VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 3777: : successfully trapped

Although [Yagara Mirror*Dream Realm] is very powerful, this skill requires 3 seconds of charging time. After such a long time, people such as Dark Night, Tokyo Mythology and others will definitely be able to escape, and even other people who are in the state of [Group Blessing Scroll] Players can also escape in advance, so it is a waste to use this skill. After all, the tactic of Fireworks Yi Leng before is to kill those players who are in the state of [Group Blessing Scroll] as much as possible. Alleviate the pressure on everyone in the Chinese-serving alliance.

Although she didn't want to admit it, she knew that it would be difficult to trap Dark Night, Tokyo Mythology and others by directly using her skills, so she frowned slightly: "Then what should I do next? already?"

"Naturally, it will be used." Fireworks Yi said coldly, without waiting for further inquiries from the waves and the wind, she continued: "But we must seize the opportunity, for example, I will issue an order for Xiao Hongchen and the others to lead the elite cavalry to charge, so that we can try our best to do so. To entangle those players who are in the state of [Group Blessing Scroll], and at the same time, the players in the Japanese server alliance will definitely advance some distance and then get closer to us. At that time, using skills will not only be possible to trap multiple people who are wearing [Group Blessing]. Players who are in the state of scroll], in addition to trapping other elite players as much as possible, killing them as much as possible can still greatly reduce our pressure."

Breaking the waves and riding the wind is also a smart person. She quickly understood this, and she stopped worrying and continued to attack, waiting for the best time while attacking.

On the other hand, seeing that the players of their own alliance can keep pushing forward and then kill the players of the central server alliance, they will soon be able to surround Ye Luo and others, and Heilongtianzhan and others are very excited. In their hearts, their alliance has something. So many players who are in the state of [Group Blessing Scroll] will definitely be able to kill the remaining players in the central server alliance, and even have the opportunity to kill super masters such as Ye Luo and Breaking the Waves.

There is no problem in killing some dual-professional masters at the worst, and this is still very good for the next attack on the heart of the imperial city in the Chinese server.

After thinking of these, the players in the Japanese server alliance were all excited, and they increased the intensity of their charge, with a posture that was afraid of falling.

Facing the outrageous charge of the players from the Japanese server alliance, the fireworks are easy to be cold, and they are naturally delighted. After all, the more people approach, the more enemies will be trapped by the next wave and the wind and the [Yagara Mirror*Dream Realm]. The more you kill.

However, at this time, Fireworks Yi Leng still did not let the waves and the wind immediately cast their skills, but ordered everyone to shrink the front line, which would undoubtedly allow more enemies to approach and then trap more people.

This is also true. After the defense line was compressed to a certain extent, Fireworks Yi Leng ordered masters such as Yi Xiaohongchen to lead the elite cavalry charge. Of course, their most important task was to entangle those players who were in the state of [Group Blessing Scroll] as much as possible. It would be better to entangle players with national weapons such as Dark Night and Tokyo Mythology.

After receiving the order, Yixiao Hongchen and the others acted without hesitation. For a while, many elite cavalry charged bravely, and with the assistance of some long-range occupations, they also successfully entangled the enemy players who were in the state of [Group Blessing Scroll]. .

It’s just that in the eyes of the players of the Japanese server alliance, what the Chinese server alliance did is nothing more than a battle of beasts. They were not afraid at all and sent more elites to overwhelm them, which also gave the waves and the wind the opportunity to trap more player.

That's right, seeing so many people rushing in, after breaking the waves and riding the wind and getting the order of the fireworks Yi Leng, they decisively used [Yagara Mirror*Dream Realm], although the masters such as Dark Night and Tokyo Mythology also discovered this and gave them to them in time. The people who gave the order to retreat, but not everyone can escape. After all, those people in Yixiao Hongchen have entangled many people with their lives.

Although Dark Night, Tokyo Mythology, and others managed to escape, there were still 3,400 players who were in the state of [Group Blessing Scroll] trapped in the Dream Realm, and these people naturally suffered a covering blow.

That's right, after the successful display of [Yagara Mirror*Dream Realm] in the wave and the wind, the pressure on the Chinese server alliance was instantly relieved, and everyone had some opportunities to use their skills for a while, and various group attack skills covered attacks, and this is undoubtedly It caused huge pressure on those players who were trapped in the Dream Realm. In addition, the Dream Realm also had a very good control effect. These people had to use invincible means to resist, and they used invincible means one after another.

Thinking about it too, if they are controlled at this time, then they will undoubtedly be killed. In this case, they will naturally no longer be stingy with various invincible skills, and even the damage reduction skills will be used later.

