VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 3802: : easy to get back

Because Tokyo Mythology, Dark Night and others know that they can't keep Tiansong City in the face of players who are in the alliance with several times or even ten times, and even a steady stream of Chinese servers. Consumption and casualties, and this is likely to give Ye Luo and the others a chance. Thinking of these, they did not fully defend the city, but passively resisted.

Of course, at this time, Tokyo Mythology and Dark Night are also secretly estimating that Ye Luo's strength has verified whether they can use the methods they thought of before to resist Ye Luo's consumption and harassment. After all, they can only feel Ye Luo in actual combat. strength.

It's just that not everyone in Tokyo Mythology knows what they think. Seeing Ye Luo and the others easily destroying so many defense equipment, and also killing some eight-winged fallen angels and some players, the morale of the Japanese server alliance is inevitable. Some were frustrated, and many people were angry for a while.

"Damn, Ye Luozhiqiu's strength is still so strong, especially after he learned the rank nine skills, he can maintain this state, and this state is a great threat to us." Hei Longtian said angrily: "The most The important thing is that we don't have a good response to this kind of harassment and attrition tactics."

When he said this, Hei Longtian was full of powerlessness, especially when he was blocked by Polang Chengfeng and others, or was easily avoided, which did not pose any threat to Ye Luo at all.

"The situation at this time is better than what we expected before." Suddenly Mount Fuji went down, seeing everyone's puzzled look, he continued: "You also saw that we did not fully intercept Ye Luozhiqiu and others, for example, we did not They did not mobilize the most elite cavalry to charge them continuously, nor did they add mobile magic crystal cannons after the defense equipment was destroyed, and even did not use many props such as [Eight-Winged Fallen Angel Recruitment Order]. , I'm afraid Ye Luozhiqiu and the others won't be so relaxed at all."

"That's right." Twilight Wei Liang took over the words, paused for a moment, and continued: "In addition, we have not asked the master of the formation to use [Change the World] to condense high platforms and then install more mobile magic crystal cannons. I'm worried about more magic crystal cannon attacks, but it will be troublesome for others to deal with it, especially if they don't use their ultimate moves and use [Group Blessing Scroll], at least in that case, we have a lot of opportunities to kill them. Humans, especially in conjunction with [Space Barrier]."

Hearing this, Hei Long Tian Zhan began to ponder, and soon he found out that if they followed what they said at the foot of Mount Fuji, although they might not be able to resist Ye Luo, they would definitely be able to cause more resistance to him, and even have a chance to fight Ye Luo. Some of them were killed by players.

And the players who team up with Ling Tian to carry out consumption tactics are all super masters. This can be seen from the fact that they are both dual professional players and have national weapons, and as long as they have the opportunity to kill them, they will undoubtedly be right. The server alliance has caused great losses, and the most important thing is that grabbing the national weapons they exploded can further enhance the players of the Japanese server alliance.

Thinking of this, Hei Long Tian Zhan and the others cheered up, and Ichito Taro asked directly, "If that's the case, why are we so passive in defending the city? If this continues, the gang's resident will soon be taken back by them."

"Because we can't keep this gang station today, and of course the other gang station can't be defended." Red Maple Leaf said, seeing everyone's puzzled look, she sighed: "Because the Chinese service alliance has mobilized a number of people. times or even ten times our troops, and as time goes on, they will have more players coming. In the face of the continuous charge of so many enemies, especially Ye Luozhiqiu, they are still consumed in advance, and we can't hold it at all. , since we can't hold it, then we naturally don't need to fight more casualties and consumption to defend here."

"That's right." The Perfume Beauty took over the words, and then he changed his tone: "But if Ye Luozhiqiu and the others do something about the gangs of our alliance, it will not be the same. First of all, we will not give up defending the city easily, the most important thing is At that time, it will be difficult for them to mobilize more troops than us. No, we will have a lot more troops than them. In that case, even if they use this tactic, it will be difficult for them to capture our gang station, even if Ye Luo Zhiqiu and the others have formed an elite team that has been exhausted."

"Oh, that's true." Emperor Yingge nodded, but she frowned slightly when she thought of something: "But Ye Luozhiqiu and the others can always form an elite team to harass and consume us, and we will always be held back by them. , although we can send cavalry to charge continuously, and we can also supplement mobile magic crystal cannons, but after all, we always have losses, at least this will make us very passive, do we have to face such a situation all the time?"

"This kind of battle is very exhausting to Ye Luozhiqiu. Even if he is not injured, he will not be able to last for too long, not to mention that his injury will definitely not heal." The emperor praised: "When attacking our gang station, he faced the There is more pressure and more consumption, so there is less time to persevere, so we will not be too passive.”

