VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 3810: : Four difficulty levels

That's right, Ye Luo is still stronger than any other players in Dark Night in terms of overall attributes, skill system, or equipment level. Coupled with the super masters such as breaking the waves and riding the wind, their team has no doubts. It is the most powerful in the robbery game, so naturally it has a better chance to complete the first kill of the dungeon and then get rich system rewards.

Thinking that these system rewards will greatly enhance the strength of Ye Luo and even the entire Misty Pavilion, and even hoard more scrolls such as [Group Blessing Scroll], and others are excited and look forward to breaking the waves and riding the wind for a while, especially when I think of these They will have the opportunity to occupy the gang resident of the Japanese server alliance.

"Sister Qin, how many kinds of difficulty are there for the level 360 dungeon quests?" June Feixue asked expectantly, and she continued: "The most important thing is to see how many kinds of quests are possible at present. It's done, it's about how many dungeon first kills we can get, it's very important."

It's not only June Feixue who cares about this, but they also pay attention to breaking the waves and riding the wind. Then they all looked at Qin Xin, which means it's self-evident.

"There are 4 levels of difficulty for level 360 dungeon tasks, namely normal, difficult, purgatory, and nightmare." Sitting on Qin Xindao, without waiting for June Feixue to ask again, she continued: "It's a bit different from the previous dungeon tasks. This time there are no dungeons of 2 and 6 people, even the simple normal mode requires 10 people, by the way, the system recommends that 10 players of Rank 9 should team up to do the task."

"Hey, it's inevitable, after all, it's a level 360 add-on quest, and the minimum requirement for players is level 360 nine turns." Othello blurted out, thinking of something she laughed: "Fortunately, we have a lot of people in the Misty Pavilion. It’s already 9th rank, and everyone in our studio has 9th rank. The most important thing is that there are exactly 10 people in our studio, and all 10 of us are dual-professional players and have national weapons, which almost surpasses all teams. In other words, 10 of us still have a good chance of grabbing the first kill of the dungeon of this mode.”

"Of course, if you want to be more confident in getting the first kill of the dungeon, you can also replace Xiaofei with me. She has already turned 9, and she is a rare professional Thunder Dragon archer. The damage output and control ability are much higher than mine. Especially our team doesn't need meat shields at all," Othello added.

Although Othello has a very good improvement in defense and damage output after obtaining the mid-level national weapon breastplate, it is difficult for her to compare with Ye Luo, Polangchengfeng, or even the best in any aspect. The defense, qi and blood that they are proud of are not comparable to Ye Luo, with Ye Luo and Polang Riding the Wind in the main resistance, so their team doesn't need her meat shield very much, and in order to get the first kill of the dungeon more confidently, It is undoubtedly the best choice to replace every night unless it is replaced.

"Actually, the role I can play in the team is not too big. After all, the profession of boxer is a bit embarrassing. Even if I have national weapons, it is not outstanding in all aspects." The damage output of Misty Rain or Misty Rain Xiaoxiao's entire team will be further improved, which will make it more certain to get the first kill of the 10-player dungeon."

"Let's not talk about that, after all, the 10-player dungeon is only on normal difficulty. Even if we grab the dungeon's first kill, the reward is not very generous. Even if we choose this difficulty, the first dungeon of other modes will be taken away. , if that's the case, it's not worth it, especially the first kill of the more difficult dungeon taken by them in the dark night, so their strength increase is greater than ours, so it is still not enough for us to occupy their gang station. Possibly." Breaking the waves and riding the wind stopped Samadhi, who had to say something else, and then she looked at Qin Xin and asked, "Qin Xin, how many people are there for the more difficult dungeon missions, so far, we can see if we can complete it? "

"The next step is the hard mode. This mode requires a team of 100 people." Sitting on Qin Xin, she said while looking at the fireworks Yi Leng: "The system recommends that you need at least 50 players with level 360 rank nine, fireworks, Do you think we can accomplish this task with our current strength?"

"By the way, although it is a level 360 dungeon quest, this dungeon is a bit strange. It does not require a certain level 360 rank nine to do the quest. As long as it exceeds level 355, you can participate in the quest." Sitting on Qin Xin added: "This way There are a lot of players who can go along with any request."

"You only need level 355 to do this dungeon quest?!" The voice of breaking waves and riding the wind increased a bit, and then she laughed: "Before I was worried that we have less than 50 players of Rank 9 and we can't take the difficulty. As for the dungeon missions of the mode, I didn’t expect that only level 355 is needed. Hey, although the system prompts that 10 rank nine players are required, the strength of those of us is much stronger than that of ordinary rank 9 players, so even if there are only rank nine players More than 40 9-turns plus 60 level 359 players can also complete it, and it will definitely be done.”

