VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 3806: : Quick Support

The players in Wufu did not expect that they would be the target of the sneak attack. At this time, the vast majority of players on this server were busy leveling up and doing tasks to improve their strength. In this way, in the face of Ye Luo, their reaction to the sneak attack was somewhat limited. It was too late, and by the time they reacted, Ye Luo had already climbed onto the city wall and destroyed some of the surrounding defense equipment, which meant that if there were enough people, they could stand firm and start occupying the gang's quarters.

Seeing Ye Luo rushing onto the city wall so easily, Po Lang Cheng Feng and the others were excited, and then they directly urged Ye Luo to use the [Space Portal] to teleport them over—although they also had [ Teleportation]. , but it takes 10 seconds to cast this skill, and [Space Portal] only takes 1 second, which will undoubtedly save them most of the time.

"Fireworks, what should I do next?" Ye Luo didn't send Polang and Ride the Wind and the others right away, but asked Fireworks Yi Leng.

"Hey, needless to say, of course, we were sent over." Breaking the waves and riding the wind replied: "At this time, you have already climbed the city wall and cleared a place to allow us to stay, although there are still many defenders around. Equipment can put a lot of pressure on us, but if we use a [Group Blessing Scroll], then we won’t be afraid of these defense equipment. With more people like us, we can easily destroy more defense equipment around. "

"The most important thing is to let the little hands use [Profound Truth*Space Portal] to directly send millions of elite players over, tsk tsk, so many elites can occupy many city walls in a short period of time, maybe in the dark night, Tokyo Mythology, before they arrived, we already We have occupied most of the city wall, so we have an advantage on the city wall, and it will naturally be much easier to occupy this gang resident." Po Lang Chengfeng added, and her words were echoed by many people.

"I'm afraid it's not as simple as you think." Sanmai Shi shook his head: "At first, it was because the people in Wufu didn't expect us to attack, so Ye Luo rushed to the city wall so easily. Not surprisingly, they will have a large number of players coming over soon, and they will use multiple [Eight-Winged Fallen Angel Recruitment Orders]. In a short period of time, their power far exceeds us, even if the small hands use [Profound Truth * Space Portal] to teleport The same goes for millions of elites."

As soon as the words fell, a large number of players in black clothes appeared. In less than 10 seconds, tens of thousands of players appeared, many of them [Bloodthirsty Lion] cavalry, and then these cavalry did not say much, and launched a charge towards Ye Luo.

Of course, this is still the vanguard. After someone intercepted Ye Luo, a wave of space fluctuations appeared, and a large number of elites in Wufu targeted those players to appear. The number instantly reached hundreds of thousands, and the number of people continued to increase as time passed. The speed is increasing, so many players outrageously charge Ye Luo, even if the latter is very powerful, he can only temporarily avoid the edge - Ye Luo chose to withdraw from the city wall, after all, he was charged by so many elite players in turn. Soon all invincible means will be consumed, and if he does not withdraw, he will only be killed.

That's right, Ye Luo was alone at this time, and there was no one to help him intercept the charging players. He couldn't bear it at all. It was undoubtedly the wisest choice to retreat temporarily and then retreat to 3 or 40 meters away from the city wall.

"Look, Wufu's response was faster than we predicted, but in more than 10 seconds, hundreds of thousands of elite players appeared, and this number is still increasing rapidly, so we want to rely on sneak attacks. It is almost impossible to occupy their city walls." Samadhi said solemnly.

"That's because Ye Luo didn't teleport us right away." Po Lang Chengfeng couldn't help but muttered: "If he teleports us over, and then Xiaoshou casts [Profound Truth*Space Portal] right away, millions of The elite players are divided into two groups and rush to both sides. At this time, Ye Luo and we don't have to worry about being charged and then controlled, and then we can attack almost unscrupulously, and the strength of the Wufu players can't resist us."

"If this is the case, I'm afraid that many of our elites will be left behind and then killed." Fireworks Yi said coldly, ignoring Polangchengfeng's skeptical look, she continued: "Ye Luo just took this into consideration, so he has no first choice. Send us over for a while, don't forget that Ye Luo is no worse than me in terms of resourcefulness."

Hearing this, breaking the waves and riding the wind silently, she naturally knows that Ye Luo is also very smart, but he has not had many opportunities to play. More is the identity of the executor.

