VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 3788: : Turn the tide

It has to be said that Ye Luo has too many powerful and large-scale group attack skills, even after a big battle - this is due to the [cooling reset] and his deliberate retention. After all, he also Knowing that after using [Time Stopwatch], he is in urgent need of a very high damage output.

This is also true. After using the [Time Stopwatch], Ye Luo used 6 or 7 group attack skills in succession, and these skills killed more than 90% of the enemies within 500 meters, including the [Group Blessing Scroll]. As well as players in the status of [God's Advent Scroll], players in the status of [Group Blessing Scroll] owned by an alliance in the Chinese server for the first time overtaken the alliance in the Japanese server for the first time.

With these, and at this time, there are already a large number of reserve teams from the Chinese server alliance ready to send Ye Luo over, and they will undoubtedly be able to expand the defense line by hundreds of meters. It is not impossible for players in the [Group Blessing Scroll] state to repel players from the Japanese server alliance.

Of course, the China-server alliance has other advantages. For example, at this time, all the high platforms condensed by the formation masters of both sides have fallen into the hands of the China-server alliance, which means that the China-server alliance can use multiple mobile magic crystal cannons. With these ideas It is naturally easy to repel surrounding enemies and further expand the defense circle.

For example, the Chinese server alliance still occupies 20-30% of the inner city wall. This part of the city wall is naturally the last part of the city wall occupied by Ye Luo and the others. Even if Ye Luo and the others retreat to the heart of the city, a large number of players from the Chinese server alliance are firmly occupied. This part of the city wall, especially before there were a large number of space players on it - those space players have been using [group teleportation scroll] and [space portal] to teleport players over, so that more Chinese servers can be used. Players from one alliance join the battle.

Taking advantage of these advantages will undoubtedly make it easier to take back all the occupied city walls, and it will be much easier to drive away all the players from the Japanese server alliance.

Even the little girls such as June Feixue and Long Jieyu have seen the current situation, not to mention the players who are good at strategy such as Fireworks Yi Leng and Samadhi Poetry. God Dukang and Fengxing were even more smiling, because in their hearts this time, there would be no problem in defending the Imperial City of Zhongfu.

"Hey, it's alright, finally we don't have to worry that our imperial city will be destroyed again." The Dionysian Du Kang couldn't help laughing: "The most important thing is that after this battle, the enemy alliance consumes Lost all [Group Blessing Scrolls] and various other killer props, at least they can't get a lot of scrolls by destroying our imperial city, so they are on the same starting line with us, although there are still some imperial cities in our alliance that are destroyed. The state and then the player's strength is greatly reduced, but when the enemy alliance does not have the advantage of scrolls such as [Group Blessing Scroll], they dare not attack the city at all."

"Yes, the two sides will enter a stalemate next." Feng Xing took over the words, and he also smiled: "And once this is the case, our destroyed imperial city will slowly recover, and our overall strength will naturally increase. Scale up, hey, it's time for our counterattack."

Hearing this, everyone couldn't help but get excited, including the players in the external server, because in their hearts, as long as the imperial city in the Chinese server was defended, the destroyed imperial city would slowly recover. It is also good news to say that naturally.

"That's what I said, but no one knows whether the enemy alliance's people have retained the trump card, so we can't be careless." Dongfang Xingxing said, even though she said so, she knew from the smile on her face that she didn't care too much. worry about this issue.

Thinking about it, everyone naturally knows that the last killer of the Japanese server alliance must be the [God Descends Scroll]. Now that they have used all these scrolls, it naturally means that they have no other killer means.

With the wisdom of Dongfang Star, she naturally knows this, so she has a relaxed face.

"Well, yes, we have to be more careful at this time." Firework Yi responded coldly, and she continued: "Soon the [time stopwatch] time limit will come, and you will need to direct more players. Fill the vacant places, and at the same time we will send some elites back to the city walls to **** all the city walls as quickly as possible, and only in this way will it be easier to drive away all the enemies, so that we can completely keep the imperial city."

There are many smart people in the crowd, and soon they also understood the intention of the arrangement of Fireworks Yi Leng, especially the arrangement of sending elites back to the city wall. After all, the city wall will be the most important battlefield at that time, and which side has the more advantage of the city wall. Naturally there are more advantages.

