VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 3776: : Nine-turn skill

As Ye Luo said, in large-scale team battles, the skill of instant explosive power is sometimes more useful, because this skill can kill a large number of enemies in an instant, and this undoubtedly has the effect of turning the situation around. Dragon] and [Devil Sword Sky Slash] undoubtedly belong to this skill.

Of course, if it is a battle that lasts for a long time, the effects of [Golden Acupuncture Point] and [Reincarnation *Sacrifice] are more obvious, so these two skills have their own merits.

Fortunately, Ye Luo possesses these two skills at the same time, and there are even multiple skills that can explode in an instant, such as [Thunder* Sword Slashing Bafang], [Sword Qi* Sword Rain] and other combined skills, it is precisely because of this that Ye Luo is in the Only in the skill system is it known as the existence of a knight-errant.

"Hey, that's true. We all envy your skills, especially [Cooldown Reset], but at present, no player has such skills except you and Xiaoshu." Said the waves and the wind. She made no secret of her envy.

With a chuckle, Ye Luo didn't bother about this issue either. He attacked and asked Fireworks Yi Leng: "Fireworks, when I cooperated with Polangchengfeng and the others, I have already used a lot of powerful and large-scale group attack skills. Even [Devil Sword Heaven Slash] has been used, but I still keep [Cooling Reset]. After using this skill, many skills can be used, so that [Devil Sword Heaven Slash] and [Sword Qi*Jianyu] can be used again. ], do you need me next..."

"No, Ye Luo, you must keep your skills and use them when you are defending the heart of the city. These skills have the effect of turning the situation around." Fireworks Yi Leng interrupted Ye Luo's words, and she continued: "At this time, none of us know what trump card the enemy alliance has retained, so we also have to keep some means, the [time stopwatch] alone is not enough, you also need to keep some great power, a wide range of skills, or even only 1, 2 is not enough, so it is necessary to keep [Cooldown Reset]."

Naturally, he knows that the enemy is likely to retain some means, so Ye Luo also knows that it is necessary for his side to retain some trump cards, and the one that can turn the situation around the most is him and Midnight Book's [Cooling Reset]. Of course, it is accurate to say that after using this skill, they can use many skills, not only [Devil Sword Heaven Slash], [Sword Qi*Jianyu], but also [Destroy the World], [Ten Thousand Swords Return to the Sect] and so on.

"Of course, the most important thing is that the current problem can be almost solved after Sister Feng casts [Yagara Mirror*Dream Realm] and [Destroyer Thunder Dragon], so there is no need for Ye Luo to use any means." Fireworks Yi Leng added, and then she took another look at Midnight Book, who was fighting alongside Ye Luo: "Xiaoshu also needs to keep [Cooling Reset] apart from you, maybe you need your last skills to make a comeback."

"Don't worry, I have always kept the [Cooling Reset]." Midnight Shu smiled: "Although my skill system is not as good as Brother Ye, I have learned a lot of skills because I am a dual-professional, plus the [Cooling Heavy] Set], tsk tsk, I will have a lot of skills that I can use at that time, and if I use it with Big Brother Ye, it will definitely cause a lot of casualties to the enemy alliance."

Hearing this, everyone remembered that Ye Luo and Midnight Shu had a lot of group attack skills and a lot of skills, and for a while they were more confident about the next defense.

"By the way, Dark Night and Tokyo Mythology have also reached rank nine. I have never seen them use too powerful skills before, or they have not used skills that I don't know about." Ye Luo suddenly asked: "Then their skills of rank nine. what is it then?"

Hearing this, the expressions of Polangchengfeng and the others became a little dignified, because they had already learned what the Rank 9 skills of Dark Night, Tokyo Mythology and others in the previous two days of battle. Thinking of the power of those skills, they still have some I have lingering fears.

"Dark Night's profession is a fallen angel, the rank nine skill is [Destroy the World], and the Tokyo Mythology's rank 9 skill is [Destroyer Demon Dragon], both of which are powerful and large-scale group attack skills, covering the same range as [Destroy the World]. Thunder Dragon] and [Devil Sword Sky Slash] are both 500 meters away, and the effect is not too much." Midnight Shu said solemnly: "As Brother Ye said, they still retain these two skills in the dark night. If they use this skill, then our casualties will be very large."

"As I thought, Rank 9 skills are very powerful, especially the top professions." Ye Luo said solemnly, and when she said this, her expression became a little dignified.

"Sister Fireworks, what if Dark Night and Tokyo Mythology will cast [Degenerate World Destruction] or [World Destruction Demon Dragon], especially if they cast it one after another?" Zhiyue asked, and she also asked that many people wanted to know of.

