VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 3791: : finally finished

Although the players from the current alliance of the Chinese server have defended the imperial city of the Chinese server, because the imperial city of the court server, the Russian server, and the Central Asian server are still in a state of being destroyed, the overall attributes of the players on these three servers are weakened by 15%. The overall strength of the Chinese server alliance is weaker than that of the Japanese server alliance, which means that the former is still at a disadvantage.

As we all know, the attacking side is far more difficult than defending the city, not to mention that the overall strength of the Chinese server alliance is weaker than that of the Japanese server alliance. Such a massive counterattack is simply impossible.

Everyone naturally knew this, and in their minds they didn't think of a massive counterattack in a short period of time, but in their minds, it was okay to form an elite team to harass the enemy, especially the elite team led by Ye Luo.

"That's right." A player in Bucky's server took over the conversation: "We have all seen the advantages of Ye Luozhiqiu, not only has super damage output, but the most important thing is that he has super long-range attack distance, with high mobility Sex and multiple means of life-saving, he alone can cause a lot of trouble to the gang station of the enemy alliance, and with our support, there is no problem. Maybe we can use this to occupy some gang stations of the enemy alliance, so that we can get hoarding Power is naturally easier and more efficient."

"If you used this tactic in the past, it would have been easy to occupy the gang station of the enemy alliance, but now it is a little difficult." Sanmaishi said, seeing everyone's puzzled look, she explained: "You and I both know now. Both the enemy and us have a lot of powerful cavalry, and even the enemy alliance has some advantages over us in the top cavalry at present, and they can arrange for the elite cavalry to charge continuously to intercept when our elite squad is harassed."

"Of course, the most troublesome are the players who have been rewarded for destroying the imperial city, such as Dark Night and Tokyo Mythology. Although they don't want to admit it, their strength has been greatly improved. In the case of joining forces, especially when there are gangs and many cavalry behind them. Auxiliary, it is not too difficult for them to intercept our elite team." Samadhi added, after a while, she continued: "At least we need a lot of consumption to occupy their gang station, and we need to use a large army. success is possible.”

Everyone naturally knows the strength of Dark Night, Tokyo Mythology and others, especially when they can take advantage of the city wall, as Sanmai said, they can already cause great resistance to Ye Luo and the others, so they want to occupy their place. Gang resident is naturally not so easy.

In fact, there is still a word in Samadhi Shi's heart that has not been said, that is, Ye Luo's injury is still a little serious. He can't lead the crowd to carry out sneak attacks and harassment operations for a long time. After all, this kind of tactics is extremely exhausting for him. It's hard to stay in a state for too long.

Judging from past experience, elite squad harassment tactics take a long time to show obvious results, which is something Ye Luo can't do at present.

"Hey, we don't want to be able to occupy the gangs of the enemy alliance in a short period of time, as long as it can cause greater pressure on them and then contain a large number of their elites." The Dionysian Du Kang smiled: "In this way We will be able to put more power into the action of hoarding power. In the long run, our overall strength will definitely surpass the enemy alliance, and we will open a large gap with it. At that time, we will have the opportunity to occupy their gang station and even It's destroying their imperial city."

"That's right." Feng Xing took over the words: "Although it is difficult for us to occupy the gangs of the enemy alliance with our current strength, but every action can kill a lot of their players, this kid Ye Luo has learned [fallen*] Devouring], the player killed by him will be relegated directly, and it can cause a lot of trouble to the enemy alliance for a long time, which is very beneficial to our future development."

Dukang, Fengxing, the God of Bacchus, and their words were immediately echoed by many people. Of course, in their hearts, being able to take the initiative to attack the Japanese server alliance is a kind of initiative. The players of one alliance are suffocated, and now they are finally ready to take the initiative, they will not miss it in vain.

"Well, then forming an elite team to attack and harass the enemy alliance will be the main tactic." Fireworks Yi said coldly, and she continued: "Of course, at the same time, we have to send a large number of elite forces to hoard all kinds of killers. props, and only in this way will we have a better chance to completely suppress the enemy alliance.”

"Hey, it's natural that we can open up the gap between us as soon as possible with a two-pronged approach." Qianli walked alone and laughed: "Fortunately, we have a lot of advantages in dungeons and Sky City, plus we send elite players to fight against each other. The enemy alliance conducts harassment and sneak attacks, I believe that it will not be long before our overall strength will once again surpass them, and it will far exceed them, and then we will be able to counterattack in a big way.”

Hearing this, everyone agreed, and they all looked forward to it.