"The most important thing is that as time goes by, we will hoard more and more items such as [Group Blessing Scroll], especially the [Eight-Winged Fallen Angel Recruitment Order], and this kind of item is very good for defending the city, even After reaching a certain number of such props, we only need to dispatch a group of elite cavalry to assist them to cause great pressure on Ye Luozhiqiu and the others." The Emperor's Anthem added.

"That's right, at least for a long time, there is no chance for the Chinese-server alliance to occupy our gang's station, and the longer the delay, the more likely we will find changes that can change the situation, at least there is still a chance to turn over, So we don't have to worry about anything." Hero Wuming said solemnly.

In this regard, everyone agrees deeply, thinking of these, their worried mood has also improved a lot, and then they don't say much, and continue to deal with Ye Luo and the others.

Of course, the number of players who can be sent to Sky Song City is still limited at this time. The Japanese server alliance has arranged a large number of elites to do dungeon missions or settle in Sky City, and there are even many elite assassins sneaking into the server of the China server alliance. Destruction and use of these also caused a lot of trouble for the Chinese server alliance. Of course, during this period, a lot of props such as [Group Blessing Scroll] were also hoarded.

However, it is impossible for the Chinese server alliance to mobilize all players to attack the city. They also arranged a lot of people to do other things. In addition, the Japanese server alliance was restrained by many elite masters, and some people were caught by Ye Luo and others from time to time. Killing, in such a situation, the Chinese server alliance is more proactive.

Time passed slowly as Ye Luo and the others consumed, and 2 to 30 minutes passed quickly. After such a long time, Ye Luo and the others had already destroyed the defense equipment on Tiansong City. The most important thing is After such a long time, the CCP Alliance has mobilized enough manpower, which is several times or even ten times that of the defending players, which means that they can attack the city with all their strength.

Seeing that the time has come, Fireworks Yi Leng and the others have no idea of ​​consuming any more, and start to attack the city with all their strength.

In order to reduce casualties as much as possible, Ye Luo, Po Lang Cheng Feng and others still directly used their displacement skills to rush to the city wall. Of course, at the same time, a large number of elite players locked their teleportation and then assisted them in intercepting the players who were charging them. Ye Luo and the others can use various skills with peace of mind, and with these, it is easy to gain a firm foothold on the city wall.

This is also true. Ye Luo and the others quickly cleared a vacuum around them, and then divided them into two charge from both sides of the city walls. With the mobile magic crystal cannons placed behind them, they could also dash forward steadily, which meant that they It was already possible to occupy more city walls, and once the occupied city walls reached a certain number, it would be a matter of course to take back Tiansong City.

Of course, the most important thing is that the players of the Japanese server alliance are still relatively passive at this time, and even they only used dozens of [Eight-Winged Fallen Angel Recruitment Orders] and then cooperated with those NPCs as much as possible to cause casualties to the Chinese server alliance.

Because of the passive resistance of the Japanese server alliance, it was much easier for the Chinese server alliance to occupy the city wall, but it took less than 10 minutes to get back nearly half of the city wall, which also means that the Japanese server alliance at this time has already There is no advantage of the city walls.

When they have an advantage over the city wall, the players in the Japanese server alliance are not fully defended, let alone have no advantage. Seeing this situation, Tokyo Mythology resolutely issued an order to retreat, which also means that they gave up defending Tiange. city.

The next thing is very easy, Ye Luo and the others can easily wipe out the enemies that were left behind, and then naturally the Yeyu family members **** Tiansong City back.

"Ye Luo, how is it, can you still support it?" Sitting on Qin Xin asked worriedly.

"The resistance I encountered was much weaker than we thought, and the battle was not so intense, so the pressure I faced was much easier. The situation is not bad, at least I can persist for a long time." Ye Luo said, and He didn't hide this matter: "As far as I can see, it's no problem to persist until I can get Yixincheng back."

Hearing this, the members of the Yi Nian family were excited. After all, it would be better for them to get back Yixin City one day earlier, so that their losses would be less.

"Ye Luo, don't be too arrogant, after all, your injury has not healed." Du Kang, the **** of wine, said with concern: "We are not in a hurry, we can grab Yixincheng tomorrow."

Although they were anxious, Yi Nian Cheng Mo and the others didn't say anything. They just looked at Ye Luo expectantly. After all, his decision was the key to whether or not to attack the city next.

"Uncle Bacchus, it's fine, I can still hold on for some time, and it's no problem to get Yixincheng back." Ye Luo said, and his words made Yi Nian Cheng Mo and others excited.

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