in the end.

After realizing this, June Feixue and others were worried, but Samadhi, Fireworks Yi Leng and the others were not too worried. They bluntly stated that at this time, the Central Service Alliance still had many advantages. For example, the elite cavalry led by Yi Xiao Hong Chen had already crossed the city wall to launch In order to charge, for example, players from the Chinese server alliance can also withdraw to the city and then use the defensive equipment around the heart of the city to stick to it.

The most important thing is that at this time, anyone can judge that it will take a long time for the Japanese server alliance to conquer the inner city wall. After such a long time, the state of [Group Blessing Scroll] will end, and Ye Luo will be almost invincible by then. The existence of fireworks, especially with the continuous transmission of new forces, Fireworks Yi Leng is even confident that they can keep the people of the enemy alliance out of a certain range.

The Japanese server alliance had little chance to attack the heart of the city, and faced huge casualties. In this case, they had to give up attacking the city.

"Well, that's right, after everyone lost the ultimate move and the [Group Blessing Scroll] state, Uncle Ye Luo locked his qi and blood at 50% and was almost invincible. At that time, he could easily kill nearby players." June Feixue nodded, and she breathed a sigh of relief.

"The most important thing is that the situation has been under our control at this time, or it has been developing according to our expectations, and the situation is even better than previously expected, for example, we delay for a longer time, such as Xiaohongchen and the others. The side is smoother, for example, Ye Luo's deterrent effect on the enemy is more obvious." Samadhi said, a faint smile appeared on her face: "The situation is still very optimistic, so we don't have to worry about anything, what to do next The main thing is to delay the time as much as possible to consume the state of the enemy's [Group Blessing Scroll]."

It is worth mentioning that Samadhi and the others said this on the team channel. After listening to this, everyone became more confident in defending the city this time. For a time, they made up their minds to mobilize more elites. Defending the city also played a very positive role - knowing that there was a chance to successfully defend the city, the commanders of the major servers were even more concerned about casualties.

As they said in Samadhi, the elite cavalry led by Yixiao Hongchen has crossed the outer city wall and launched a charge behind the enemy camp, and the number of them is increasing. The most important thing is that they are in the state of [Group Blessing Scroll]. The players of the vanguard easily broke through the obstacles of the enemy and then rushed into their camp, and then Xiaohongchen took out the tactics they were best at - interspersed, divided and then defeated each.

Think about it. At this time, the Japanese server alliance has put all its focus on attacking the inner city wall. There are not many elite cavalry behind the army, and there are not even a few players who are in the state of [Group Blessing Scroll], so how can they resist? It's normal for them to be killed by the charge of Xiao Hongchen and others. In fact, Tokyo Mythology and the others never thought that Xiao Hongchen and the others would be able to grab back the city wall so quickly, and then so many players crossed the outer city wall and entered them. In the camp, and when they found that it was too late to deploy.

That's right, Tokyo Mythology and the others are too late to mobilize more elites to stop Yixiao Hongchen and them. What they can do at this time is to occupy the inner city wall as quickly as possible and then enter the city to destroy the heart of the city, and as long as they can do this, then this A battle has achieved its purpose.

The most important thing is that in their hearts in Tokyo Mythology, at this time, they can rely on mobilizing a steady stream of players to participate in the siege, and at this time they still have some killer items in their hands, so they are still very confident in destroying the imperial city in the Chinese server. Yes, and their people's ability to occupy the inner city wall all the time also gave them sufficient confidence.

In this way, the battle is still going on. With the advantage of the number of people and many people wearing the [Group Blessing Scroll] state, the Japanese server alliance can continue to advance and then occupy the inner city wall of the Chinese server imperial city. From this point of view, the Japanese server alliance Still a big advantage.

It's just that if you count the casualties, you will know that the casualties of the Japanese server alliance are very large at this time, and even double the layout of the Chinese server alliance. The advantages of the Eight-Winged Fallen Angel NPCs, the most important thing is that Ye Luo and Yi Xiao Hongchen can enter the enemy's camp and kill people unscrupulously.

Time passed slowly, and 7 or 8 minutes passed in a blink of an eye. After such a long time, the state of [Group Blessing Scroll] was about to end. At this time, the Japanese server alliance only occupied 80% of the inner city wall, although only the last two were left. They succeeded, but it was very difficult for them to take down these walls.