At the same time, the trapped players are also attacking frantically. At this time, they are no longer stingy with skills. Various group attack skills, especially the powerful and large-scale group attack skills, are displayed. The reason for this is that they naturally want to rely on Using these skills to cause casualties to the Chinese server alliance as much as possible, there will be fewer players attacking them, and only in this way will they have a chance to survive.

It's just that Fireworks Yi Leng and Sanmai Shi have long known that those trapped enemies will fight to the death, so they have already issued orders to let many priests apply [Spell Immunity] to surrounding players, and later cast some [Spell Immunity]. Group Guardian Scroll], in addition to sitting on Qin Xin, Daughter Red and other priests to increase blood and using [Qin Yin Hua Lin], a skill that can quickly increase the recovery speed of blood and blood, so that it can resist those enemies for a while. Dead counterattack.

As time goes by, more and more enemies are killed, especially the number of players trapped after 10 seconds has been reduced by half. In addition, the previous enemies have already exerted great power and large-scale group attack skills, so The pressure on the players of the Chinese server alliance is much less, and at least not too many people will be killed.

Even if a considerable number of players are killed, what if the trapped players have not learned [Degenerate* Devour], which means that almost no one will be killed and relegated directly. The priests who have been prepared for a long time can use the [Resurrection] skill on everyone. In addition, many people have been in the state of [Resurrection Prophecy] before, so that in the end, not many people were killed in the alliance.

Players have limited means of invincibility, even if the game has progressed to the present, especially after a series of battles before. At this time, those trapped players still have 10 seconds of invincibility, which is very good. Because so many people are killed after 10 seconds, and after 10 seconds, more players have no invincible means, so the only thing waiting for them is to be covered and killed.

"Hey, the situation is much better than what we expected before. The enemy alliance was actually trapped by us with 3,400 players in the state of [Group Blessing Scroll]. No accident, we will definitely be able to attack them as much as possible. Kill, and without so many players who are in the state of [Group Blessing Scroll], our next pressure will definitely be greatly reduced, and maybe we can hold on until their [Group Blessing Scroll] state ends.” Du Kang, the **** of wine, said with excitement.

Think about it, 3 and 400 are more than 30% of all players in the state of [Group Blessing Scroll]. After killing them all, the overall strength of the Japanese server alliance will undoubtedly be greatly reduced, so the Chinese server alliance will naturally have There is a great chance that they will be able to resist the next attack of Tokyo Mythology.

"Yes, we still have a good chance of resisting them all the time, especially [Dream Realm] can still buy us 1 minute, no, I'm afraid it will take longer, after all, it will take some time for the enemy to replenish. "June Feixue was quite excited, thinking of what she looked at Fireworks Yi Leng: "Sister Fireworks, then we can only rely on some small-scale group attack skills and their continuous charge to trap the remaining ones. The living enemies have all been killed, so there is no need for Sister Feng to cast [Destroyer Thunder Dragon] again."

"Yeah, the nine-turn skill of the beauty in the wind is very powerful, and it is not an exaggeration to say that it has the effect of turning the situation around." Yaoyue raised her glass to take over the words: "Retain this skill when defending the heart of the city. Maybe it will be decisive, so I think it's a good idea to keep this skill."

Hearing this, Polangchengfeng also had the idea of ​​wanting to keep the skills, but the fireworks were easy to cool and insisted on her using them, which made her and the players around her puzzled. Skill.

"Although the current situation is enough to kill all players trapped by [Dream Realm] even if [Destroyer Thunder Dragon] is not used, but you and I both know that the distance covered by this skill is only 100 meters, and at this time, both of us The long front line has reached thousands of meters. Even though the camp was deliberately compressed before, it did not shrink too much. Although we have the upper hand on our side because of [Dream Realm], this is not the case in other places, and [ World Destroyer Thunder Dragon] can cover 500 meters, without any accident, this skill can kill many enemies around, and because Sister Feng has learned [Degenerate * Devour], it can directly kill people, which will undoubtedly reduce other fronts. pressure."

"By the way, because the enemies outside [Dream Realm] are blocked, I am afraid that Sister Feng will use [Destroyer Thunder Dragon]. This skill can undoubtedly kill more people in seconds without any precautions." Samadhi added.

Everyone is smart, and they quickly understood the meaning of the samadhi poem, and they also thought about the benefits of using [Destroyer Thunder Dragon] to a large number of enemies in an instant to the next situation. After thinking about this, they would no longer What did the persuasion say, and even wished to break the waves and ride the wind to cast [Destroyer Thunder Dragon] earlier.

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