Of course, everyone knew that what they had to do at this time was to **** back all the outer city walls of the imperial city in the Chinese server, and then drive away the players from the Japanese server alliance. Only in this way could the imperial city be completely preserved.

However, at this time, the number of players from the Chinese server alliance in the imperial city has exceeded the Japanese server alliance. The most important thing is that Ye Luo and other super masters have firmly occupied a section of the city wall. In Ye Luo's almost invincible state, they It is only a matter of time before we can make steady progress and regain the occupied city wall. At this time, there are almost no players on both sides with the ultimate move and the [Group Blessing Scroll] state, so Ye Luo, who has locked his qi and blood at 50%, is almost gone. It is invincible, especially when he uses the advantage of ultra-long-range attack to suppress remotely with the assistance of dual-professional archers such as Fireworks Yi Leng.

From the current point of view, it is only a matter of time before the CCP alliance wants to regain the occupied city wall.

The fact is also true. After nearly 10 minutes, the Chinese server alliance has already grabbed 40% to 50% of the outer city wall. Although there is still no advantage in the city wall, at this time, it has an advantage in the number of manpower and masters, especially With the cooperation of everyone, Ye Luo could attack almost unscrupulously, which increased the casualties of the Japanese server alliance a lot. After seeing this situation, Tokyo Mythology and others knew that they should retreat.

They also know that continuing to persevere will not only cause no casualties to the Japanese server alliance, but will greatly increase the casualties of their own side. Tokyo Mythology did not hesitate at all, and directly issued an order to retreat.

It is worth mentioning that at this time, the Japanese server alliance still occupies Yixin City and Tiange City, so they can retreat to the two guild stations, because the defense equipment on the two guild stations is intact, and the most important thing is The Chinese server alliance has been exhausted at this time, so Tokyo Mythology and they are not worried that there will be a big battle next.

The fact is also true. At this time, there is no [Group Blessing Scroll] in the hands of the Chinese server alliance, and even if some time-related players have [Time Reset], not many players will be able to use the ultimate move. Going back to two level 5 guild residences is undoubtedly a fantasy.

Of course, despite this, everyone still did not give up their hope of regaining Yixin City and Tiange City, especially the Yi Nian family and Yeyu family. The longer the two of them, the greater the loss.

"Hey, although our casualties are a bit large at this time, and the consumption is even more so, but the enemy alliance is also the same." Yi Niancheng smiled and looked at the fireworks Yi Leng: "Of course, the most important thing is that Ye Luozhiqiu has a super long-range attack. Especially at this time, his state is not much worse than the ultimate move, and chasing the enemy hiding in Yixincheng or Tiansong City will definitely cause great casualties, and after seeing the casualties, I am afraid that They'll voluntarily give up, so..."

"What you think is very beautiful." Sitting on Qin Xin, she couldn't help but interrupt her words, the always gentle she was also a little sullen at this time: "Don't you know that Ye Luo is still seriously injured at this time? This kind of Let him do such an exhausting thing under the state, you really..."

It has to be said that even if she sat on Qin Xin in anger, she did not utter foul language, but other players around are not as gentle as her, and many people have shown contempt for her, especially those who know the relationship between the Yi Nian family and the Misty Pavilion. More so.

"I'm just saying it casually..." As soon as he read it, he scolded, but he was interrupted before he finished speaking.

However, it was not the player who interrupted the thought to become a demon, but the communicator that kept beeping beside Polang Chengfeng and others. Everyone was familiar with this kind of sound. It was someone calling them in reality. Polangchengfeng and the others were not in the mood to ignore the idea of ​​becoming a demon. They hurriedly connected the communication device, and then sat on Qinxin, their faces became solemn, and Polangchengfeng blurted out: "What, Ye Luo's wound has burst!"

After saying this, the people in the Misty Pavilion Studio, such as Polang Chengfeng and others, were not in the mood to pay attention to Yi Nian Cheng Mo and others, and went offline as quickly as possible, while Fireworks Yi Leng handed over the follow-up actions to Bacchus before going offline. Du Kang et al.

"What's going on, why did they suddenly go offline?" The people who didn't hear Polang Chengfeng's words in the distance were puzzled, and everyone in the Misty Pavilion Studio showed a worried look. Many of them People speculate whether someone has attacked the Misty Pavilion studio again.

"Brother Ye Luo's wound has ruptured." Longtengtianxia was very close to Polangchengfeng and the others, so when he heard her words, he looked solemn when he said this: "After all, the previous battle was too fierce, Ye Brother Luo is almost the busiest, with a high concentration of energy, and his mood is inevitably fluctuating. In this case, the wound that has not healed naturally easily collapsed, and I don’t know what kind of pain he endured…”

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