VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 3793: : Arrangements after

Because the occupied gang residency belonged to the Yi Nian family and the Yeyu family. Of course, the most important thing was that Ye Luo's wound had collapsed. They had always disagreed with Ye Luo logging in to the game so early. After all, the longer the delay, the greater the loss of the Yi Nian family and Ye Yu family.

However, Ye Luo hoped that he could log in to the game earlier, and even said that he could **** Yixin City and Tiansong City back as soon as possible. After all, these two gangs are located in the Chinese server, and being occupied by the Japanese server alliance like this is like a thorn in the flesh. Not fast.

"Even so, your injury doesn't allow you to log into the game so quickly, and it's not suitable for high-intensity battles." Sitting on Qin Xindao, she said this with a serious tone: "Even if you form an elite The team's harassment and sneak attack on Yixincheng and Tiansong City is also a high-intensity battle, especially when you are the absolute main force, it will be troublesome if you open the wound again."

"That's right, the most important thing for you right now is to recover from your injury. It's not too late to log in to the game after your injury is healed." We have caused too much threat, at least they don't have the ability to take the initiative to attack, and since that's the case, you don't need to log into the game in such a hurry."

On the side, Fireworks Yi Leng stopped Ye Luo, who was about to say something, she said lightly: "You can rest for another 2 or 3 days. At that time, the imperial cities such as the Russian server and other servers that were destroyed will be restored. The overall strength of our alliance is much stronger. At that time, it will be much easier to take back the occupied gang residence."

As for what Yi Leng said about the fireworks, everyone else agreed, and then they forcibly prevented Ye Luo from saying anything. They even sat on Qin Xin and gave the medical staff a death order. They must prevent Ye Luo from logging in within these few days. The game, this made Ye Luo extremely helpless, but he also knew that it was Polang Chengfeng and others who were caring about him. Thinking of these, his heart warmed a little, and the helplessness in his heart eased a lot.

Of course, the most important thing is that Ye Luo also knows that the alliance between the two sides will enter a stalemate in the game, and neither side will take the initiative to attack in a short time.

In this way, this matter is decided, and the next step is to log in to the game. After all, there are still some things in the game, such as how to distribute the spoils, such as arranging various activities for the players of the Misty Pavilion Studio, etc. .

Seeing Polangchengfeng and the others logging into the game, Ye Yufeifei hurriedly greeted them, and then blurted out to ask Ye Luo's injury. Later, she also realized that something was wrong with her, and hurriedly explained: "Brother Ye Luo is ours after all. Hero, everyone is worried about his injury, so I asked me to inquire about his condition."

"Ye Luo's wound collapsed, but fortunately, it was discovered in time, and there was no major problem. Next, just rest well." Sitting on Qin Xin did not doubt that he was there, and did not hide Ye Luo's injury.

Hearing that Ye Luo was not serious, Ye Yufeifei felt a little relieved. The next thing was naturally how to distribute the spoils. Soon, the **** of wine, Du Kang, Fengxing and others came one after another. Obviously, they also came to distribute the spoils. of.

Because this time Ye Luo and others and even the entire Misty Pavilion made a great contribution in this defense of the city, which is obvious to all, so naturally they have the most loot, even in the Dionysian Du Kang, Fengxing, etc. People's proposal also gave them 10% more. Although some people were unhappy, they also knew how much credit the Misty Pavilion had made this time, so they did not express any objection.

After discussing the distribution of the spoils, everyone naturally cared about what to do next, and then they all looked at the fireworks Yi Leng, the meaning is self-evident.

"Ye Luo's injury is a little troublesome, and I'm afraid I won't be able to go online in a short time." Firework Yi said coldly, she looked at the crowd as she spoke: "And because our alliance used a lot before, we even have a [Group Blessing Scroll] now. ] None, the most important thing is that players on servers such as the Russian server also suffer a 15% reduction in overall attributes, so it is difficult to take back Tiange City and Yixin City in such a short period of time, so everyone must be mentally prepared."

Everyone also knew that it would be difficult to take back Tiange City and Yixin City without Ye Luo participating. Although they were a little disappointed, they also knew that this kind of thing could not be forced, especially when Ye Luo was neutral in the battle of defending the city. He has made great achievements in battle, so they have no reason to force him.

"Well, it seems that we have to prepare for a long-term confrontation with the enemy alliance." Dongfang Xingxing nodded, and she continued: "But fortunately, the enemy alliance has been exhausted this time, although they Our overall strength is still stronger than ours, but because of too much consumption, they have no power to capture our gang station, and have no chance to destroy our imperial city, so there is no need to worry that handsome Ye Luo will not be able to go online in a short time and then participate. fighting."