"Yeah, Dark Night, Tokyo Mythology, they have always kept the rank nine skills, no accident, they must be reserved for the final attack on the heart of our city. Once they use this skill, they will definitely cause great casualties to us. It is very possible to take the opportunity to break into the heart of our city, if this is the case, then we may not be able to defend it." June Feixue said solemnly.

"There is no good way, we can only hard-cap these skills." Fireworks Yi said coldly, and when she said this, her tone was still flat: "Fortunately, we are on the defensive side, and there are a large number of priests at the back. They can cast [Spell Immunity] for everyone, and this skill can still resist the skill of [Destroyer Demon Dragon]. In addition, Sister Qin also violently used the group invincibility skill, so even if Dark Night and Tokyo Mythology, they successively cast [Destroy the World]. World Demon Dragon] and [Degenerate and Destroy the World] are also very difficult to kill us all."

"That's right, we will definitely have a lot of people alive by then." Samadhi took over the words, and she continued: "The most important thing is that Ye Luo still retains a lot of group attack skills, especially in his hand [ Time Stopwatch], so even if they cast [Destroyer Demon Dragon] in the dark night to kill a large number of our front row players and then rush to the heart of the city, Ye Luo can use [Time Stopwatch] to fight for 10 seconds of time, 10 In seconds, he casts [Cooldown Reset] and then casts [Devil Sword and Heavenly Slash] and other group attack skills, and will surely be able to kill seven to eighty-eight players who are close to the heart of the city. How many enemies will there be, so after the time of the [Time Stopwatch] ends, we will have a large number of players teleported by the teleportation array, and our space system players will use the [Space Portal] to replenish a large number of players in a short time. Players, so don't worry about them destroying the heart of the city."

Everyone knows how high Ye Luo's damage output is, especially since he still retains the [Cooldown Reset], 10 seconds is enough for him to kill a lot of players near the heart of the city, so the situation will be like nothing. Sleep is normal.

Thinking of this, everyone breathed a sigh of relief. The most important thing was that most of the players in the Japanese server alliance who were in the state of [Group Blessing Scroll] rushed over, and the war was about to break out, and they had no time to discuss these issues.

As Zhiyue and the others were worried before, the Japanese server alliance has an advantage in numbers at this time, especially since they still have thousands of players who are in the state of [Group Blessing Scroll], even if the formation is slightly different because they returned from the rush before. Chaos still had a big advantage, which was evident from the fact that they could easily dash forward and approach the city wall where Ye Luo and the others were.

However, when we were within 100 meters of the city wall, the defense equipment on the city wall and my mobile magic crystal gun began to show their power. Coupled with Xiaohongchen and polar flying bears, they led a large number of elite cavalry to charge against Tokyo Mythology and others without fear of death. This greatly relieved the pressure on Ye Luo and the others.

Seeing a large number of enemies approaching, breaking the waves and riding the wind was a little excited, and she asked: "Fireworks, there are already many enemies approaching us within 100 meters at this time, and many of them are in the state of [Group Blessing Scroll], and even Even the dark night and Tokyo myth are approaching us, can I use [Yagata Mirror*Dream Realm] next?!"

Without waiting for the fireworks to open their mouths, June Feixue was full of anticipation: "If Sister Feng can use [Yagara Mirror*Dream Realm] to trap the dark night and Tokyo myth, it would be great, hey, 1 minute is enough to consume them. All invincible skills, maybe Sister Feng's [Destroying Thunder Dragon] still has a chance to kill them in seconds."

"Even if you can't kill them in seconds, you will definitely be able to use their last invincible means." June Feixue added, and then she looked at Ye Luo and Midnight Shu beside her: "If this is the case, then Uncle Ye Luo and Little Shu can completely use [Cooldown Reset] and then use various powerful and large-scale group attack skills to cover the attack, so there is still a good chance to kill them."

"That's right." Zhiyue, who was on the side, took over the words, and when she said this, her tone was full of excitement: "You can even let Brother Ye use the [time stopwatch] if necessary, and 10 more seconds will give them a chance to kill them. Kill them, and as long as they are killed, then the victory or defeat of this battle will definitely be determined. Even if there is a chance to grab the national weapons from Dark Night and Tokyo Mythology, then even if we fail to defend the imperial city today, there is no problem. Now, because the enemy alliance will no longer have the strength to attack our other imperial cities, they can only watch our imperial cities recover one by one, and then we will be able to counterattack, and then they will be the ones who will have a headache. "

Hearing this, everyone was excited and looking forward to it. Next, they all looked at June Feixue, and the meaning was self-evident.

"Although Dark Night and Tokyo Mythology are within 100 meters, the charging time of [Yagata Mirror*Dream Realm] is a bit long, and Dark Night and they know that Sister Feng still retains this skill, so they want to use this skill to trap They are almost impossible." Fireworks Yi Leng shook his head: "At least we don't have too much hope."

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