VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 3797: : Satellite station

There are multiple ways to improve the overall strength of a guild, and the most efficient one is to hoard various killer items such as [Group Blessing Scroll], and to allow more players to upgrade to level 360 and rank nine. Got some national weapons.

That's right, although the number of players with national weapons has increased over time, at present, the national weapons can still greatly improve the player's strength, and the improvement effect is not even worse than hoarding [Group Blessing Scrolls] and allowing players to upgrade to level 360.

As for Misty Pavilion, if they can get some more national weapons, it will undoubtedly greatly improve the overall strength of the gang. After that, Ye Luo and the others will lead the elite team of these people to occupy the gang station of the enemy alliance more easily. It is also easier to suppress gangs such as Aristocratic Family when they confront each other, not to mention that looting national weapons can weaken the overall strength of the Japanese server alliance.

The most important thing is that the current strength of Misty Pavilion is able to hunt and kill players with national weapons alone - as Polang Chengfeng said, Midnight Book and other assassins are responsible for finding targets and then trying to control them. In the process, you can even use [ Chaos Arrow], and then Ye Luo and others can arrive in a short time, and it is still very easy to kill the target with the help of the slender jade hand using [Space Barrier].

Using [Space Barrier] can also isolate the support of enemy alliance experts such as Tokyo Mythology and Dark Night, so Ye Luo and the others will have no problem if they want to kill the target and then withdraw safely.

For this proposal, Fireworks Yi Leng agreed. Of course, she also knew that this action could only be carried out after Ye Luo's injury recovered. What they have to do at this time is to use the other two methods to quickly improve their strength - hoarding [Group Blessing Scroll] Wait for the killer props and let more players upgrade to level 360.

"Actually, as long as we act alone, we will definitely improve our efficiency faster than gangs such as the Dongfang Family, especially when a large-scale national war breaks out in the future." Samadhi said, she looked at everyone as she spoke: "So we will find ways in the future. Disengage from large force operations."

"Fortunately, we have a precedent for acting alone. The most important thing is that our acting alone can cause great casualties and trouble to the enemy alliance, which is very beneficial to the overall development of our alliance, so Uncle Bacchus and the others must be I will agree, and the people in the game department will turn a blind eye." Samadhi added.

Everyone agreed with this, and they didn't get entangled in this matter, and they continued to get busy.

In the same sentence, after the war, the major gangs and even the servers are recuperating. Except for assassins and dark nights, most of the players are leveling up and doing dungeon quests. too much.

It's just that the Japanese server alliance also knows that the number of killers such as [Group Blessing Scrolls] in their hands is not dominant at this time, and the most important thing is that Ye Luo may appear at any time, so even if they get some [Group Blessing Scrolls], There is no sign of taking the initiative to attack the gang station or the imperial city of the Chinese server alliance.

Naturally, the Chinese-server alliance has also hoarded some [Group Blessing Scrolls], of course, the most are [Eight-Winged Fallen Angel Recruitment Order], and with these things, the commander of the Chinese-server alliance has more confidence, in their hearts even if Ye Luo will not be able to return to the game for a while, and they are not so worried that they will be attacked and attacked by the Japanese server alliance.

Of course, the most confident thing for the Chinese server alliance is that the imperial cities that have been destroyed by servers such as the court server will be restored one by one over time, so that these servers will not be punished by a 15% reduction in overall attributes, which undoubtedly makes them more confident to resist The enemy alliance's sneak attack, and even at this time, many of them are eager for the players of one alliance to take the initiative to attack, so they can take the opportunity to hit it hard, so the situation on both sides is likely to be reversed.

That's right, although the imperial cities that were destroyed by servers such as the court server were restored one by one, and during this period, the alliance on the Chinese server also increased its hoarding power by recuperating, but there is no doubt that the overall strength of the alliance on the Japanese server was stronger at this time. Stronger, especially Dark Night, Tokyo Mythology and others who received the reward of destroying the imperial city and their strength has been greatly improved. At least at this time, their overall strength is stronger than that of Riding the Waves and Slaughtering the Sky in the East. I am afraid that only Ye Luo was slightly stronger than them.

The most important thing is that Ye Luo did not log in to the game during these 2 or 3 days, which undoubtedly made the situation of the China-server alliance more passive. From Dark Night and Tokyo Mythology, they can still sneak attacks and assassinate the China-server side unscrupulously. Alliance players can see it.

It is precisely because of this that the commanders of the major servers of the Chinese server alliance hope that the players of the Japanese server alliance will take the initiative to attack their gang residence or the imperial city, because only in this way can they have the opportunity to severely damage and reverse the situation.

