VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 3805: : try sneak attack

Dongfang Stars and the others know Fengxing and Du Kang, the **** of wine very well, and it is easy to determine that they will not join forces with Misty Pavilion and then participate in the civil war. Thinking of this, they are relieved, and they are looking forward to the war with Misty Pavilion after the National War. .

"Hey, doesn't this mean that as time goes on, the number of [Group Blessing Scrolls] we have hoarded and the number of players at level 360 Rank 9 is more and more than that of the Misty Pavilion, so suppressing them and then defeating them is almost inevitable?" Dongfang Zhan God is looking forward to it.

"As it looks at the moment, unless there is a big accident during the period." Dongfang Xingxing said, although she said this, but her expression was a little dignified: "The most troublesome thing is that Fireworks Yi Leng can certainly analyze these, And she will not let this happen, she will definitely think of various ways to improve her strength, and with her level of resourcefulness, it is not impossible to think of ways to deal with it."

They have all seen Fireworks Yi Leng's method of 'developing strategies and winning a decisive victory thousands of miles away'. After hearing Dongfang Xingxing's words, Ouyang Feitian and others all looked a little dignified, especially after thinking that the single action of the Misty Pavilion was proposed by Fireworks Yi Leng - since Fireworks Yi Leng proposed to act alone, so she must have thought of these situations and had already thought of countermeasures.

"Hey, don't take Fireworks Yi Leng too seriously. She is human after all, and she is helpless in the face of irresistible forces. For example, she was helpless when dealing with the enemy alliance siege, and finally It is not through the return of Ye Luo that the situation can be reversed." Dongfang Zhantian pretended to be relaxed, he looked at the crowd as he spoke: "We have so many gangs to form alliances, and we have an absolute advantage in terms of numbers and many aspects, only those in the misty pavilion. It is almost impossible for people to fight against us, even if the fireworks are easy to be cold and resourceful."

Dongfang Zhantian's words were echoed by many people, especially considering that at this time, their alliance hoarded more [Group Blessing Scrolls], and more players had risen to level 360, and these were the decisive forces of a gang.

"I hope so." Dongfang Xingsheng said solemnly, and she continued: "Of course, we must also be prepared to deal with all troubles, and then we must save our strength as much as possible, and only when our strength absolutely exceeds that of the Misty Pavilion. Only then can we fight against it and then suppress or even destroy it in one fell swoop.”

Everyone agreed with this, and then they didn't say much and continued to get busy.

Ye Yu Fei Fei and the others are also doing the dungeon quest in the Nightmare Mode with the elite masters of Heavenly War Heroes. Although they only have two gangs to join forces at present, the overall strength of the players doing the quest is slightly lower than that of Dongfang Tiantian and the others, but their strength is not enough. It can also complete the task, and even the efficiency is not much worse. The most important thing is that the efficiency of the two teams together to complete the dungeon task is higher than that of the ghost pavilion, which means that their alliance can accumulate more power than the ghost pavilion through the dungeon task. .

Ye Yufeifei can naturally also analyze that the current situation is very beneficial to them. Thinking of these, she is also full of confidence in the future battle with the Misty Pavilion. Of course, she thinks more, such as how to take advantage of the Dongfang family. In the case of losing both sides with the Misty Pavilion, she replaced it. After all, just defeating the Misty Pavilion is not her ultimate goal. It is to become the first gang in the Chinese server and even the game industry.

At present, the Chopping Yeyu family still has a chance to achieve this goal, especially considering that she still has a group of hidden powers in her hands that she has not used, so she still has some expectations for future battles.

In Ye Yu Feifei's heart, she always had a hope, that is, the opportunity to recruit Ye Luo into the Ye Yu family, and she didn't know when these became the things that she cared more about.

She shook her head and threw these things out of her head, Ye Yufeifei didn't bother about this issue anymore, and continued to do dungeon tasks with Da Mo Guyan and others with all her might. It was more important for her to accumulate strength at this time.

In this way, the major gangs and even all the servers in the Chinese server are busy. Everyone is actively participating in the dungeon quests and entering the Sky City to accumulate strength. For a while, the robbery game is rare and calm. Of course, almost everyone knows it. This is the tranquility before the war, and all they have to do at this time is to accumulate as much strength as possible to deal with the big conflict in the future.

At the beginning of giving up Yixincheng, Tokyo Mythology and the others were still a little worried. Naturally, they were worried that Ye Luo and the others would lead the elite team to attack and harass the gang station of their alliance. Although they had analyzed beforehand that if they defended with all their strength, Ye Luo and the others would have no chance at all. They succeeded, but Tokyo Mythology and the others also knew that this was just their analysis, and no one knew what kind of accidents would happen after the battle.

