VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 3803: : acting alone

After dozens of minutes of fighting, Ye Luo and the others easily took back Tiansong City, and the whole action was not much different from what was expected. For example, the players in the general Japanese server alliance did not fully resist as they predicted. This also makes it easy for the vast majority of players in the Chinese server alliance.

Although the vast majority of players are very relaxed in this siege operation, even including the waves and the wind, Dongfang Tiantian and others, but Ye Luo is undoubtedly the most stressed, after all, he is at the front from the beginning to the end. The important thing is that his current injury has not yet healed, so Du Kang and Feng Xing, the gods of wine, are quite worried, and bluntly tell him not to be too stubborn, and it can be delayed until tomorrow to take back Yixincheng.

However, Ye Luo bluntly said that there is no problem, he can still insist, and there will be no big problem in grabbing Yixincheng back.

"Uncle Ye Luo, you really don't need to be too assertive, think more about your own body." June Feixue's voice sounded in the studio channel of Misty Pavilion: "What's more, Yixincheng is the gang residence of the Yinian family. This gang is hostile to us, and it will definitely join forces with the Dongfang family to deal with us in the future, and let them occupy the gang station for one more day, so their losses will be even greater."

June Feixue's words were immediately echoed by Midnight Books, Othello, and Auchan's attack. They also felt that Ye Luo shouldn't work so hard. Of course, sitting on Qin Xin was more worried about Ye Luo's health.

"There's nothing wrong with my injury, after all, I've gotten better after training for a few days." Ye Luo said, after a brief pause, he continued, "Although Yixincheng is the gang resident of the Yinian family, after all, the resident of our Chinese service has always been Being occupied is a great threat to us, and we can avoid this threat by grabbing it back as soon as possible.”

"Of course the most important thing is to get Yixincheng back sooner or later. It's better to do it early, because we can act alone sooner after we do it early." Ye Luo added.

If Ye Luo's previous excuses were not 'sufficient', but the latter words could easily block the waves and ride the wind from what she wanted to say, and then she immediately changed her mind and nodded repeatedly: "Yes, yes, we It is more important to act alone earlier, so that we are not bound by large forces, and the most important thing is that we will gain more benefits next, so that we can still operate immediately."

Naturally, he also wanted to act alone as Ye Luo said. Of course, the most important thing is that Ye Luo insisted, so everyone didn't have much opinion, and they were ready to go to Yixincheng.

In this regard, the servers of the Yi Nian family and other gangs and even the servers of the China Service Alliance were naturally happy, and then a group of elite masters soon came to Yixin City, without much to say, the elite team composed of Ye Luo and other masters continued to consume, harass, and At the same time, the major gangs and even the server are still mobilizing more sufficient manpower. After all, it is not so easy to win back Yixincheng without the advantage of the number of people.

As before, the consumption and harassment of the elite team formed by Ye Luo and the others went very smoothly, and it was easy to destroy many defense equipment on the city wall. Of course, this is when the players of the Japanese server alliance still have no right to defend. .

And when Yeluo and the others destroyed the defense equipment on Yixin City, the Chinese server alliance also mobilized enough manpower, several times or even ten times the number of players who defended the city in the battle of Bacchus Du Kang and others. Under his leadership, he started to attack the city with all his strength, but it was as easy to attack the city wall as before, so it was a matter of smooth sailing to take back Yixin City.

This is also true. After 1-20 minutes of fierce battle, the Chinese server alliance took back most of the city wall. At this time, Tokyo Mythology and the others decisively issued an order to give up defending the city. After that, Ye Luo and the others easily took back Yixin City.

Next, distribute the spoils, just like the distribution method before Ye Luo was injured. All parties distribute the spoils according to the total damage output of the gang's station. It is no accident that the damage output of the Misty Pavilion is the highest, and even the damage output of Ye Luo alone is more than thousands. The damage output of 10,000 people is even higher, so the Misty Pavilion is naturally allocated the most loot, and these more or less enhance the overall strength of the Misty Pavilion.

Of course, what makes Polangchengfeng and others happy and even inspiring is that after they regain Yixincheng, the Chinese server alliance will not have a gang station and will be occupied by the Japanese server alliance, which means that they can act alone.

There was no courtesy, and then Fireworks Yi Leng directly led the people from the Misty Pavilion to withdraw, and did not give everyone a chance to retain them.

"Finally grabbed the occupied gang station." Othello said, and then she looked at the fireworks Yi Leng: "Fireworks, what are we going to do next, or let Ye Luo try to see if we have a chance to occupy the enemy alliance alone. Where is the gang?!"

