VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 3808: : successful snatch

Any server knows the importance of national weapons. In order to avoid players who are attacked by midnight books, there will definitely be many experts to support them. Even the masters of Dark Night and Tokyo Mythology will be involved in this operation. , In order to be safe, this time, the slender jade hand was also asked to participate in the action, and the fireworks Yi Leng also gave her the most direct order - to cast [Space Barrier] and cast [Space Portal] at any time to transmit elites to support, even if If necessary, you can also use [Profound Truth *Space Portal].

Hearing this, the slender jade hand did not say much, and directly cast [Space Barrier]. Because she cast it in a timely manner, there were not many masters supported by the opponent when she completed the skill. The most important thing is the dark night, Tokyo Myth and other superpower The master hasn't arrived yet, and this makes Midnight Shu and the others relieved. They know that there is no more suspense in grabbing that person's national weapon.

Think about it, although Ye Luo and the others are very strong, Ye Luo is even more powerful than Dark Night and Tokyo Mythology, but Ye Luo and the others are only the elites of a gang. A battle, so even if the slender jade hands cast [Profound Truth*Space Portal] in time, they may not be able to get a bargain, especially now that they are in the Southeast Asia server, which is the territory of the Japanese server alliance, it is more convenient for them to mobilize players Some.

The most important thing is that if the super masters such as Dark Night and Tokyo Mythology join forces, even Ye Luo will be very stressed, and even if he is not careful, he may be defeated. If this happens, the situation will be very bad.

However, after the [Space Barrier] is displayed, there is no problem with the super masters such as Dark Night and Tokyo Myth who have not had time to enter the barrier, even if they come outside the barrier in the next second, because in the next 10 minutes Ye Luo They can easily kill people in the enchantment, which means that they can successfully grab that national weapon.

The same is true. Although there are a lot of players from the Southeast Asia server, tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of elite players arrive in just over 10 seconds, but there are no super masters such as Dark Night and Tokyo Mythology. The masters of breaking the waves and riding the wind are sure to kill them all, not to mention that the slender hands can send a large number of elites to support them with the [Space Portal].

The next thing is very simple, Ye Luo and the others don't say much. With all kinds of skills, they can easily kill the surrounding targets, and they can easily respond to the Southeast Asian server by setting up in the front. The impact of the players, so that Ye Luo, Fireworks Yi Leng, Ye Ye Nao and other long-range occupations can attack unscrupulously, the battle is almost one-sided, and it takes less than 5 minutes to kill all the enemies in the enchantment.

Of course, the player who was pegged by Midnight Book had been killed long ago, and Ye Luo attacked the last blow, which meant that he would go back to the city to resurrect and then explode out of the state, and Midnight Book was quick to take that out. He grabbed a piece of national weapon, and before he had time to see the attributes of that national weapon, he rushed towards the players in the Southeast Asian server.

When Ye Luo and the others were fighting, Tokyo Mythology could only watch, and even after seeing that they didn't have time to enter the range covered by the [Space Barrier], they realized the result of this battle, and they could afford it. If you can put it down, you can withdraw directly, and there is no time to waste here.

"Tsk tsk, heavy armor, it's a mid-level national weapon, and it's an earth attribute. It adds a lot of defense. No wonder I can't kill him in seconds even if I use a set of combo moves." After all the kills, Midnight Book finally had the opportunity to check the national weapon, and he was immediately excited. After all, the middle-grade national weapon was much better than the low-grade national weapon.

Of course, Othello was even more excited, because that national weapon was tailor-made for her—Othello is a soil-type occupation and a dual-professional knight, so that national weapon was undoubtedly the most suitable for her.

After hearing the words of Midnight Book, the other players also knew the ownership of this national weapon - Othello, and she didn't refuse, she took it directly and changed it to the national weapon. For a time, her overall attributes have been greatly improved. It is no exaggeration to say that her defense at this time is much higher than that of the sneak attack in the middle of the night. After all, other equipment in Othello is much better, and she also has a national weapon long spear. She has two national weapons at the same time. Much stronger than that person.

The operation this time was smooth, and grabbing a piece of national weapon also improved the strength of Misty Pavilion a lot, maybe in other aspects, but Othello's defense has definitely reached a super-first-class level, and she can even hold the dark night and Tokyo. Shinhwa and the others have been attacking for a while, and with her support in the future, the pressure on Polang Chengfeng, Ye Luo, and the others will undoubtedly be reduced a lot.

