After the war, it is necessary to recuperate, and the same is true for the Misty Pavilion. In order to better deal with all kinds of troubles in the future, the next step is to accumulate strength, whether it is the strength of defending the city or the strength of the siege, and Fireworks Yi Leng has also made arrangements for everyone.

A group of masters such as Riding the Waves and Riding the Wind and Fireworks Yi Leng took over the Nightmare Mode [Fallen Beast]. After all, this is the fastest way for players to level up and obtain various scrolls such as [Group Blessing Scroll]. In particular, pet equipment such as the Rhino Mochizuki suit can also be obtained, and these can also rapidly improve the overall strength of the Misty Pavilion.

"Oh, it would be great if Uncle Ye Luo could go online, and we wouldn't be busy doing dungeon quests all the time." June Feixue muttered while attacking: "Because if Uncle Ye Luo is here, we can form an elite. The team launched sneak attacks on the enemy alliance, harassed, and even had the opportunity to occupy the enemy alliance's gang station, which is much more interesting than doing tasks."

"That's right." Polang Chengfeng agreed, she was naturally more inclined to find trouble with the enemy alliance, after all, she had been holding her breath before.

"No way, you have seen Ye Luo's injury, and he is suitable for quiet cultivation." Sitting on Qin Xin, she couldn't help but muttered when she saw Polang Chengfeng and June Feixue, she chuckled lightly: " But to be honest, even if Ye Luo can log in to the game, we still need to arrange an elite team to continue the dungeon quest, because it is very important to hoard various [Group Blessing Scrolls]."

"However, you can also obtain various scrolls by sneaking into the gang station of the enemy alliance, and this can also cause greater losses to the enemy alliance. It will be easier for us to suppress the enemy alliance in the future." Breaking the waves and riding the wind couldn't help but retorted.

"The premise is that we have the opportunity to occupy the gang station of the enemy alliance." Sanmaishi said, after a while she continued: "Although Ye Luo's strength is very strong, but you have also seen that the enemy alliance also has a few not weaker than There are so many masters of Ye Luo, they join forces, especially with the advantage of the gang resident, there is still a great chance to prevent the occupation of their gang resident, and if they cannot occupy the gang resident, they will naturally not be able to obtain system rewards."

"What's more, we also need to upgrade and then rank nine. You and I both know how the players of rank nine can play in the battle, but just capturing the gang station of the enemy alliance will not allow us to upgrade." added.

"Oh, that's true." June Feixue said, and her pretty face was full of anticipation when she said this: "The rank nine skills are too powerful, tsk tsk, our magician's rank nine skills must also be very powerful, think of it. I can't wait to upgrade to level 360 and rank nine."

Hearing this, Yixiao Hongchen and the others on the side were also excited and looking forward to it, especially since they had all personally experienced the power of Rank 9 skills. At this time, they naturally wanted to rise to level 360 and Rank 9 as soon as possible. The attack has been increased, and the efficiency of doing this task has also improved a lot.

In addition to doing the dungeon tasks, the Misty Pavilion also arranged for assassins to find high-quality BOSS and sneak into the enemy alliance server to destroy. Naturally, there are also a number of elites stationed in the Sky City. In short, the Misty Pavilion is carrying out various activities in an orderly manner, which also makes The overall strength of the Misty Pavilion is steadily improving.

It's not just the Misty Pavilion, the other gangs and even the servers in the Chinese server are not acting on their own. They are recuperating, or preparing for future battles. After the previous battles, they are further aware of the accumulation of strength. importance.

Let's not say that the players of the Chinese server alliance are busy and busy, and let's talk about the situation on their side of Tokyo Mythology.

The failure to completely suppress the Chinese server alliance naturally made the players in the Japanese server alliance regretful, but there was nothing they could do, especially since things were already like this.

But after they regretted it, they became worried. Naturally, they were worried that Ye Luo would lead a group of elite teams to attack and harass them. After all, they did not have a good response to this tactic at this time, and at least they had to be restrained. A large number of elites, and this is somewhat disadvantageous to their alliance.

"Now is not the time to regret not being able to destroy the Imperial City of Zhongfu, and what we have to worry about is how to deal with Ye Luozhiqiu and others." Wucai Yaohu said solemnly: "No accident, Ye Luozhi will follow. Qiuhui led the elite team to harass and sneak attacks on our gang station and even the imperial city, and you and I know what kind of advantages he has in this regard, I'm afraid it will be difficult for us to deal with it next."

Hearing this, everyone's expressions became solemn. After all, they suffered a lot from this tactic. Now that he thought of facing this kind of torture soon, his mood was naturally a bit bad for a while.

