VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 3787: : group attack coverage

After using 4 [God's Scrolls], the overall strength of the Japanese server alliance has improved a lot, especially when there are many people wearing the [Group Blessing Scroll], they killed a lot of Chinese servers for a while. The players of the alliance have a tendency to climb to the high platform and then occupy it.

If they really occupied the high platform and installed a large number of mobile magic crystal cannons, the pressure on the players who defended before the heart of the city would undoubtedly increase greatly, and players who wanted to prevent the players from the Japanese server alliance from approaching the heart of the city would be very difficult. It is difficult, and it will be much more difficult to defend the imperial city.

Faced with this situation, Dongfang Xingxing and others proposed to let Ye Luo use [Timetable Seconds] and then use various powerful and large-scale group attack skills, even if it is difficult to take away the super masters such as Dark Night and Tokyo Mythology or steal them. The same is true for national weapons, because Ye Luo's damage output can kill many players in the state of [Group Blessing Scroll] and [God's Descending Scroll] within 10 seconds, and because of [Degenerate * Devour], it can directly kill a lot of players. the kill.

Think about it, at this time, the most powerful enemy for the players who are defending the city in the central server alliance is that there are many players who are in the state of [Group Blessing Scroll] and [God Descends Scroll]. is to solve the trouble.

Fireworks Yi Leng is also a smart person. She realized this instantly. In her heart, it is very important to protect the Imperial City of China. Even if Ye Luo uses the [Time Stopwatch] this time, it is difficult to kill the super masters such as Dark Night and Tokyo Mythology. In this way, after all, they can only enter the confrontation stage with the Japanese server alliance after defending the imperial city of the Chinese server, and only in this way she has the confidence to suppress the Japanese server alliance with the advantages created by Ye Luo's leadership of many elites.

Thinking of these, she gave Ye Luo the order to use the [time stopwatch], but before that, she had to let players who still retain the powerful and large-scale group attack skills to use this skill, the reason for this was that it might block the Japanese server In addition to the alliance's offense, it was an invincible means to force out the players of the alliance on the Japanese server as much as possible, so it would be much easier for Ye Luo to kill him next.

In addition, Fireworks Easy Cold also makes the slender jade hands as close as possible to super masters such as Tokyo Mythology and Dark Night, because in this way, after Ye Luo is sent over, he can get as close to them as possible, and then have a better chance to kill him, and even have a chance to kill him. Can take away the national weapon in their hands.

After that, Ye Luo was teleported over, and after sitting on Qin Xin and applying [Spell Immunity] to it, he decisively took out the [Time Stopwatch] and started to use it, but this scroll has a 3-second charging time.

That's right, using the [Time Stopwatch] requires 3 seconds of charging time, and such a long time is enough for some quick-response players to do a lot of things, and Dark Night and Tokyo Myth are undoubtedly among the players.

It has to be said that Ye Luo has caused great pressure or threat to Dark Night, Tokyo Mythology and others. Even during the siege of the city, they have been paying attention to Ye Luo's every move, especially when they saw that Ye Luo was teleported to the city by a slender hand. Before Zhixin, they immediately became vigilant, even if they were 5 or 60 meters away from Ye Luo. After all, this distance is covered by many powerful and large-scale group attack skills, and Ye Luo is even more Possess multiple such skills.

And when Ye Luo used the [Time Stopwatch] to charge up, it made Dark Night and Tokyo Mythology vigilant. Although they didn't have their space players teleport them away immediately, they used their invincible skills immediately. He even stepped back some distance, so he was farther away from Ye Luo.

"Dark Night, Tokyo Mythology, they really are extremely jealous of Ye Luo, when they saw Ye Luo being teleported back and charging up to perform a certain skill, they immediately retreated a distance, and they even used invincible means and were imposed by the priest [ Spell Immunity]." Sitting on Qin Xin, she noticed this for the first time, and she sighed: "In this case, it will be even more difficult for Ye Luo to kill them."

"Even if they are killed, it is almost impossible to **** the national weapons in their hands, so the threat of these people will always exist." Sitting on Qin Xin added.

"Yeah, I have to say that they are too cautious in the dark night." Sanmaishi took over the words, and she continued: "But at the moment, Ye Luo will definitely be able to kill multiple opponents with the [Group Blessing Scroll] , Players in the state of [God Descends Scroll], of course, can also kill enemies within a wide range of With a large number of players coming over, it will be much easier to defend the imperial city."

