VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 3807: : find the target

Players from the Japanese server alliance came to support Ye Luo and the others as soon as they attacked a gang station in Wufu. The number of players quickly reached tens of millions. 】I am afraid that they will come to support more players. In the face of enemies that are several times or even ten times their own, Ye Luo and the others have no chance to occupy the gang station, especially the dark night and Tokyo who came to support Wufu. Myth and other super masters.

From this point of view, I am afraid that for a long time, Ye Luo and the others will not have any chance to occupy the gang station of the Japanese server alliance, which makes Polang Chengfeng and the others disappointed, but after thinking that Midnight Shu led the elite assassins to find a target with national weapons They have confidence in their subsequent actions - they have great confidence in breaking the waves and riding the wind, and they can kill them after finding the target in the middle of the night, and then grab the national weapon in his hands, and obtain multiple national weapons. After that, it will be much easier to occupy the gang station, especially at that time, the Misty Pavilion also hoarded a lot of [Group Blessing Scrolls].

"It will take a long time for now, because only enough time will we hoard the power to allow us to occupy the gang station of the enemy alliance." Samadhi said, and then she laughed: "But for now, the delay time is right. It's nothing to us, anyway, we will be active for a while, so it's Tokyo Mythology and the others who should be anxious."

"That's true." Breaking the waves and riding the wind nodded.

"It would be great if some new dungeons were triggered or a boss comparable to the top ten demon gods appeared." Suddenly June Feixue said, without waiting for everyone to speak, she continued: "With our strength, as long as the new dungeon quest is triggered, it will definitely be You can grab the first kill of the dungeon and then get rich rewards. There are not only multiple scrolls such as [Group Blessing Scroll], but also players who participate in the dungeon quest will also have overall attributes, skills enhancement or equipment to upgrade the rank of rewards, good luck We can also obtain some national weapons of very good rank, so that our overall strength will be greatly improved, and it will naturally be much easier to occupy the gang station of the enemy alliance.”

"That's right, that's right." Zhiyue said hurriedly, but she quickly shook her head: "It's a pity that we haven't triggered any new dungeon quests since we completed the [Fallen Beast] in Nightmare Mode and got the first kill reward. It's almost impossible to quickly accumulate strength in this way."

With a sigh, June Feixue naturally knew this as well, and then she said to herself: "It's fine to find some bosses comparable to the top ten demon gods without triggering the dungeon quest. Killing monsters of this level will definitely Obtaining national weapons, and it is likely to be 2 or 3 pieces, plus other equipment and various scrolls that BOSS exploded, this will also allow us to quickly increase our strength."

"It doesn't seem like it's that easy to have a top ten demon-level boss..." Othello took over, but she was interrupted before she could finish her sentence.

"It's not too difficult. Xiaoshu has arranged for some elite assassins to find high-level bosses, and even he will explore some unknown places, so it's not too difficult to find some high-level bosses." Samadhi said, a little bit. She continued: "Of course it will take some time, but during this time we can focus on dungeon quests, and we can also quickly improve our strength."

"It seems like this is the only way to go." Polang Chengfeng said, and she looked at Ye Luo: "Ye Luo, we don't have a chance to occupy this gang's station, so let's give up."

In fact, Ye Luo realized that there was almost no chance of occupying the Wufu Gang's station when they came to support the dark night and Tokyo Mythology. After hearing the words of breaking the waves and riding the wind, he did not hesitate to withdraw. Without further ado, continue to do [Fallen Beast] in Nightmare Mode.

Ye Luo and the others were quickly informed of their actions by the Dongfang Aristocratic Family and Yeyu Family, which made Yeluo Feifei and Dongfang Xingxing a little worried, but they were more looking forward to it. They were naturally worried because Ye Luo and the others still had There is a slight chance to occupy the Wufu gang station, but once this is not a good thing for the Yeyu family and other gangs - if Ye Luo and the others can really occupy the gang station, then they can always obtain system rewards by occupying the gang station. Undoubtedly, the strength of the Misty Pavilion will increase rapidly, and at the end of the national war, the [Group Blessing Scroll] they hoarded will be more than the sum of the Dongfang Aristocratic Family and other gangs, so the two sides will naturally be extremely unfavorable for the Dongfang Aristocratic Family and other gangs in the future. .

Of course, Dongfang Xingxing and the others also know that it is almost impossible for Ye Luo and the others to occupy the gang's station by themselves, so they are just a little worried, and more hope that they will always be like this, because this will not only contain the masters of the Japanese server alliance and then This would allow players from the Dongfang Aristocratic Family and other guilds to level up and carry out other actions with peace of mind. Most importantly, it would also make Ye Luo and the others waste a lot of time, which would make the overall strength of the Misty Pavilion lag behind the Dongfang Aristocratic Family and other gangs.

