VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 3796: : acting alone

Because no one can directly stop the dark night and the Tokyo mythology, even breaking the waves and riding the wind and killing the sky in the east may not be effective, so they can only let them attack and assassinate, and this also caused some casualties to the alliance of the Chinese server.

In fact, even Yeluo Online has no good way to deal with the elite team formed by Dark Night and Tokyo Mythology. After all, Dark Night will deliberately avoid masters and then choose targets that can be killed, and deliberately dealing with them is undoubtedly a waste of time. , it's not to do their own thing, that's how they deal with the waves and the wind and the slaying the sky in the east. For example, they are all doing the [Fallen Wild Beast] in the nightmare mode at this time-obviously, whether it is the misty pavilion or the slaughtering the sky in the east Are aware of the benefits of doing such a copy of the task.

Fortunately, Tokyo Mythology and their actions were more unscrupulous a few days ago, causing more pressure on the Chinese server alliance, so even if they faced their sneak attack again, it would not be a big problem. That's alright, as long as Tokyo Mythology and the others don't take the initiative to attack the gang's station, then there's nothing to worry about.

However, at present, the alliance on the Japanese server does not have the strength to take the initiative to attack the guild's station, and the players in the alliance on the Chinese server are eager for them to do so.

Although being passive at this time will affect morale to a certain extent, almost all players in the Chinese server alliance know that the situation at this time has been much better than yesterday, and the most important thing is that they know that once Ye Luo logs into the game again, what will happen next? They can launch a counterattack, and then it will be time for the players of one alliance to have a headache.

Of course, the Chinese server alliance has also sent a large number of elite assassins and super masters to infiltrate the major servers of the Japanese server alliance to destroy, and they have achieved very good results. Players, such as Dongfang Lutian led the elite assassin group to assassinate a player with a national weapon and then grabbed his national weapon, and this also made the players in the Chinese server alliance proud, and the resentment in their hearts naturally reduced a lot. .

In addition to dispatching elite assassins, the main focus of the CCP alliance is to continue to improve its strength. For example, they need to level up quickly, hoard more [Group Blessing Scrolls] and [Eight-Winged Fallen Angel Recruitment Orders], and only hoarded killer props More of them can deal with various emergencies.

Perhaps they saw the strength of Ye Luo and even the Misty Pavilion in the previous battle, which also made the Dongfang Family and other gangs feel the pressure, and this also made them more united. The most important thing is that the Yeyu family and the heroes of Tianzhan have already On the bright side, they stood on the side of the Dongfang family. This can be seen from the fact that they each sent a group of elites to participate in the dungeon quest. Obviously, they have already done a good job in solving the alliance of the Japanese server. contest.

After learning about this, Fireworks Yi Leng and the others didn't care too much, because they had already analyzed that this would be the result, although it is very stressful to face so many gangs at the same time with the overall strength of the Misty Pavilion, but at this time the distance The two sides still have a long time to face each other. Fireworks Yi Leng and the others are very confident that the strength of the Misty Pavilion will be improved during this period. Of course, they are also confident to hoard more killer items such as [Group Blessing Scroll].

"Hey, we haven't helped them retake Tiansong City and Yixin City, and they have colluded together. It looks like they are going to confront us. These gangs are too blatant." After learning the news, Othello couldn't help it. Angrily said: "Don't they worry that we won't help them take back Yixin City and Tiange City?"

"They are not worried about this, because they know that taking back the occupied guild quarters is good for our Chinese server and even our alliance. Once Ye Luo can go online, then they must start to take back the two guild quarters, since that's the case. Then they naturally don't care about it anymore." Sanmai said, after a while, she continued: "The most important thing is that the Dongfang Family and other gangs have realized the benefits of the [Fallen Beast] in the nightmare mode, but it's just that The efficiency of their individual gangs is a bit low, and it is much more efficient to gather experts together, at least it is more efficient than ours, and only in this way can they get more benefits than us."

"That's right." Sitting on Qin Xin and taking over the conversation: "Their efficiency in doing dungeon tasks means they can hoard more scrolls such as [Group Blessing Scroll] than us, and they will also have more people in the dungeon. Rise to level 360 and turn 9 in the mission, and these players will be the backbone in the future.”

"Of course, pet suits such as Rhino Mochizuki can also greatly improve their strength." Sitting on Qin Xin added.

"Well, that's true, it's no wonder they are doing this blatantly." June Feixue nodded, and then she looked at Fireworks Yi Leng: "Then what are we going to do next? At this time, their overall strength seems to be They are better than us, which can be seen from the number of dual-professional masters and the total number of rank nine players, if they get more scrolls such as [Group Blessing Scroll], then we may not be able to win against them in the future."