Of course, Fireworks is easy to be cold, and they are not worried about this problem, because they know that once Ye Luo returns to the game, the Chinese server alliance can take the initiative to attack, even if it is difficult to occupy the gang of the Japanese server alliance at the beginning. Residents, but it will certainly be able to kill many of their players and contain many of their elites, and this will undoubtedly make the Chinese server alliance more proactive.

The most important thing is that after 2 or 3 days of training, Ye Luo's injury has gotten better, at least much better than when he logged into the game before, which means that he can log into the game again at any time, just sitting Shang Qinxin, Breaking the Waves and Riding the Wind insisted on letting him rest for more time, otherwise he would have logged into the game long ago.

With Ye Luo as the trump card, Fireworks Yi Leng and the others will naturally no longer worry about anything.

"Sister Fireworks, I heard that the Dongfang Family and other gangs are building a gang station, and they are building a gang station around their original gang station." June Feixue told the news to everyone, and she looked slightly when she said this. Dignified: "There are 4 guild stations built around each level 5 gang station, which will undoubtedly increase the difficulty of capturing these gang stations in the future, which means that they will have more opportunities to confront us in the future."

"Isn't it just some level 2 gang resident, there is no teleportation formation, there is no fuss." Po Lang Cheng Feng said unconcernedly.

"Although those gang stations are currently level 2, they can still be upgraded in the future, and there will be a teleportation formation at that time, so it will undoubtedly be a lot more difficult for us to occupy those level 5 guild stations..." Sitting on Qin Xin said, but she was interrupted before she could finish speaking.

"It's not surprising that gangs such as Dongfang Aristocratic Family will not build those gangs to level 3, they will only even maintain the state of love at level 2." Samadhi said, seeing the puzzled expressions of Qin Xin and others, she explained: "You and I both know that those satellite stations will hardly make any profit. It is no exaggeration to say that they are losing money. If it hadn't been able to increase the defense of those level 5 gang stations, there would be no gangs to do so, and the higher the level of the satellite stations. The higher the cost of high maintenance, the higher the cost.”

"The most important thing is that as long as it is a guild station of level 3 and above, it can be occupied, and it is much easier to occupy it than to attack a gang station of level 5, and as long as you occupy those guild stations, you will get System rewards, which will undoubtedly give siege players some opportunities, especially those opponents with super mobility. For example, we can easily occupy those level 3 guild stations against the attacks of players on the 5th level gang station without having It's a huge loss." Sanmaishi added: "I believe that Dongfang Slaughtering Heaven and the others are not willing to see this situation, so they will only build the station to level 2. Anyway, even if it is level 2, some defense equipment can be installed. Place multiple mobile magic crystal cannons, so that the enemy can be consumed in advance."

"Well, yes, it is the most sensible choice to build the gang station to level 2." Fireworks Yi said indifferently: "Especially their main defense target is us, which is why 2 or 3 days have passed for those gangs. The station is still at level 2, don’t forget that with the current number and quality of players from gangs such as Dongfang Shijia, a guild station can be upgraded to level 3 in almost one day.”

"Oh, that's true." Othello and the others finally understood, but they thought of what her face was full of doubts: "But why did the enemy alliance upgrade those satellite gang stations to level 3, and the satellites around the super gang station Some of the stations have been upgraded to level 4."

"That's because they need to improve their defense as much as possible, especially since they know that once we start, we will take the most central station in one go." Samadhi explained on his behalf: "In this way, the higher the level of those satellite stations is naturally required. All right."

"Especially the super gang resident, it is no surprise that the players of the enemy alliance use it as the last refuge and their last habitat. In this case, it is natural to hope that the defense there is as strong as possible, so They will keep building those satellite stations." Samadhi added.

Hearing this, everyone nodded, and they finally understood this.

"Then how are we going to deal with this next?" Othello asked: "The construction of satellite stations by gangs such as Dongfang Shijia will undoubtedly increase the difficulty for us to defeat them in the future, especially since so many of their gang stations are building satellite stations."

"It doesn't matter, as long as our overall strength exceeds them, we can naturally suppress them, and then we can use our advantages to slowly destroy those satellite cities." Fireworks Yi said coldly: "Those satellite stations can only be consumed and delayed for a little time. To a large extent, it can prevent us from occupying the level 5 gang station it protects in one fell swoop, and we can completely destroy the satellite station by means of consumption, but it will take a long time."

"But at that time, we were not in a hurry, we could consume them slowly." Fireworks Yi Leng added.

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