The reason for this is that the CCP Alliance has gathered a group of super experts to defend the city wall. In particular, Ye Luo can attack recklessly with the cooperation of everyone. His damage output is even on par with dozens of dual-professional experts. total damage.

Of course, the most important thing is that the masters such as Dark Night and Tokyo Mythology are a little bit jealous of Ye Luo, especially when they know that they still keep the [Arrow of Chaos], and other players are against Ye Luo without them leading the charge. The threat they pose is not too great.

Faced with this situation, Tokyo Mythology and the others had to order the elite cavalry to charge Ye Luo and others continuously, especially Ye Luo. In their hearts, as long as they entangled Ye Luo, they would have a great chance of occupying all of them. inner city wall.

However, the people in the Chinese server alliance naturally saw what role Ye Luo played in this battle, so at this time they would be able to assist Ye Luo. The person who charged, coupled with Ye Luo switching to the archer mode and hiding behind, it was still very difficult for the people from the Japanese server alliance to entangle him.

That's right, Ye Luo switched to the archer mode, and then followed up with Ye Ye Nuo, Yan Yu Xiaoxiao, Fireworks Yi Leng and other dual-professional archers lined up to attack. Under the effect of the [Split Arrow], they could split a number of times each time they attacked. There are even more than ten energy arrows, and this also means that each of their normal attacks is comparable to group attack skills.

Fireworks are easy to get cold, and Ye Ye doesn’t have to wait until someone else. Although there are many control effects in their attacks, their damage output is not too high. In addition, players can counteract the control effects with the effect of [Spell Immunity], but Ye Luo is different. At this time, he has full attack power, plus various attributes and even pure damage added to the attack, the damage output is very high. It is no exaggeration to say that almost no players can get close to them. within 20 meters.

They can't get close to Ye Luo and naturally can't entangle him. It is almost impossible to occupy the last city wall, and it is even more impossible for them to capture the inner city wall after the [Group Blessing Scroll] state ends.

"Hee hee, sure enough, Uncle Ye Luo and the others can easily kill approaching players when many cavalry block the enemy, and even keep the enemy within 20 meters." June Feixue said with a pretty smile: "This means that When we retreat to the heart of the city, we can use this tactic to intercept the enemy all the time. Although we will be surrounded by groups, they will not be able to get close to the heart of the city and then attack the heart of the city, facing the attacks of remote occupations such as Uncle Ye Luo. The casualties of the enemy alliance will certainly be high, and they will naturally give up after seeing the casualties and little hope of destroying our imperial city."

"That's right." Samadhi took over the words: "Especially when we can use the teleportation array to mobilize elite cavalry, and most of them are fresh troops, at least we can always maintain a strong defensive circle in front of us, In this way, long-range occupations such as Ye Luo can attack unscrupulously. In this case, it is difficult or even impossible for the enemy to attack the heart of our city, and what awaits them can only be defeated."

Hearing this, everyone agreed with it, especially when they saw that Ye Luo and others could easily force the enemy more than 20 meters away by joining forces at this time. For a time, they were more confident in defending the city today.

Soon the status of the [Group Blessing Scrolls] that both sides were wearing ended, including Ye Luo and the others, but because the number of scrolls used by the Japanese server alliance far exceeded the Chinese server's, the advantage of the Chinese server alliance after this ended. Naturally bigger.

In addition, without the status of [Group Blessing Scroll], Ye Luo can use [Golden Needle Puncture] to lock his qi and blood at 50%, and under the effect of [Reincarnation *Sacrifice], his overall stats will increase by 150% , in this state, his strength is no worse than that of holding the [Group Blessing Scroll], and the strength of the opponent he faces is much weaker than before, so the damage he causes to it is higher, and a large number of enemies die at a time. Under his arrows, and the situation is slowly shifting towards the Chinese-server alliance, this can be seen from the fact that the Chinese-server alliance starts to slowly grab some walls.

They also saw this scene in Tokyo Mythology. They didn't want to fail, so they could only issue an order to use the [Group Blessing Scroll], and used the remaining 1 or 20 [Group Blessing Scroll]. The improvement is even stronger than before - the reason why this is so natural is that the Chinese server alliance can no longer produce any scrolls. Relatively speaking, the strength gap between the two sides has widened again.

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