"And as long as the imperial city can be defended, it means that the actions of the enemy alliance will be thwarted, because the various scrolls in their hands are exhausted, and Ye Luo can go online and the imperial city will be restored tomorrow, so the enemy alliance will There is no longer a chance to occupy our imperial city, and then we will have a chance to launch a counter-offensive," Samadhi added.

Hearing this, June Feixue and others began to look forward to it. For a while, they didn't care much about whether they could kill the super masters such as Dark Night and Tokyo Mythology, and then **** the national weapons in their hands.

And while they were talking about the Samadhi poem, Ye Luo also successfully used the [Time Stopwatch], and a strange force circulated for a while, and the time within a thousand meters stopped, as if the entire space was stagnant. At this time, only Ye Luo can move by himself.

As soon as the [Time Stopwatch] was used, Ye Luo began to charge up to perform group attack skills such as [Wanjian Guizong], [Destroying the World], [Sword Qi*Jianyu], and naturally [Thunder*] Sword Slash Bafang] and [Magic Sword Heaven Slash], but these skills are displayed at the back, because at this time, those players who are invincible will end their invincible state due to the expiration of the time limit, so using these skills in this way is undoubtedly more chance to kill it.

It has to be said that Ye Luo is far ahead of other players in the skill system, even if he also has [Cooldown Reset] and Midnight Book with both Assassin and Swordsman skills, it is far behind. In the next 10 Within seconds, Ye Luo successively used 6 or 7 group attack skills with a range of 100 meters. In the end, he even used [Devil Sword Sky Slash], a group attack ability that could cover 500 meters, and died in these skills for a while. There are countless enemies under it, including those players who are in the state of [Group Blessing Scroll] and [God Descends Scroll].

That's right, almost all the enemies within 100 meters around Ye Luo were emptied before the [Devil Sword Heaven Slash], and less than 10% of the players who were in the state of [Group Blessing Scroll] and [God Descending Scroll] remained. After Ye Luo casts [Devil Sword and Sky Slash], the last 10% of players can survive only 30 players, and this number is not even as many as the number of players in the CCP Alliance - the CCP Alliance used a [Group Blessing] before. Scroll], although some of them were killed with various group attack skills during the period, there were still 4 or 50 players in this state at this time, which naturally exceeded the players in the Japanese server alliance.

Not only that, the power of [Devil Sword and Sky Slash] is too great, especially the coverage is very wide, and after Ye Luo used this skill, there are not even one player in the Japanese server alliance within 500 meters of him. It is done, and this undoubtedly means that a lot of space has been cleared around, and players from the Chinese server alliance will no longer have to suffer for a long time.

Not only that, once the players sent by Ye Luo and others are locked into this space, they can then expand their defenses to the periphery. As a result, the number of players that can be mobilized by the Chinese server alliance will be much more. Next, the Japanese server alliance will naturally have no chance to get close to the heart of the city, and naturally there is no chance to destroy the Chinese server imperial city.

In addition, the number of players wearing the [Group Blessing Scroll] at this time is more than that of the Japanese server alliance, so the situation is likely to be reversed. For example, the players of the Chinese server alliance will start to counterattack. , once this is the case, the Japanese server alliance will have little chance to destroy the Chinese server imperial city.

"Oh my God, how many group attack skills Ye Luo has retained?" Long Jieyu was full of surprise, although she couldn't move at this time, but it was still ok to send messages on the team channel: "I used it one after another. 5, 6 group attack skills, and even [Destruction of the World] has been used twice. In the face of the coverage attack of so many group attack skills, I am afraid that no player can resist it, especially the enemy priest can't move at all. Apply [Spell Immunity] to the people around you, even if you can't add blood."

Think about it too, if the priests of the Japanese server alliance can move, then they can naturally apply [Spell Immunity] to the surrounding players, of course, they can also use props such as [Group Guardian Scroll], plus there are some players around. Retaining the invincible means, even if Ye Luo used multiple group attack skills within 10 seconds, it would be almost impossible to achieve the current result.

In a word, this effect can only be achieved after using the [Time Stopwatch].

"Hey, Uncle Ye Luo has too many skills, especially after using [Cooldown Reset], of course, the most important thing is that he knows that after using [Time Stopwatch], he has to deal extremely high damage output in a short time, so he deliberately Some skills are preserved." June Feixue laughed: "That's good, less than 10% of the enemies within 500 meters are still alive, including the number of players who are wearing [Group Blessing Scroll] and [God's Descending Scroll]. Decrease, so they have little chance of destroying our imperial city."

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