VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 3790: : Take back the city wall

I have to say that Tokyo Mythology still has a very clear view of the current situation. At least they know that their alliance has no chance of destroying the imperial city of the Chinese server. Then they gave up immediately, and then prepared to take advantage of the city wall as much as possible. Inflict casualties to the Chinese server alliance.

Seeing that the players of the Japanese server alliance did not attack but retreated, the players of the Chinese server alliance were cheered up, because it meant that they had almost successfully defended the imperial city, thinking that the Japanese server alliance would have no chance to destroy them in the future. The imperial city or the occupation of the gang's resident, they will naturally be excited for a while.

Of course, the most exciting thing is that in the minds of many players, they will be able to use elite squad harassment and sneak attacks to start counterattacks and then gradually accumulate advantages. With these, they will eventually be able to completely suppress the Japanese server alliance. Thinking of these, they look forward to them one by one. .

"Although the enemy alliance has given up on destroying our imperial city, we still cannot be careless. Next, we still have to arrange a large number of elite cavalry defenses around the heart of the city, and even leave some space for players to be ready to use it at any time. [Space Portal] Just in case someone from the enemy alliance kills a carbine." Fireworks Yi Leng gave the order, and without waiting for everyone to reply, she continued: "The next step is to find a way to grab the occupied city wall and drive the enemy away completely. Our imperial city, and only in this way can we fully defend the imperial city."

"Snatch back the city wall?" Slightly stunned, then Ouyang Feiyan blurted out: "Didn't the enemy have already begun to flee, why are they still fighting with us for the city wall?"

"Although the enemy alliance has given up on destroying our imperial city, they still have a lot of advantages on the city walls at this time. Don't forget that they still occupy a lot more city walls than our side, and these city walls are all placed on the city walls. Moving the magic crystal cannons, they still have some advantages by virtue of these, at least we need to pay a high price to get back the city wall." Dongfang Xingxing explained, after a while she continued: "Of course, because there is a section of the city wall that is firmly It is in our hands, and the speed at which we mobilize players has far exceeded that of the enemy alliance. The most important thing is that there are more players on our side than them in the state of [Group Blessing Scroll], so we want to take it back. It's not a problem if the city wall then drives them all out of the city wall, it's just a matter of time."

There was no shortage of smart people in the crowd, and they soon realized the current situation. Although they knew that there would inevitably be a big battle, they were all excited because they had been passive before, and now they finally had the opportunity to take the initiative. The most important thing is that they know that they will definitely win this time, so they are naturally excited, and then they are gearing up one by one, looking like they are afraid of falling behind.

"The people of the enemy alliance should take advantage of the city wall and the number of people to cause casualties to us as much as possible, but we can't let them be too happy. Next, we will start to counterattack from the city wall we occupied, against the [group] Players in the state of blessing scrolls take the lead to suppress the enemy alliance, and other players take the opportunity to **** the city wall, which will undoubtedly avoid our losses as much as possible." Ye Yufei said, looking at Ye Luo as she spoke, that meant nothing. And metaphor.

Everyone was smart, and they instantly understood Ye Yufeifei's meaning, and then they all looked at Ye Luo in unison.

If you think about it, Ye Luo is undoubtedly the strongest player in the current Chinese server alliance, especially since he is not only in the state of [Group Blessing Scroll], but most importantly, he also has the advantage of ultra-long-range attack. These can undoubtedly cause great pressure on the Japanese server alliance and then enable the Chinese server alliance to regain the occupied city wall at the least cost.

Ye Luo naturally understood what Ye Yufei and the others meant, and then he didn't say much, seeing that a large number of players came out of the teleportation array and then firmly protected the heart of the city, he asked the space system players still on the city wall to take him After the teleportation, of course, there were also a group of super masters such as breaking waves and riding the wind, and the next thing they had to do was to grab back the occupied city walls.

As Dongfang Star and the others said, although the Japanese server alliance has a greater advantage on the city wall at this time, especially after placing a large number of mobile magic crystal cannons, the Chinese server alliance is in the state of [Group Blessing Scroll] players. The number is more, the most important thing is that Ye Luo, Fireworks Yi Leng and other dual-professional archers can suppress them from a long distance, so they can retake the occupied city wall, but it takes a longer time.

Of course, because the Japanese server alliance has the advantage of the city wall and even the number of people, the casualties of the Chinese server alliance will be greater, at least larger than the Japanese server alliance.

But in order to take back the city wall, the most important thing is that almost everyone knows that as long as the occupied city wall is taken back, the situation will be stabilized. Because of this, they will naturally not care about these casualties. suppressed anger.

