VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 3795: : give up attack

After learning from their intelligence agency that Ye Luo's injury had recurred and he could not log in to the game, everyone in the Japanese server alliance was relieved. After all, they didn't have to worry about Ye Luo leading a group of elite teams to attack and harass them in a short time. , which means that they have more time to continue their power and more time to make various defense preparations, such as hoarding more scrolls such as [Group Blessing Scroll], such as hoarding more [Eight-Winged Fallen Angel Recruitment Order], etc. .

If you think about it, don't say anything else, just talking about the [Eight-Winged Fallen Angel Recruitment Order] can play a very good role in defending the city, and these can naturally resist the harassment of Ye Luo and others to a greater extent, and more time to prepare Naturally, you can get more recruitment orders, and the more such props, the better.

Not only that, players in the Japanese server alliance can also have more time to build super gang stations and build more satellite cities before important gang stations or imperial cities, and these can also greatly increase their own defense.

What's more, some people suggested that they could take the initiative to occupy the guild station of the China-Server Alliance. In these people's minds, their overall strength is still much stronger than that of the China-Server Alliance, especially in the dark night and Tokyo Mythology. Suppressing the waves and riding the wind, killing the sky in the east, coupled with the displacement skills of 100 meters, it is not impossible to occupy the guild station of the Chinese server alliance.

Occupying the guild station of the Chinese server alliance can not only get multiple scrolls of rewards, but the most important thing is to further weaken the overall strength of the Chinese server alliance. Advantage.

Thinking of this, for a while, many people supported the proposal of the autumn wind to sweep the leaves and Susanogami.

I thought that Dark Night, Tokyo Mythology and others would agree, but they shook their heads, and Mount Fuji said in a deep voice, "You and I both know that attacking a city is much more difficult than defending it, even if we can use the 100-meter displacement skill to rush to the The same is true for the target gang station, without the support of props such as [Group Blessing Scroll], our casualties will be very large, and the chance of success is still very small."

"That's right." Twilight Wei Liang took over the words, and he looked at everyone while talking: "You and I both know that the displacement skills of 100 meters are all additional skills with equipment, and the CD time is 24 hours, which means that we Only tomorrow can we use these skills to sneak attack on the guilds of the China-server alliance, and for so long, the China-server alliance has obtained multiple [Eight-Winged Fallen Angels Recruitment Orders], so we did not exceed a few of them. The [Group Blessing Scroll] has no chance at all to capture it."

"By the way, because it is a sneak attack, the number of players we can mobilize is not large, at least far less than the opponent's, which means that we have no advantage in numbers." Twilight Wei Liang added.

Hearing this, the autumn wind swept the leaves silently. They naturally knew that attacking a city was much more difficult than defending a city. This can be seen from the fact that they had consumed about 10 [Group Blessing Scrolls] when they attacked Yixin City and Tiange City before. That was because they mobilized a large number of elites before the siege.

"Yeah, we consumed a lot of [Group Blessing Scrolls] with the two gangs stationed in the Chinese server before, and this is still when they have almost no [Eight-Winged Fallen Angel Recruitment Order]..." Wucai Yaoji said, But she was interrupted before she could finish.

"The reason why we had so much consumption when attacking the two guild bases in the server was naturally because we did not attack the city, but attacked the city after mobilizing manpower. During this period, the alliance on the server side had sufficient preparations. At least they have mobilized more people than us." Hei Longtian said coldly, his eyes flashing with a cold light: "But tomorrow's action will be different, we are sneak attack, with elite players sneak attack, in the shortest time. Use the 100-meter displacement skill to rush to the city wall, and then use [Profound Truth* Space Portal] to transmit millions or even more elites. For a long time, we have more people than them. With the advantage of the number of people, we are not There is no chance to capture the gang's station, especially when Ye Luozhiqiu can't log in to the game."

"We have [Profound Truth* Space Portal], as well as the Chinese server alliance. They can also mobilize a large number of elites in a short period of time. Coupled with the teleportation array at the gang's station, their efficiency in mobilizing elites is much higher than ours." Red Maple Leaf shook his head: "Maybe at first we can use the 100-meter displacement skill to occupy a section of their city wall, but then we will definitely be charged by the elite cavalry. In this case, we want to occupy a lot of city walls in a short period of time. It's almost impossible to even give us an advantage on the wall, and as long as we don't have an advantage on the wall then our casualties will be higher than the opponent's, especially as time goes by their numbers far outnumber us."

