VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 3792: : open wound

That's right, the previous battle was extremely fierce, even the most intense battle since Heavenly Tribulation was launched, and Ye Luo was the most important role in it. In this battle, he has been fighting with the strongest intensity. It was inevitable that there were some emotional fluctuations, so the wound that had not fully healed in the first place collapsed.

Ye Luo could naturally feel the changes in his body, but he kept insisting on it, and it was difficult for Polang Chengfeng and others who were also in the game to find out about this, and it was Feng Chen and the medical staff who found the blood on his chest. Ye Luo was notified immediately.

Longteng Tianxia saw with his own eyes how serious Ye Luo's injury was. Thinking of the pain he would have to endure when his wound ruptured, he looked solemn for a while, but of course he was more admired - he naturally knew why Ye Luo gritted his teeth and insisted. This could not help but make him admire.

After listening to the words of Longteng Tianxia, ​​Du Kang, the **** of wine, and others couldn't help but feel a little worried, and Yi Nian Cheng Mo, who proposed to let Ye Luo go to 'snatch' Yixincheng, was even more embarrassed, especially at this time, there were already many people against him. Angry at each other.

"It's just finishing work, you can discuss what to do, in short, we successfully defended this battle." Du Kang said, and then his tone changed: "I'll ask Ye Luo about that kid, I'm a little ashamed of Brother Feng and the others, if it's because of this matter, I'll have no face to see them."

Having said that, Du Kang, the **** of wine, ignored the crowd and went offline directly, and Fengxing after him also arbitrarily arranged some things and then went offline.

In fact, Du Kang, the **** of wine, and the others can also contact Polangchengfeng and the others when they are in the game. There is no need to go offline. The reason why they went offline is that they have been worried and anxious these days. The things in the game also made them quite exhausted. Before because the battle was not over, they could still hold on to their teeth. Now that the situation has finally come to an end, they are more or less unable to hold on.

However, the situation is just like what Dukang and the others said. This battle is over. Next, there is no need to worry about the alliance of the Japanese service side and then the imperial city or the guild station of the Chinese service side alliance. It is very easy. Solve the next thing.

Dongfang Xingxing, Ye Yufeifei and the others looked at each other, and then they could only take over the follow-up work. Fortunately, it was only some finishing work, and everyone had already discussed the fusion action before, so it was very easy to solve it. There are some objections when distributing the spoils - in this battle, many players from the Japanese server alliance were killed and then the national weapons were exposed, so how to distribute these equipment is the most difficult thing, especially when the fireworks are easy to cold, the **** of wine Du Kang In the absence of them, especially Ye Yufeifei, they were worried that it would cause dissatisfaction among other players in the Misty Pavilion.

Fortunately, Dongfang Stars and the others are very smart. They will temporarily suppress the issue of how to distribute the spoils. Later, they can discuss with Fireworks Yi Leng and Bacchus Du Kang in person, so it is not a big problem.

The finishing work was over soon, because they were worried that the players of the Japanese server alliance might make a comeback, so Ye Yufeifei and the others arranged a lot of elites to guard the imperial city, and even placed a lot of mobile magic crystal cannons on the imperial city. There are many things. Somewhat delaying them for some time.

In addition, it is to let players continue to level up or hoard killer items such as [Group Blessing Scroll]. Fortunately, everyone has discussed how to do it before, just follow the previously discussed actions. After doing this, just wait, wait The Dionysian Du Kang and the others responded to Ye Luo's situation. Of course, the main reason was that Ye Yu Feifei was very worried about Ye Luo's situation, and she couldn't just go offline like Fireworks Yi Leng and the others did and then go to the Misty Pavilion studio. They inquired about him.

Not to mention Ye Yu, Feifei and the others, they arranged for everyone to act individually, and let's talk about the situation on Ye Luo's side.

After going offline directly, Po Lang Cheng Feng and others came to Ye Luo's room at the fastest speed. Seeing the blood that had overflowed from his chest, they couldn't help but burst into tears. They knew that Ye Luo's wound had collapsed. What kind of pain to endure after opening.

"It's just some minor injuries, there's nothing wrong." Ye Luo said, but the medical staff who cleaned his wounds accidentally pulled the gauze, causing his body to tremble and his forehead to sweat. There is no credibility whatsoever.

"Why didn't you tell us when the wound was broken?" Qin Xin said angrily when she sat down, but she was more worried when she said this.

Perhaps because she was worried that the medical staff's actions were a bit 'rude', she sat on Qin Xin and took over the man's work. This is her specialty, but she was very handy. The bleeding stopped quickly, and the next step was to re-apply medicine and bandage. In the process, it is inevitable that some blame from her will be unavoidable.