Under the leadership of Ye Luo and the others, the most important thing is that as time goes by, more and more players from the Chinese server are teleported to join the battle. In this way, the city walls have been taken back bit by bit. At present, it is only time to take back all the city walls. Just a question.

After 7 or 8 minutes, the Chinese server alliance took back 30% to 40% of the city wall, which means that the Chinese server alliance has reversed the situation on the inner city wall at this time, and this is the case, because the occupied city walls are more and more With the advantage, it will be much easier to grab the remaining city walls. Even if the [Group Blessing Scroll] status ends at this time due to the time limit, the Chinese server alliance still has an advantage.

That's right, the time limit for the [Group Blessing Scroll] has expired for so long. Of course, both sides are no longer wearing the [Group Blessing Scroll]. At this time, Ye Luo is almost invincible. The blood is locked at 50%, because of [Reincarnation *Sacrificial] and [Golden Needle Acupuncture Point], his overall attributes have improved a lot. Using these can easily kill players who intercept him, and he alone is against the sun. Serving one side of the alliance caused a great threat, and naturally caused great casualties.

From the point of view of the national war points, the national war points obtained by Ye Luo at this time have exceeded the sum of Dongfang Slaughtering the Sky and Breaking the Waves and Riding the Wind, which means that the number of players killed by him alone has exceeded the number of players killed by two people. The sum, and from this alone, it can be seen what role Ye Luo played in this battle.

Because they no longer have any advantage on the inner city wall, continuing to insist will only increase casualties. Naturally, they will not continue to blindly persist in Tokyo Mythology. They decisively ordered to retreat. Of course, they did not retreat, but retreated to the outer city wall. Obviously They must continue to use the advantages of the outer city wall to cause casualties to the alliance of the Chinese server and cause casualties as much as possible.

It is worth mentioning that at this time, the outer city wall was occupied by 80% of the alliance of the Japanese server. Even if it is said that their advantage here is greater than that of the inner city wall before, and the outer city wall is far more than the inner city wall, so It will take longer to get back these city walls, and this also means that there will be more casualties, especially at this time, except for Ye Luo, the central server alliance is in the state of [Group Blessing Scroll]. There is no previous advantage.

But still the same sentence, at this time, Ye Luo, who has locked his qi and blood at 50%, is almost invincible. This can be seen from the fact that he can easily suppress the dark night, Tokyo Mythology and others, and even make them dare not fight head-on. , and with these players who have been teleported continuously, it is only a matter of time before they want to grab the outer city wall.

The most important thing is that there are no players from the Japanese server alliance in the inner city wall at this time. Of course, except for the players who are in the 'lying corpse' state, but these people have no one to rescue and can no longer pose any threat to the Chinese server alliance. They can only wait until the time limit is up to return to the city to revive, and even many players have to directly choose to return to the city to revive because they realize that there is no one to rescue them.

Under the leadership of Ye Luo, the elites of the China-Server Alliance can easily push through the wall that they still occupy, which means that there are more and more city walls belonging to the China-Server Alliance. To a certain extent, for example, when it reaches half of the time, players from the Japanese server alliance will give up, and then the Chinese server alliance will be considered to have completely defended the Chinese server imperial city.

Hope is right in front of you, the players of the Chinese server alliance are all excited, and they have finally vented their previous resentment, and they are happy one by one.

"Beautiful fireworks, we have already defended the imperial city, and we no longer have to worry that the enemy alliance can threaten our imperial city, and they will not even have any chance to occupy our gang station." Nangong Yunlong said excitedly: "Is this organization fighting back next? Hey, we were suppressed by the enemy alliance for so long, and we almost didn't even have a chance to turn over. We can't just let it go, and we must show them a good look next."

"It's natural." Yaoyue raised her glass and grabbed the conversation, and he was full of anticipation: "Should we form an elite team to attack and harass the gang station of the enemy alliance, hey, in short, we must not let them take it easy. ."

"It's natural to fight back, but it depends on the specific situation." Fireworks Yi said coldly, after a while she continued: "Although we successfully defended the imperial city, it doesn't necessarily mean that we are at an advantage, don't forget this. At that time, we still have a lot of imperial cities in a state of being destroyed, which means that we still have a lot of people in a state where their overall attributes have been reduced by 15%."

"Hey, this is nothing, at least it doesn't affect the overall situation." The third person smiled: "Because we will not attack in a big way, just form an elite team to harass the enemy, which is always OK."

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