VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 3772: : in emergency

Without the blessing of the [Group Blessing Scroll], even if the players in the Japanese server alliance have the advantage of having more people and occupying more city walls, there is no good way to face the last line of defense of Ye Luo and others, and even with the passage of time Some of the city walls were snatched back, and it is not impossible to be snatched back as much as possible.

Faced with this situation, Tokyo Mythology and the others decisively ordered the use of all the remaining [Group Blessing Scrolls], and after using more than 10 scrolls, the overall strength of their side has been greatly improved. The gap has widened a lot, and the city wall has been snatched back for a while. At this time, only the section of the city wall where Ye Luo and the others are located can support it. Similar to [Vulcan Domain]'s great power, large-scale group attack skills, and Ye Luo and Ye Ye unless they use some combination skills.

When they saw that the city wall controlled by the Chinese service alliance was less than 10%, Tokyo Mythology and the others made a decisive decision to bypass Ye Luo and others and then rush into the city, which forced Ye Luo and the others to give up the last line of defense and then return. in the city.

In fact, people from the Japanese server alliance had crossed the city wall and then went to the heart of the city, but at this time, there are players from the Chinese server alliance in the city, and there are many new troops, without the [Group Blessing Scroll]. It is almost impossible to kill the past and then come to the heart of the city.

In addition, if Tokyo Mythology and others bypassed Ye Luo and others before, then Ye Luo and the others will undoubtedly be attacked from behind, and they will be attacked from back and forth. This kind of casualties will undoubtedly be great, which has been laughed at before. It can be seen that they led a large number of elites to sneak attacks behind, especially the defensive equipment on the city wall behind them can also attack the people of their alliance.

However, when Ye Luo and the others occupy less than 10% of the city wall, there is no need to worry too much about this problem, not only because Ye Luo and the others have very few people around at this time, but the most important thing is that the city wall still belongs to There are not many defense equipment left in the alliance of the Chinese server, and it is no exaggeration to say that even if they stand up to their attacks, there will not be too many problems.

In addition, a large number of players in the state of [Group Blessing Scroll] bypass Ye Luo and they can also cause great casualties to the players who block them in the city. In this case, there is still a good chance to kill near the heart of the city. .

In the hearts of Tokyo Mythology and the others, their main force had already bypassed at this time, so Ye Luo and the others had to give up the last city wall and return to the city to defend, and then their alliance members would be able to serve the members of the alliance who were still in the city. It is surrounded by people, and if you concentrate all your strength to attack it, there is still a good chance to defeat it and then kill it to the heart of the city.

This is also true. A large number of players in the state of [Group Blessing Scroll] bypassed Ye Luo and caused a lot of casualties to the players of the Chinese server alliance. This can be seen by the players of the Chinese server alliance stepping back. One spot.

In the face of this situation, the wine gods Du Kang and Feng Xing became anxious, the former frowned deeply: "Firework girl, the situation is not very good, the enemy alliance has actually used so many [Group Blessing Scrolls], at this time we There is no such scroll in our hands at all. Even the fresh army can't resist their offensive. In this way, the enemy alliance can easily rush to the heart of the city in the next 10 minutes. more difficult."

"Yeah, what should we do now?" Feng Xing took over.

"Don't we still have some [Group Purification Scrolls]?" Ye Yutiange's voice sounded in the team channel: "I've used them all, use them on those formation masters and then let them use [Change the World] to condense a high platform, and that's the only way We have a chance to resist the offensive of the enemy alliance."

"No, I'm afraid we can't resist it at all, even if our formation master casts [Change the World]." Ye Yufeifei shook her head, and she smiled bitterly: "The defense of the inner city wall is much stronger than those high platforms. Well, we have not resisted the offensive of the enemy alliance, even if the number of players in the [Group Blessing Scroll] state of the enemy alliance at this time is much less than before, we will never stop it, and once they are approached The heart of the city, then they can surely destroy it."

"That's right, we can't keep it at all." Dongfang Xingxing said, after a while, she continued: "At this time, we only have one way, and that is to let our space system players use [space enchantment] to protect the heart of the city and then continue. Procrastination, 10 minutes is enough time for the [Group Blessing Scroll] state to end, and then we will have a chance to resist them."

Everyone is smart, and naturally they know that it is impossible to resist when many people in the Japanese server alliance are in the state of [Group Blessing Scroll], even with the help of the inner city wall, let alone just [change the world]. It's a high platform, so there is only one way that Dongfang Xing said.