Ye Luo and the others gave up the siege soon, which also verified the speculation of Dongfang Xingxing and the others. This made them a little relieved. They no longer had to worry about Ye Luo and the others. It is a pity, after all, this means that Ye Luo and the others will not waste any time because of this, nor will they contain too much power from the Japanese server alliance.

However, Dongfang Stars and the others can afford it, and they will no longer struggle with these things soon, and then they will continue to be busy.

Time passed slowly, and another 3 or 4 days passed in the blink of an eye. After such a long time, more and more players have risen to level 360 and 9th turn, and each major server has also hoarded a lot of [Group Blessing Scrolls] or [Eight Wings Fallen] Angel Recruitment Order], and this also makes both sides have some confidence, at least they don't have to worry too much about being attacked by the other side and then attacking the city.

Of course, the fastest improvement in overall strength is the alliance of the Chinese server. It is not only because the imperial city of the Russian server and other servers has been restored these days, so that players no longer bear the penalty of reducing their overall attributes by 15%. The most important thing is the alliance of the Japanese server. There are many elites who are afraid of being attacked and do not dare to do the dungeon quest with all their strength, so the alliance of the Chinese server can naturally hoard more scrolls such as [Group Blessing Scroll].

Even so, it is still very difficult and even difficult for the Chinese server alliance to take the initiative to attack and then occupy the gang station of the Japanese server alliance. After all, the defending side has too many advantages, and the Chinese server alliance has accumulated strength. It is not much stronger than the alliance of the Japanese server, and if they attack rashly, it will give them a chance, so the players of the alliance of the Chinese server did not act rashly and continued to wait for the opportunity.

It is worth mentioning that the assassin team led by Midnight Shu in the past 3 or 4 days finally found a target holding a national weapon, and then he immediately told the news to Fireworks Yi Leng and others, and the next step was to strike decisively—— Midnight Book directly launched a sneak attack, [Backstab] successfully hit the target, and then [Wind Binding], this skill can control the target for 3 seconds, and this time is enough for Midnight Book to do a lot of things, such as casting other Control skills and even kill them.

Of course, this person's companions didn't watch, they reacted immediately and then frantically intercepted the book in the middle of the night. In their hearts, even if they were all killed, as long as they could save the controlled person, it would be worth it. After all, saving him It means to keep his national weapon.

Apart from that, it is natural to ask for support. After all, they don't have full confidence in defeating Midnight Book, and they don't even have much confidence in intercepting him for a while, especially thinking that Ye Luo, Polangchengfeng and others are likely to catch him next. Come to help, so they need it all the more.

The sword third-class assassins who traveled with Midnight Book did not need Midnight Book's instructions. They acted immediately and tried their best to intercept those who charged at Midnight Book. In their hearts, if Midnight Book could directly kill them and then make them go abroad The weapon is naturally the best, at least it can't get out of trouble, because once the person gets out of the trap, he will definitely use the invincible skill, and in this case, he still has a good chance of escaping.

I have to say that the player with the national weapon is very powerful, especially that person is still a knight, with thick armor and flesh, even the damage of the book in the middle of the night cannot kill him in a short time, especially the priest who walks with that person is the first. Add blood to him for a while, so it is even more difficult to kill him in seconds.

"It seems that it is not easy to kill him in seconds, and someone will come to support him soon." Midnight Shu muttered to himself: "Even if it is successfully killed, it is difficult to **** his national weapon, after all This person can still lie down for 5 minutes, it seems that Brother Ye and the others are still needed for support, and even Xiaoshou and the others are needed, because Dark Night, Tokyo Mythology and others still have some opportunities to come to support."

And when the book was talking about this in the middle of the night, there were waves of space turbulence around him, not only those around him, but also those around him. Obviously, someone will come to support next, and because this is in the enemy alliance On the server, so the number of enemies that will be supported next will definitely be more than theirs.

Fortunately, Ye Luo and the others learned the news in advance and reacted immediately, which meant that they arrived earlier than the enemy.

The fact is also true, Ye Luo, Polangchengfeng and the others arrived first, and at this time, Midnight Book had already cast [Arrow of Chaos] on the target, which meant that within 10 seconds, there was no need to worry about this person getting out of trouble and then using the invincible skill, so Naturally, there is no chance of escaping here.

"Little Hand, cast [Space Barrier]." Fireworks Yi coldly gave the order, without waiting for the slender jade hand to reply, she continued: "If there are too many enemies to support, or if there are monks at the level of Dark Night and Tokyo Mythology, you need to be the first. Immediately cast [Space Portal] to send the elite over, and if necessary, you can even cast [Profound Truth*Space Portal]."

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