"That's right." Deep Sea Youlan took over the words: "We can also make adequate preparations while Ye Luozhiqiu is recovering from his injuries, such as hoarding some [Group Blessing Scrolls], and of course we have to wait for us at the same time. After the restoration of the imperial city, we also hoarded some scrolls in our hands, and it is not too late to think about counterattacks."

In this regard, everyone has no objection, so the next general action plan is also set.

"Even so, we can't make the enemy alliance feel too good next time." Suddenly Wuming said, he looked at everyone while talking: "Because there is no need to worry about the enemy alliance taking the initiative to attack our gang station and the imperial city, so In addition to arranging sufficient manpower to hoard strength, I propose to send elite assassins to sneak into the enemy alliance to carry out sneak attacks, which can cause them some trouble to some extent."

In this regard, everyone has no opinion. After all, assassins are not good at doing dungeon quests and hunting high-level bosses. They are best at assassination and sneak attacks. Infiltrating into the enemy alliance server will undoubtedly cause great trouble to the enemy alliance and then make the most of them.

"In addition to these, I hope everyone will use the leveling position next." Fireworks Yi said coldly before everyone decided to leave the meeting, she said while looking at everyone: "How did the Rank 9 players play in this battle? Everyone can see the effect, especially the Rank 9 skills, so it is very important for everyone to level up as soon as possible and then Rank 9, and when we counterattack, the more players on the Rank 9, the easier it is to act."

In fact, there is no need for Fireworks Yi Leng to deliberately remind everyone to know the power of Rank Nine players, so they have no objection to Fireworks Yi Leng's proposal, and even they have once again firmed up their decision to increase their guild leveling.

After that, Fireworks Yi Leng and the others returned to the Wushuang City of the Misty Pavilion. Naturally, they wanted to distribute the spoils to everyone, because the Misty Pavilion had a completed plan and process for distributing the spoils, so it was easy to divide the spoils, which also made Many players have changed their equipment, which has greatly improved the overall strength of the Misty Pavilion.

"Fireworks, then what are we going to do next?" Po Lang Chengfeng asked curiously, and without waiting for Fireworks to speak coldly, she continued: "Why don't we also hunt down the people from the enemy alliance, hey, definitely not. They're better off."

"Let Xiaoshu take our Assassin of the Misty Pavilion to do this, we have more important things to do." Fireworks Yi Leng shook her head and stopped what she was going to say. She continued: " In the previous battles, everyone has also seen the importance of various scrolls, so we will lead you to do dungeon missions next."

"By the way, the Summoner team also played a very important role in the battle before, so we need to do dungeon quests, which can quickly improve our strength. At that time, it will not only help us to take the initiative to attack, but also to defend. It's easier." Fireworks Yi Leng added.

Seeing the waves and riding the wind more or less reluctantly, Sanmaishi chuckled and she said: "Sister Feng, if we didn't get so many scrolls by doing the dungeon quest before, especially the [Time Stopwatch], I'm afraid we simply keep the scrolls. If you don’t live in the Imperial City, you can also see how important the scrolls are through this, so we need to stock up more.”

"In addition, don't forget that we will not only deal with the major servers of the enemy alliance in the future, but also gangs such as the Dongfang Family." Sanmaishi added, when she said this, her tone was a bit solemn: "Through this The gangs such as the Dongfang Family and other gangs also realized our strength during a city defense battle, and this will also make them more firmly aligned, so we will still be under a lot of pressure in the future, hoarding more scrolls and improving our strength as much as possible can make us We are more confident to deal with these troubles, and at present, doing a copy task is undoubtedly the fastest way to improve our strength and hoard all kinds of scrolls."

"Well, that's true." Polang Chengfeng nodded, and she also knew that she had to focus on the overall situation.

"In addition to this, we will also arrange for a group of elites to settle in the city of the sky." Suddenly Changhe sunset said: "This time the eight-winged fallen angel NPC also played a very good role in the defense of the city, so we hoard more recruits. Ling is also very necessary, not to mention that there is a chance to obtain various scrolls by doing quests in Sky City or hunting fallen angels.”

The eight-winged fallen angel NPC is an additional force for defending the city. Adding them can make defending the city easier, so everyone has no objection to the proposal of the long river and sunset, so this matter is settled.

All kinds of things were arranged, and then everyone acted independently, and everyone was busy for a while, or settled in Sky City, or led assassins to sneak into the enemy alliance server to assassinate, or did dungeon tasks, but it was orderly. .

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