Thinking of this, many people began to urge Fireworks Yi Leng to give orders, and some players even retreated towards the heart of the city, but at this time Long Jieyu's voice sounded in the team channel: "But [Space Barrier] can be shrouded. The range is very limited, even if Sister Yushou can only use it to cover a radius of 150 meters, and so many of us can't retreat into the enchantment, but cannot retreat into the enchantment..."

Players who cannot retreat into the barrier will naturally face the siege of all the players from the Japanese server alliance. Among them, there are not only thousands of players who are in the state of [Group Blessing Scroll], but also super masters such as Dark Night and Tokyo Mythology. In this situation, there is only one fate for those players - they are all killed.

At this time, there are as many as tens of millions of people fighting in the city, and the number of players who can retreat into the enchantment is probably less than 11, so the rest of the players will be killed, which is undoubtedly a great loss to the Chinese server alliance. , Thinking that all the commanders of the Chinese server alliance were silent for a while, they were reluctant to issue such an order, after all, many of them were killed by their servers.

"It's not just these people, but the people led by Yixiao Hongchen will also be targeted, and I'm afraid they will lose all ranks, so our losses will be too great." Daughter Hong said in a deep voice, saying these things. At that time, her face was also a little ugly.

"Then what else do we have to do at this time? Do you want to watch the heart of our city be destroyed?" Dongfang Xiaotian snorted coldly: "And once our imperial city is destroyed again , then I am afraid that we will have no chance to reverse the situation at all."

Hearing this, everyone was silent. At this time, they naturally knew this situation. They hesitated for a while, and finally they could only hand over the decision-making power to Fireworks Yi Leng.

Seeing everyone looking at her, Yi Leng also knew that it was time for her to make a decision, but Ye Luo stopped her when she was about to say something, and the latter said, "Well, let the little hand use [Space] Barrier], when the time comes, you will lead a group of masters to retreat to the barrier, I will stay, gather all the players who are fighting together and then use the last city wall to resist..."

"This method is good." Midnight Shu took over the words, and he was quite excited when he said this: "At this time, there is still a section of the city wall in our hands, and we rely on this section of the city wall and the large number of players who have gathered. Being able to fight against people from the enemy alliance, hey, even if we still can’t resist it in the end, we will definitely be able to pull a lot of people back, which can also cause a lot of casualties and consumption to the enemy alliance. The defense of the city is still very helpful."

Ye Luo's proposal was undoubtedly the last resort, and many players immediately agreed. After all, if they did this in their hearts, there was still a certain chance. Once they gave up the last section of the city wall, their casualties were still very high, and the most important thing was that they were almost killed by the enemy. Eat for nothing.

"At the moment, this is the only way to do it, at least this is the best way." Fireworks Yi nodded coldly, and then she changed her tone: "But Ye Luo, you can't stay, because you are our next choice. The key to keeping the heart of the city, if you are killed early, even if you just use up too many skills, it will have a great impact on the next battle, so you have to return to the enchantment, then I will stay …”

"No, we still need your command. It's not good for you to be killed at this time." Po Lang Chengfeng interrupted Yi Leng's words directly, and after a while, she continued: "Well, Xiaoshu and I stay, and we lead the way. The rest of the people fought with the enemy, so even if we were killed, it would be nothing, Ye Luo, you still have the opportunity to resist the offensive of the enemy alliance with everyone's cooperation, and as long as you can defend the imperial city, then even if our casualties are a little big. It's worth it."

"No, if Sister Feng and you are killed, then the national weapons will definitely explode. After picking up those national weapons, Tokyo Mythology and their strength will be stronger. At that time, I have no confidence to stop them." Ye Luo shook his head. , stopped the waves and the wind who wanted to say something, and he continued: "I stay, you have also seen that Tokyo Mythology and others are very jealous of me, and I have a lot of life-saving means, so I can not only treat them as much as possible. Inflict some casualties, but still protect yourself as much as possible, and even when I am in danger, you can teleport me away with your little hands, so that the problems I mentioned before will not exist."

After pondering for a while, Polang Chengfeng nodded, and then she looked at Fireworks Yi Leng, obviously asking for her opinion.

"If you want to stay, stay." Suddenly Fireworks Yi said coldly, seeing everyone's stunned look, she continued: "Leave some experts as much as possible, take advantage of the city wall and their cooperation later, we may not be able to hold the last section of the city wall. , at least for a while.”

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