"In this case, even if we occupy more than half of the city wall, we may not be able to occupy the target, because with several times or even ten times our number, they still have a great chance to repel us." Red Maple Leaf She added, after sighing, she continued: "Unless we have more of their [Group Blessing Scroll], and only then can we suppress them without the advantage of the number."

Hearing this, Heilongtianzhan finally fell silent, but he still didn't let go of his last hope, but he hadn't thought of the most suitable reason.

"These are problems that are difficult for us to solve now." Tokyo Mythology finally expressed his opinion and stopped the Black Dragon Sky Slash, who was about to say something, he continued: "The most important thing is that although we got the news that Ye Luozhiqiu's injury has recurred, Can't log in to the game, but no one can guarantee that he won't log in to the game despite his injuries, especially after a day of recuperation, and if he suddenly appears when we attack their gang station, it will definitely cause great casualties to us. ."

"That's right." Dark Night took over the words: "We had a lot of casualties in the previous battle. If we experience such a thing again, then we will no longer have any advantage over the China-Server Alliance. At the very least the risk is too great for us to do it."

It has to be said that Dark Night's considerations are more comprehensive. Any mature decision-maker and commander will take these into account, and the commanders of other servers have agreed not to take risks.

"But at least this is an opportunity." The violent butcher couldn't help but said angrily: "If you don't take this opportunity to occupy some gangs in the China-Server Alliance and then hoard some [Group Blessing Scrolls], wait until Ye Luo knows Qiu's injury. Fully restored and able to log back into the game is probably a lot worse for us.”

Without waiting for everyone to speak, the violent butcher swept to everyone: "Although we have thought of tactics to deal with Ye Luozhiqiu's sneak attack, and I believe there is a great chance to prevent them from occupying our gang's station, there is one thing that is difficult to prevent. , that is, under Ye Luozhiqiu’s sneak attack, we will have relatively large casualties, and we will also have a large number of elites, who are far more than their elite squads. If we have to be greatly restricted, if things go on like this, we will definitely be at a disadvantage again, and I don’t need to tell me what the situation will be.”

Although they don't want to admit it, everyone knows that in the face of Ye Luo and others' harassment, many elite masters will be killed, especially a large number of players will be restrained, and this will naturally make their side very passive. .

"That said, but it is impossible to take the initiative to attack, unless we are lucky and can suddenly get multiple [Group Blessing Scrolls]." The Emperor's Anthem said solemnly: "Because only our scrolls surpass the Chinese server alliance. There are too many opportunities for us to capture their gang's station, at least in the face of the sudden appearance of Ye Luozhiqiu, we have sufficient strength to suppress and then withdraw safely, otherwise we can't take too much risk."

"That's right." Sun Buluo Long Ying took over the words: "Next, we have to turn to defense and stock up on various killer items. Of course, at the same time, we must also deliberately create some masters, some of which can contain or even suppress Ye Luozhi. Only in this way can Qiu's masters have the opportunity to suppress the Chinese server alliance again."

"Fortunately, we still have a great advantage at this time. At least the Chinese server alliance will not take the initiative to attack us, so we still have enough time." Sun Buluo Longying added.

In this regard, everyone also agrees, or this is the most sensible approach at present, they all agree, and this matter is settled like this.

Of course, in addition to these, they naturally have a positive side. For example, they will also organize some elite teams and send a large number of assassins to sneak into the major servers of the China-Server Alliance to conduct sneak attacks and hunts, especially the dark night, Tokyo Myth and other masters Will participate in the operation, and this is undoubtedly doing the best possible to cause casualties to the Chinese-server alliance and weaken their strength.

After the negotiation, the next thing is to act. Dark Night and Tokyo Mythology formed an elite team to hunt and kill. With their super strength and super mobility, they also successfully killed a lot of players from the Chinese server alliance. It also affects and interferes with the improvement of the strength of the alliance of the Chinese server to the greatest extent.

During this process, Tokyo Mythology and the others were naturally very concerned about whether Ye Luo appeared, so they were very vigilant. After discovering that Ye Luo did not appear at all, they breathed a sigh of relief, and then they acted more recklessly.

Because the strength of Dark Night and Tokyo Mythology is a bit stronger than Dongfang Tiantian, Polangchengfeng and others, so even if Polangchengfeng and the others block it, it is difficult to resist them, not to mention Dark Night and they are not necessarily entangled with them, so But it was a waste of time, so Dongfang Tiantian did not deliberately block them, and continued their previous arrangements.

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