Hearing this, Po Lang Cheng Feng's eyes lit up, obviously she was looking forward to this kind of thing, but sitting on Qin Xin and Fireworks Yi Cooling shook their heads together, looked at each other, the former spoke first: "I have experienced two consecutive years. After a large-scale melee, Ye Luo is definitely exhausted, especially his mental exhaustion is very high, and he is not suitable for high-intensity battles like before."

"Oh, that's true. Ye Luo was undoubtedly the most stressful in the previous battle. After all, his injury is not good, and he should rest now." Po Lang Cheng Feng nodded, and then she looked at Fireworks Yi Leng: "Fireworks, what do you think? ?"

Nodding his head, Fireworks Yi said coldly: "The most important thing is that at this time we don't have any chance to occupy the gang station of the enemy alliance at all, so don't do this for the time being. What we have to do next is to hoard all kinds of scroll items as much as possible. to increase strength.”

Everyone agreed with this, and June Feixue couldn't help but muttered: "There really isn't any chance to occupy the enemy alliance's gang headquarters, if that's the case, wouldn't we just act alone? There's no point? Maybe it's better to act with the big army."

June Feixue's words were immediately echoed by Zhiyue. At least she had more opportunities to do some actions with the large army in her heart. In addition, the loot was distributed according to damage output, which was fair to Misty Pavilion.

"If we continue to act together with the large army, then it will be difficult for us to propose a separate action in the future." Sanmaishi explained, without waiting for June Feixue and the others to speak, she continued: "Of course the most important thing is It's that although we don't have any chance to occupy the gang station of the enemy alliance at present, it doesn't mean that we can't in the future.

"In addition, even if we act alone now, we will get more benefits than acting with a large army. If nothing else, let's just do the dungeon quest. With our current strength, we can easily complete the [Degenerate] of the Nightmare Mode. Crazy Beast], and you and I know what kind of gains you will get from completing a dungeon." Samadhi added: "This is more beneficial to us than acting with the big army."

"That's right." Fireworks Yi Leng replied: "The most important thing is to act together with the large troops without incident. We still have to act independently to hoard strength, because it is not suitable for the gang station of the enemy alliance to start, it is nothing more than Continue to form elite squads to consume, and this kind of action will make us dispatch a lot of masters, so that we can use a lot of masters for dungeon missions and other operations, and this is how we treat us when we can't occupy the enemy's alliance gang. development is not very good.”

"Oh, that's true. At least for now, it's better for us to act alone." June Feixue nodded, thinking of something she continued: "Then when will we start the operation? What if we keep doing dungeon quests? Although it can allow us to surpass the alliance of the Japanese server, the overall strength of the alliances of gangs such as Dongfang Shijia can be improved more than us. At least we can't hoard more than them by doing dungeons or something. [Group blessings] Scroll] and other killer props."

"We can give it a try when Ye Luo is almost resting." But she didn't want Fireworks Yi Leng to say such a sentence, ignoring everyone's doubtful expressions, she continued: "If there is a chance, it will be best, if there is no chance Then we're thinking of other ways."

"Think of other ways?" Wei Wei was stunned, and then June Feixue blurted out and asked: "What do you want to do? Sister Fireworks, have you already thought of a way?"

June Feixue just asked casually, she didn't hold out much hope, but she didn't want Fireworks Yi Leng to nod her head, and she didn't wait for June Feixue and others to ask, she continued: "I thought of a way, we didn't say before. Do you want to do something to the players of the enemy alliance with national weapons? Next, you can let Xiaoshu lead a group of elite assassins to deliberately look for such opportunities. Once you find that you are alone, no, as long as we encounter such a target in the wild, we will all You can try to shoot, after all, as long as we shoot, we will have the opportunity to kill them and then grab the anger in their hands."

Hearing this, her beautiful eyes lit up, and she said repeatedly: "Yes, yes, with our strength, even if the target is Dark Night and Tokyo Mythology, there is a chance to kill it, hey, then we can kill it. With such an action, killing the players in the enemy alliance with national weapons can quickly improve our strength. At least it is more efficient than simply doing tasks, entering the city of the sky, etc., especially stealing the country. It can also weaken the overall strength of the enemy alliance.”

Everyone agreed with this, and then they urged Midnight Shu to act quickly. The latter didn't say much and left with a group of assassins. Of course, when they left, Fireworks Yi Leng also asked them to take action. Pay more attention to high-level bosses, after all, killing these high-level bosses can also quickly improve their strength.

As for Ye Luo and the others, they didn't stay idle and continued the Nightmare Mode's [Fallen Beast].

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