"That's right, as Sister Feng said, at this time our team can still do the dungeon tasks in Hard Mode." Firework Yi said coldly, and after a while, she continued to ask: "How many people are participating in Purgatory Mode, the system has What kind of advice?"

"The dungeon quest in Purgatory Mode requires 500 people, and the system recommends at least 400 players with Rank 9 to accept the quest in this mode." Sitting on Qin Xindao, she looked at the fireworks Yi Leng for a while: "Our entire Misty Pavilion's There are only 40 players in Rank 9, and the gap between 400 and 400 is too big. Even if we are very powerful, we may not be able to make up for it. That is to say, it is very risky for us to do this level of tasks at this time. Well, not only can you not complete the first kill of the dungeon, but you will even lose the first kill of the normal and hard mode dungeons, so it's a bit of a loss."

Speaking of these, sitting on the piano and looking at the fireworks is easy to be cold, and the meaning is self-evident.

"Well, it's a bit reluctant to make a copy of the purgatory mode with our current strength. At the very least, we need hundreds of players to have a chance." Fireworks Yi Leng nodded, she said while saying Looking at everyone: "In this case, we'd better choose the hard mode dungeon quest, although we will lose the first kill of the normal mode dungeon, but being able to grab the first kill of the hard mode dungeon can greatly improve our strength. "

"Well, then let's choose this mode." Breaking the waves and riding the wind nodded, thinking of something she continued: "Let's help those level 359 players work hard, there is still a chance to turn 9 before noon tomorrow, and every extra time With one more Rank 9 player, we have a better chance of getting the first kill of the instance."

Everyone agreed with this, and after seeing the fireworks, Yi Leng nodded and sat on Qin Xin and told this to Monday and Jian Fourteen, I believe they would arrange this.

"Well, what if someone does the dungeon quest of the purgatory mode next?" Suddenly he said in the middle of the night, his face became slightly solemn when he said this: "Especially the team of the enemy alliance, so they get more benefits than us. It’s even richer, and it’s still impossible for us to occupy their gang station after that.”

"How could a team choose to do the dungeon quest in Purgatory Mode?" Othello blurted out: "Even our Misty Pavilion can't organize such a team, let alone other gangs or even other servers."

"No, maybe our Misty Pavilion can't make up 400 rank nine players, but other gangs join forces, no, it's not impossible for the entire server to join forces." Ye Luo, who had not spoken for a while, suddenly spoke up, paused for a moment, and continued: " You and I both know that there will be huge rewards for completing difficult dungeon quests, and at this juncture this has a significant impact on the next situation, so there must be someone who wants to complete the dungeon quest in Purgatory Mode, and if it is a server alliance It's not a player who can't get 400 9-turns."

"Even the number of Rank 9 players on a server can be up to 400. Although it is a bit risky to complete the [Heavenly Tribulation] of the purgatory mode, if there are all Rank 9 players, the chance of completion is high, and at worst, you can follow The other servers will join forces to bring together the best players in Rank 9, so there is still a good chance to complete the [Heavenly Tribulation] in the continuous mode." Ye Luo added.

Hearing this, everyone's expressions became solemn. Before, most of them only thought of a gang, and they never thought of a server or even an alliance. As Ye Luo said, there was no problem at all with 400 or even all rank nine players. And so many rank nine players gathered together still have a good chance to complete the [Sky Tribulation] of the purgatory mode. Thinking of how rich rewards will be obtained for completing the dungeon tasks in this mode, everyone was a little worried for a while.

Think about it too, if the players of the Japanese server alliance grab the first kill of this mode and then get rich rewards, then the overall strength of the Japanese server alliance will undoubtedly be greatly improved, and the most important thing is that they will hoard it. A large number of [Group Blessing Scrolls] and other scrolls will undoubtedly cause more difficulties for Ye Luo and the others who want to occupy the gang station of the enemy alliance, and even give them almost no chance.

"Yeah, if the enemy alliance gathers the Rank 9 masters and picks the best among them, there is still a good chance to complete the [Tian robbery] of the purgatory mode, and once they do so, the rewards they get are too rich, then If we want to deal with them, it will be much more difficult, and there is almost no chance." Po Lang rides the wind in a deep voice, and after a while she looks at Fireworks Yi Leng: "Fireworks, why don't we join forces with other gangs and even servers to choose Purgatory. Mode's dungeon quest, so we can also get extremely rich rewards, at least we must not let the enemy's alliance grab the first dungeon kill of this mode."

"That's right." The others agreed.

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