Seeing the dignified expressions of everyone, Red Maple Leaf hesitated for a moment and said: "Actually, it's not that we can't deal with Ye Luozhiqiu's harassment, don't forget that there are many people here who have accepted the reward for destroying the imperial city. , Especially Tokyo Myth and Dark Night, their strength is not much worse than Ye Luozhiqiu, and they have no problem to intercept Ye Luozhiqiu with the help of the advantages of the city wall and the assistance of many cavalry, at least without mobilizing a large number of elites and In the case of using multiple [Group Blessing Scrolls], it is difficult for the Chinese server alliance to occupy our gang station, and it is impossible to rely on Ye Luozhiqiu and the others."

"Well, that's right." Emperor Yingge nodded heavily: "Especially we dispatched a large number of elite cavalry to charge Ye Luozhiqiu and the others continuously, and we can even use great power and large-area group attack skills to cover the attack to Consume their invincible skills, which will definitely prevent them from occupying our gang's quarters."

"In addition, there are not many [group blessing scrolls] in the Chinese server alliance at this time. At least we are on the same starting line with them in this matter, which also means that they have little ability to occupy our gang station." The Emperor Yingge added.

Everyone agreed with this, thinking of this, they were a little relieved, especially after hearing the words of Perfume Beauty - they can also build some gang stations around the imperial city and even the 5th-level gang station. After these satellite stations are established, Ye Luo and the others can be stopped.

"That's right, we still have a good chance of preventing Ye Luozhiqiu and the others from occupying our gang's resident base by various means, especially after we hoarded multiple [Eight-Winged Fallen Angel Recruitment Orders], even as long as there are more items of this kind. We can stop Ye Luozhiqiu and the others without us taking action." The Hulk said, looking at the crowd as he spoke: "In this way, we can arrange more people to settle in the Sky City to get these things, and if you are lucky, you can get them. Some [Group Blessing Scrolls], so we can be more confident to stop them."

"Well, that's right." Fujisan nodded, paused for a moment, and continued: "In addition, we have to increase the efforts to build a super gang station, not only to raise it to the highest level, but also better to make The surrounding satellite stations have been upgraded to the highest level, after all, in the event of a crisis, this is likely to be our last habitat."

Everyone agreed with this, and then they all agreed to arrange for a group of players to build a super gang station.

"I don't know if we have enough time to do this." Sun Buluo Long Lingdao said, she couldn't hide some worry in her tone.

For Ye Luo and others, everyone present did not have full confidence. After all, they suffered too many losses under Ye Luo. Even if it wasn't for Ye Luo this time, they would have captured the Imperial City of Zhongfu. There won't be so much trouble anymore, and thinking of this, they are also a little worried for a while.

At this moment, the communicator of the others at the bottom of Mount Fuji rang, and after they were connected, they cheered up one by one, because they got a news-Ye Luo was offline, and the reason for this was because of his injury again. Happened.

"Hey, I just said that Ye Luozhiqiu's injury is not so easy to heal." Hei Longtian blurted out, but after saying this, he finally realized what was wrong, and then hurriedly changed his tone: "Now we don't have to worry about it. No surprise, Ye Luozhiqiu can't log into the game again in a short time, so we don't have to worry about the elite team organized by the Chinese server alliance to launch a sneak attack on us, at least we have more time to prepare, and During this period, we can obtain multiple [Group Blessing Scrolls] and multiple [Eight-Winged Fallen Angel Recruitment Orders], and with these things, we will be more sure to resist Ye Luozhiqiu and them."

Everyone agreed with this, at least they all breathed a sigh of relief after hearing that Ye Luo couldn't log back into the game for a short period of time.

"Well, since Ye Luozhiqiu can't log in to the game for a short time, can we take the initiative to attack next?" Qiufeng Sweeping Leaves is full of anticipation: "Although we have a great deal of experience in this battle at this time. Consumption, and will no longer get the reward for destroying the imperial city, but the Chinese server alliance still has many imperial cities in a state of being destroyed, and their overall strength is still weaker than ours, so we still have the opportunity to occupy their gang resident, At least it can cause them more trouble."

"That's right, that's right." Susanogami said hurriedly: "Although we don't have any chance to destroy their imperial city at this time, it's not a big problem to occupy some of their gang quarters, especially since we are more fully prepared. Under the circumstance, for example, we can sneak attack on one of their 5th-level gang resident, using the displacement skill of 100 meters, we can easily rush to their city wall, the boss and the dark night can suppress the masters such as breaking the waves and riding the wind, so we can There is a great chance of occupying all their city walls, and then naturally there will be a chance to occupy their station."

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