"Before the mood fluctuated, I accidentally touched the wound, so that's it." Ye Luo smiled, and he tried to find an excuse: "Of course you also saw how serious the situation was before, if I told you, I'm afraid it's you. I will be taken offline as soon as possible, and even you will be offline, so I don’t need to say what the consequences will be.”

"Fortunately, the wound is only slightly cracked, but it's not a big deal. No, the wound has stopped bleeding." Ye Luo added, and when he said this, he pretended to be relaxed. Naturally, he didn't want to. Breaking the waves and riding the wind and others are worried.

"Qin Xin, how is Ye Luo's situation?" Polang Chengfeng didn't believe Ye Luo's words, so she hurriedly asked Qin Xin to sit on the bandage.

"As Ye Luo said, it's just that the wound is slightly broken, and the problem is not that big." Sitting on Qin Xindao, seeing everyone breathe a sigh of relief, she changed her tone: "But you also know that the second injury of the wound is a little troublesome. , so Ye Luo can't do things that affect his emotions too much, and he can't take too many actions, which means that he can't log in the game for a long time, and he can't lead everyone to carry out harassment and sneak attack tactics, after all He is the main force in this kind of tactic, which consumes a lot of him."

"It's just that the wound has broken open a little, it won't even play games..." Ye Luo was a little anxious after hearing Qin Xin's words, he hurriedly defended, but was directly interrupted by the waves and the wind.

"If it wasn't for the important battle today, we wouldn't let you go online at all." Po Lang Cheng Feng's voice increased a bit, and when she said this, there was a hint of anger in her tone: "Now that the situation has stabilized, no more It's too big a surprise that the enemy alliance will not take the initiative to attack us, so you don't need to do it, then you can take good care of your wounds, this time the wounds are not completely healed and you will not be allowed to log in to the game."

"That's right." June Feixue and the others echoed. They were serious about everything, and they didn't look like they would bargain for Ye Luo.

"But we still have a gang station occupied by the enemy alliance, and even we are still at a disadvantage..." Ye Luo wanted to say something, but he was interrupted before he finished.

"Hey, the occupied guild station is not our guild anyway, we don't have to worry about anything, especially at this time your physical condition does not allow you to log in to the game." : "That's the gangs of Yeyu Family and Yinian Family. These two gangs are hostile to us. In that case, let their gangs stay in the hands of the enemy for a while, and make them uncomfortable."

"That's right." Zhiyue said, and she clenched her silver teeth when she said this: "I thought of becoming a demon before, and I wanted to let Brother Ye take their Yixincheng back, hum, I didn't care about Brother Ye's injury at all, we It won't kill them."

"Well, they naturally want to take back the gang's resident after being occupied. That kind of request is reasonable." In the middle of the night, Shu said weakly. Seeing that Zhiyue and the others were a little unkind, he hurriedly changed his tone: "Of course, this is the case. Brother Shi Ye's injury is a little serious, and he won't be able to log in to the game for the next few days, so the matter of retrieving Yixincheng and Tiange City can only be put to a later date."

"Of course, if the Yi Nian family and the Yeyu family can rely on their own strength to **** back the gang's resident, it will save us a lot of trouble." Midnight book added.

After hearing the words of the midnight book, Zhiyue and the others relaxed, especially seeing that Ye Luo's injury had been completely dealt with sitting on Qin Xin, which made them further relieved.

At this time, the gods of wine, Du Kang and Feng Xing, contacted Polang Chengfeng and the others. Naturally, they asked about Ye Luo's situation. Fireworks Yi Leng and the others did not hide it. He took a breath, and then dropped a sentence to see Ye Luo later and closed the communication.

"That, in fact, my injury is nothing at all, as long as I don't do too strenuous exercise, it's nothing." Ye Luo still wanted to bargain: "As of now, there won't be as fierce battles as before, so I can still do it. Log in to the game."

"Why did you log into the game so early, do you want to give your life to the Yi Nian family and the Yeyu family?" Po Lang Chengfeng said angrily: "If it was Uncle Bacchus, Uncle Fengxing and their gangs, it would be fine, but the Yeyu family can Not worthy, a bunch of white-eyed wolves."

"That's right." Samadhi took over the words, and she continued: "At least you have to rest for two days, these two days to recover from your injuries, you don't have to worry about things in the game, with us, certainly not has a problem."

"Although Yeyu Clan and Yi Nian Clan are a little hostile to us, and even will definitely oppose us in the future, but Yixincheng and Tiansong City are after all our guild bases, so being occupied by the enemy alliance like this means nothing to us. Huge loss." Ye Luo said in a deep voice, saying that he looked a lot more serious: "The most important thing is that their occupation of the two guild quarters is a great threat to us, just like a thorn in our flesh."

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