"Now their strength is stronger than ours, but it won't be certain in the future." Seeing that the fireworks Yi Leng didn't mean to speak, Sanmai Shi spoke on his behalf, and then she chuckled lightly: "Especially from the perspective of the end of the national war now It's going to be a long time, and during that time, we still have a good chance to stock up on more killer items."

"That's right." Polang Chengfeng said, a gleam of light flashed in her eyes as she said this: "Especially after we helped Yeyu Clan and Yi Nian Clan to **** back those two gang camps, we acted alone, don't forget We will get more benefits by acting alone, and even at that time, we will have the opportunity to occupy the enemy alliance gang station alone, so we will naturally be able to hoard more [Group Blessing Scrolls] and other scrolls."

"As of now, it is only possible to hoard more [Group Blessing Scrolls] than the Dongfang Family and other gangs combined by acting alone." Sitting on Qin Xin, he took over the words: "Because we acted alone before, the most important thing is that we Going alone can cause great trouble for the enemy alliance and is good for large-group operations, so the Ministry of Games should allow us to go alone."

In this regard, everyone is also very confident, after all, they also know what kind of pressure they can cause to the Japanese server alliance by acting alone.

"But you and I both know that Dark Night and Tokyo Mythology are very powerful, and they can contain Big Brother Ye Luo, especially after taking advantage of the gang's location." Changhe Sunset said solemnly: "Even if there are other super masters in the alliance Assisting us doesn't necessarily have a chance to occupy the gang station of the enemy alliance, let alone our gang acting alone."

Hearing that, they were silent in breaking the waves and riding the wind. They had personally experienced the dark night and Tokyo Mythology, so they also knew how difficult it was to occupy the gang station of the Japanese server alliance.

"There is still a chance in the case of a sneak attack, especially after we have some [Group Blessing Scrolls] in our hands." Suddenly Fireworks Yi said coldly, and she continued: "For example, Ye Luo led us to the target gang first. The station is consumed, and once the defense equipment on the city wall is destroyed, it will be easier to occupy their city wall, especially when the small hand uses [Profound Truth * Space Portal] to transmit millions of elites."

"The most important thing is that other people in our alliance will definitely not watch when we start, and we will take the initiative to attack when we contain Tokyo Myth and others, so we have a better chance." Fireworks Yi Leng added.

"That's right, that's right, seeing us move our big troops will definitely move, hey, they'll either attack the same target as us, or sneak attack another, but either way can take a lot of pressure on us, In this case, we will naturally have the opportunity to occupy their gang station." Othello hurriedly said: "Especially the enemy alliance will kill a lot of people under our consumption, in this case they will deliberately avoid us and Go and intercept Dongfang Tiantian and them."

"Even so, the premise is that we have multiple [Group Blessing Scrolls] in our hands, and only in this way can we be more confident." Sitting on Qin Xindao, while talking about her, she looked at everyone: "Let's see it for now. We can't do that any time soon."

"Don't worry, after all, Ye Luo still needs to recover." Othello said casually: "And during this period, we will continue to do dungeon missions. Xiaoshu leads elite assassins to hunt high-level bosses, and Jianliu leads a group of elites to settle in. Sky City, these will allow us to hoard a lot of scrolls such as [Group Blessing Scroll], and if we are lucky, we will get some national weapons..."

"Get some national weapons?!" She was a little excited when she heard the sound of breaking the waves and riding the wind: "Hey, after Ye Luo's injury is healed, we can focus on the players in the enemy alliance who hold national weapons. , using the [Arrow of Chaos] and the [Space Barrier] of the little hand, we still have the opportunity to kill it and then grab the national weapon in his hand, tsk tsk, as long as we have more national weapons in our hands, then we want to occupy it in the future. It is naturally a lot easier for the gangs of the enemy alliance to reside."

"Of course, it will be very easy to deal with gangs such as the Dongfang Family in the future." Polang Chengfeng added.

"Yes, as long as Ye Luo participates, then we still have a good chance of success, and this will not only increase our strength, but also weaken the strength of the enemy alliance." Samadhi took over the words, and then she Looking at the fireworks is easy to be cold, and the meaning is self-evident.

"Well, this method is feasible." Fireworks Yi said coldly, and she continued after a little pause: "Of course, the premise of all this is that Ye Luo's injuries can be recovered and then you can log in to the game."

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