However, Fireworks Yi Leng and the others also know that just grabbing this national weapon is not enough for them to have the strength to occupy the gang's station, and then they will continue to accumulate strength.

Maybe it happened that Ye Luo and the others took away a national weapon. The players in the Japanese server alliance are a lot more cautious. If there is no need for players with national weapons, they will hardly go out of the city alone. Most of them are in the city of the sky or do For the dungeon quest, even if you go out of the city, you need to be accompanied by many people. This way, you can successfully avoid being attacked by Midnight Books again. At least they didn't find any opportunities in the next time.

"Hey, I successfully grabbed a national weapon last time. I thought it would be easy for us to get it again, but I don't think we have found any target in the past two days." June Feixue sighed: " At present, it is a bit unrealistic to want to greatly improve the strength by hunting players with national weapons, at least it will take a long time to have a chance to succeed, and it requires luck."

"Well, that's right, at least we can't rely on this method to make us have the strength to occupy the enemy's alliance gang's station." Breaking the waves and riding the wind nodded: "Other methods are still needed, of course, it is better to do both."

"We have been working on a two-pronged approach, no, to be precise, a multi-pronged approach. While Xiaoshu and the others are looking for suitable targets, we are also doing our best to do dungeon quests, and we have not even forgotten to send people to the Sky City and find high-quality bosses. It's just that I haven't found a boss that is too powerful so far." Sanmai said, and then she laughed: "But as long as we continue like this, our strength will improve efficiency very quickly, especially since we have obtained one It is a national weapon, and it is also a Chinese national weapon.”

In this regard, everyone agrees, thinking of these their expressions are stretched a little.

"Even so, our strength is not enough right now, and we don't know how long it will take to continue such a steady development to occupy the guild's base of the enemy alliance." June Feixue couldn't help muttering: "Although At this time, we are more proactive than the enemy alliance, but if the delay is too long, no one knows if they will be lucky and suddenly kill a high-level boss or obtain some powerful equipment, mounts, etc., In short, the longer the delay, the greater the possibility of accidents, so we must harass and suppress their strength as soon as possible.”

"In addition, although the situation of our alliance is better than that of the enemy alliance, the efficiency of the Eastern Family and other gangs joining forces to hoard power is still higher than ours, so even if we defeat the enemy alliance in the national war, we will still be able to defeat them in the future. It's not that easy, when they are suppressed or even defeated, it will capsize in the gutter, then we will cry to death." June Feixue added.

"Well, that's true." Sanmai said, she looked at the fireworks Yi Leng as she spoke: "At present, we really need to think of some ways to improve our strength more quickly, at least the efficiency in enhancing our strength should be higher than that of the Oriental Family. We'll have a good chance of defeating them when we wait for the league."

Nodding his head, Fireworks Yi said indifferently: "As of now, we have done everything we can do. As you said, it will be a multi-pronged approach, and then it will depend on luck..."

"Although we are working on a multi-pronged approach, the same is true for the Dongfang family. Even Dongfang Lutian and Wu Yunhuayu are learning from us to find targets with national weapons. If we only strive for luck, we are afraid that it will be difficult for us to surpass them. Othello blurted out, and she continued after a little pause: "At least it's just a little unreliable."

"No, even if we fight for the same luck, we should have more advantages." Fireworks Yi said coldly, seeing the stunned look on everyone's face, she did not explain directly, but asked: "Why was Ye Luo able to lead an elite team in the past? What about the squad then occupying the gang quarters of the enemy alliance?"

"Naturally, it's because Ye Luo's strength far exceeds that of others, and he also has the advantage of ultra-long-range attack distance and ultra-high mobility." Breaking the waves took the wind to delay.

"Not only because of these, but also has something to do with the enemy alliance's not too elite cavalry." Sitting on Qin Xin said: "Even at this time, the enemy alliance still has some advantages over us in terms of the number of top mounts. Moreover, their support is very fast, they charge without fear of death, and they continue to charge, so that Ye Luo doesn't have much chance to destroy the defense equipment on the target gang's station."

"Well, yes, the reason for these things, of course, in the final analysis, Ye Luo's strength can no longer crush the enemy." Fireworks Yi said coldly, and after seeing everyone nod, she continued: "If Ye Luo's strength is wrongly improved in the future. , such as getting another national weapon that he can equip, or even just getting some rewards for his strength, he will be able to open a big gap with Tokyo Mythology and the others, and things will be simple after that."

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