However, breaking the waves and riding the wind also knows that as long as Ye Luo puts forward an opinion, even if it is a samadhi poem or fireworks, it will be considered. In fact, it also proves that every time Ye Luo expresses an opinion, it is almost right. Thinking of this, she realizes that Ye Luo will definitely It was because he sensed the danger that he didn't immediately send them there, but deliberately asked Ye Luo to 'delay the time' and miss the 'best' chance.

She wanted to say something at first, but soon she found out that not only the players from the black server appeared at the target gang, but also the elite servers from the British server, the Indian server, and the Japanese server came to support them. The masters also rushed over, and there are not many space players among them, and there is also the only space player in the alliance who has the [Space Staff] in Sakura Ruxue. Wan Jingrui, the number of players sent over by her alone is no less than Ye Luo and the others.

Breaking the waves and riding the wind is also very smart. She thought of this in an instant, especially when she thought that space players from other servers would also use [Space Portal] or use [Group Blessing Scroll], so the number of enemies here will far exceed them. , even if the slender jade hands cast [Profound Truth*Space Portal].

Not surprisingly, the number of players guarding the city will soon be several times or even ten times that of the Misty Pavilion. In the face of so many enemies, especially the super masters such as Dark Night and Tokyo Mythology, Ye Luo and the others simply don't have any. What chance, as the samadhi poem said, if the slender hands used [Profound Truth*Space Portal] before, I am afraid that a large number of elites will be left and killed today, so the loss of the Misty Pavilion will be great.

"What's going on, how did Dark Ye and Tokyo Mythology come to support them so quickly, obviously this is not their server?!" June Feixue's face was full of astonishment, and of course she was a little scared, because she was too many if before What would happen if they were teleported by Ye Luo and the slender jade hands cast [Profound Truth*Space Portal], I'm afraid this would be a very heavy blow to the Misty Pavilion.

"Obviously, Tokyo Mythology and the others also know how bad it is for the gang station to be occupied by us, so they are ready to support them at any time." Samadhi said, after a while, she continued: "Fortunately before we I didn't rush over there, and I didn't let my little hands use [Profound Truth*Space Portal], otherwise we might have a large number of players killed."

"That's right, they are very smart in Tokyo Mythology. They know how bad it will be for them once the gang station is easily occupied by us. In this case, they will naturally come to support them as soon as possible." Dao, after a while, she continued: "So at present, unless we have more [Group Blessing Scrolls] than them, it is almost impossible for us to occupy their gang station, at least we only rely on us. It is very difficult for the pavilion to do this step.”

Although they didn't want to admit it, they also saw this in breaking the waves and riding the wind, and they were all disappointed for a while.

"Fireworks, did you guess that there would be such a result?" Although he was guessing, Othello's tone was very firm: "Then why do you agree to us forming an elite team to launch a sneak attack on the gang station of the enemy alliance? Woolen cloth?"

"If it's not like this, I'm afraid that you will never give up, at least you won't feel at ease to do the dungeon quest." Fireworks Yi said coldly: "Now that you see that this method won't work, then you can do the dungeon quest with peace of mind. , at this time it is most important for us to accumulate as much strength as possible.”

"That's true." Polang Chengfeng said, thinking of something, she changed her tone: "But we are saving scrolls such as [Group Blessing Scroll], and people from the enemy alliance are also hoarding, and the most important thing is that they can still use the hoarded scrolls. [Eight-Winged Fallen Angel Recruitment Order], so even if we have more [Group Blessing Scrolls] than them, it may not be so easy to occupy their gang station."

"No, it's not that there is no chance." Fireworks Yi Leng shook her head, seeing the look they were looking forward to, she continued: "You have also seen that Dark Night and Tokyo Mythology can come to support at any time, which means that they They didn’t do dungeon quests, at least they didn’t dare to do dungeon quests, so their efficiency in obtaining [Group Blessing Scrolls] was much worse than us, so it’s not impossible for us to have more scrolls than them.”

"In addition, Xiaoshu is leading the assassins to find targets with national weapons. As long as we lock the target, we have a great chance to kill them and then grab the national weapons in his hands. After the number of national weapons we have increases, we will also have the opportunity to let us The strength to occupy the enemy alliance gang's station." Fireworks Yi Leng added.

"Oh, that's true, at least there is still a chance." Po Lang Chengfeng nodded, thinking of something she couldn't help but mutter: "I just don't know how long it will take, so far, I'm afraid it will be difficult in a short period of time. To do this, alas, it would be great if our large troops also acted. They can help us contain the super masters such as Dark Night and Tokyo Mythology. As long as they can contain them for a while, it is enough for us to occupy many city walls. In this way, we have The big ones almost occupied the gang's station."

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