Fortunately, the Chinese server alliance has been occupying a section of the city wall at this time, and because the main attack direction of the Japanese server alliance was the heart of the city, those players took back more city walls, which undoubtedly gave the Chinese server alliance to occupy the city wall. The advantages have laid a good foundation.

Thinking of this, everyone didn't say much, and each ordered them to go on and order the players who could be mobilized to support the city wall - the inner city wall is thousands of meters away, which means that it will not be affected by the [time stopwatch], which means that at this time the middle The server alliance can mobilize player support and then **** more walls.

This is also true. Immediately, a large number of players locked the players above the city wall to teleport, and the players who were above the city wall before this began to rush to the left and right to try to **** more city walls in a short period of time.

In the same sentence, the main forces of the Japanese server alliance are all in the city, to be precise near the heart of the city. At this time, their strength on the city wall is much weaker, so even if they occupy more inner city walls, it is nothing. Advantages, this can be seen by players from the Chinese server alliance slowly grabbing back the city wall.

The **** of wine Du Kang and others naturally saw this situation, which made them even more relieved.

Compared with the excitement of the players in the alliance on the Chinese server, the players in the alliance on the Japanese server looked a little ugly, especially seeing that Ye Luo used various skills to kill so many of them before. The most important thing is that they are still at this time. Unable to move, there was no way to respond for a while, otherwise they would not have been killed by so many people.

"What's the matter, why can't we move?!" Hei Longtianzhan's face was full of surprise and disbelief: "It seems that most of the players in the Chinese server alliance can't move, but how can Ye Luozhiqiu still move?"

"He used a prop called [Time Stopwatch]." Fujisan quickly found these through the battle information, and while handing out a scroll illustration to everyone, he said: "The situation is extremely unfavorable for us, at this time we More than 90% of the players who were in the state of [Group Blessing Scroll] and [God Descends Scroll] on one side were killed, and even some of the players who were killed before were wearing national weapons. Players in Group Blessing Scroll] have overtaken us, plus Ye Luozhiqiu has killed so many players, it is almost impossible for us to destroy the imperial city in the Chinese server.

Not only did Mt. Fuji realize this, but Twilight Weiliang, Tokyo Mythology and others also realized it, and their faces were a little ugly for a while, because they also knew what it would mean if the Imperial City of China could not be destroyed this time - then After that, they never had any chance to destroy any imperial city of the China-server alliance, and they didn't even have the chance to occupy the guild station of the China-server alliance.

"Damn it, **** it, how could Ye Luozhiqiu have such a sky-defying prop that can actually stop the time within 1,000 meters for 10 seconds, which will affect the balance of the game too." His words were also echoed by many people, and they also rushed to this kind of props to be too unnatural and thus affect the balance of the game.

"Actually, the [time stopwatch] is not very against the sky, at least it can't play much role in the hands of other players, thinking that they can do not many things in 10 seconds, and even those who are slightly weaker. We can't even kill a few of us." The red maple leaf said, and then she sighed: "It's just that this item is different in Ye Luozhiqiu's hands. He has too much power and large-scale group attack skills. If It's fine under normal conditions, we can use invincible means to resist, even just the [Spell Immunity] cast by the priest can resist, but after using the [Time Stopwatch] we can't move at all, so naturally we can't use these means, and also That's why we have so many players killed."

Hearing this, everyone was silent. They naturally knew that the [Time Stopwatch] could only be used in Ye Luo's hands to display such a heaven-defying item. For a time, they all sighed that Ye Luo was lucky enough to obtain such an item.

"Ye Luozhiqiu and the others have completed a lot of difficult tasks, and even he is the first Rank 9 player, so it is not surprising that he has such a chance to obtain this item." Perfume Beauty said, his tone was rare at this time. Tranquility: "Don't forget that we got that kind of super gang resident props before, so Ye Luozhiqiu and the others won't have to get a [time stopwatch]."

Hearing this, everyone was silent. The most important thing was that something had happened, and it would be meaningless for them to tangle about it. What they had to do next was how to deal with the current situation.

"Although we have killed a lot of people at this time, we still have a lot of advantages. For example, we still have an advantage in numbers, and even on the city wall, we still have a big advantage. With these, we still have the opportunity to compete with the Chinese server alliance. Yes." Sakura said like snow, when she said this, she looked at everyone with anticipation: "Even we still have a chance to destroy the Imperial City of Zhongfu?"

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