In addition, even if the elite team formed by Ye Luo and the others cannot occupy their gang station, in the face of Ye Luo and the others' harassment of Tokyo Mythology and other super masters, they will definitely be restrained, and players will be killed from time to time. It is very disadvantageous for them, at least they will be very passive.

After waiting for a while, they did not find that Ye Luo and the others had formed an elite team to attack, which made Tokyo Mythology and the others a little relieved. sneak attack.

Of course, this is good news for everyone in the Japanese server alliance. At least they don't have to worry about the gang's station being occupied, and they don't have to worry about a large number of elite masters being pinned down or killed. Next, they can also fully accumulate strength. to increase strength.

However, Tokyo Mythology and the others also know that the current situation is only temporary. Ye Luo and the others will definitely form an elite team to carry out sneak attacks and harassment, and they also know what will happen if they do not participate in the interception, so they are ready at any time. Intercepting the preparations of Ye Luo and others, and this more or less prevented them from devoting themselves to doing the dungeon quest, so they still have to use the dungeon quest to improve their strength.

Time passed slowly, and one day passed like this. During this day, Ye Luo and the others have been busy doing dungeon quests, and they have gained a lot of things from it. Among them, there are as many as 3 or 4 [Group Blessing Scrolls], and naturally there are also There are a lot of Lingxi Mochizuki's kits, and these have also improved the strength of the Misty Pavilion a lot.

However, they are a little impatient with such a boring dungeon action, and they are more inclined to attack the alliance on the Japanese server. Killing their players is also good, and they can also get some benefits by hunting, such as midnight books, fireworks and easy cold, they also have the opportunity to accumulate 10 million points and then exchange them for national weapons, which will undoubtedly greatly improve their strength. .

"I can't do it today, I can only try to do it tomorrow." Fireworks Yi Leng dropped this sentence and went offline to rest, and this also made them look forward to breaking the waves and riding the wind, and then they also went offline to rest. Even because the injury is not completely healed, Ye Luo also went offline with them to rest in advance.

The next day, Ye Luo and the others logged into the game on time, and without waiting for Fireworks Yi Leng to say anything, the waves and the wind were full of anticipation: "Fireworks, you said yesterday that you are going to try to attack the enemy alliance today, what should we do, yes? Do you form an elite squad first to attack the gangs of the enemy alliance or hunt down their players?"

"Hunting ordinary leveling players has little effect on the enemy alliance, and it has little benefit to us. This is undoubtedly a waste of time." Fireworks Yi said indifferently: "Unless Xiaoshu and the others find that they own a country in the wild. The goal of the device is worth doing, otherwise it is better to continue to do the dungeon quest.”

"Well, that's true." Polang Chengfeng nodded, and then she changed her tone: "Since the hunting operation will not work for a while, then let's try to form an elite team to attack the gangs of the enemy alliance, hey, Taking advantage of the dark night, Tokyo Mythology, they are busy with dungeons and so on, maybe we still have the opportunity to occupy one or two gang stations, tsk tsk, so we will make a lot of money."

"The most important thing is that after a good start, the number of [Group Blessing Scrolls] and other scrolls that we have hoarded will increase a lot, and it will be easier to deal with them later." It also made June Feixue and others look forward to it, but in their hearts, they were afraid that Fireworks Yi Leng would not agree to this.

But she didn't want that this time, Fireworks Yi Leng did not refuse, she nodded and said, "You can try it. If you have the opportunity to occupy the gang station of the enemy alliance, it is naturally the best. If you can't occupy it, let us see where we are. There is a gap in which aspect, so it will be much easier to occupy their gang station in the future."

"Hey, that's right, that's right." Polang Chengfeng hurriedly said, and without waiting for the fireworks to speak coldly, she hurriedly urged: "It's not too late, let's act quickly."

Nodding his head, Fireworks Yi Leng made a list directly, which naturally matched Ye Luo's list, and then these people arrived quickly. A level 5 gang resident in Wufu.

That's right, the first target is a 5th-level gang resident in Wufu. The reason why I chose this target to start is naturally because the overall strength of Wufu is weak, especially under the deliberate suppression of Russian server, the most important thing is Wufu There are no super experts like Dark Night and Tokyo Mythology, and it will take some time for these people to come to support, so Ye Luo and the others will undoubtedly have the best chance of success.

Ye Luo was the first to take action. He directly locked his qi and blood at 50% and rushed to the target gang station. He even saw that there were no players defending the target gang station. He rushed directly to the city wall, relying on super attack. Li quickly destroyed some defense equipment, and this also meant that he had a firm foothold on the city wall. For a while, this made them excited and looking forward to breaking the waves and riding the wind.

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